
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright(c) 2013 - 2018 Intel Corporation. */

#include <linux/bitfield.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>

/* ethtool support for iavf */
#include "iavf.h"

/* ethtool statistics helpers */

 * struct iavf_stats - definition for an ethtool statistic
 * @stat_string: statistic name to display in ethtool -S output
 * @sizeof_stat: the sizeof() the stat, must be no greater than sizeof(u64)
 * @stat_offset: offsetof() the stat from a base pointer
 * This structure defines a statistic to be added to the ethtool stats buffer.
 * It defines a statistic as offset from a common base pointer. Stats should
 * be defined in constant arrays using the IAVF_STAT macro, with every element
 * of the array using the same _type for calculating the sizeof_stat and
 * stat_offset.
 * The @sizeof_stat is expected to be sizeof(u8), sizeof(u16), sizeof(u32) or
 * sizeof(u64). Other sizes are not expected and will produce a WARN_ONCE from
 * the iavf_add_ethtool_stat() helper function.
 * The @stat_string is interpreted as a format string, allowing formatted
 * values to be inserted while looping over multiple structures for a given
 * statistics array. Thus, every statistic string in an array should have the
 * same type and number of format specifiers, to be formatted by variadic
 * arguments to the iavf_add_stat_string() helper function.
struct iavf_stats {};

/* Helper macro to define an iavf_stat structure with proper size and type.
 * Use this when defining constant statistics arrays. Note that @_type expects
 * only a type name and is used multiple times.
#define IAVF_STAT(_type, _name, _stat)

/* Helper macro for defining some statistics related to queues */
#define IAVF_QUEUE_STAT(_name, _stat)

/* Stats associated with a Tx or Rx ring */
static const struct iavf_stats iavf_gstrings_queue_stats[] =;

 * iavf_add_one_ethtool_stat - copy the stat into the supplied buffer
 * @data: location to store the stat value
 * @pointer: basis for where to copy from
 * @stat: the stat definition
 * Copies the stat data defined by the pointer and stat structure pair into
 * the memory supplied as data. Used to implement iavf_add_ethtool_stats and
 * iavf_add_queue_stats. If the pointer is null, data will be zero'd.
static void
iavf_add_one_ethtool_stat(u64 *data, void *pointer,
			  const struct iavf_stats *stat)

 * __iavf_add_ethtool_stats - copy stats into the ethtool supplied buffer
 * @data: ethtool stats buffer
 * @pointer: location to copy stats from
 * @stats: array of stats to copy
 * @size: the size of the stats definition
 * Copy the stats defined by the stats array using the pointer as a base into
 * the data buffer supplied by ethtool. Updates the data pointer to point to
 * the next empty location for successive calls to __iavf_add_ethtool_stats.
 * If pointer is null, set the data values to zero and update the pointer to
 * skip these stats.
static void
__iavf_add_ethtool_stats(u64 **data, void *pointer,
			 const struct iavf_stats stats[],
			 const unsigned int size)

 * iavf_add_ethtool_stats - copy stats into ethtool supplied buffer
 * @data: ethtool stats buffer
 * @pointer: location where stats are stored
 * @stats: static const array of stat definitions
 * Macro to ease the use of __iavf_add_ethtool_stats by taking a static
 * constant stats array and passing the ARRAY_SIZE(). This avoids typos by
 * ensuring that we pass the size associated with the given stats array.
 * The parameter @stats is evaluated twice, so parameters with side effects
 * should be avoided.
#define iavf_add_ethtool_stats(data, pointer, stats)

 * iavf_add_queue_stats - copy queue statistics into supplied buffer
 * @data: ethtool stats buffer
 * @ring: the ring to copy
 * Queue statistics must be copied while protected by
 * u64_stats_fetch_begin, so we can't directly use iavf_add_ethtool_stats.
 * Assumes that queue stats are defined in iavf_gstrings_queue_stats. If the
 * ring pointer is null, zero out the queue stat values and update the data
 * pointer. Otherwise safely copy the stats from the ring into the supplied
 * buffer and update the data pointer when finished.
 * This function expects to be called while under rcu_read_lock().
static void
iavf_add_queue_stats(u64 **data, struct iavf_ring *ring)

 * __iavf_add_stat_strings - copy stat strings into ethtool buffer
 * @p: ethtool supplied buffer
 * @stats: stat definitions array
 * @size: size of the stats array
 * Format and copy the strings described by stats into the buffer pointed at
 * by p.
static void __iavf_add_stat_strings(u8 **p, const struct iavf_stats stats[],
				    const unsigned int size, ...)

