
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR Linux-OpenIB
/* Copyright (c) 2019 Mellanox Technologies. */

#include <net/netfilter/nf_conntrack.h>
#include <net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_core.h>
#include <net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_zones.h>
#include <net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_labels.h>
#include <net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.h>
#include <net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_acct.h>
#include <uapi/linux/tc_act/tc_pedit.h>
#include <net/tc_act/tc_ct.h>
#include <net/flow_offload.h>
#include <net/netfilter/nf_flow_table.h>
#include <linux/workqueue.h>
#include <linux/refcount.h>
#include <linux/xarray.h>
#include <linux/if_macvlan.h>
#include <linux/debugfs.h>

#include "lib/fs_chains.h"
#include "en/tc_ct.h"
#include "en/tc/ct_fs.h"
#include "en/tc_priv.h"
#include "en/mod_hdr.h"
#include "en/mapping.h"
#include "en/tc/post_act.h"
#include "en.h"
#include "en_tc.h"
#include "en_rep.h"
#include "fs_core.h"



/* Statically allocate modify actions for
 * ipv6 and port nat (5) + tuple fields (4) + nic mode zone restore (1) = 10.
 * This will be increased dynamically if needed (for the ipv6 snat + dnat).

#define ct_dbg(fmt, args...)

struct mlx5_tc_ct_debugfs {};

struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv {};

struct mlx5_ct_zone_rule {};

struct mlx5_tc_ct_pre {};

struct mlx5_ct_ft {};

struct mlx5_ct_tuple {};

struct mlx5_ct_counter {};

enum {};

struct mlx5_ct_entry {};

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_destroy_mod_hdr(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
				 struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr,
				 struct mlx5e_mod_hdr_handle *mh);

static const struct rhashtable_params cts_ht_params =;

static const struct rhashtable_params zone_params =;

static const struct rhashtable_params tuples_ht_params =;

static const struct rhashtable_params tuples_nat_ht_params =;

static bool
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_in_ct_table(struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static bool
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_in_ct_nat_table(struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static int
mlx5_get_label_mapping(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
		       u32 *labels, u32 *id)

static void
mlx5_put_label_mapping(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv, u32 id)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_rule_to_tuple(struct mlx5_ct_tuple *tuple, struct flow_rule *rule)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_rule_to_tuple_nat(struct mlx5_ct_tuple *tuple,
			     struct flow_rule *rule)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_get_flow_source_match(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
				 struct net_device *ndev)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_set_tuple_match(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			   struct mlx5_flow_spec *spec,
			   struct flow_rule *rule)

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_counter_put(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv, struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_del_rule(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			  struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry,
			  bool nat)

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_del_rules(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			   struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static struct flow_action_entry *
mlx5_tc_ct_get_ct_metadata_action(struct flow_rule *flow_rule)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_set_registers(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			       struct mlx5e_tc_mod_hdr_acts *mod_acts,
			       u8 ct_state,
			       u32 mark,
			       u32 labels_id,
			       u8 zone_restore_id)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_parse_mangle_to_mod_act(struct flow_action_entry *act,
				   char *modact)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_create_nat(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			    struct flow_rule *flow_rule,
			    struct mlx5e_tc_mod_hdr_acts *mod_acts)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_create_mod_hdr(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
				struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr,
				struct flow_rule *flow_rule,
				struct mlx5e_mod_hdr_handle **mh,
				u8 zone_restore_id, bool nat_table, bool has_nat)

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_destroy_mod_hdr(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
				 struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr,
				 struct mlx5e_mod_hdr_handle *mh)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_add_rule(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			  struct flow_rule *flow_rule,
			  struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry,
			  bool nat, u8 zone_restore_id)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_update_rule(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			     struct flow_rule *flow_rule,
			     struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry,
			     bool nat, u8 zone_restore_id)

static bool
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_valid(struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static struct mlx5_ct_entry *
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_get(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv, struct mlx5_ct_tuple *tuple)

static void mlx5_tc_ct_entry_remove_from_tuples(struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static void mlx5_tc_ct_entry_del(struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_put(struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static void mlx5_tc_ct_entry_del_work(struct work_struct *work)

static void
__mlx5_tc_ct_entry_put(struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static struct mlx5_ct_counter *
mlx5_tc_ct_counter_create(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv)

static struct mlx5_ct_counter *
mlx5_tc_ct_shared_counter_get(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			      struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_add_rules(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			   struct flow_rule *flow_rule,
			   struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry,
			   u8 zone_restore_id)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_entry_update_rules(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			      struct flow_rule *flow_rule,
			      struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry,
			      u8 zone_restore_id)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_block_flow_offload_update(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ft, struct flow_rule *flow_rule,
				     struct mlx5_ct_entry *entry, unsigned long cookie)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_block_flow_offload_add(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ft,
				  struct flow_cls_offload *flow)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_block_flow_offload_del(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ft,
				  struct flow_cls_offload *flow)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_block_flow_offload_stats(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ft,
				    struct flow_cls_offload *f)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_block_flow_offload(enum tc_setup_type type, void *type_data,
			      void *cb_priv)

static bool
mlx5_tc_ct_skb_to_tuple(struct sk_buff *skb, struct mlx5_ct_tuple *tuple,
			u16 zone)

int mlx5_tc_ct_add_no_trk_match(struct mlx5_flow_spec *spec)

void mlx5_tc_ct_match_del(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *priv, struct mlx5_ct_attr *ct_attr)

mlx5_tc_ct_match_add(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *priv,
		     struct mlx5_flow_spec *spec,
		     struct flow_cls_offload *f,
		     struct mlx5_ct_attr *ct_attr,
		     struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

mlx5_tc_ct_parse_action(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *priv,
			struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr,
			const struct flow_action_entry *act,
			struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

static int tc_ct_pre_ct_add_rules(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ct_ft,
				  struct mlx5_tc_ct_pre *pre_ct,
				  bool nat)

static void
tc_ct_pre_ct_del_rules(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ct_ft,
		       struct mlx5_tc_ct_pre *pre_ct)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_alloc_pre_ct(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ct_ft,
			struct mlx5_tc_ct_pre *pre_ct,
			bool nat)

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_free_pre_ct(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ct_ft,
		       struct mlx5_tc_ct_pre *pre_ct)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_alloc_pre_ct_tables(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ft)

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_free_pre_ct_tables(struct mlx5_ct_ft *ft)

/* To avoid false lock dependency warning set the ct_entries_ht lock
 * class different than the lock class of the ht being used when deleting
 * last flow from a group and then deleting a group, we get into del_sw_flow_group()
 * which call rhashtable_destroy on fg->ftes_hash which will take ht->mutex but
 * it's different than the ht->mutex here.
static struct lock_class_key ct_entries_ht_lock_key;

static struct mlx5_ct_ft *
mlx5_tc_ct_add_ft_cb(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv, u16 zone,
		     struct nf_flowtable *nf_ft)

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_flush_ft_entry(void *ptr, void *arg)

static void
mlx5_tc_ct_del_ft_cb(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv, struct mlx5_ct_ft *ft)

/* We translate the tc filter with CT action to the following HW model:
 *	+-----------------------+
 *	+ rule (either original +
 *	+ or post_act rule)     +
 *	+-----------------------+
 *		 | set act_miss_cookie mapping
 *		 | set fte_id
 *		 | set tunnel_id
 *		 | rest of actions before the CT action (for this orig/post_act rule)
 *		 |
 * +-------------+
 * | Chain 0	 |
 * | optimization|
 * |		 v
 * |	+---------------------+
 * |	+ pre_ct/pre_ct_nat   +  if matches     +----------------------+
 * |	+ zone+nat match      +---------------->+ post_act (see below) +
 * |	+---------------------+  set zone       +----------------------+
 * |		 |
 * +-------------+ set zone
 *		 |
 *		 v
 *	+--------------------+
 *	+ CT (nat or no nat) +
 *	+ tuple + zone match +
 *	+--------------------+
 *		 | set mark
 *		 | set labels_id
 *		 | set established
 *		 | set zone_restore
 *		 | do nat (if needed)
 *		 v
 *	+--------------+
 *	+ post_act     + rest of parsed filter's actions
 *	+ fte_id match +------------------------>
 *	+--------------+
static int
__mlx5_tc_ct_flow_offload(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			  struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr)

mlx5_tc_ct_flow_offload(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *priv, struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr)

static void
__mlx5_tc_ct_delete_flow(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			 struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr)

mlx5_tc_ct_delete_flow(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *priv,
		       struct mlx5_flow_attr *attr)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_fs_init(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_init_check_esw_support(struct mlx5_eswitch *esw,
				  const char **err_msg)

static int
mlx5_tc_ct_init_check_support(struct mlx5e_priv *priv,
			      enum mlx5_flow_namespace_type ns_type,
			      struct mlx5e_post_act *post_act)

static void
mlx5_ct_tc_create_dbgfs(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv)

static void
mlx5_ct_tc_remove_dbgfs(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv)

static struct mlx5_flow_handle *
tc_ct_add_miss_rule(struct mlx5_flow_table *ft,
		    struct mlx5_flow_table *next_ft)

static int
tc_ct_add_ct_table_miss_rule(struct mlx5_flow_table *from,
			     struct mlx5_flow_table *to,
			     struct mlx5_flow_group **miss_group,
			     struct mlx5_flow_handle **miss_rule)

static void
tc_ct_del_ct_table_miss_rule(struct mlx5_flow_group *miss_group,
			     struct mlx5_flow_handle *miss_rule)


struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *
mlx5_tc_ct_init(struct mlx5e_priv *priv, struct mlx5_fs_chains *chains,
		struct mod_hdr_tbl *mod_hdr,
		enum mlx5_flow_namespace_type ns_type,
		struct mlx5e_post_act *post_act)

mlx5_tc_ct_clean(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv)

mlx5e_tc_ct_restore_flow(struct mlx5_tc_ct_priv *ct_priv,
			 struct sk_buff *skb, u8 zone_restore_id)