
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright(c) 1999 - 2018 Intel Corporation. */

#include <linux/bitfield.h>

#include "e1000.h"

 *  e1000e_get_bus_info_pcie - Get PCIe bus information
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Determines and stores the system bus information for a particular
 *  network interface.  The following bus information is determined and stored:
 *  bus speed, bus width, type (PCIe), and PCIe function.
s32 e1000e_get_bus_info_pcie(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000_set_lan_id_multi_port_pcie - Set LAN id for PCIe multiple port devices
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Determines the LAN function id by reading memory-mapped registers
 *  and swaps the port value if requested.
void e1000_set_lan_id_multi_port_pcie(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000_set_lan_id_single_port - Set LAN id for a single port device
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Sets the LAN function id to zero for a single port device.
void e1000_set_lan_id_single_port(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000_clear_vfta_generic - Clear VLAN filter table
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Clears the register array which contains the VLAN filter table by
 *  setting all the values to 0.
void e1000_clear_vfta_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000_write_vfta_generic - Write value to VLAN filter table
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @offset: register offset in VLAN filter table
 *  @value: register value written to VLAN filter table
 *  Writes value at the given offset in the register array which stores
 *  the VLAN filter table.
void e1000_write_vfta_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u32 value)

 *  e1000e_init_rx_addrs - Initialize receive address's
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @rar_count: receive address registers
 *  Setup the receive address registers by setting the base receive address
 *  register to the devices MAC address and clearing all the other receive
 *  address registers to 0.
void e1000e_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 rar_count)

 *  e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic - Check for alternate MAC addr
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Checks the nvm for an alternate MAC address.  An alternate MAC address
 *  can be setup by pre-boot software and must be treated like a permanent
 *  address and must override the actual permanent MAC address. If an
 *  alternate MAC address is found it is programmed into RAR0, replacing
 *  the permanent address that was installed into RAR0 by the Si on reset.
 *  This function will return SUCCESS unless it encounters an error while
 *  reading the EEPROM.
s32 e1000_check_alt_mac_addr_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

u32 e1000e_rar_get_count_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_rar_set_generic - Set receive address register
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @addr: pointer to the receive address
 *  @index: receive address array register
 *  Sets the receive address array register at index to the address passed
 *  in by addr.
int e1000e_rar_set_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *addr, u32 index)

 *  e1000_hash_mc_addr - Generate a multicast hash value
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @mc_addr: pointer to a multicast address
 *  Generates a multicast address hash value which is used to determine
 *  the multicast filter table array address and new table value.
static u32 e1000_hash_mc_addr(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr)

 *  e1000e_update_mc_addr_list_generic - Update Multicast addresses
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @mc_addr_list: array of multicast addresses to program
 *  @mc_addr_count: number of multicast addresses to program
 *  Updates entire Multicast Table Array.
 *  The caller must have a packed mc_addr_list of multicast addresses.
void e1000e_update_mc_addr_list_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw,
					u8 *mc_addr_list, u32 mc_addr_count)

