
/* bnx2x_init_ops.h: Qlogic Everest network driver.
 *               Static functions needed during the initialization.
 *               This file is "included" in bnx2x_main.c.
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Broadcom Corporation
 * Copyright (c) 2014 QLogic Corporation
 All rights reserved
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * Maintained by: Ariel Elior <[email protected]>
 * Written by: Vladislav Zolotarov

#ifndef BNX2X_INIT_OPS_H
#define BNX2X_INIT_OPS_H

#ifndef BP_ILT
#define BP_ILT

#ifndef BP_FUNC
#define BP_FUNC

#ifndef BP_PORT
#define BP_PORT

#ifndef BNX2X_ILT_FREE
#define BNX2X_ILT_FREE


#ifndef ILOG2
#define ILOG2

static int bnx2x_gunzip(struct bnx2x *bp, const u8 *zbuf, int len);
static void bnx2x_reg_wr_ind(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr, u32 val);
static void bnx2x_write_dmae_phys_len(struct bnx2x *bp,
				      dma_addr_t phys_addr, u32 addr,
				      u32 len);

static void bnx2x_init_str_wr(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr,
			      const u32 *data, u32 len)

static void bnx2x_init_ind_wr(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr,
			      const u32 *data, u32 len)

static void bnx2x_write_big_buf(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr, u32 len,
				u8 wb)

static void bnx2x_init_fill(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr, int fill,
			    u32 len, u8 wb)

static void bnx2x_write_big_buf_wb(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr, u32 len)

static void bnx2x_init_wr_64(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr,
			     const u32 *data, u32 len64)

   There are different blobs for each PRAM section.
   In addition, each blob write operation is divided into a few operations
   in order to decrease the amount of phys. contiguous buffer needed.
   Thus, when we select a blob the address may be with some offset
   from the beginning of PRAM section.
   The same holds for the INT_TABLE sections.
#define IF_IS_INT_TABLE_ADDR(base, addr)

#define IF_IS_PRAM_ADDR(base, addr)

static const u8 *bnx2x_sel_blob(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr,
				const u8 *data)

static void bnx2x_init_wr_wb(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr,
			     const u32 *data, u32 len)

static void bnx2x_wr_64(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 reg, u32 val_lo,
			u32 val_hi)
static void bnx2x_init_wr_zp(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 addr, u32 len,
			     u32 blob_off)

static void bnx2x_init_block(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 block, u32 stage)

* PXP Arbiter
 * This code configures the PCI read/write arbiter
 * which implements a weighted round robin
 * between the virtual queues in the chip.
 * The values were derived for each PCI max payload and max request size.
 * since max payload and max request size are only known at run time,
 * this is done as a separate init stage.

#define NUM_WR_Q
#define NUM_RD_Q
#define MAX_RD_ORD
#define MAX_WR_ORD

/* configuration for one arbiter queue */
struct arb_line {};

/* derived configuration for each read queue for each max request size */
static const struct arb_line read_arb_data[NUM_RD_Q][MAX_RD_ORD + 1] =;

/* derived configuration for each write queue for each max request size */
static const struct arb_line write_arb_data[NUM_WR_Q][MAX_WR_ORD + 1] =;

/* register addresses for read queues */
static const struct arb_line read_arb_addr[NUM_RD_Q-1] =;

/* register addresses for write queues */
static const struct arb_line write_arb_addr[NUM_WR_Q-1] =;

static void bnx2x_init_pxp_arb(struct bnx2x *bp, int r_order,
			       int w_order)

* ILT management
 * This codes hides the low level HW interaction for ILT management and
 * configuration. The API consists of a shadow ILT table which is set by the
 * driver and a set of routines to use it to configure the HW.

/* ILT HW init operations */

/* ILT memory management operations */

/* the phys address is shifted right 12 bits and has an added
 * 1=valid bit added to the 53rd bit
 * then since this is a wide register(TM)
 * we split it into two 32 bit writes
#define ILT_ADDR1(x)
#define ILT_ADDR2(x)
#define ILT_RANGE(f, l)

static int bnx2x_ilt_line_mem_op(struct bnx2x *bp,
				 struct ilt_line *line, u32 size, u8 memop)

static int bnx2x_ilt_client_mem_op(struct bnx2x *bp, int cli_num,
				   u8 memop)

static int bnx2x_ilt_mem_op_cnic(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 memop)

static int bnx2x_ilt_mem_op(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 memop)

static void bnx2x_ilt_line_wr(struct bnx2x *bp, int abs_idx,
			      dma_addr_t page_mapping)

static void bnx2x_ilt_line_init_op(struct bnx2x *bp,
				   struct bnx2x_ilt *ilt, int idx, u8 initop)

static void bnx2x_ilt_boundry_init_op(struct bnx2x *bp,
				      struct ilt_client_info *ilt_cli,
				      u32 ilt_start, u8 initop)

static void bnx2x_ilt_client_init_op_ilt(struct bnx2x *bp,
					 struct bnx2x_ilt *ilt,
					 struct ilt_client_info *ilt_cli,
					 u8 initop)

static void bnx2x_ilt_client_init_op(struct bnx2x *bp,
				     struct ilt_client_info *ilt_cli, u8 initop)

static void bnx2x_ilt_client_id_init_op(struct bnx2x *bp,
					int cli_num, u8 initop)

static void bnx2x_ilt_init_op_cnic(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 initop)

static void bnx2x_ilt_init_op(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 initop)

static void bnx2x_ilt_init_client_psz(struct bnx2x *bp, int cli_num,
				      u32 psz_reg, u8 initop)

 * called during init common stage, ilt clients should be initialized
 * prioir to calling this function
static void bnx2x_ilt_init_page_size(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 initop)

* QM initializations
#define QM_INIT(cid_cnt)

/* called during init port stage */
static void bnx2x_qm_init_cid_count(struct bnx2x *bp, int qm_cid_count,
				    u8 initop)

static void bnx2x_qm_set_ptr_table(struct bnx2x *bp, int qm_cid_count,
				   u32 base_reg, u32 reg)

/* called during init common stage */
static void bnx2x_qm_init_ptr_table(struct bnx2x *bp, int qm_cid_count,
				    u8 initop)

* SRC initializations
/* called during init func stage */
static void bnx2x_src_init_t2(struct bnx2x *bp, struct src_ent *t2,
			      dma_addr_t t2_mapping, int src_cid_count)
#endif /* BNX2X_INIT_OPS_H */