
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright(c) 2013 - 2021 Intel Corporation. */

#include <linux/bitfield.h>
#include "i40e_adminq.h"
#include "i40e_alloc.h"
#include "i40e_dcb.h"
#include "i40e_prototype.h"

 * i40e_get_dcbx_status
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @status: Embedded DCBX Engine Status
 * Get the DCBX status from the Firmware
int i40e_get_dcbx_status(struct i40e_hw *hw, u16 *status)

 * i40e_parse_ieee_etscfg_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS CFG TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS CFG data
 * Parses IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS CFG TLV
static void i40e_parse_ieee_etscfg_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
				       struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_parse_ieee_etsrec_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS REC TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS REC data
 * Parses IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS REC TLV
static void i40e_parse_ieee_etsrec_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
				       struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_parse_ieee_pfccfg_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz PFC CFG TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update PFC CFG data
 * Parses IEEE 802.1Qaz PFC CFG TLV
static void i40e_parse_ieee_pfccfg_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
				       struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_parse_ieee_app_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz APP TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update APP PRIO data
 * Parses IEEE 802.1Qaz APP PRIO TLV
static void i40e_parse_ieee_app_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
				    struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_parse_ieee_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS REC data
 * Get the TLV subtype and send it to parsing function
 * based on the subtype value
static void i40e_parse_ieee_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
				struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_parse_cee_pgcfg_tlv
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS CFG data
static void i40e_parse_cee_pgcfg_tlv(struct i40e_cee_feat_tlv *tlv,
				     struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_parse_cee_pfccfg_tlv
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update PFC CFG data
static void i40e_parse_cee_pfccfg_tlv(struct i40e_cee_feat_tlv *tlv,
				      struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_parse_cee_app_tlv
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update APP PRIO data
static void i40e_parse_cee_app_tlv(struct i40e_cee_feat_tlv *tlv,
				   struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_parse_cee_tlv
 * @tlv: CEE DCBX TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update DCBX config data
 * Get the TLV subtype and send it to parsing function
 * based on the subtype value
static void i40e_parse_cee_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
			       struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_parse_org_tlv
 * @tlv: Organization specific TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS REC data
 * Currently only IEEE 802.1Qaz TLV is supported, all others
 * will be returned
static void i40e_parse_org_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
			       struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_lldp_to_dcb_config
 * @lldpmib: LLDPDU to be parsed
 * @dcbcfg: store for LLDPDU data
 * Parse DCB configuration from the LLDPDU
int i40e_lldp_to_dcb_config(u8 *lldpmib,
			    struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_aq_get_dcb_config
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @mib_type: mib type for the query
 * @bridgetype: bridge type for the query (remote)
 * @dcbcfg: store for LLDPDU data
 * Query DCB configuration from the Firmware
int i40e_aq_get_dcb_config(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 mib_type,
			   u8 bridgetype,
			   struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_cee_to_dcb_v1_config
 * @cee_cfg: pointer to CEE v1 response configuration struct
 * @dcbcfg: DCB configuration struct
 * Convert CEE v1 configuration from firmware to DCB configuration
static void i40e_cee_to_dcb_v1_config(
			struct i40e_aqc_get_cee_dcb_cfg_v1_resp *cee_cfg,
			struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_cee_to_dcb_config
 * @cee_cfg: pointer to CEE configuration struct
 * @dcbcfg: DCB configuration struct
 * Convert CEE configuration from firmware to DCB configuration
static void i40e_cee_to_dcb_config(
				struct i40e_aqc_get_cee_dcb_cfg_resp *cee_cfg,
				struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_get_ieee_dcb_config
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * Get IEEE mode DCB configuration from the Firmware
static int i40e_get_ieee_dcb_config(struct i40e_hw *hw)

 * i40e_get_dcb_config
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * Get DCB configuration from the Firmware
int i40e_get_dcb_config(struct i40e_hw *hw)

 * i40e_init_dcb
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @enable_mib_change: enable mib change event
 * Update DCB configuration from the Firmware
int i40e_init_dcb(struct i40e_hw *hw, bool enable_mib_change)

 * i40e_get_fw_lldp_status
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @lldp_status: pointer to the status enum
 * Get status of FW Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Agent.
 * Status of agent is reported via @lldp_status parameter.
i40e_get_fw_lldp_status(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			enum i40e_get_fw_lldp_status_resp *lldp_status)

 * i40e_add_ieee_ets_tlv - Prepare ETS TLV in IEEE format
 * @tlv: Fill the ETS config data in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store which holds the DCB Config
 * Prepare IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS CFG TLV
static void i40e_add_ieee_ets_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
				  struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_add_ieee_etsrec_tlv - Prepare ETS Recommended TLV in IEEE format
 * @tlv: Fill ETS Recommended TLV in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store which holds the DCB Config
 * Prepare IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS REC TLV
static void i40e_add_ieee_etsrec_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
				     struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_add_ieee_pfc_tlv - Prepare PFC TLV in IEEE format
 * @tlv: Fill PFC TLV in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to get PFC CFG data
 * Prepare IEEE 802.1Qaz PFC CFG TLV
static void i40e_add_ieee_pfc_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
				  struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_add_ieee_app_pri_tlv -  Prepare APP TLV in IEEE format
 * @tlv: Fill APP TLV in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to get APP CFG data
 * Prepare IEEE 802.1Qaz APP CFG TLV
static void i40e_add_ieee_app_pri_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
				      struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_add_dcb_tlv - Add all IEEE TLVs
 * @tlv: pointer to org tlv
 * @dcbcfg: pointer to modified dcbx config structure *
 * @tlvid: tlv id to be added
 * add tlv information
static void i40e_add_dcb_tlv(struct i40e_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
			     struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg,
			     u16 tlvid)