 *  e1000e_clear_hw_cntrs_base - Clear base hardware counters
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Clears the base hardware counters by reading the counter registers.
void e1000e_clear_hw_cntrs_base(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_check_for_copper_link - Check for link (Copper)
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Checks to see of the link status of the hardware has changed.  If a
 *  change in link status has been detected, then we read the PHY registers
 *  to get the current speed/duplex if link exists.
s32 e1000e_check_for_copper_link(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_check_for_fiber_link - Check for link (Fiber)
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Checks for link up on the hardware.  If link is not up and we have
 *  a signal, then we need to force link up.
s32 e1000e_check_for_fiber_link(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_check_for_serdes_link - Check for link (Serdes)
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Checks for link up on the hardware.  If link is not up and we have
 *  a signal, then we need to force link up.
s32 e1000e_check_for_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000_set_default_fc_generic - Set flow control default values
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Read the EEPROM for the default values for flow control and store the
 *  values.
static s32 e1000_set_default_fc_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_setup_link_generic - Setup flow control and link settings
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Determines which flow control settings to use, then configures flow
 *  control.  Calls the appropriate media-specific link configuration
 *  function.  Assuming the adapter has a valid link partner, a valid link
 *  should be established.  Assumes the hardware has previously been reset
 *  and the transmitter and receiver are not enabled.
s32 e1000e_setup_link_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000_commit_fc_settings_generic - Configure flow control
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Write the flow control settings to the Transmit Config Word Register (TXCW)
 *  base on the flow control settings in e1000_mac_info.
static s32 e1000_commit_fc_settings_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000_poll_fiber_serdes_link_generic - Poll for link up
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Polls for link up by reading the status register, if link fails to come
 *  up with auto-negotiation, then the link is forced if a signal is detected.
static s32 e1000_poll_fiber_serdes_link_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link - Setup link for fiber/serdes
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Configures collision distance and flow control for fiber and serdes
 *  links.  Upon successful setup, poll for link.
s32 e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_config_collision_dist_generic - Configure collision distance
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Configures the collision distance to the default value and is used
 *  during link setup.
void e1000e_config_collision_dist_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_set_fc_watermarks - Set flow control high/low watermarks
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Sets the flow control high/low threshold (watermark) registers.  If
 *  flow control XON frame transmission is enabled, then set XON frame
 *  transmission as well.
s32 e1000e_set_fc_watermarks(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_force_mac_fc - Force the MAC's flow control settings
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Force the MAC's flow control settings.  Sets the TFCE and RFCE bits in the
 *  device control register to reflect the adapter settings.  TFCE and RFCE
 *  need to be explicitly set by software when a copper PHY is used because
 *  autonegotiation is managed by the PHY rather than the MAC.  Software must
 *  also configure these bits when link is forced on a fiber connection.
s32 e1000e_force_mac_fc(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up - Configures flow control after link
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Checks the status of auto-negotiation after link up to ensure that the
 *  speed and duplex were not forced.  If the link needed to be forced, then
 *  flow control needs to be forced also.  If auto-negotiation is enabled
 *  and did not fail, then we configure flow control based on our link
 *  partner.
s32 e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper - Retrieve current speed/duplex
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @speed: stores the current speed
 *  @duplex: stores the current duplex
 *  Read the status register for the current speed/duplex and store the current
 *  speed and duplex for copper connections.
s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed,
				       u16 *duplex)

 *  e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes - Retrieve current speed/duplex
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @speed: stores the current speed
 *  @duplex: stores the current duplex
 *  Sets the speed and duplex to gigabit full duplex (the only possible option)
 *  for fiber/serdes links.
s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes(struct e1000_hw __always_unused
					     *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex)

 *  e1000e_get_hw_semaphore - Acquire hardware semaphore
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Acquire the HW semaphore to access the PHY or NVM
s32 e1000e_get_hw_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_put_hw_semaphore - Release hardware semaphore
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Release hardware semaphore used to access the PHY or NVM
void e1000e_put_hw_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_get_auto_rd_done - Check for auto read completion
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Check EEPROM for Auto Read done bit.
s32 e1000e_get_auto_rd_done(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_valid_led_default - Verify a valid default LED config
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @data: pointer to the NVM (EEPROM)
 *  Read the EEPROM for the current default LED configuration.  If the
 *  LED configuration is not valid, set to a valid LED configuration.
s32 e1000e_valid_led_default(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *data)

 *  e1000e_id_led_init_generic -
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
s32 e1000e_id_led_init_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_setup_led_generic - Configures SW controllable LED
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  This prepares the SW controllable LED for use and saves the current state
 *  of the LED so it can be later restored.
s32 e1000e_setup_led_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_cleanup_led_generic - Set LED config to default operation
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Remove the current LED configuration and set the LED configuration
 *  to the default value, saved from the EEPROM.
s32 e1000e_cleanup_led_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_blink_led_generic - Blink LED
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Blink the LEDs which are set to be on.
s32 e1000e_blink_led_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_led_on_generic - Turn LED on
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Turn LED on.
s32 e1000e_led_on_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_led_off_generic - Turn LED off
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Turn LED off.
s32 e1000e_led_off_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_set_pcie_no_snoop - Set PCI-express capabilities
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @no_snoop: bitmap of snoop events
 *  Set the PCI-express register to snoop for events enabled in 'no_snoop'.
void e1000e_set_pcie_no_snoop(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 no_snoop)

 *  e1000e_disable_pcie_master - Disables PCI-express master access
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Returns 0 if successful, else returns -10
 *  (-E1000_ERR_MASTER_REQUESTS_PENDING) if master disable bit has not caused
 *  the master requests to be disabled.
 *  Disables PCI-Express master access and verifies there are no pending
 *  requests.
s32 e1000e_disable_pcie_master(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_reset_adaptive - Reset Adaptive Interframe Spacing
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Reset the Adaptive Interframe Spacing throttle to default values.
void e1000e_reset_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw)

 *  e1000e_update_adaptive - Update Adaptive Interframe Spacing
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  Update the Adaptive Interframe Spacing Throttle value based on the
 *  time between transmitted packets and time between collisions.
void e1000e_update_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw)