
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. */

#include "ice_common.h"
#include "ice_sched.h"
#include "ice_dcb.h"

 * ice_aq_get_lldp_mib
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @bridge_type: type of bridge requested
 * @mib_type: Local, Remote or both Local and Remote MIBs
 * @buf: pointer to the caller-supplied buffer to store the MIB block
 * @buf_size: size of the buffer (in bytes)
 * @local_len: length of the returned Local LLDP MIB
 * @remote_len: length of the returned Remote LLDP MIB
 * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
 * Requests the complete LLDP MIB (entire packet). (0x0A00)
static int
ice_aq_get_lldp_mib(struct ice_hw *hw, u8 bridge_type, u8 mib_type, void *buf,
		    u16 buf_size, u16 *local_len, u16 *remote_len,
		    struct ice_sq_cd *cd)

 * ice_aq_cfg_lldp_mib_change
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @ena_update: Enable or Disable event posting
 * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
 * Enable or Disable posting of an event on ARQ when LLDP MIB
 * associated with the interface changes (0x0A01)
static int
ice_aq_cfg_lldp_mib_change(struct ice_hw *hw, bool ena_update,
			   struct ice_sq_cd *cd)

 * ice_aq_stop_lldp
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @shutdown_lldp_agent: True if LLDP Agent needs to be Shutdown
 *			 False if LLDP Agent needs to be Stopped
 * @persist: True if Stop/Shutdown of LLDP Agent needs to be persistent across
 *	     reboots
 * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
 * Stop or Shutdown the embedded LLDP Agent (0x0A05)
ice_aq_stop_lldp(struct ice_hw *hw, bool shutdown_lldp_agent, bool persist,
		 struct ice_sq_cd *cd)

 * ice_aq_start_lldp
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @persist: True if Start of LLDP Agent needs to be persistent across reboots
 * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
 * Start the embedded LLDP Agent on all ports. (0x0A06)
int ice_aq_start_lldp(struct ice_hw *hw, bool persist, struct ice_sq_cd *cd)

 * ice_get_dcbx_status
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * Get the DCBX status from the Firmware
static u8 ice_get_dcbx_status(struct ice_hw *hw)

 * ice_parse_ieee_ets_common_tlv
 * @buf: Data buffer to be parsed for ETS CFG/REC data
 * @ets_cfg: Container to store parsed data
 * Parses the common data of IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS CFG/REC TLV
static void
ice_parse_ieee_ets_common_tlv(u8 *buf, struct ice_dcb_ets_cfg *ets_cfg)

 * ice_parse_ieee_etscfg_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS CFG TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS CFG data
 * Parses IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS CFG TLV
static void
ice_parse_ieee_etscfg_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
			  struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_parse_ieee_etsrec_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS REC TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS REC data
 * Parses IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS REC TLV
static void
ice_parse_ieee_etsrec_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
			  struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_parse_ieee_pfccfg_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz PFC CFG TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update PFC CFG data
 * Parses IEEE 802.1Qaz PFC CFG TLV
static void
ice_parse_ieee_pfccfg_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
			  struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_parse_ieee_app_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz APP TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update APP PRIO data
 * Parses IEEE 802.1Qaz APP PRIO TLV
static void
ice_parse_ieee_app_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
		       struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_parse_ieee_tlv
 * @tlv: IEEE 802.1Qaz TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS REC data
 * Get the TLV subtype and send it to parsing function
 * based on the subtype value
static void
ice_parse_ieee_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_parse_cee_pgcfg_tlv
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS CFG data
static void
ice_parse_cee_pgcfg_tlv(struct ice_cee_feat_tlv *tlv,
			struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_parse_cee_pfccfg_tlv
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update PFC CFG data
static void
ice_parse_cee_pfccfg_tlv(struct ice_cee_feat_tlv *tlv,
			 struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_parse_cee_app_tlv
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update APP PRIO data
static void
ice_parse_cee_app_tlv(struct ice_cee_feat_tlv *tlv, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_parse_cee_tlv
 * @tlv: CEE DCBX TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update DCBX config data
 * Get the TLV subtype and send it to parsing function
 * based on the subtype value
static void
ice_parse_cee_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_parse_org_tlv
 * @tlv: Organization specific TLV
 * @dcbcfg: Local store to update ETS REC data
 * Currently IEEE 802.1Qaz and CEE DCBX TLV are supported, others
 * will be returned
static void
ice_parse_org_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_lldp_to_dcb_cfg
 * @lldpmib: LLDPDU to be parsed
 * @dcbcfg: store for LLDPDU data
 * Parse DCB configuration from the LLDPDU
static int ice_lldp_to_dcb_cfg(u8 *lldpmib, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_aq_get_dcb_cfg
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @mib_type: MIB type for the query
 * @bridgetype: bridge type for the query (remote)
 * @dcbcfg: store for LLDPDU data
 * Query DCB configuration from the firmware
ice_aq_get_dcb_cfg(struct ice_hw *hw, u8 mib_type, u8 bridgetype,
		   struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_aq_start_stop_dcbx - Start/Stop DCBX service in FW
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @start_dcbx_agent: True if DCBX Agent needs to be started
 *		      False if DCBX Agent needs to be stopped
 * @dcbx_agent_status: FW indicates back the DCBX agent status
 *		       True if DCBX Agent is active
 *		       False if DCBX Agent is stopped
 * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
 * Start/Stop the embedded dcbx Agent. In case that this wrapper function
 * returns 0, caller will need to check if FW returns back the same
 * value as stated in dcbx_agent_status, and react accordingly. (0x0A09)
ice_aq_start_stop_dcbx(struct ice_hw *hw, bool start_dcbx_agent,
		       bool *dcbx_agent_status, struct ice_sq_cd *cd)

 * ice_aq_get_cee_dcb_cfg
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @buff: response buffer that stores CEE operational configuration
 * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
 * Get CEE DCBX mode operational configuration from firmware (0x0A07)
static int
ice_aq_get_cee_dcb_cfg(struct ice_hw *hw,
		       struct ice_aqc_get_cee_dcb_cfg_resp *buff,
		       struct ice_sq_cd *cd)

 * ice_aq_set_pfc_mode - Set PFC mode
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @pfc_mode: value of PFC mode to set
 * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
 * This AQ call configures the PFC mode to DSCP-based PFC mode or
 * VLAN-based PFC (0x0303)
int ice_aq_set_pfc_mode(struct ice_hw *hw, u8 pfc_mode, struct ice_sq_cd *cd)

 * ice_cee_to_dcb_cfg
 * @cee_cfg: pointer to CEE configuration struct
 * @pi: port information structure
 * Convert CEE configuration from firmware to DCB configuration
static void
ice_cee_to_dcb_cfg(struct ice_aqc_get_cee_dcb_cfg_resp *cee_cfg,
		   struct ice_port_info *pi)

 * ice_get_ieee_or_cee_dcb_cfg
 * @pi: port information structure
 * @dcbx_mode: mode of DCBX (IEEE or CEE)
 * Get IEEE or CEE mode DCB configuration from the Firmware
static int ice_get_ieee_or_cee_dcb_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u8 dcbx_mode)

 * ice_get_dcb_cfg
 * @pi: port information structure
 * Get DCB configuration from the Firmware
int ice_get_dcb_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi)

 * ice_get_dcb_cfg_from_mib_change
 * @pi: port information structure
 * @event: pointer to the admin queue receive event
 * Set DCB configuration from received MIB Change event
void ice_get_dcb_cfg_from_mib_change(struct ice_port_info *pi,
				     struct ice_rq_event_info *event)

 * ice_init_dcb
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @enable_mib_change: enable MIB change event
 * Update DCB configuration from the Firmware
int ice_init_dcb(struct ice_hw *hw, bool enable_mib_change)

 * ice_cfg_lldp_mib_change
 * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
 * @ena_mib: enable/disable MIB change event
 * Configure (disable/enable) MIB
int ice_cfg_lldp_mib_change(struct ice_hw *hw, bool ena_mib)

 * ice_add_ieee_ets_common_tlv
 * @buf: Data buffer to be populated with ice_dcb_ets_cfg data
 * @ets_cfg: Container for ice_dcb_ets_cfg data
 * Populate the TLV buffer with ice_dcb_ets_cfg data
static void
ice_add_ieee_ets_common_tlv(u8 *buf, struct ice_dcb_ets_cfg *ets_cfg)

 * ice_add_ieee_ets_tlv - Prepare ETS TLV in IEEE format
 * @tlv: Fill the ETS config data in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store which holds the DCB Config
 * Prepare IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS CFG TLV
static void
ice_add_ieee_ets_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_add_ieee_etsrec_tlv - Prepare ETS Recommended TLV in IEEE format
 * @tlv: Fill ETS Recommended TLV in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store which holds the DCB Config
 * Prepare IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS REC TLV
static void
ice_add_ieee_etsrec_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
			struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_add_ieee_pfc_tlv - Prepare PFC TLV in IEEE format
 * @tlv: Fill PFC TLV in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store which holds the PFC CFG data
 * Prepare IEEE 802.1Qaz PFC CFG TLV
static void
ice_add_ieee_pfc_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_add_ieee_app_pri_tlv -  Prepare APP TLV in IEEE format
 * @tlv: Fill APP TLV in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store which holds the APP CFG data
 * Prepare IEEE 802.1Qaz APP CFG TLV
static void
ice_add_ieee_app_pri_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
			 struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_add_dscp_up_tlv - Prepare DSCP to UP TLV
 * @tlv: location to build the TLV data
 * @dcbcfg: location of data to convert to TLV
static void
ice_add_dscp_up_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_add_dscp_enf_tlv - Prepare DSCP Enforcement TLV
 * @tlv: location to build the TLV data
static void
ice_add_dscp_enf_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv)

 * ice_add_dscp_tc_bw_tlv - Prepare DSCP BW for TC TLV
 * @tlv: location to build the TLV data
 * @dcbcfg: location of the data to convert to TLV
static void
ice_add_dscp_tc_bw_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv,
		       struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_add_dscp_pfc_tlv - Prepare DSCP PFC TLV
 * @tlv: Fill PFC TLV in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store which holds the PFC CFG data
static void
ice_add_dscp_pfc_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_add_dcb_tlv - Add all IEEE or DSCP TLVs
 * @tlv: Fill TLV data in IEEE format
 * @dcbcfg: Local store which holds the DCB Config
 * @tlvid: Type of IEEE TLV
 * Add tlv information
static void
ice_add_dcb_tlv(struct ice_lldp_org_tlv *tlv, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg,
		u16 tlvid)

 * ice_dcb_cfg_to_lldp - Convert DCB configuration to MIB format
 * @lldpmib: pointer to the HW struct
 * @miblen: length of LLDP MIB
 * @dcbcfg: Local store which holds the DCB Config
 * Convert the DCB configuration to MIB format
static void
ice_dcb_cfg_to_lldp(u8 *lldpmib, u16 *miblen, struct ice_dcbx_cfg *dcbcfg)

 * ice_set_dcb_cfg - Set the local LLDP MIB to FW
 * @pi: port information structure
 * Set DCB configuration to the Firmware
int ice_set_dcb_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi)

 * ice_aq_query_port_ets - query port ETS configuration
 * @pi: port information structure
 * @buf: pointer to buffer
 * @buf_size: buffer size in bytes
 * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
 * query current port ETS configuration
static int
ice_aq_query_port_ets(struct ice_port_info *pi,
		      struct ice_aqc_port_ets_elem *buf, u16 buf_size,
		      struct ice_sq_cd *cd)

 * ice_update_port_tc_tree_cfg - update TC tree configuration
 * @pi: port information structure
 * @buf: pointer to buffer
 * update the SW DB with the new TC changes
static int
ice_update_port_tc_tree_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi,
			    struct ice_aqc_port_ets_elem *buf)

 * ice_query_port_ets - query port ETS configuration
 * @pi: port information structure
 * @buf: pointer to buffer
 * @buf_size: buffer size in bytes
 * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
 * query current port ETS configuration and update the
 * SW DB with the TC changes
ice_query_port_ets(struct ice_port_info *pi,
		   struct ice_aqc_port_ets_elem *buf, u16 buf_size,
		   struct ice_sq_cd *cd)