 * iavf_add_stat_strings - copy stat strings into ethtool buffer
 * @p: ethtool supplied buffer
 * @stats: stat definitions array
 * Format and copy the strings described by the const static stats value into
 * the buffer pointed at by p.
 * The parameter @stats is evaluated twice, so parameters with side effects
 * should be avoided. Additionally, stats must be an array such that
 * ARRAY_SIZE can be called on it.
#define iavf_add_stat_strings(p, stats, ...)

#define VF_STAT(_name, _stat)

static const struct iavf_stats iavf_gstrings_stats[] =;



 * iavf_get_link_ksettings - Get Link Speed and Duplex settings
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @cmd: ethtool command
 * Reports speed/duplex settings. Because this is a VF, we don't know what
 * kind of link we really have, so we fake it.
static int iavf_get_link_ksettings(struct net_device *netdev,
				   struct ethtool_link_ksettings *cmd)

 * iavf_get_sset_count - Get length of string set
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @sset: id of string set
 * Reports size of various string tables.
static int iavf_get_sset_count(struct net_device *netdev, int sset)

 * iavf_get_ethtool_stats - report device statistics
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @stats: ethtool statistics structure
 * @data: pointer to data buffer
 * All statistics are added to the data buffer as an array of u64.
static void iavf_get_ethtool_stats(struct net_device *netdev,
				   struct ethtool_stats *stats, u64 *data)

 * iavf_get_stat_strings - Get stat strings
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @data: buffer for string data
 * Builds the statistics string table
static void iavf_get_stat_strings(struct net_device *netdev, u8 *data)

 * iavf_get_strings - Get string set
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @sset: id of string set
 * @data: buffer for string data
 * Builds string tables for various string sets
static void iavf_get_strings(struct net_device *netdev, u32 sset, u8 *data)

 * iavf_get_msglevel - Get debug message level
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * Returns current debug message level.
static u32 iavf_get_msglevel(struct net_device *netdev)

 * iavf_set_msglevel - Set debug message level
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @data: message level
 * Set current debug message level. Higher values cause the driver to
 * be noisier.
static void iavf_set_msglevel(struct net_device *netdev, u32 data)

 * iavf_get_drvinfo - Get driver info
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @drvinfo: ethool driver info structure
 * Returns information about the driver and device for display to the user.
static void iavf_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *netdev,
			     struct ethtool_drvinfo *drvinfo)

 * iavf_get_ringparam - Get ring parameters
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @ring: ethtool ringparam structure
 * @kernel_ring: ethtool extenal ringparam structure
 * @extack: netlink extended ACK report struct
 * Returns current ring parameters. TX and RX rings are reported separately,
 * but the number of rings is not reported.
static void iavf_get_ringparam(struct net_device *netdev,
			       struct ethtool_ringparam *ring,
			       struct kernel_ethtool_ringparam *kernel_ring,
			       struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * iavf_set_ringparam - Set ring parameters
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @ring: ethtool ringparam structure
 * @kernel_ring: ethtool external ringparam structure
 * @extack: netlink extended ACK report struct
 * Sets ring parameters. TX and RX rings are controlled separately, but the
 * number of rings is not specified, so all rings get the same settings.
static int iavf_set_ringparam(struct net_device *netdev,
			      struct ethtool_ringparam *ring,
			      struct kernel_ethtool_ringparam *kernel_ring,
			      struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * __iavf_get_coalesce - get per-queue coalesce settings
 * @netdev: the netdev to check
 * @ec: ethtool coalesce data structure
 * @queue: which queue to pick
 * Gets the per-queue settings for coalescence. Specifically Rx and Tx usecs
 * are per queue. If queue is <0 then we default to queue 0 as the
 * representative value.
static int __iavf_get_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev,
			       struct ethtool_coalesce *ec, int queue)

 * iavf_get_coalesce - Get interrupt coalescing settings
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @ec: ethtool coalesce structure
 * @kernel_coal: ethtool CQE mode setting structure
 * @extack: extack for reporting error messages
 * Returns current coalescing settings. This is referred to elsewhere in the
 * driver as Interrupt Throttle Rate, as this is how the hardware describes
 * this functionality. Note that if per-queue settings have been modified this
 * only represents the settings of queue 0.
static int iavf_get_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev,
			     struct ethtool_coalesce *ec,
			     struct kernel_ethtool_coalesce *kernel_coal,
			     struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * iavf_get_per_queue_coalesce - get coalesce values for specific queue
 * @netdev: netdev to read
 * @ec: coalesce settings from ethtool
 * @queue: the queue to read
 * Read specific queue's coalesce settings.
static int iavf_get_per_queue_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, u32 queue,
				       struct ethtool_coalesce *ec)