 * i40e_set_dcb_config - Set the local LLDP MIB to FW
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * Set DCB configuration to the Firmware
int i40e_set_dcb_config(struct i40e_hw *hw)

 * i40e_dcb_config_to_lldp - Convert Dcbconfig to MIB format
 * @lldpmib: pointer to mib to be output
 * @miblen: pointer to u16 for length of lldpmib
 * @dcbcfg: store for LLDPDU data
 * send DCB configuration to FW
int i40e_dcb_config_to_lldp(u8 *lldpmib, u16 *miblen,
			    struct i40e_dcbx_config *dcbcfg)

 * i40e_dcb_hw_rx_fifo_config
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @ets_mode: Strict Priority or Round Robin mode
 * @non_ets_mode: Strict Priority or Round Robin
 * @max_exponent: Exponent to calculate max refill credits
 * @lltc_map: Low latency TC bitmap
 * Configure HW Rx FIFO as part of DCB configuration.
void i40e_dcb_hw_rx_fifo_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				enum i40e_dcb_arbiter_mode ets_mode,
				enum i40e_dcb_arbiter_mode non_ets_mode,
				u32 max_exponent,
				u8 lltc_map)

 * i40e_dcb_hw_rx_cmd_monitor_config
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @num_tc: Total number of traffic class
 * @num_ports: Total number of ports on device
 * Configure HW Rx command monitor as part of DCB configuration.
void i40e_dcb_hw_rx_cmd_monitor_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				       u8 num_tc, u8 num_ports)

 * i40e_dcb_hw_pfc_config
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @pfc_en: Bitmap of PFC enabled priorities
 * @prio_tc: priority to tc assignment indexed by priority
 * Configure HW Priority Flow Controller as part of DCB configuration.
void i40e_dcb_hw_pfc_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			    u8 pfc_en, u8 *prio_tc)

 * i40e_dcb_hw_set_num_tc
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @num_tc: number of traffic classes
 * Configure number of traffic classes in HW
void i40e_dcb_hw_set_num_tc(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 num_tc)

 * i40e_dcb_hw_get_num_tc
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * Returns number of traffic classes configured in HW
u8 i40e_dcb_hw_get_num_tc(struct i40e_hw *hw)

 * i40e_dcb_hw_rx_ets_bw_config
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @bw_share: Bandwidth share indexed per traffic class
 * @mode: Strict Priority or Round Robin mode between UP sharing same
 * traffic class
 * @prio_type: TC is ETS enabled or strict priority
 * Configure HW Rx ETS bandwidth as part of DCB configuration.
void i40e_dcb_hw_rx_ets_bw_config(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 *bw_share,
				  u8 *mode, u8 *prio_type)

 * i40e_dcb_hw_rx_up2tc_config
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @prio_tc: priority to tc assignment indexed by priority
 * Configure HW Rx UP2TC map as part of DCB configuration.
void i40e_dcb_hw_rx_up2tc_config(struct i40e_hw *hw, u8 *prio_tc)

 * i40e_dcb_hw_calculate_pool_sizes - configure dcb pool sizes
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @num_ports: Number of available ports on the device
 * @eee_enabled: EEE enabled for the given port
 * @pfc_en: Bit map of PFC enabled traffic classes
 * @mfs_tc: Array of max frame size for each traffic class
 * @pb_cfg: pointer to packet buffer configuration
 * Calculate the shared and dedicated per TC pool sizes,
 * watermarks and threshold values.
void i40e_dcb_hw_calculate_pool_sizes(struct i40e_hw *hw,
				      u8 num_ports, bool eee_enabled,
				      u8 pfc_en, u32 *mfs_tc,
				      struct i40e_rx_pb_config *pb_cfg)

 * i40e_dcb_hw_rx_pb_config
 * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
 * @old_pb_cfg: Existing Rx Packet buffer configuration
 * @new_pb_cfg: New Rx Packet buffer configuration
 * Program the Rx Packet Buffer registers.
void i40e_dcb_hw_rx_pb_config(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			      struct i40e_rx_pb_config *old_pb_cfg,
			      struct i40e_rx_pb_config *new_pb_cfg)

 * _i40e_read_lldp_cfg - generic read of LLDP Configuration data from NVM
 * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 * @lldp_cfg: pointer to hold lldp configuration variables
 * @module: address of the module pointer
 * @word_offset: offset of LLDP configuration
 * Reads the LLDP configuration data from NVM using passed addresses
static int _i40e_read_lldp_cfg(struct i40e_hw *hw,
			       struct i40e_lldp_variables *lldp_cfg,
			       u8 module, u32 word_offset)

 * i40e_read_lldp_cfg - read LLDP Configuration data from NVM
 * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 * @lldp_cfg: pointer to hold lldp configuration variables
 * Reads the LLDP configuration data from NVM
int i40e_read_lldp_cfg(struct i40e_hw *hw,
		       struct i40e_lldp_variables *lldp_cfg)