
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
/* Copyright(c) 2013 - 2021 Intel Corporation. */

#ifndef _I40E_PROTOTYPE_H_
#define _I40E_PROTOTYPE_H_

#include <linux/ethtool.h>
#include <linux/avf/virtchnl.h>
#include "i40e_debug.h"
#include "i40e_type.h"

/* Prototypes for shared code functions that are not in
 * the standard function pointer structures.  These are
 * mostly because they are needed even before the init
 * has happened and will assist in the early SW and FW
 * setup.

/* adminq functions */
int i40e_init_adminq(struct i40e_hw *hw);
void i40e_shutdown_adminq(struct i40e_hw *hw);
int i40e_clean_arq_element(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			   struct i40e_arq_event_info *e,
			   u16 *events_pending);
i40e_asq_send_command(struct i40e_hw *hw, struct i40e_aq_desc *desc,
		      void *buff, /* can be NULL */ u16  buff_size,
		      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_asq_send_command_v2(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			 struct i40e_aq_desc *desc,
			 void *buff, /* can be NULL */
			 u16  buff_size,
			 struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details,
			 enum i40e_admin_queue_err *aq_status);
i40e_asq_send_command_atomic(struct i40e_hw *hw, struct i40e_aq_desc *desc,
			     void *buff, /* can be NULL */ u16  buff_size,
			     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details,
			     bool is_atomic_context);
i40e_asq_send_command_atomic_v2(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				struct i40e_aq_desc *desc,
				void *buff, /* can be NULL */
				u16  buff_size,
				struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details,
				bool is_atomic_context,
				enum i40e_admin_queue_err *aq_status);

/* debug function for adminq */
void i40e_debug_aq(struct i40e_hw *hw, enum i40e_debug_mask mask,
		   void *desc, void *buffer, u16 buf_len);

bool i40e_check_asq_alive(struct i40e_hw *hw);
int i40e_aq_queue_shutdown(struct i40e_hw *hw, bool unloading);
const char *i40e_aq_str(struct i40e_hw *hw, enum i40e_admin_queue_err aq_err);

int i40e_aq_get_rss_lut(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 seid,
			bool pf_lut, u8 *lut, u16 lut_size);
int i40e_aq_set_rss_lut(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 seid,
			bool pf_lut, u8 *lut, u16 lut_size);
int i40e_aq_get_rss_key(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			u16 seid,
			struct i40e_aqc_get_set_rss_key_data *key);
int i40e_aq_set_rss_key(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			u16 seid,
			struct i40e_aqc_get_set_rss_key_data *key);

u32 i40e_led_get(struct i40e_hw *hw);
void i40e_led_set(struct i40e_hw *hw, u32 mode, bool blink);
int i40e_led_set_phy(struct i40e_hw *hw, bool on,
		     u16 led_addr, u32 mode);
int i40e_led_get_phy(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 *led_addr,
		     u16 *val);
int i40e_blink_phy_link_led(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			    u32 time, u32 interval);

