
/* -*- tab-width: 4; -*- */
/* vi: set sw=2 ts=4 expandtab: */

 * Copyright 2019-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @internal
 * @file texture2.c
 * @~English
 * @brief ktxTexture2 implementation. Support for KTX2 format.
 * @author Mark Callow, www.edgewise-consulting.com

#if defined(_WIN32)

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <zstd.h>
#include <zstd_errors.h>
#include <KHR/khr_df.h>

#include "dfdutils/dfd.h"
#include "ktx.h"
#include "ktxint.h"
#include "filestream.h"
#include "memstream.h"
#include "texture2.h"
#include "unused.h"

// FIXME: Test this #define and put it in a header somewhere.
//#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN (1 == *(unsigned char *)&(const int){0x01000000ul})

extern uint32_t vkFormatTypeSize(VkFormat format);

struct ktxTexture_vtbl ktxTexture2_vtbl;
struct ktxTexture_vtblInt ktxTexture2_vtblInt;

// Most compilers, including all those tested so far, including clang, gcc
// and msvc, order bitfields from the lsb so these struct declarations work.
// Could this be because I've only tested on little-endian machines?
// These are preferred as they are much easier to manually initialize
// and verify.
struct sampleType {};

struct BDFD {};

struct BDFD e5b9g9r9_ufloat_comparator =;
// For compilers which order bitfields from the msb rather than lsb.
#define shift
#define sampleshift
#define e5b9g9r9_bdbwordcount
ktx_uint32_t e5b9g9r9_ufloat_comparator[e5b9g9r9_bdbwordcount] = {
    0,    // descriptorType & vendorId
    shift(DESCRIPTORBLOCKSIZE, e5b9g9r9_bdbwordcount * sizeof(ktx_uint32_t)) | shift(VERSIONNUMBER, 2),
    // N.B. Allow various values of primaries, transfer & flags
    0,    // texelBlockDimension3~0
    shift(BYTESPLANE0, 4),  // All other bytesPlane fields are 0.
    0,    // bytesPlane7~4
    sampleshift(CHANNELID, KHR_DF_CHANNEL_RGBSDA_RED) | sampleshift(BITLENGTH, 8) | sampleshift(BITOFFSET, 0),
    0,    // samplePosition3~0
    0,    // sampleLower
    8448, // sampleUpper
    0,    // samplePosition3~0
    15,   // sampleLower
    31,   // sampleUpper
    sampleshift(CHANNELID, KHR_DF_CHANNEL_RGBSDA_GREEN) | sampleshift(BITLENGTH, 8) | sampleshift(BITOFFSET, 9),
    0,    // samplePosition3~0
    0,    // sampleLower
    8448, // sampleUpper
    0,    // samplePosition3~0
    15,   // sampleLower
    31,   // sampleUpper
    sampleshift(CHANNELID, KHR_DF_CHANNEL_RGBSDA_BLUE) | sampleshift(BITLENGTH, 8) | sampleshift(BITOFFSET, 18),
    0,    // samplePosition3~0
    0,    // sampleLower
    8448, // sampleUpper
    0,    // samplePosition3~0
    15,   // sampleLower
    31,   // sampleUpper

 * @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Initialize a ktxFormatSize object from the info in a DFD.
 * This is used instead of referring to the DFD directly so code dealing
 * with format info can be common to KTX 1 & 2.
 * @param[in] This   pointer the ktxFormatSize to initialize.
 * @param[in] pDFD   pointer to the DFD whose data to use.
 * @return    KTX_TRUE on success, otherwise KTX_FALSE.
ktxFormatSize_initFromDfd(ktxFormatSize* This, ktx_uint32_t* pDfd)

 * @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Create a DFD for a VkFormat.
 * This KTX-specific function adds support for combined depth stencil formats
 * which are not supported by @e dfdutils' @c vk2dfd function because they
 * are not seen outside a Vulkan device. KTX has its own definitions for
 * these that enable uploading, with some effort.
 * @param[in] vkFormat   the format for which to create a DFD.
static uint32_t*
ktxVk2dfd(ktx_uint32_t vkFormat)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Do the part of ktxTexture2 construction that is common to
 *        new textures and those constructed from a stream.
 * @param[in] This      pointer to a ktxTexture2-sized block of memory to
 *                      initialize.
 * @param[in] numLevels the number of levels the texture must have.
 * @return    KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Not enough memory for the texture data.
static KTX_error_code
ktxTexture2_constructCommon(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t numLevels)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Construct a new, empty, ktxTexture2.
 * @param[in] This       pointer to a ktxTexture2-sized block of memory to
 *                       initialize.
 * @param[in] createInfo pointer to a ktxTextureCreateInfo struct with
 *                       information describing the texture.
 * @param[in] storageAllocation
 *                       enum indicating whether or not to allocate storage
 *                       for the texture images.
 * @return    KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Not enough memory for the texture or image data.
 *                              The request VkFormat is one of the
 *                              prohibited formats.
static KTX_error_code
ktxTexture2_construct(ktxTexture2* This, ktxTextureCreateInfo* createInfo,
                      ktxTextureCreateStorageEnum storageAllocation)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Construct a ktxTexture by copying a source ktxTexture.
 * @param[in] This pointer to a ktxTexture2-sized block of memory to
 *                 initialize.
 * @param[in] orig pointer to the source texture to copy.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Not enough memory for the texture data.
ktxTexture2_constructCopy(ktxTexture2* This, ktxTexture2* orig)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Construct a ktxTexture from a ktxStream reading from a KTX source.
 * The KTX header, which must have been read prior to calling this, is passed
 * to the function.
 * The stream object is copied into the constructed ktxTexture2.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_LOAD_IMAGE_DATA_BIT should not be set,
 * if the ktxTexture is ultimately to be uploaded to OpenGL or Vulkan. This
 * will minimize memory usage by allowing, for example, loading the images
 * directly from the source into a Vulkan staging buffer.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_RAW_KVDATA_BIT should not be used. It is
 * provided solely to enable implementation of the @e libktx v1 API on top of
 * ktxTexture.
 * KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_RAW_KVDATA_BIT is set then the ktxTexture's orientation
 * fields will be set to defaults even if the KTX source contains
 * KTXorientation metadata.
 * @param[in] This pointer to a ktxTexture2-sized block of memory to
 *                 initialize.
 * @param[in] pStream pointer to the stream to read.
 * @param[in] pHeader pointer to a KTX header that has already been read from
 *            the stream.
 * @param[in] createFlags bitmask requesting specific actions during creation.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_DATA_ERROR
 *                              Source data is inconsistent with the KTX
 *                              specification.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_READ_ERROR
 *                              An error occurred while reading the source.
 *                              Not enough data in the source.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Not enough memory to load either the images or
 *                              the key-value data.
 *                              The source is not in KTX format.
 *                              The source describes a texture type not
 *                              supported by OpenGL or Vulkan, e.g, a 3D array.
ktxTexture2_constructFromStreamAndHeader(ktxTexture2* This, ktxStream* pStream,
                                        KTX_header2* pHeader,
                                        ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Construct a ktxTexture from a ktxStream reading from a KTX source.
 * The stream object is copied into the constructed ktxTexture2.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_LOAD_IMAGE_DATA_BIT should not be set,
 * if the ktxTexture is ultimately to be uploaded to OpenGL or Vulkan. This
 * will minimize memory usage by allowing, for example, loading the images
 * directly from the source into a Vulkan staging buffer.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_RAW_KVDATA_BIT should not be used. It is
 * provided solely to enable implementation of the @e libktx v1 API on top of
 * ktxTexture.
 * @param[in] This pointer to a ktxTexture2-sized block of memory to
 *            initialize.
 * @param[in] pStream pointer to the stream to read.
 * @param[in] createFlags bitmask requesting specific actions during creation.
 * @return    KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_READ_ERROR
 *                              An error occurred while reading the source.
 * For other exceptions see ktxTexture2_constructFromStreamAndHeader().
static KTX_error_code
ktxTexture2_constructFromStream(ktxTexture2* This, ktxStream* pStream,
                                ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Construct a ktxTexture from a stdio stream reading from a KTX source.
 * See ktxTextureInt_constructFromStream for details.
 * @note Do not close the stdio stream until you are finished with the texture
 *       object.
 * @param[in] This pointer to a ktxTextureInt-sized block of memory to
 *                 initialize.
 * @param[in] stdioStream a stdio FILE pointer opened on the source.
 * @param[in] createFlags bitmask requesting specific actions during creation.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE Either @p stdiostream or @p This is null.
 * For other exceptions, see ktxTexture_constructFromStream().
static KTX_error_code
ktxTexture2_constructFromStdioStream(ktxTexture2* This, FILE* stdioStream,
                                     ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Construct a ktxTexture from a named KTX file.
 * The file name must be encoded in utf-8. On Windows convert unicode names
 * to utf-8 with @c WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, ...) before calling.
 * See ktxTextureInt_constructFromStream for details.
 * @param[in] This pointer to a ktxTextureInt-sized block of memory to
 *                 initialize.
 * @param[in] filename    pointer to a char array containing the file name.
 * @param[in] createFlags bitmask requesting specific actions during creation.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_OPEN_FAILED The file could not be opened.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p filename is @c NULL.
 * For other exceptions, see ktxTexture_constructFromStream().
static KTX_error_code
ktxTexture2_constructFromNamedFile(ktxTexture2* This,
                                   const char* const filename,
                                   ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Construct a ktxTexture from KTX-formatted data in memory.
 * See ktxTextureInt_constructFromStream for details.
 * @param[in] This  pointer to a ktxTextureInt-sized block of memory to
 *                  initialize.
 * @param[in] bytes pointer to the memory containing the serialized KTX data.
 * @param[in] size  length of the KTX data in bytes.
 * @param[in] createFlags bitmask requesting specific actions during creation.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE Either @p bytes is NULL or @p size is 0.
 * For other exceptions, see ktxTexture_constructFromStream().
static KTX_error_code
ktxTexture2_constructFromMemory(ktxTexture2* This,
                                  const ktx_uint8_t* bytes, ktx_size_t size,
                                  ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Destruct a ktxTexture2, freeing and internal memory.
 * @param[in] This pointer to a ktxTexture2-sized block of memory to
 *                 initialize.
ktxTexture2_destruct(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @ingroup writer
 * @~English
 * @brief Create a new empty ktxTexture2.
 * The address of the newly created ktxTexture2 is written to the location
 * pointed at by @p newTex.
 * @param[in] createInfo pointer to a ktxTextureCreateInfo struct with
 *                       information describing the texture.
 * @param[in] storageAllocation
 *                       enum indicating whether or not to allocate storage
 *                       for the texture images.
 * @param[in,out] newTex pointer to a location in which store the address of
 *                       the newly created texture.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @c glInternalFormat in @p createInfo is not a
 *                              valid OpenGL internal format value.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @c numDimensions in @p createInfo is not 1, 2
 *                              or 3.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE One of <tt>base{Width,Height,Depth}</tt> in
 *                              @p createInfo is 0.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @c numFaces in @p createInfo is not 1 or 6.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @c numLevels in @p createInfo is 0.
 *                              The <tt>base{Width,Height,Depth}</tt> specified
 *                              in @p createInfo are inconsistent with
 *                              @c numDimensions.
 *                              @p createInfo is requesting a 3D array or
 *                              3D cubemap texture.
 *                              @p createInfo is requesting a cubemap with
 *                              non-square or non-2D images.
 *                              @p createInfo is requesting more mip levels
 *                              than needed for the specified
 *                              <tt>base{Width,Height,Depth}</tt>.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Not enough memory for the texture's images.
ktxTexture2_Create(ktxTextureCreateInfo* createInfo,
                  ktxTextureCreateStorageEnum storageAllocation,
                  ktxTexture2** newTex)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @ingroup writer
 * @~English
 * @brief Create a ktxTexture2 by making a copy of a ktxTexture2.
 * The address of the newly created ktxTexture2 is written to the location
 * pointed at by @p newTex.
 * @param[in]     orig   pointer to the texture to copy.
 * @param[in,out] newTex pointer to a location in which store the address of
 *                       the newly created texture.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Not enough memory for the texture data.
 ktxTexture2_CreateCopy(ktxTexture2* orig, ktxTexture2** newTex)

 * @defgroup reader Reader
 * @brief Read KTX-formatted data.
 * @{

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Create a ktxTexture2 from a stdio stream reading from a KTX source.
 * The address of a newly created ktxTexture2 reflecting the contents of the
 * stdio stream is written to the location pointed at by @p newTex.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_LOAD_IMAGE_DATA_BIT should not be set,
 * if the ktxTexture is ultimately to be uploaded to OpenGL or Vulkan. This
 * will minimize memory usage by allowing, for example, loading the images
 * directly from the source into a Vulkan staging buffer.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_RAW_KVDATA_BIT should not be used. It is
 * provided solely to enable implementation of the @e libktx v1 API on top of
 * ktxTexture.
 * @param[in] stdioStream stdio FILE pointer created from the desired file.
 * @param[in] createFlags bitmask requesting specific actions during creation.
 * @param[in,out] newTex  pointer to a location in which store the address of
 *                        the newly created texture.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p newTex is @c NULL.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_DATA_ERROR
 *                              Source data is inconsistent with the KTX
 *                              specification.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_READ_ERROR
 *                              An error occurred while reading the source.
 *                              Not enough data in the source.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Not enough memory to create the texture object,
 *                              load the images or load the key-value data.
 *                              The source is not in KTX format.
 *                              The source describes a texture type not
 *                              supported by OpenGL or Vulkan, e.g, a 3D array.
ktxTexture2_CreateFromStdioStream(FILE* stdioStream,
                                  ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags,
                                  ktxTexture2** newTex)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Create a ktxTexture2 from a named KTX file.
 * The address of a newly created ktxTexture2 reflecting the contents of the
 * file is written to the location pointed at by @p newTex.
 * The file name must be encoded in utf-8. On Windows convert unicode names
 * to utf-8 with @c WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, ...) before calling.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_LOAD_IMAGE_DATA_BIT should not be set,
 * if the ktxTexture is ultimately to be uploaded to OpenGL or Vulkan. This
 * will minimize memory usage by allowing, for example, loading the images
 * directly from the source into a Vulkan staging buffer.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_RAW_KVDATA_BIT should not be used. It is
 * provided solely to enable implementation of the @e libktx v1 API on top of
 * ktxTexture.
 * @param[in] filename    pointer to a char array containing the file name.
 * @param[in] createFlags bitmask requesting specific actions during creation.
 * @param[in,out] newTex  pointer to a location in which store the address of
 *                        the newly created texture.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.

 * @exception KTX_FILE_OPEN_FAILED The file could not be opened.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p filename is @c NULL.
 * For other exceptions, see ktxTexture_CreateFromStdioStream().
ktxTexture2_CreateFromNamedFile(const char* const filename,
                                ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags,
                                ktxTexture2** newTex)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Create a ktxTexture2 from KTX-formatted data in memory.
 * The address of a newly created ktxTexture2 reflecting the contents of the
 * serialized KTX data is written to the location pointed at by @p newTex.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_LOAD_IMAGE_DATA_BIT should not be set,
 * if the ktxTexture is ultimately to be uploaded to OpenGL or Vulkan. This
 * will minimize memory usage by allowing, for example, loading the images
 * directly from the source into a Vulkan staging buffer.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_RAW_KVDATA_BIT should not be used. It is
 * provided solely to enable implementation of the @e libktx v1 API on top of
 * ktxTexture.
 * @param[in] bytes pointer to the memory containing the serialized KTX data.
 * @param[in] size  length of the KTX data in bytes.
 * @param[in] createFlags bitmask requesting specific actions during creation.
 * @param[in,out] newTex  pointer to a location in which store the address of
 *                        the newly created texture.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE Either @p bytes is NULL or @p size is 0.
 * For other exceptions, see ktxTexture_CreateFromStdioStream().
ktxTexture2_CreateFromMemory(const ktx_uint8_t* bytes, ktx_size_t size,
                             ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags,
                             ktxTexture2** newTex)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Create a ktxTexture2 from KTX-formatted data from a stream.
 * The address of a newly created ktxTexture2 reflecting the contents of the
 * serialized KTX data is written to the location pointed at by @p newTex.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_LOAD_IMAGE_DATA_BIT should not be set,
 * if the ktxTexture is ultimately to be uploaded to OpenGL or Vulkan. This
 * will minimize memory usage by allowing, for example, loading the images
 * directly from the source into a Vulkan staging buffer.
 * The create flag KTX_TEXTURE_CREATE_RAW_KVDATA_BIT should not be used. It is
 * provided solely to enable implementation of the @e libktx v1 API on top of
 * ktxTexture.
 * @param[in] stream pointer to the stream to read KTX data from.
 * @param[in] createFlags bitmask requesting specific actions during creation.
 * @param[in,out] newTex  pointer to a location in which store the address of
 *                        the newly created texture.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE Either @p bytes is NULL or @p size is 0.
 * For other exceptions, see ktxTexture_CreateFromStdioStream().
ktxTexture2_CreateFromStream(ktxStream* stream,
                             ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags,
                             ktxTexture2** newTex)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Destroy a ktxTexture2 object.
 * This frees the memory associated with the texture contents and the memory
 * of the ktxTexture2 object. This does @e not delete any OpenGL or Vulkan
 * texture objects created by ktxTexture2_GLUpload or ktxTexture2_VkUpload.
 * @param[in] This pointer to the ktxTexture2 object to destroy
ktxTexture2_Destroy(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Calculate the size of the image data for the specified number
 *        of levels.
 * The data size is the sum of the sizes of each level up to the number
 * specified and includes any @c mipPadding between levels. It does
 * not include initial @c mipPadding required in the file.
 * @param[in] This     pointer to the ktxTexture object of interest.
 * @param[in] levels   number of levels whose data size to return.
 * @return the data size in bytes.
ktxTexture2_calcDataSizeLevels(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t levels)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @copydoc ktxTexture::ktxTexture_doCalcFaceLodSize
ktxTexture2_calcFaceLodSize(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t level)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Return the offset of a level in bytes from the start of the image
 *        data in a ktxTexture.
 * Since the offset is from the start of the image data, it does not include the initial
 * @c mipPadding required in the file.
 * @param[in]     This  pointer to the ktxTexture object of interest.
 * @param[in]     level level whose offset to return.
 * @return the data size in bytes.
ktxTexture2_calcLevelOffset(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t level)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Retrieve the offset of a level's first image within the KTX2 file.
 * @param[in] This pointer to the ktxTexture object of interest.
ktx_uint64_t ktxTexture2_levelFileOffset(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t level)

// Recursive function to return the greatest common divisor of a and b.
static uint32_t
gcd(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {}

// Function to return the least common multiple of a & 4.
lcm4(uint32_t a)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Return the required alignment for levels of this texture.
 * @param[in] This       pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @return    The required alignment for levels.
 ktxTexture2_calcRequiredLevelAlignment(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Return what the required alignment for levels of this texture will be after inflation.
 * @param[in] This       pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @return    The required alignment for levels.
ktxTexture2_calcPostInflationLevelAlignment(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Return information about the components of an image in a texture.
 * @param[in]     This           pointer to the ktxTexture object of interest.
 * @param[in,out] pNumComponents pointer to location in which to write the
 *                               number of components in the textures images.
 * @param[in,out] pComponentByteLength
 *                               pointer to the location in which to write
 *                               byte length of a component.
ktxTexture2_GetComponentInfo(ktxTexture2* This, uint32_t* pNumComponents,
                             uint32_t* pComponentByteLength)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Return the number of components in an image of the texture.
 * Returns the number of components indicated by the DFD's sample information
 * in accordance with the color model. For uncompressed formats it will be the actual
 * number of components in the image. For block-compressed formats, it will be 1 or 2
 * according to the format's DFD color model. For Basis compressed textures, the
 * function examines the ids of the channels indicated by the DFD and uses that
 * information to determine and return the number of components in the image
 * @e before encoding and deflation so it can be used to help choose a suitable
 * transcode target format.
 * @param[in]     This           pointer to the ktxTexture object of interest.
 * @return the number of components.
ktxTexture2_GetNumComponents(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Find the offset of an image within a ktxTexture's image data.
 * As there is no such thing as a 3D cubemap we make the 3rd location parameter
 * do double duty. Only works for non-supercompressed textures as
 * there is no way to tell where an image is for a supercompressed one.
 * @param[in]     This      pointer to the ktxTexture object of interest.
 * @param[in]     level     mip level of the image.
 * @param[in]     layer     array layer of the image.
 * @param[in]     faceSlice cube map face or depth slice of the image.
 * @param[in,out] pOffset   pointer to location to store the offset.
 * @return  KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 *                         @p level, @p layer or @p faceSlice exceed the
 *                         dimensions of the texture.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_OPERATION Texture is supercompressed.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALID @p This is NULL.
ktxTexture2_GetImageOffset(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t level,
                          ktx_uint32_t layer, ktx_uint32_t faceSlice,
                          ktx_size_t* pOffset)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Retrieve the opto-electrical transfer function of the images.
 * @param[in]     This      pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @return A @c khr_df_transfer enum value specifying the OETF.
ktxTexture2_GetOETF_e(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Retrieve the opto-electrical transfer function of the images.
 * @deprecated Retained for backward compatibility. Use ktxTexture2\_GetOETF\_e()
 * @param[in]     This      pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @return A @c khr_df_transfer enum value specifying the OETF, returned as
 *         @c ktx_uint32_t.
ktxTexture2_GetOETF(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Retrieve the DFD color model of the images.
 * @param[in]     This      pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @return A @c khr_df_transfer enum value specifying the color model.
ktxTexture2_GetColorModel_e(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Retrieve whether the RGB components have been premultiplied by the alpha component.
 * @param[in]     This      pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @return KTX\_TRUE if the components are premultiplied, KTX_FALSE otherwise.
ktxTexture2_GetPremultipliedAlpha(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Query if the images are in a transcodable format.
 * @param[in]     This     pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
ktxTexture2_NeedsTranscoding(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Return the total size in bytes of the uncompressed data of a
 *        ktxTexture2.
 * If supercompressionScheme == @c KTX_SS_NONE or
 * @c KTX_SS_BASIS_LZ, returns the value of @c This->dataSize
 * else if supercompressionScheme == @c KTX_SS_ZSTD or @c KTX_SS_ZLIB, it
 * returns the sum of the uncompressed sizes of each mip level plus space for
 * the level padding. With no supercompression the data size and uncompressed
 * data size are the same. For Basis supercompression the uncompressed size
 * cannot be known until the data is transcoded so the compressed size is
 * returned.
 * @param[in]     This     pointer to the ktxTexture1 object of interest.
ktxTexture2_GetDataSizeUncompressed(ktxTexture2* This)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Calculate & return the size in bytes of an image at the specified
 *        mip level.
 * For arrays, this is the size of a layer, for cubemaps, the size of a face
 * and for 3D textures, the size of a depth slice.
 * The size reflects the padding of each row to KTX_GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT.
 * @param[in]     This     pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @param[in]     level    level of interest. *
ktxTexture2_GetImageSize(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t level)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Iterate over the mip levels in a ktxTexture2 object.
 * This is almost identical to ktxTexture_IterateLevelFaces(). The difference is
 * that the blocks of image data for non-array cube maps include all faces of
 * a mip level.
 * This function works even if @p This->pData == 0 so it can be used to
 * obtain offsets and sizes for each level by callers who have loaded the data
 * externally.
 * Intended for use only when supercompressionScheme == SUPERCOMPRESSION_NONE.
 * @param[in]     This     handle of the ktxTexture opened on the data.
 * @param[in,out] iterCb   the address of a callback function which is called
 *                         with the data for each image block.
 * @param[in,out] userdata the address of application-specific data which is
 *                         passed to the callback along with the image data.
 * @return  KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error. The
 *          following are returned directly by this function. @p iterCb may
 *          return these for other causes or may return additional errors.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_DATA_ERROR   Mip level sizes are increasing not
 *                                  decreasing
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_OPERATION supercompressionScheme != SUPERCOMPRESSION_NONE.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE     @p This is @c NULL or @p iterCb is @c NULL.
ktxTexture2_IterateLevels(ktxTexture2* This, PFNKTXITERCB iterCb, void* userdata)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Iterate over the images in a ktxTexture2 object while loading the
 *        image data.
 * This operates similarly to ktxTexture_IterateLevelFaces() except that it
 * loads the images from the ktxTexture2's source to a temporary buffer
 * while iterating. If supercompressionScheme == KTX_SS_ZSTD or KTX_SS_ZLIB,
 * it will inflate the data before passing it to the callback. The callback function
 * must copy the image data if it wishes to preserve it as the temporary buffer
 * is reused for each level and is freed when this function exits.
 * This function is helpful for reducing memory usage when uploading the data
 * to a graphics API.
 * Intended for use only when supercompressionScheme == KTX_SS_NONE,
 * KTX_SS_ZSTD or KTX_SS_ZLIB. As there is no access to the ktxTexture's data on
 * conclusion of this function, destroying the texture on completion is recommended.
 * @param[in]     This     pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @param[in,out] iterCb   the address of a callback function which is called
 *                         with the data for each image.
 * @param[in,out] userdata the address of application-specific data which is
 *                         passed to the callback along with the image data.
 * @return  KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error. The
 *          following are returned directly by this function. @p iterCb may
 *          return these for other causes or may return additional errors.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_DATA_ERROR   mip level sizes are increasing not
 *                                  decreasing
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_OPERATION the ktxTexture2 was not created from a
 *                                  stream, i.e there is no data to load, or
 *                                  this ktxTexture2's images have already
 *                                  been loaded.
 *                          supercompressionScheme != KTX_SS_NONE,
 *                          supercompressionScheme != KTX_SS_ZSTD, and
 *                          supercompressionScheme != KTX_SS_ZLIB.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE     @p This is @c NULL or @p iterCb is @c NULL.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY     not enough memory to allocate a block to
 *                                  hold the base level image.
ktxTexture2_IterateLoadLevelFaces(ktxTexture2* This, PFNKTXITERCB iterCb,
                                  void* userdata)

ktxTexture2_inflateZstdInt(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint8_t* pDeflatedData,
                           ktx_uint8_t* pInflatedData,
                           ktx_size_t inflatedDataCapacity);

ktxTexture2_inflateZLIBInt(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint8_t* pDeflatedData,
                           ktx_uint8_t* pInflatedData,
                           ktx_size_t inflatedDataCapacity);

 * @memberof ktxTexture2
 * @~English
 * @brief Load all the image data from the ktxTexture2's source.
 * The data will be inflated if supercompressionScheme == @c KTX_SS_ZSTD or
 * @c KTX_SS_ZLIB.
 * The data is loaded into the provided buffer or to an internally allocated
 * buffer, if @p pBuffer is @c NULL. Callers providing their own buffer must
 * ensure the buffer large enough to hold the inflated data for files deflated
 * with Zstd or ZLIB. See ktxTexture2\_GetDataSizeUncompressed().
 * The texture's levelIndex, dataSize, DFD  and supercompressionScheme will
 * all be updated after successful inflation to reflect the inflated data.
 * @param[in] This pointer to the ktxTexture object of interest.
 * @param[in] pBuffer pointer to the buffer in which to load the image data.
 * @param[in] bufSize size of the buffer pointed at by @p pBuffer.
 * @return      KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p This is NULL.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p bufSize is less than the the image data size.
 *                              The data has already been loaded or the
 *                              ktxTexture was not created from a KTX source.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Insufficient memory for the image data.
ktxTexture2_LoadImageData(ktxTexture2* This,
                          ktx_uint8_t* pBuffer, ktx_size_t bufSize)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Retrieve the offset of a level's first image within the ktxTexture2's
 *        image data.
 * @param[in] This pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
ktx_uint64_t ktxTexture2_levelDataOffset(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t level)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Inflate the data in a ktxTexture2 object using Zstandard.
 * The texture's levelIndex, dataSize, DFD  and supercompressionScheme will
 * all be updated after successful inflation to reflect the inflated data.
 * @param[in] This                    pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @param[in] pDeflatedData pointer to a buffer containing the deflated data
 *                         of the entire texture.
 * @param[in,out] pInflatedData pointer to a buffer in which to write the inflated
 *                             data.
 * @param[in] inflatedDataCapacity capacity of the buffer pointed at by
 *                                @p pInflatedData.
ktxTexture2_inflateZstdInt(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint8_t* pDeflatedData,
                           ktx_uint8_t* pInflatedData,
                           ktx_size_t inflatedDataCapacity)

 * @memberof ktxTexture2 @private
 * @~English
 * @brief Inflate the data in a ktxTexture2 object using miniz (ZLIB).
 * The texture's levelIndex, dataSize, DFD and supercompressionScheme will
 * all be updated after successful inflation to reflect the inflated data.
 * @param[in] This              pointer to the ktxTexture2 object of interest.
 * @param[in] pDeflatedData     pointer to a buffer containing the deflated
 *                              data of the entire texture.
 * @param[in,out] pInflatedData pointer to a buffer in which to write the
 *                              inflated data.
 * @param[in] inflatedDataCapacity capacity of the buffer pointed at by
 *                                @p pInflatedData.
ktxTexture2_inflateZLIBInt(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint8_t* pDeflatedData,
                           ktx_uint8_t* pInflatedData,
                           ktx_size_t inflatedDataCapacity)


 * Stubs for writer functions that return a proper error code

ktxTexture2_SetImageFromMemory(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t level,
                               ktx_uint32_t layer, ktx_uint32_t faceSlice,
                               const ktx_uint8_t* src, ktx_size_t srcSize)

ktxTexture2_SetImageFromStdioStream(ktxTexture2* This, ktx_uint32_t level,
                                    ktx_uint32_t layer, ktx_uint32_t faceSlice,
                                    FILE* src, ktx_size_t srcSize)

ktxTexture2_WriteToStdioStream(ktxTexture2* This, FILE* dstsstr)

ktxTexture2_WriteToNamedFile(ktxTexture2* This, const char* const dstname)

ktxTexture2_WriteToMemory(ktxTexture2* This,
                          ktx_uint8_t** ppDstBytes, ktx_size_t* pSize)

ktxTexture2_WriteToStream(ktxTexture2* This,
                          ktxStream* dststr)


 * Initialized here at the end to avoid the need for multiple declarations of
 * the virtual functions.

struct ktxTexture_vtblInt ktxTexture2_vtblInt =;

struct ktxTexture_vtbl ktxTexture2_vtbl =;

/** @} */