 * iavf_set_itr_per_queue - set ITR values for specific queue
 * @adapter: the VF adapter struct to set values for
 * @ec: coalesce settings from ethtool
 * @queue: the queue to modify
 * Change the ITR settings for a specific queue.
static int iavf_set_itr_per_queue(struct iavf_adapter *adapter,
				  struct ethtool_coalesce *ec, int queue)

 * __iavf_set_coalesce - set coalesce settings for particular queue
 * @netdev: the netdev to change
 * @ec: ethtool coalesce settings
 * @queue: the queue to change
 * Sets the coalesce settings for a particular queue.
static int __iavf_set_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev,
			       struct ethtool_coalesce *ec, int queue)

 * iavf_set_coalesce - Set interrupt coalescing settings
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @ec: ethtool coalesce structure
 * @kernel_coal: ethtool CQE mode setting structure
 * @extack: extack for reporting error messages
 * Change current coalescing settings for every queue.
static int iavf_set_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev,
			     struct ethtool_coalesce *ec,
			     struct kernel_ethtool_coalesce *kernel_coal,
			     struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * iavf_set_per_queue_coalesce - set specific queue's coalesce settings
 * @netdev: the netdev to change
 * @ec: ethtool's coalesce settings
 * @queue: the queue to modify
 * Modifies a specific queue's coalesce settings.
static int iavf_set_per_queue_coalesce(struct net_device *netdev, u32 queue,
				       struct ethtool_coalesce *ec)

 * iavf_fltr_to_ethtool_flow - convert filter type values to ethtool
 * flow type values
 * @flow: filter type to be converted
 * Returns the corresponding ethtool flow type.
static int iavf_fltr_to_ethtool_flow(enum iavf_fdir_flow_type flow)

 * iavf_ethtool_flow_to_fltr - convert ethtool flow type to filter enum
 * @eth: Ethtool flow type to be converted
 * Returns flow enum
static enum iavf_fdir_flow_type iavf_ethtool_flow_to_fltr(int eth)

 * iavf_is_mask_valid - check mask field set
 * @mask: full mask to check
 * @field: field for which mask should be valid
 * If the mask is fully set return true. If it is not valid for field return
 * false.
static bool iavf_is_mask_valid(u64 mask, u64 field)

 * iavf_parse_rx_flow_user_data - deconstruct user-defined data
 * @fsp: pointer to ethtool Rx flow specification
 * @fltr: pointer to Flow Director filter for userdef data storage
 * Returns 0 on success, negative error value on failure
static int
iavf_parse_rx_flow_user_data(struct ethtool_rx_flow_spec *fsp,
			     struct iavf_fdir_fltr *fltr)

 * iavf_fill_rx_flow_ext_data - fill the additional data
 * @fsp: pointer to ethtool Rx flow specification
 * @fltr: pointer to Flow Director filter to get additional data
static void
iavf_fill_rx_flow_ext_data(struct ethtool_rx_flow_spec *fsp,
			   struct iavf_fdir_fltr *fltr)

 * iavf_get_ethtool_fdir_entry - fill ethtool structure with Flow Director filter data
 * @adapter: the VF adapter structure that contains filter list
 * @cmd: ethtool command data structure to receive the filter data
 * Returns 0 as expected for success by ethtool
static int
iavf_get_ethtool_fdir_entry(struct iavf_adapter *adapter,
			    struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd)

 * iavf_get_fdir_fltr_ids - fill buffer with filter IDs of active filters
 * @adapter: the VF adapter structure containing the filter list
 * @cmd: ethtool command data structure
 * @rule_locs: ethtool array passed in from OS to receive filter IDs
 * Returns 0 as expected for success by ethtool
static int
iavf_get_fdir_fltr_ids(struct iavf_adapter *adapter, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd,
		       u32 *rule_locs)

 * iavf_add_fdir_fltr_info - Set the input set for Flow Director filter
 * @adapter: pointer to the VF adapter structure
 * @fsp: pointer to ethtool Rx flow specification
 * @fltr: filter structure
static int
iavf_add_fdir_fltr_info(struct iavf_adapter *adapter, struct ethtool_rx_flow_spec *fsp,
			struct iavf_fdir_fltr *fltr)

 * iavf_add_fdir_ethtool - add Flow Director filter
 * @adapter: pointer to the VF adapter structure
 * @cmd: command to add Flow Director filter
 * Returns 0 on success and negative values for failure
static int iavf_add_fdir_ethtool(struct iavf_adapter *adapter, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd)

 * iavf_del_fdir_ethtool - delete Flow Director filter
 * @adapter: pointer to the VF adapter structure
 * @cmd: command to delete Flow Director filter
 * Returns 0 on success and negative values for failure
static int iavf_del_fdir_ethtool(struct iavf_adapter *adapter, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd)

 * iavf_adv_rss_parse_hdrs - parses headers from RSS hash input
 * @cmd: ethtool rxnfc command
 * This function parses the rxnfc command and returns intended
 * header types for RSS configuration
static u32 iavf_adv_rss_parse_hdrs(struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd)

 * iavf_adv_rss_parse_hash_flds - parses hash fields from RSS hash input
 * @cmd: ethtool rxnfc command
 * @symm: true if Symmetric Topelitz is set
 * This function parses the rxnfc command and returns intended hash fields for
 * RSS configuration
static u64 iavf_adv_rss_parse_hash_flds(struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd, bool symm)

 * iavf_set_adv_rss_hash_opt - Enable/Disable flow types for RSS hash
 * @adapter: pointer to the VF adapter structure
 * @cmd: ethtool rxnfc command
 * Returns Success if the flow input set is supported.
static int
iavf_set_adv_rss_hash_opt(struct iavf_adapter *adapter,
			  struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd)

 * iavf_get_adv_rss_hash_opt - Retrieve hash fields for a given flow-type
 * @adapter: pointer to the VF adapter structure
 * @cmd: ethtool rxnfc command
 * Returns Success if the flow input set is supported.
static int
iavf_get_adv_rss_hash_opt(struct iavf_adapter *adapter,
			  struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd)

 * iavf_set_rxnfc - command to set Rx flow rules.
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @cmd: ethtool rxnfc command
 * Returns 0 for success and negative values for errors
static int iavf_set_rxnfc(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd)

 * iavf_get_rxnfc - command to get RX flow classification rules
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @cmd: ethtool rxnfc command
 * @rule_locs: pointer to store rule locations
 * Returns Success if the command is supported.
static int iavf_get_rxnfc(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_rxnfc *cmd,
			  u32 *rule_locs)
 * iavf_get_channels: get the number of channels supported by the device
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @ch: channel information structure
 * For the purposes of our device, we only use combined channels, i.e. a tx/rx
 * queue pair. Report one extra channel to match our "other" MSI-X vector.
static void iavf_get_channels(struct net_device *netdev,
			      struct ethtool_channels *ch)

 * iavf_set_channels: set the new channel count
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @ch: channel information structure
 * Negotiate a new number of channels with the PF then do a reset.  During
 * reset we'll realloc queues and fix the RSS table.  Returns 0 on success,
 * negative on failure.
static int iavf_set_channels(struct net_device *netdev,
			     struct ethtool_channels *ch)

 * iavf_get_rxfh_key_size - get the RSS hash key size
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * Returns the table size.
static u32 iavf_get_rxfh_key_size(struct net_device *netdev)

 * iavf_get_rxfh_indir_size - get the rx flow hash indirection table size
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * Returns the table size.
static u32 iavf_get_rxfh_indir_size(struct net_device *netdev)

 * iavf_get_rxfh - get the rx flow hash indirection table
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @rxfh: pointer to param struct (indir, key, hfunc)
 * Reads the indirection table directly from the hardware. Always returns 0.
static int iavf_get_rxfh(struct net_device *netdev,
			 struct ethtool_rxfh_param *rxfh)

 * iavf_set_rxfh - set the rx flow hash indirection table
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * @rxfh: pointer to param struct (indir, key, hfunc)
 * @extack: extended ACK from the Netlink message
 * Returns -EINVAL if the table specifies an invalid queue id, otherwise
 * returns 0 after programming the table.
static int iavf_set_rxfh(struct net_device *netdev,
			 struct ethtool_rxfh_param *rxfh,
			 struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

static const struct ethtool_ops iavf_ethtool_ops =;

 * iavf_set_ethtool_ops - Initialize ethtool ops struct
 * @netdev: network interface device structure
 * Sets ethtool ops struct in our netdev so that ethtool can call
 * our functions.
void iavf_set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev)