
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
/* Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation */

#ifndef _VIRTCHNL2_H_
#define _VIRTCHNL2_H_

#include <linux/if_ether.h>

/* All opcodes associated with virtchnl2 are prefixed with virtchnl2 or
 * VIRTCHNL2. Any future opcodes, offloads/capabilities, structures,
 * and defines must be prefixed with virtchnl2 or VIRTCHNL2 to avoid confusion.
 * PF/VF uses the virtchnl2 interface defined in this header file to communicate
 * with device Control Plane (CP). Driver and the CP may run on different
 * platforms with different endianness. To avoid byte order discrepancies,
 * all the structures in this header follow little-endian format.
 * This is an interface definition file where existing enums and their values
 * must remain unchanged over time, so we specify explicit values for all enums.

/* This macro is used to generate compilation errors if a structure
 * is not exactly the correct length.

/* New major set of opcodes introduced and so leaving room for
 * old misc opcodes to be added in future. Also these opcodes may only
 * be used if both the PF and VF have successfully negotiated the
 * VIRTCHNL version as 2.0 during VIRTCHNL2_OP_VERSION exchange.
enum virtchnl2_op {};

 * enum virtchnl2_vport_type - Type of virtual port.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_VPORT_TYPE_DEFAULT: Default virtual port type.
enum virtchnl2_vport_type {};

 * enum virtchnl2_queue_model - Type of queue model.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SINGLE: Single queue model.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_MODEL_SPLIT: Split queue model.
 * In the single queue model, the same transmit descriptor queue is used by
 * software to post descriptors to hardware and by hardware to post completed
 * descriptors to software.
 * Likewise, the same receive descriptor queue is used by hardware to post
 * completions to software and by software to post buffers to hardware.
 * In the split queue model, hardware uses transmit completion queues to post
 * descriptor/buffer completions to software, while software uses transmit
 * descriptor queues to post descriptors to hardware.
 * Likewise, hardware posts descriptor completions to the receive descriptor
 * queue, while software uses receive buffer queues to post buffers to hardware.
enum virtchnl2_queue_model {};

/* Checksum offload capability flags */
enum virtchnl2_cap_txrx_csum {};

/* Segmentation offload capability flags */
enum virtchnl2_cap_seg {};

/* Receive Side Scaling Flow type capability flags */
enum virtchnl2_cap_rss {};

/* Header split capability flags */
enum virtchnl2_cap_rx_hsplit_at {};

/* Receive Side Coalescing offload capability flags */
enum virtchnl2_cap_rsc {};

/* Other capability flags */
enum virtchnl2_cap_other {};

/* underlying device type */
enum virtchl2_device_type {};

 * enum virtchnl2_txq_sched_mode - Transmit Queue Scheduling Modes.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_TXQ_SCHED_MODE_QUEUE: Queue mode is the legacy mode i.e. inorder
 *				    completions where descriptors and buffers
 *				    are completed at the same time.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_TXQ_SCHED_MODE_FLOW: Flow scheduling mode allows for out of order
 *				   packet processing where descriptors are
 *				   cleaned in order, but buffers can be
 *				   completed out of order.
enum virtchnl2_txq_sched_mode {};

 * enum virtchnl2_rxq_flags - Receive Queue Feature flags.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_RXQ_RSC: Rx queue RSC flag.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_RXQ_HDR_SPLIT: Rx queue header split flag.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_RXQ_IMMEDIATE_WRITE_BACK: When set, packet descriptors are flushed
 *					by hardware immediately after processing
 *					each packet.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_RX_DESC_SIZE_16BYTE: Rx queue 16 byte descriptor size.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_RX_DESC_SIZE_32BYTE: Rx queue 32 byte descriptor size.
enum virtchnl2_rxq_flags {};

/* Type of RSS algorithm */
enum virtchnl2_rss_alg {};

/* Type of event */
enum virtchnl2_event_codes {};

