
// basisu_enc.h
// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "../transcoder/basisu.h"
#include "../transcoder/basisu_transcoder_internal.h"

#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <ostream>

#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__MINGW32__)
#include <libgen.h>

// This module is really just a huge grab bag of classes and helper functions needed by the encoder.

// If BASISU_USE_HIGH_PRECISION_COLOR_DISTANCE is 1, quality in perceptual mode will be slightly greater, but at a large increase in encoding CPU time.

// Declared in basisu_kernels_imp.h, but we can't include that here otherwise it would lead to circular type errors.
extern void update_covar_matrix_16x16_sse41(uint32_t num_vecs, const void* pWeighted_vecs, const void* pOrigin, const uint32_t *pVec_indices, void* pMatrix16x16);

namespace basisu
	extern uint8_t g_hamming_dist[256];
	extern const uint8_t g_debug_font8x8_basic[127 - 32 + 1][8];

	// true if basisu_encoder_init() has been called and returned.
	extern bool g_library_initialized;

	// Encoder library initialization.
	// This function MUST be called before encoding anything!
	void basisu_encoder_init(bool use_opencl = false, bool opencl_force_serialization = false);
	void basisu_encoder_deinit();

	// basisu_kernels_sse.cpp - will be a no-op and g_cpu_supports_sse41 will always be false unless compiled with BASISU_SUPPORT_SSE=1
	extern void detect_sse41();

	extern bool g_cpu_supports_sse41;
	const bool g_cpu_supports_sse41 =;

	void error_vprintf(const char* pFmt, va_list args);
	void error_printf(const char *pFmt, ...);
	// Helpers

	inline uint8_t clamp255(int32_t i)

	inline int32_t clampi(int32_t value, int32_t low, int32_t high) 

	inline uint8_t mul_8(uint32_t v, uint32_t a)

	inline uint64_t read_bits(const uint8_t* pBuf, uint32_t& bit_offset, uint32_t codesize)

	inline uint32_t read_bits32(const uint8_t* pBuf, uint32_t& bit_offset, uint32_t codesize)
	// Hashing
	inline uint32_t bitmix32c(uint32_t v) 

	inline uint32_t bitmix32(uint32_t v) 

	inline uint32_t wang_hash(uint32_t seed)

	uint32_t hash_hsieh(const uint8_t* pBuf, size_t len);

	template <typename Key>
	struct bit_hasher

	class running_stat

	// Linear algebra

	template <uint32_t N, typename T>
	class vec



	template <uint32_t Rows, uint32_t Cols, typename T>
	class matrix

	template<uint32_t N, typename VectorType>
	inline VectorType compute_pca_from_covar(matrix<N, N, float> &cmatrix)

	template<typename T> inline void indirect_sort(uint32_t num_indices, uint32_t* pIndices, const T* pKeys)

	// 1-4 byte direct Radix sort.
	template <typename T>
	T* radix_sort(uint32_t num_vals, T* pBuf0, T* pBuf1, uint32_t key_ofs, uint32_t key_size)

	// Very simple job pool with no dependencies.
	class job_pool

	// Simple 32-bit color class

	class color_rgba_i16
	class color_rgba


	const color_rgba g_black_color(0, 0, 0, 255);
	const color_rgba g_black_trans_color(0, 0, 0, 0);
	const color_rgba g_white_color(255, 255, 255, 255);

	inline int color_distance(int r0, int g0, int b0, int r1, int g1, int b1)

	inline int color_distance(int r0, int g0, int b0, int a0, int r1, int g1, int b1, int a1)

	inline int color_distance(const color_rgba &c0, const color_rgba &c1, bool alpha)
	// TODO: Allow user to control channel weightings.
	inline uint32_t color_distance(bool perceptual, const color_rgba &e1, const color_rgba &e2, bool alpha)

	static inline uint32_t color_distance_la(const color_rgba& a, const color_rgba& b)

	// String helpers

	inline int string_find_right(const std::string& filename, char c)

	inline std::string string_get_extension(const std::string &filename)

	inline bool string_remove_extension(std::string &filename)

	inline std::string string_format(const char* pFmt, ...)

	inline std::string string_tolower(const std::string& s)

	inline char *strcpy_safe(char *pDst, size_t dst_len, const char *pSrc)

	inline bool string_ends_with(const std::string& s, char c)

	inline bool string_split_path(const char *p, std::string *pDrive, std::string *pDir, std::string *pFilename, std::string *pExt)

	inline bool is_path_separator(char c)
	inline bool is_drive_separator(char c)

	inline void string_combine_path(std::string &dst, const char *p, const char *q)

	inline void string_combine_path(std::string &dst, const char *p, const char *q, const char *r)
	inline void string_combine_path_and_extension(std::string &dst, const char *p, const char *q, const char *r, const char *pExt)

	inline bool string_get_pathname(const char *p, std::string &path)

	inline bool string_get_filename(const char *p, std::string &filename)

	class rand

	class priority_queue

	// Tree structured vector quantization (TSVQ)

	template <typename TrainingVectorType>
	class tree_vector_quant

	struct weighted_block_group

	template<typename Quantizer>
	bool generate_hierarchical_codebook_threaded_internal(Quantizer& q,
		uint32_t max_codebook_size, uint32_t max_parent_codebook_size,
		basisu::vector<uint_vec>& codebook,
		basisu::vector<uint_vec>& parent_codebook,
		uint32_t max_threads, bool limit_clusterizers, job_pool *pJob_pool)

	template<typename Quantizer>
	bool generate_hierarchical_codebook_threaded(Quantizer& q,
		uint32_t max_codebook_size, uint32_t max_parent_codebook_size,
		basisu::vector<uint_vec>& codebook,
		basisu::vector<uint_vec>& parent_codebook,
		uint32_t max_threads, job_pool *pJob_pool,
		bool even_odd_input_pairs_equal)

	// Canonical Huffman coding

	class histogram
	struct sym_freq

	sym_freq *canonical_huffman_radix_sort_syms(uint32_t num_syms, sym_freq *pSyms0, sym_freq *pSyms1);
	void canonical_huffman_calculate_minimum_redundancy(sym_freq *A, int num_syms);
	void canonical_huffman_enforce_max_code_size(int *pNum_codes, int code_list_len, int max_code_size);
	class huffman_encoding_table

	class bitwise_coder

	class huff2D

	bool huffman_test(int rand_seed);

	// VQ index reordering
	class palette_index_reorderer

	// Simple 32-bit 2D image class

	class image

	// Float images


	class imagef

	// Image metrics
	class image_metrics

	// Image saving/loading/resampling

	bool load_png(const uint8_t* pBuf, size_t buf_size, image& img, const char* pFilename = nullptr);
	bool load_png(const char* pFilename, image& img);
	inline bool load_png(const std::string &filename, image &img) {}

	bool load_tga(const char* pFilename, image& img);
	inline bool load_tga(const std::string &filename, image &img) {}

	bool load_jpg(const char *pFilename, image& img);
	inline bool load_jpg(const std::string &filename, image &img) {}
	// Currently loads .PNG, .TGA, or .JPG
	bool load_image(const char* pFilename, image& img);
	inline bool load_image(const std::string &filename, image &img) {}

	uint8_t *read_tga(const uint8_t *pBuf, uint32_t buf_size, int &width, int &height, int &n_chans);
	uint8_t *read_tga(const char *pFilename, int &width, int &height, int &n_chans);

	bool save_png(const char* pFilename, const image& img, uint32_t image_save_flags = 0, uint32_t grayscale_comp = 0);
	inline bool save_png(const std::string &filename, const image &img, uint32_t image_save_flags = 0, uint32_t grayscale_comp = 0) {}
	bool read_file_to_vec(const char* pFilename, uint8_vec& data);
	bool write_data_to_file(const char* pFilename, const void* pData, size_t len);
	inline bool write_vec_to_file(const char* pFilename, const uint8_vec& v) {}

	float linear_to_srgb(float l);
	float srgb_to_linear(float s);

	bool image_resample(const image &src, image &dst, bool srgb = false,
		const char *pFilter = "lanczos4", float filter_scale = 1.0f, 
		bool wrapping = false,
		uint32_t first_comp = 0, uint32_t num_comps = 4);

	// Timing

	class interval_timer

	// 2D array

	template<typename T>
	class vector2D

	inline FILE *fopen_safe(const char *pFilename, const char *pMode)

	void fill_buffer_with_random_bytes(void *pBuf, size_t size, uint32_t seed = 1);

	const uint32_t cPixelBlockWidth =;
	const uint32_t cPixelBlockHeight =;
	const uint32_t cPixelBlockTotalPixels =;

	struct pixel_block
} // namespace basisu