/* admin send queue commands */

int i40e_aq_get_firmware_version(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				 u16 *fw_major_version, u16 *fw_minor_version,
				 u32 *fw_build,
				 u16 *api_major_version, u16 *api_minor_version,
				 struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_debug_write_register(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				 u32 reg_addr, u64 reg_val,
				 struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_debug_read_register(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				u32  reg_addr, u64 *reg_val,
				struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_phy_debug(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 cmd_flags,
			  struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_default_vsi(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 vsi_id,
			    struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_clear_default_vsi(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 vsi_id,
			      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_get_phy_capabilities(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				 bool qualified_modules, bool report_init,
				 struct i40e_aq_get_phy_abilities_resp *abilities,
				 struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_phy_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			   struct i40e_aq_set_phy_config *config,
			   struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_set_fc(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 *aq_failures,
		bool atomic_reset);
int i40e_aq_set_mac_loopback(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			     bool ena_lpbk,
			     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_phy_int_mask(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 mask,
			     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_clear_pxe_mode(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			   struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_link_restart_an(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				bool enable_link,
				struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_get_link_info(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			  bool enable_lse, struct i40e_link_status *link,
			  struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_send_driver_version(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				struct i40e_driver_version *dv,
				struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_add_vsi(struct i40e_hw *hw,
		    struct i40e_vsi_context *vsi_ctx,
		    struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_vsi_broadcast(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			      u16 vsi_id, bool set_filter,
			      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_vsi_unicast_promiscuous(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 vsi_id, bool set,
					struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details,
					bool rx_only_promisc);
int i40e_aq_set_vsi_multicast_promiscuous(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 vsi_id, bool set,
					  struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_vsi_mc_promisc_on_vlan(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				       u16 seid, bool enable,
				       u16 vid,
				       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_vsi_uc_promisc_on_vlan(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				       u16 seid, bool enable,
				       u16 vid,
				       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_vsi_bc_promisc_on_vlan(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				       u16 seid, bool enable, u16 vid,
				       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_vsi_vlan_promisc(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				 u16 seid, bool enable,
				 struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_get_vsi_params(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			   struct i40e_vsi_context *vsi_ctx,
			   struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_update_vsi_params(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			      struct i40e_vsi_context *vsi_ctx,
			      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_add_veb(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 uplink_seid,
		    u16 downlink_seid, u8 enabled_tc,
		    bool default_port, u16 *pveb_seid,
		    bool enable_stats,
		    struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_get_veb_parameters(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			       u16 veb_seid, u16 *switch_id, bool *floating,
			       u16 *statistic_index, u16 *vebs_used,
			       u16 *vebs_free,
			       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_add_macvlan(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 vsi_id,
			struct i40e_aqc_add_macvlan_element_data *mv_list,
			u16 count, struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_add_macvlan_v2(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 seid,
		       struct i40e_aqc_add_macvlan_element_data *mv_list,
		       u16 count, struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details,
		       enum i40e_admin_queue_err *aq_status);
int i40e_aq_remove_macvlan(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 vsi_id,
			   struct i40e_aqc_remove_macvlan_element_data *mv_list,
			   u16 count, struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_remove_macvlan_v2(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 seid,
			  struct i40e_aqc_remove_macvlan_element_data *mv_list,
			  u16 count, struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details,
			  enum i40e_admin_queue_err *aq_status);
int i40e_aq_add_mirrorrule(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 sw_seid,
			   u16 rule_type, u16 dest_vsi, u16 count, __le16 *mr_list,
			   struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details,
			   u16 *rule_id, u16 *rules_used, u16 *rules_free);
int i40e_aq_delete_mirrorrule(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 sw_seid,
			      u16 rule_type, u16 rule_id, u16 count, __le16 *mr_list,
			      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details,
			      u16 *rules_used, u16 *rules_free);

int i40e_aq_send_msg_to_vf(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 vfid,
			   u32 v_opcode, u32 v_retval, u8 *msg, u16 msglen,
			   struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_get_switch_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			      struct i40e_aqc_get_switch_config_resp *buf,
			      u16 buf_size, u16 *start_seid,
			      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_switch_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			      u16 flags,
			      u16 valid_flags, u8 mode,
			      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_request_resource(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			     enum i40e_aq_resources_ids resource,
			     enum i40e_aq_resource_access_type access,
			     u8 sdp_number, u64 *timeout,
			     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_release_resource(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			     enum i40e_aq_resources_ids resource,
			     u8 sdp_number,
			     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_read_nvm(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 module_pointer,
		     u32 offset, u16 length, void *data,
		     bool last_command,
		     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_erase_nvm(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 module_pointer,
		      u32 offset, u16 length, bool last_command,
		      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_discover_capabilities(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				  void *buff, u16 buff_size, u16 *data_size,
				  enum i40e_admin_queue_opc list_type_opc,
				  struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_update_nvm(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 module_pointer,
		       u32 offset, u16 length, void *data,
		       bool last_command, u8 preservation_flags,
		       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_rearrange_nvm(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			  u8 rearrange_nvm,
			  struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_get_lldp_mib(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 bridge_type,
			 u8 mib_type, void *buff, u16 buff_size,
			 u16 *local_len, u16 *remote_len,
			 struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_set_lldp_mib(struct i40e_hw *hw,
		     u8 mib_type, void *buff, u16 buff_size,
		     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_cfg_lldp_mib_change_event(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				      bool enable_update,
				      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_restore_lldp(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 *setting, bool restore,
		     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_stop_lldp(struct i40e_hw *hw, bool shutdown_agent,
		      bool persist,
		      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_set_dcb_parameters(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			       bool dcb_enable,
			       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details
int i40e_aq_start_lldp(struct i40e_hw *hw, bool persist,
		       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_get_cee_dcb_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			       void *buff, u16 buff_size,
			       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_add_udp_tunnel(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			   u16 udp_port, u8 protocol_index,
			   u8 *filter_index,
			   struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_del_udp_tunnel(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 index,
			   struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_delete_element(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 seid,
			   struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_mac_address_write(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			      u16 flags, u8 *mac_addr,
			      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_config_vsi_bw_limit(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				u16 seid, u16 credit, u8 max_credit,
				struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_dcb_updated(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_config_vsi_tc_bw(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 seid,
			     struct i40e_aqc_configure_vsi_tc_bw_data *bw_data,
			     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_config_switch_comp_ets(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			       u16 seid,
			       struct i40e_aqc_configure_switching_comp_ets_data *ets_data,
			       enum i40e_admin_queue_opc opcode,
			       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_config_switch_comp_bw_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
	u16 seid,
	struct i40e_aqc_configure_switching_comp_bw_config_data *bw_data,
	struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_query_vsi_bw_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				u16 seid,
				struct i40e_aqc_query_vsi_bw_config_resp *bw_data,
				struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_query_vsi_ets_sla_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				 u16 seid,
				 struct i40e_aqc_query_vsi_ets_sla_config_resp *bw_data,
				 struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_query_switch_comp_ets_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				     u16 seid,
				     struct i40e_aqc_query_switching_comp_ets_config_resp *bw_data,
				     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_query_port_ets_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			      u16 seid,
			      struct i40e_aqc_query_port_ets_config_resp *bw_data,
			      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_query_switch_comp_bw_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				    u16 seid,
				    struct i40e_aqc_query_switching_comp_bw_config_resp *bw_data,
				    struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_resume_port_tx(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			   struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_add_cloud_filters_bb(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 seid,
			     struct i40e_aqc_cloud_filters_element_bb *filters,
			     u8 filter_count);
i40e_aq_add_cloud_filters(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 vsi,
			  struct i40e_aqc_cloud_filters_element_data *filters,
			  u8 filter_count);
i40e_aq_rem_cloud_filters(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 vsi,
			  struct i40e_aqc_cloud_filters_element_data *filters,
			  u8 filter_count);
i40e_aq_rem_cloud_filters_bb(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 seid,
			     struct i40e_aqc_cloud_filters_element_bb *filters,
			     u8 filter_count);
int i40e_read_lldp_cfg(struct i40e_hw *hw,
		       struct i40e_lldp_variables *lldp_cfg);
i40e_aq_suspend_port_tx(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 seid,
			struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
/* i40e_common */
int i40e_init_shared_code(struct i40e_hw *hw);
int i40e_pf_reset(struct i40e_hw *hw);
void i40e_clear_hw(struct i40e_hw *hw);
void i40e_clear_pxe_mode(struct i40e_hw *hw);
int i40e_get_link_status(struct i40e_hw *hw, bool *link_up);
int i40e_update_link_info(struct i40e_hw *hw);
int i40e_get_mac_addr(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 *mac_addr);
int i40e_read_bw_from_alt_ram(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			      u32 *max_bw, u32 *min_bw, bool *min_valid,
			      bool *max_valid);
i40e_aq_configure_partition_bw(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			       struct i40e_aqc_configure_partition_bw_data *bw_data,
			       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_get_port_mac_addr(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 *mac_addr);
void i40e_get_pba_string(struct i40e_hw *hw);
void i40e_pre_tx_queue_cfg(struct i40e_hw *hw, u32 queue, bool enable);
/* prototype for functions used for NVM access */
int i40e_init_nvm(struct i40e_hw *hw);
int i40e_acquire_nvm(struct i40e_hw *hw,
		     enum i40e_aq_resource_access_type access);
void i40e_release_nvm(struct i40e_hw *hw);
int i40e_read_nvm_word(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 offset,
		       u16 *data);
int i40e_read_nvm_module_data(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			      u8 module_ptr,
			      u16 module_offset,
			      u16 data_offset,
			      u16 words_data_size,
			      u16 *data_ptr);
int i40e_read_nvm_buffer(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 offset,
			 u16 *words, u16 *data);
int i40e_update_nvm_checksum(struct i40e_hw *hw);
int i40e_validate_nvm_checksum(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			       u16 *checksum);
int i40e_nvmupd_command(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			struct i40e_nvm_access *cmd,
			u8 *bytes, int *errno);
void i40e_nvmupd_check_wait_event(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 opcode,
				  struct i40e_aq_desc *desc);
void i40e_nvmupd_clear_wait_state(struct i40e_hw *hw);
void i40e_set_pci_config_data(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 link_status);

int i40e_set_mac_type(struct i40e_hw *hw);

 * i40e_virtchnl_link_speed - Convert AdminQ link_speed to virtchnl definition
 * @link_speed: the speed to convert
 * Returns the link_speed in terms of the virtchnl interface, for use in
 * converting link_speed as reported by the AdminQ into the format used for
 * talking to virtchnl devices. If we can't represent the link speed properly,
static inline enum virtchnl_link_speed
i40e_virtchnl_link_speed(enum i40e_aq_link_speed link_speed)

/* prototype for functions used for SW locks */

/* i40e_common for VF drivers*/
int i40e_set_filter_control(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			    struct i40e_filter_control_settings *settings);
int i40e_aq_add_rem_control_packet_filter(struct i40e_hw *hw,
					  u8 *mac_addr, u16 ethtype, u16 flags,
					  u16 vsi_seid, u16 queue, bool is_add,
					  struct i40e_control_filter_stats *stats,
					  struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
int i40e_aq_debug_dump(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 cluster_id,
		       u8 table_id, u32 start_index, u16 buff_size,
		       void *buff, u16 *ret_buff_size,
		       u8 *ret_next_table, u32 *ret_next_index,
		       struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
void i40e_add_filter_to_drop_tx_flow_control_frames(struct i40e_hw *hw,
						    u16 vsi_seid);
int i40e_aq_rx_ctl_read_register(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				 u32 reg_addr, u32 *reg_val,
				 struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
u32 i40e_read_rx_ctl(struct i40e_hw *hw, u32 reg_addr);
int i40e_aq_rx_ctl_write_register(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				  u32 reg_addr, u32 reg_val,
				  struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
void i40e_write_rx_ctl(struct i40e_hw *hw, u32 reg_addr, u32 reg_val);
i40e_aq_set_phy_register_ext(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			     u8 phy_select, u8 dev_addr, bool page_change,
			     bool set_mdio, u8 mdio_num,
			     u32 reg_addr, u32 reg_val,
			     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);
i40e_aq_get_phy_register_ext(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			     u8 phy_select, u8 dev_addr, bool page_change,
			     bool set_mdio, u8 mdio_num,
			     u32 reg_addr, u32 *reg_val,
			     struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *cmd_details);

/* Convenience wrappers for most common use case */
#define i40e_aq_set_phy_register(hw, ps, da, pc, ra, rv, cd)
#define i40e_aq_get_phy_register(hw, ps, da, pc, ra, rv, cd)

int i40e_read_phy_register_clause22(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				    u16 reg, u8 phy_addr, u16 *value);
int i40e_write_phy_register_clause22(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				     u16 reg, u8 phy_addr, u16 value);
int i40e_read_phy_register_clause45(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				    u8 page, u16 reg, u8 phy_addr, u16 *value);
int i40e_write_phy_register_clause45(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				     u8 page, u16 reg, u8 phy_addr, u16 value);
int i40e_read_phy_register(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 page, u16 reg,
			   u8 phy_addr, u16 *value);
int i40e_write_phy_register(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 page, u16 reg,
			    u8 phy_addr, u16 value);
u8 i40e_get_phy_address(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 dev_num);
int i40e_blink_phy_link_led(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			    u32 time, u32 interval);
int i40e_aq_write_ddp(struct i40e_hw *hw, void *buff,
		      u16 buff_size, u32 track_id,
		      u32 *error_offset, u32 *error_info,
		      struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *
int i40e_aq_get_ddp_list(struct i40e_hw *hw, void *buff,
			 u16 buff_size, u8 flags,
			 struct i40e_asq_cmd_details *
struct i40e_generic_seg_header *
i40e_find_segment_in_package(u32 segment_type,
			     struct i40e_package_header *pkg_header);
struct i40e_profile_section_header *
i40e_find_section_in_profile(u32 section_type,
			     struct i40e_profile_segment *profile);
i40e_write_profile(struct i40e_hw *hw, struct i40e_profile_segment *i40e_seg,
		   u32 track_id);
i40e_rollback_profile(struct i40e_hw *hw, struct i40e_profile_segment *i40e_seg,
		      u32 track_id);
i40e_add_pinfo_to_list(struct i40e_hw *hw,
		       struct i40e_profile_segment *profile,
		       u8 *profile_info_sec, u32 track_id);

/* i40e_ddp */
int i40e_ddp_flash(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_flash *flash);

/* Firmware and AdminQ version check helpers */

 * i40e_is_aq_api_ver_ge
 * @hw: pointer to i40e_hw structure
 * @maj: API major value to compare
 * @min: API minor value to compare
 * Assert whether current HW API version is greater/equal than provided.
static inline bool i40e_is_aq_api_ver_ge(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 maj, u16 min)

 * i40e_is_aq_api_ver_lt
 * @hw: pointer to i40e_hw structure
 * @maj: API major value to compare
 * @min: API minor value to compare
 * Assert whether current HW API version is less than provided.
static inline bool i40e_is_aq_api_ver_lt(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 maj, u16 min)

 * i40e_is_fw_ver_ge
 * @hw: pointer to i40e_hw structure
 * @maj: API major value to compare
 * @min: API minor value to compare
 * Assert whether current firmware version is greater/equal than provided.
static inline bool i40e_is_fw_ver_ge(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 maj, u16 min)

 * i40e_is_fw_ver_lt
 * @hw: pointer to i40e_hw structure
 * @maj: API major value to compare
 * @min: API minor value to compare
 * Assert whether current firmware version is less than provided.
static inline bool i40e_is_fw_ver_lt(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 maj, u16 min)

 * i40e_is_fw_ver_eq
 * @hw: pointer to i40e_hw structure
 * @maj: API major value to compare
 * @min: API minor value to compare
 * Assert whether current firmware version is equal to provided.
static inline bool i40e_is_fw_ver_eq(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 maj, u16 min)

#endif /* _I40E_PROTOTYPE_H_ */