/* Transmit and Receive queue types are valid in legacy as well as split queue
 * models. With Split Queue model, 2 additional types are introduced -
 * TX_COMPLETION and RX_BUFFER. In split queue model, receive  corresponds to
 * the queue where hardware posts completions.
enum virtchnl2_queue_type {};

/* Interrupt throttling rate index */
enum virtchnl2_itr_idx {};

 * enum virtchnl2_mac_addr_type - MAC address types.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_MAC_ADDR_PRIMARY: PF/VF driver should set this type for the
 *				primary/device unicast MAC address filter for
 *				VIRTCHNL2_OP_DEL_MAC_ADDR. This allows for the
 *				underlying control plane function to accurately
 *				track the MAC address and for VM/function reset.
 * @VIRTCHNL2_MAC_ADDR_EXTRA: PF/VF driver should set this type for any extra
 *			      unicast and/or multicast filters that are being
 *			      added/deleted via VIRTCHNL2_OP_ADD_MAC_ADDR or
enum virtchnl2_mac_addr_type {};

/* Flags used for promiscuous mode */
enum virtchnl2_promisc_flags {};

/* Protocol header type within a packet segment. A segment consists of one or
 * more protocol headers that make up a logical group of protocol headers. Each
 * logical group of protocol headers encapsulates or is encapsulated using/by
 * tunneling or encapsulation protocols for network virtualization.
enum virtchnl2_proto_hdr_type {};

enum virtchl2_version {};

 * struct virtchnl2_edt_caps - Get EDT granularity and time horizon.
 * @tstamp_granularity_ns: Timestamp granularity in nanoseconds.
 * @time_horizon_ns: Total time window in nanoseconds.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_EDT_CAPS.
struct virtchnl2_edt_caps {};

 * struct virtchnl2_version_info - Version information.
 * @major: Major version.
 * @minor: Minor version.
 * PF/VF posts its version number to the CP. CP responds with its version number
 * in the same format, along with a return code.
 * If there is a major version mismatch, then the PF/VF cannot operate.
 * If there is a minor version mismatch, then the PF/VF can operate but should
 * add a warning to the system log.
 * This version opcode MUST always be specified as == 1, regardless of other
 * changes in the API. The CP must always respond to this message without
 * error regardless of version mismatch.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_VERSION.
struct virtchnl2_version_info {};

 * struct virtchnl2_get_capabilities - Capabilities info.
 * @csum_caps: See enum virtchnl2_cap_txrx_csum.
 * @seg_caps: See enum virtchnl2_cap_seg.
 * @hsplit_caps: See enum virtchnl2_cap_rx_hsplit_at.
 * @rsc_caps: See enum virtchnl2_cap_rsc.
 * @rss_caps: See enum virtchnl2_cap_rss.
 * @other_caps: See enum virtchnl2_cap_other.
 * @mailbox_dyn_ctl: DYN_CTL register offset and vector id for mailbox
 *		     provided by CP.
 * @mailbox_vector_id: Mailbox vector id.
 * @num_allocated_vectors: Maximum number of allocated vectors for the device.
 * @max_rx_q: Maximum number of supported Rx queues.
 * @max_tx_q: Maximum number of supported Tx queues.
 * @max_rx_bufq: Maximum number of supported buffer queues.
 * @max_tx_complq: Maximum number of supported completion queues.
 * @max_sriov_vfs: The PF sends the maximum VFs it is requesting. The CP
 *		   responds with the maximum VFs granted.
 * @max_vports: Maximum number of vports that can be supported.
 * @default_num_vports: Default number of vports driver should allocate on load.
 * @max_tx_hdr_size: Max header length hardware can parse/checksum, in bytes.
 * @max_sg_bufs_per_tx_pkt: Max number of scatter gather buffers that can be
 *			    sent per transmit packet without needing to be
 *			    linearized.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @reserved: Reserved.
 * @device_type: See enum virtchl2_device_type.
 * @min_sso_packet_len: Min packet length supported by device for single
 *			segment offload.
 * @max_hdr_buf_per_lso: Max number of header buffers that can be used for
 *			 an LSO.
 * @pad1: Padding for future extensions.
 * Dataplane driver sends this message to CP to negotiate capabilities and
 * provides a virtchnl2_get_capabilities structure with its desired
 * capabilities, max_sriov_vfs and num_allocated_vectors.
 * CP responds with a virtchnl2_get_capabilities structure updated
 * with allowed capabilities and the other fields as below.
 * If PF sets max_sriov_vfs as 0, CP will respond with max number of VFs
 * that can be created by this PF. For any other value 'n', CP responds
 * with max_sriov_vfs set to min(n, x) where x is the max number of VFs
 * allowed by CP's policy. max_sriov_vfs is not applicable for VFs.
 * If dataplane driver sets num_allocated_vectors as 0, CP will respond with 1
 * which is default vector associated with the default mailbox. For any other
 * value 'n', CP responds with a value <= n based on the CP's policy of
 * max number of vectors for a PF.
 * CP will respond with the vector ID of mailbox allocated to the PF in
 * mailbox_vector_id and the number of itr index registers in itr_idx_map.
 * It also responds with default number of vports that the dataplane driver
 * should comeup with in default_num_vports and maximum number of vports that
 * can be supported in max_vports.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_CAPS.
struct virtchnl2_get_capabilities {};

 * struct virtchnl2_queue_reg_chunk - Single queue chunk.
 * @type: See enum virtchnl2_queue_type.
 * @start_queue_id: Start Queue ID.
 * @num_queues: Number of queues in the chunk.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @qtail_reg_start: Queue tail register offset.
 * @qtail_reg_spacing: Queue tail register spacing.
 * @pad1: Padding for future extensions.
struct virtchnl2_queue_reg_chunk {};

 * struct virtchnl2_queue_reg_chunks - Specify several chunks of contiguous
 *				       queues.
 * @num_chunks: Number of chunks.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @chunks: Chunks of queue info.
struct virtchnl2_queue_reg_chunks {};

 * struct virtchnl2_create_vport - Create vport config info.
 * @vport_type: See enum virtchnl2_vport_type.
 * @txq_model: See virtchnl2_queue_model.
 * @rxq_model: See virtchnl2_queue_model.
 * @num_tx_q: Number of Tx queues.
 * @num_tx_complq: Valid only if txq_model is split queue.
 * @num_rx_q: Number of Rx queues.
 * @num_rx_bufq: Valid only if rxq_model is split queue.
 * @default_rx_q: Relative receive queue index to be used as default.
 * @vport_index: Used to align PF and CP in case of default multiple vports,
 *		 it is filled by the PF and CP returns the same value, to
 *		 enable the driver to support multiple asynchronous parallel
 *		 CREATE_VPORT requests and associate a response to a specific
 *		 request.
 * @max_mtu: Max MTU. CP populates this field on response.
 * @vport_id: Vport id. CP populates this field on response.
 * @default_mac_addr: Default MAC address.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @rx_desc_ids: See VIRTCHNL2_RX_DESC_IDS definitions.
 * @tx_desc_ids: See VIRTCHNL2_TX_DESC_IDS definitions.
 * @pad1: Padding.
 * @rss_algorithm: RSS algorithm.
 * @rss_key_size: RSS key size.
 * @rss_lut_size: RSS LUT size.
 * @rx_split_pos: See enum virtchnl2_cap_rx_hsplit_at.
 * @pad2: Padding.
 * @chunks: Chunks of contiguous queues.
 * PF sends this message to CP to create a vport by filling in required
 * fields of virtchnl2_create_vport structure.
 * CP responds with the updated virtchnl2_create_vport structure containing the
 * necessary fields followed by chunks which in turn will have an array of
 * num_chunks entries of virtchnl2_queue_chunk structures.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_CREATE_VPORT.
struct virtchnl2_create_vport {};

 * struct virtchnl2_vport - Vport ID info.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @pad: Padding for future extensions.
 * PF sends this message to CP to destroy, enable or disable a vport by filling
 * in the vport_id in virtchnl2_vport structure.
 * CP responds with the status of the requested operation.
struct virtchnl2_vport {};

 * struct virtchnl2_txq_info - Transmit queue config info
 * @dma_ring_addr: DMA address.
 * @type: See enum virtchnl2_queue_type.
 * @queue_id: Queue ID.
 * @relative_queue_id: Valid only if queue model is split and type is transmit
 *		       queue. Used in many to one mapping of transmit queues to
 *		       completion queue.
 * @model: See enum virtchnl2_queue_model.
 * @sched_mode: See enum virtchnl2_txq_sched_mode.
 * @qflags: TX queue feature flags.
 * @ring_len: Ring length.
 * @tx_compl_queue_id: Valid only if queue model is split and type is transmit
 *		       queue.
 * @peer_type: Valid only if queue type is VIRTCHNL2_QUEUE_TYPE_MAILBOX_TX
 * @peer_rx_queue_id: Valid only if queue type is CONFIG_TX and used to deliver
 *		      messages for the respective CONFIG_TX queue.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @egress_pasid: Egress PASID info.
 * @egress_hdr_pasid: Egress HDR passid.
 * @egress_buf_pasid: Egress buf passid.
 * @pad1: Padding for future extensions.
struct virtchnl2_txq_info {};

 * struct virtchnl2_config_tx_queues - TX queue config.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @num_qinfo: Number of virtchnl2_txq_info structs.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @qinfo: Tx queues config info.
 * PF sends this message to set up parameters for one or more transmit queues.
 * This message contains an array of num_qinfo instances of virtchnl2_txq_info
 * structures. CP configures requested queues and returns a status code. If
 * num_qinfo specified is greater than the number of queues associated with the
 * vport, an error is returned and no queues are configured.
struct virtchnl2_config_tx_queues {};

 * struct virtchnl2_rxq_info - Receive queue config info.
 * @desc_ids: See VIRTCHNL2_RX_DESC_IDS definitions.
 * @dma_ring_addr: See VIRTCHNL2_RX_DESC_IDS definitions.
 * @type: See enum virtchnl2_queue_type.
 * @queue_id: Queue id.
 * @model: See enum virtchnl2_queue_model.
 * @hdr_buffer_size: Header buffer size.
 * @data_buffer_size: Data buffer size.
 * @max_pkt_size: Max packet size.
 * @ring_len: Ring length.
 * @buffer_notif_stride: Buffer notification stride in units of 32-descriptors.
 *			 This field must be a power of 2.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @dma_head_wb_addr: Applicable only for receive buffer queues.
 * @qflags: Applicable only for receive completion queues.
 *	    See enum virtchnl2_rxq_flags.
 * @rx_buffer_low_watermark: Rx buffer low watermark.
 * @rx_bufq1_id: Buffer queue index of the first buffer queue associated with
 *		 the Rx queue. Valid only in split queue model.
 * @rx_bufq2_id: Buffer queue index of the second buffer queue associated with
 *		 the Rx queue. Valid only in split queue model.
 * @bufq2_ena: It indicates if there is a second buffer, rx_bufq2_id is valid
 *	       only if this field is set.
 * @pad1: Padding.
 * @ingress_pasid: Ingress PASID.
 * @ingress_hdr_pasid: Ingress PASID header.
 * @ingress_buf_pasid: Ingress PASID buffer.
 * @pad2: Padding for future extensions.
struct virtchnl2_rxq_info {};

 * struct virtchnl2_config_rx_queues - Rx queues config.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @num_qinfo: Number of instances.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @qinfo: Rx queues config info.
 * PF sends this message to set up parameters for one or more receive queues.
 * This message contains an array of num_qinfo instances of virtchnl2_rxq_info
 * structures. CP configures requested queues and returns a status code.
 * If the number of queues specified is greater than the number of queues
 * associated with the vport, an error is returned and no queues are configured.
struct virtchnl2_config_rx_queues {};

 * struct virtchnl2_add_queues - data for VIRTCHNL2_OP_ADD_QUEUES.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @num_tx_q: Number of Tx qieues.
 * @num_tx_complq: Number of Tx completion queues.
 * @num_rx_q:  Number of Rx queues.
 * @num_rx_bufq:  Number of Rx buffer queues.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @chunks: Chunks of contiguous queues.
 * PF sends this message to request additional transmit/receive queues beyond
 * the ones that were assigned via CREATE_VPORT request. virtchnl2_add_queues
 * structure is used to specify the number of each type of queues.
 * CP responds with the same structure with the actual number of queues assigned
 * followed by num_chunks of virtchnl2_queue_chunk structures.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_ADD_QUEUES.
struct virtchnl2_add_queues {};

 * struct virtchnl2_vector_chunk - Structure to specify a chunk of contiguous
 *				   interrupt vectors.
 * @start_vector_id: Start vector id.
 * @start_evv_id: Start EVV id.
 * @num_vectors: Number of vectors.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @dynctl_reg_start: DYN_CTL register offset.
 * @dynctl_reg_spacing: register spacing between DYN_CTL registers of 2
 *			consecutive vectors.
 * @itrn_reg_start: ITRN register offset.
 * @itrn_reg_spacing: Register spacing between dynctl registers of 2
 *		      consecutive vectors.
 * @itrn_index_spacing: Register spacing between itrn registers of the same
 *			vector where n=0..2.
 * @pad1: Padding for future extensions.
 * Register offsets and spacing provided by CP.
 * Dynamic control registers are used for enabling/disabling/re-enabling
 * interrupts and updating interrupt rates in the hotpath. Any changes
 * to interrupt rates in the dynamic control registers will be reflected
 * in the interrupt throttling rate registers.
 * itrn registers are used to update interrupt rates for specific
 * interrupt indices without modifying the state of the interrupt.
struct virtchnl2_vector_chunk {};

 * struct virtchnl2_vector_chunks - chunks of contiguous interrupt vectors.
 * @num_vchunks: number of vector chunks.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @vchunks: Chunks of contiguous vector info.
 * PF sends virtchnl2_vector_chunks struct to specify the vectors it is giving
 * away. CP performs requested action and returns status.
struct virtchnl2_vector_chunks {};

 * struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors - vector allocation info.
 * @num_vectors: Number of vectors.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @vchunks: Chunks of contiguous vector info.
 * PF sends this message to request additional interrupt vectors beyond the
 * ones that were assigned via GET_CAPS request. virtchnl2_alloc_vectors
 * structure is used to specify the number of vectors requested. CP responds
 * with the same structure with the actual number of vectors assigned followed
 * by virtchnl2_vector_chunks structure identifying the vector ids.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_ALLOC_VECTORS.
struct virtchnl2_alloc_vectors {};

 * struct virtchnl2_rss_lut - RSS LUT info.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @lut_entries_start: Start of LUT entries.
 * @lut_entries: Number of LUT entrties.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @lut: RSS lookup table.
 * PF sends this message to get or set RSS lookup table. Only supported if
 * both PF and CP drivers set the VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS bit during configuration
 * negotiation.
struct virtchnl2_rss_lut {};

 * struct virtchnl2_rss_hash - RSS hash info.
 * @ptype_groups: Packet type groups bitmap.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @pad: Padding for future extensions.
 * PF sends these messages to get and set the hash filter enable bits for RSS.
 * By default, the CP sets these to all possible traffic types that the
 * hardware supports. The PF can query this value if it wants to change the
 * traffic types that are hashed by the hardware.
 * Only supported if both PF and CP drivers set the VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS bit
 * during configuration negotiation.
struct virtchnl2_rss_hash {};

 * struct virtchnl2_sriov_vfs_info - VFs info.
 * @num_vfs: Number of VFs.
 * @pad: Padding for future extensions.
 * This message is used to set number of SRIOV VFs to be created. The actual
 * allocation of resources for the VFs in terms of vport, queues and interrupts
 * is done by CP. When this call completes, the IDPF driver calls
 * pci_enable_sriov to let the OS instantiate the SRIOV PCIE devices.
 * The number of VFs set to 0 will destroy all the VFs of this function.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_SET_SRIOV_VFS.
struct virtchnl2_sriov_vfs_info {};

 * struct virtchnl2_ptype - Packet type info.
 * @ptype_id_10: 10-bit packet type.
 * @ptype_id_8: 8-bit packet type.
 * @proto_id_count: Number of protocol ids the packet supports, maximum of 32
 *		    protocol ids are supported.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @proto_id: proto_id_count decides the allocation of protocol id array.
 *	      See enum virtchnl2_proto_hdr_type.
 * Based on the descriptor type the PF supports, CP fills ptype_id_10 or
 * ptype_id_8 for flex and base descriptor respectively. If ptype_id_10 value
 * is set to 0xFFFF, PF should consider this ptype as dummy one and it is the
 * last ptype.
struct virtchnl2_ptype {} __packed __aligned();

 * struct virtchnl2_get_ptype_info - Packet type info.
 * @start_ptype_id: Starting ptype ID.
 * @num_ptypes: Number of packet types from start_ptype_id.
 * @pad: Padding for future extensions.
 * The total number of supported packet types is based on the descriptor type.
 * For the flex descriptor, it is 1024 (10-bit ptype), and for the base
 * descriptor, it is 256 (8-bit ptype). Send this message to the CP by
 * populating the 'start_ptype_id' and the 'num_ptypes'. CP responds with the
 * 'start_ptype_id', 'num_ptypes', and the array of ptype (virtchnl2_ptype) that
 * are added at the end of the 'virtchnl2_get_ptype_info' message (Note: There
 * is no specific field for the ptypes but are added at the end of the
 * ptype info message. PF/VF is expected to extract the ptypes accordingly.
 * Reason for doing this is because compiler doesn't allow nested flexible
 * array fields).
 * If all the ptypes don't fit into one mailbox buffer, CP splits the
 * ptype info into multiple messages, where each message will have its own
 * 'start_ptype_id', 'num_ptypes', and the ptype array itself. When CP is done
 * updating all the ptype information extracted from the package (the number of
 * ptypes extracted might be less than what PF/VF expects), it will append a
 * dummy ptype (which has 'ptype_id_10' of 'struct virtchnl2_ptype' as 0xFFFF)
 * to the ptype array.
 * PF/VF is expected to receive multiple VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_PTYPE_INFO messages.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_PTYPE_INFO.
struct virtchnl2_get_ptype_info {};

 * struct virtchnl2_vport_stats - Vport statistics.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @rx_bytes: Received bytes.
 * @rx_unicast: Received unicast packets.
 * @rx_multicast: Received multicast packets.
 * @rx_broadcast: Received broadcast packets.
 * @rx_discards: Discarded packets on receive.
 * @rx_errors: Receive errors.
 * @rx_unknown_protocol: Unlnown protocol.
 * @tx_bytes: Transmitted bytes.
 * @tx_unicast: Transmitted unicast packets.
 * @tx_multicast: Transmitted multicast packets.
 * @tx_broadcast: Transmitted broadcast packets.
 * @tx_discards: Discarded packets on transmit.
 * @tx_errors: Transmit errors.
 * @rx_invalid_frame_length: Packets with invalid frame length.
 * @rx_overflow_drop: Packets dropped on buffer overflow.
 * PF/VF sends this message to CP to get the update stats by specifying the
 * vport_id. CP responds with stats in struct virtchnl2_vport_stats.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_GET_STATS.
struct virtchnl2_vport_stats {};

 * struct virtchnl2_event - Event info.
 * @event: Event opcode. See enum virtchnl2_event_codes.
 * @link_speed: Link_speed provided in Mbps.
 * @vport_id: Vport ID.
 * @link_status: Link status.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @reserved: Reserved.
 * CP sends this message to inform the PF/VF driver of events that may affect
 * it. No direct response is expected from the driver, though it may generate
 * other messages in response to this one.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_EVENT.
struct virtchnl2_event {};

 * struct virtchnl2_rss_key - RSS key info.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @key_len: Length of RSS key.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @key_flex: RSS hash key, packed bytes.
 * PF/VF sends this message to get or set RSS key. Only supported if both
 * PF/VF and CP drivers set the VIRTCHNL2_CAP_RSS bit during configuration
 * negotiation.
struct virtchnl2_rss_key {} __packed;

 * struct virtchnl2_queue_chunk - chunk of contiguous queues
 * @type: See enum virtchnl2_queue_type.
 * @start_queue_id: Starting queue id.
 * @num_queues: Number of queues.
 * @pad: Padding for future extensions.
struct virtchnl2_queue_chunk {};

/* struct virtchnl2_queue_chunks - chunks of contiguous queues
 * @num_chunks: Number of chunks.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @chunks: Chunks of contiguous queues info.
struct virtchnl2_queue_chunks {};

 * struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues - Enable/disable queues info.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @chunks: Chunks of contiguous queues info.
 * PF sends these messages to enable, disable or delete queues specified in
 * chunks. PF sends virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues struct to specify the queues
 * to be enabled/disabled/deleted. Also applicable to single queue receive or
 * transmit. CP performs requested action and returns status.
struct virtchnl2_del_ena_dis_queues {};

 * struct virtchnl2_queue_vector - Queue to vector mapping.
 * @queue_id: Queue id.
 * @vector_id: Vector id.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @itr_idx: See enum virtchnl2_itr_idx.
 * @queue_type: See enum virtchnl2_queue_type.
 * @pad1: Padding for future extensions.
struct virtchnl2_queue_vector {};

 * struct virtchnl2_queue_vector_maps - Map/unmap queues info.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @num_qv_maps: Number of queue vector maps.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @qv_maps: Queue to vector maps.
 * PF sends this message to map or unmap queues to vectors and interrupt
 * throttling rate index registers. External data buffer contains
 * virtchnl2_queue_vector_maps structure that contains num_qv_maps of
 * virtchnl2_queue_vector structures. CP maps the requested queue vector maps
 * after validating the queue and vector ids and returns a status code.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_MAP_QUEUE_VECTOR and
struct virtchnl2_queue_vector_maps {};

 * struct virtchnl2_loopback - Loopback info.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @enable: Enable/disable.
 * @pad: Padding for future extensions.
 * PF/VF sends this message to transition to/from the loopback state. Setting
 * the 'enable' to 1 enables the loopback state and setting 'enable' to 0
 * disables it. CP configures the state to loopback and returns status.
 * Associated with VIRTCHNL2_OP_LOOPBACK.
struct virtchnl2_loopback {};

/* struct virtchnl2_mac_addr - MAC address info.
 * @addr: MAC address.
 * @type: MAC type. See enum virtchnl2_mac_addr_type.
 * @pad: Padding for future extensions.
struct virtchnl2_mac_addr {};

 * struct virtchnl2_mac_addr_list - List of MAC addresses.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @num_mac_addr: Number of MAC addresses.
 * @pad: Padding.
 * @mac_addr_list: List with MAC address info.
 * PF/VF driver uses this structure to send list of MAC addresses to be
 * added/deleted to the CP where as CP performs the action and returns the
 * status.
struct virtchnl2_mac_addr_list {};

 * struct virtchnl2_promisc_info - Promisc type info.
 * @vport_id: Vport id.
 * @flags: See enum virtchnl2_promisc_flags.
 * @pad: Padding for future extensions.
 * PF/VF sends vport id and flags to the CP where as CP performs the action
 * and returns the status.
struct virtchnl2_promisc_info {};

#endif /* _VIRTCHNL_2_H_ */