
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR Linux-OpenIB
/* Copyright (c) 2015 - 2021 Intel Corporation */
#include "main.h"
#include "trace.h"

static void irdma_cm_post_event(struct irdma_cm_event *event);
static void irdma_disconnect_worker(struct work_struct *work);

 * irdma_free_sqbuf - put back puda buffer if refcount is 0
 * @vsi: The VSI structure of the device
 * @bufp: puda buffer to free
void irdma_free_sqbuf(struct irdma_sc_vsi *vsi, void *bufp)

 * irdma_record_ird_ord - Record IRD/ORD passed in
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @conn_ird: connection IRD
 * @conn_ord: connection ORD
static void irdma_record_ird_ord(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, u32 conn_ird,
				 u32 conn_ord)

 * irdma_copy_ip_ntohl - copy IP address from  network to host
 * @dst: IP address in host order
 * @src: IP address in network order (big endian)
void irdma_copy_ip_ntohl(u32 *dst, __be32 *src)

 * irdma_copy_ip_htonl - copy IP address from host to network order
 * @dst: IP address in network order (big endian)
 * @src: IP address in host order
void irdma_copy_ip_htonl(__be32 *dst, u32 *src)

 * irdma_get_addr_info
 * @cm_node: contains ip/tcp info
 * @cm_info: to get a copy of the cm_node ip/tcp info
static void irdma_get_addr_info(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				struct irdma_cm_info *cm_info)

 * irdma_fill_sockaddr4 - fill in addr info for IPv4 connection
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @event: upper layer's cm event
static inline void irdma_fill_sockaddr4(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
					struct iw_cm_event *event)

 * irdma_fill_sockaddr6 - fill in addr info for IPv6 connection
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @event: upper layer's cm event
static inline void irdma_fill_sockaddr6(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
					struct iw_cm_event *event)

 * irdma_get_cmevent_info - for cm event upcall
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @cm_id: upper layers cm struct for the event
 * @event: upper layer's cm event
static inline void irdma_get_cmevent_info(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
					  struct iw_cm_id *cm_id,
					  struct iw_cm_event *event)

 * irdma_send_cm_event - upcall cm's event handler
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @cm_id: upper layer's cm info struct
 * @type: Event type to indicate
 * @status: status for the event type
static int irdma_send_cm_event(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
			       struct iw_cm_id *cm_id,
			       enum iw_cm_event_type type, int status)

 * irdma_timer_list_prep - add connection nodes to a list to perform timer tasks
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @timer_list: a timer list to which cm_node will be selected
static void irdma_timer_list_prep(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core,
				  struct list_head *timer_list)

 * irdma_create_event - create cm event
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @type: Event type to generate
static struct irdma_cm_event *irdma_create_event(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
						 enum irdma_cm_event_type type)

 * irdma_free_retrans_entry - free send entry
 * @cm_node: connection's node
static void irdma_free_retrans_entry(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_cleanup_retrans_entry - free send entry with lock
 * @cm_node: connection's node
static void irdma_cleanup_retrans_entry(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_form_ah_cm_frame - get a free packet and build frame with address handle
 * @cm_node: connection's node ionfo to use in frame
 * @options: pointer to options info
 * @hdr: pointer mpa header
 * @pdata: pointer to private data
 * @flags:  indicates FIN or ACK
static struct irdma_puda_buf *irdma_form_ah_cm_frame(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
						     struct irdma_kmem_info *options,
						     struct irdma_kmem_info *hdr,
						     struct irdma_mpa_priv_info *pdata,
						     u8 flags)

 * irdma_form_uda_cm_frame - get a free packet and build frame full tcpip packet
 * @cm_node: connection's node ionfo to use in frame
 * @options: pointer to options info
 * @hdr: pointer mpa header
 * @pdata: pointer to private data
 * @flags:  indicates FIN or ACK
static struct irdma_puda_buf *irdma_form_uda_cm_frame(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
						      struct irdma_kmem_info *options,
						      struct irdma_kmem_info *hdr,
						      struct irdma_mpa_priv_info *pdata,
						      u8 flags)

 * irdma_send_reset - Send RST packet
 * @cm_node: connection's node
int irdma_send_reset(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_active_open_err - send event for active side cm error
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @reset: Flag to send reset or not
static void irdma_active_open_err(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, bool reset)

 * irdma_passive_open_err - handle passive side cm error
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @reset: send reset or just free cm_node
static void irdma_passive_open_err(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, bool reset)

 * irdma_event_connect_error - to create connect error event
 * @event: cm information for connect event
static void irdma_event_connect_error(struct irdma_cm_event *event)

 * irdma_process_options - process options from TCP header
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @optionsloc: point to start of options
 * @optionsize: size of all options
 * @syn_pkt: flag if syn packet
static int irdma_process_options(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, u8 *optionsloc,
				 u32 optionsize, u32 syn_pkt)

 * irdma_handle_tcp_options - setup TCP context info after parsing TCP options
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @tcph: pointer tcp header
 * @optionsize: size of options rcvd
 * @passive: active or passive flag
static int irdma_handle_tcp_options(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				    struct tcphdr *tcph, int optionsize,
				    int passive)

 * irdma_build_mpa_v1 - build a MPA V1 frame
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @start_addr: address where to build frame
 * @mpa_key: to do read0 or write0
static void irdma_build_mpa_v1(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, void *start_addr,
			       u8 mpa_key)

 * irdma_build_mpa_v2 - build a MPA V2 frame
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @start_addr: buffer start address
 * @mpa_key: to do read0 or write0
static void irdma_build_mpa_v2(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, void *start_addr,
			       u8 mpa_key)

 * irdma_cm_build_mpa_frame - build mpa frame for mpa version 1 or version 2
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @mpa: mpa: data buffer
 * @mpa_key: to do read0 or write0
static int irdma_cm_build_mpa_frame(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				    struct irdma_kmem_info *mpa, u8 mpa_key)

 * irdma_send_mpa_request - active node send mpa request to passive node
 * @cm_node: connection's node
static int irdma_send_mpa_request(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_send_mpa_reject -
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @pdata: reject data for connection
 * @plen: length of reject data
static int irdma_send_mpa_reject(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				 const void *pdata, u8 plen)

 * irdma_negotiate_mpa_v2_ird_ord - negotiate MPAv2 IRD/ORD
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @buf: Data pointer
static int irdma_negotiate_mpa_v2_ird_ord(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
					  u8 *buf)

 * irdma_parse_mpa - process an IETF MPA frame
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @buf: Data pointer
 * @type: to return accept or reject
 * @len: Len of mpa buffer
static int irdma_parse_mpa(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, u8 *buf, u32 *type,
			   u32 len)

 * irdma_schedule_cm_timer
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @sqbuf: buffer to send
 * @type: if it is send or close
 * @send_retrans: if rexmits to be done
 * @close_when_complete: is cm_node to be removed
 * note - cm_node needs to be protected before calling this. Encase in:
 *		irdma_rem_ref_cm_node(cm_core, cm_node);
 *		irdma_schedule_cm_timer(...)
 *		refcount_inc(&cm_node->refcnt);
int irdma_schedule_cm_timer(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
			    struct irdma_puda_buf *sqbuf,
			    enum irdma_timer_type type, int send_retrans,
			    int close_when_complete)

 * irdma_retrans_expired - Could not rexmit the packet
 * @cm_node: connection's node
static void irdma_retrans_expired(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_handle_close_entry - for handling retry/timeouts
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @rem_node: flag for remove cm_node
static void irdma_handle_close_entry(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				     u32 rem_node)

 * irdma_cm_timer_tick - system's timer expired callback
 * @t: Pointer to timer_list
static void irdma_cm_timer_tick(struct timer_list *t)

 * irdma_send_syn - send SYN packet
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @sendack: flag to set ACK bit or not
int irdma_send_syn(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, u32 sendack)

 * irdma_send_ack - Send ACK packet
 * @cm_node: connection's node
void irdma_send_ack(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_send_fin - Send FIN pkt
 * @cm_node: connection's node
static int irdma_send_fin(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_find_listener - find a cm node listening on this addr-port pair
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @dst_addr: listener ip addr
 * @ipv4: flag indicating IPv4 when true
 * @dst_port: listener tcp port num
 * @vlan_id: virtual LAN ID
 * @listener_state: state to match with listen node's
static struct irdma_cm_listener *
irdma_find_listener(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core, u32 *dst_addr, bool ipv4,
		    u16 dst_port, u16 vlan_id,
		    enum irdma_cm_listener_state listener_state)

 * irdma_del_multiple_qhash - Remove qhash and child listens
 * @iwdev: iWarp device
 * @cm_info: CM info for parent listen node
 * @cm_parent_listen_node: The parent listen node
static int irdma_del_multiple_qhash(struct irdma_device *iwdev,
				    struct irdma_cm_info *cm_info,
				    struct irdma_cm_listener *cm_parent_listen_node)

static u8 irdma_iw_get_vlan_prio(u32 *loc_addr, u8 prio, bool ipv4)

 * irdma_get_vlan_mac_ipv6 - Gets the vlan and mac
 * @addr: local IPv6 address
 * @vlan_id: vlan id for the given IPv6 address
 * @mac: mac address for the given IPv6 address
 * Returns the vlan id and mac for an IPv6 address.
void irdma_get_vlan_mac_ipv6(u32 *addr, u16 *vlan_id, u8 *mac)

 * irdma_get_vlan_ipv4 - Returns the vlan_id for IPv4 address
 * @addr: local IPv4 address
u16 irdma_get_vlan_ipv4(u32 *addr)

 * irdma_add_mqh_6 - Adds multiple qhashes for IPv6
 * @iwdev: iWarp device
 * @cm_info: CM info for parent listen node
 * @cm_parent_listen_node: The parent listen node
 * Adds a qhash and a child listen node for every IPv6 address
 * on the adapter and adds the associated qhash filter
static int irdma_add_mqh_6(struct irdma_device *iwdev,
			   struct irdma_cm_info *cm_info,
			   struct irdma_cm_listener *cm_parent_listen_node)

 * irdma_add_mqh_4 - Adds multiple qhashes for IPv4
 * @iwdev: iWarp device
 * @cm_info: CM info for parent listen node
 * @cm_parent_listen_node: The parent listen node
 * Adds a qhash and a child listen node for every IPv4 address
 * on the adapter and adds the associated qhash filter
static int irdma_add_mqh_4(struct irdma_device *iwdev,
			   struct irdma_cm_info *cm_info,
			   struct irdma_cm_listener *cm_parent_listen_node)

 * irdma_add_mqh - Adds multiple qhashes
 * @iwdev: iWarp device
 * @cm_info: CM info for parent listen node
 * @cm_listen_node: The parent listen node
static int irdma_add_mqh(struct irdma_device *iwdev,
			 struct irdma_cm_info *cm_info,
			 struct irdma_cm_listener *cm_listen_node)

 * irdma_reset_list_prep - add connection nodes slated for reset to list
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @listener: pointer to listener node
 * @reset_list: a list to which cm_node will be selected
static void irdma_reset_list_prep(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core,
				  struct irdma_cm_listener *listener,
				  struct list_head *reset_list)

 * irdma_dec_refcnt_listen - delete listener and associated cm nodes
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @listener: pointer to listener node
 * @free_hanging_nodes: to free associated cm_nodes
 * @apbvt_del: flag to delete the apbvt
static int irdma_dec_refcnt_listen(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core,
				   struct irdma_cm_listener *listener,
				   int free_hanging_nodes, bool apbvt_del)

 * irdma_cm_del_listen - delete a listener
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @listener: passive connection's listener
 * @apbvt_del: flag to delete apbvt
static int irdma_cm_del_listen(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core,
			       struct irdma_cm_listener *listener,
			       bool apbvt_del)

 * irdma_addr_resolve_neigh - resolve neighbor address
 * @iwdev: iwarp device structure
 * @src_ip: local ip address
 * @dst_ip: remote ip address
 * @arpindex: if there is an arp entry
static int irdma_addr_resolve_neigh(struct irdma_device *iwdev, u32 src_ip,
				    u32 dst_ip, int arpindex)

 * irdma_get_dst_ipv6 - get destination cache entry via ipv6 lookup
 * @src_addr: local ipv6 sock address
 * @dst_addr: destination ipv6 sock address
static struct dst_entry *irdma_get_dst_ipv6(struct sockaddr_in6 *src_addr,
					    struct sockaddr_in6 *dst_addr)

 * irdma_addr_resolve_neigh_ipv6 - resolve neighbor ipv6 address
 * @iwdev: iwarp device structure
 * @src: local ip address
 * @dest: remote ip address
 * @arpindex: if there is an arp entry
static int irdma_addr_resolve_neigh_ipv6(struct irdma_device *iwdev, u32 *src,
					 u32 *dest, int arpindex)

 * irdma_find_node - find a cm node that matches the reference cm node
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @rem_port: remote tcp port num
 * @rem_addr: remote ip addr
 * @loc_port: local tcp port num
 * @loc_addr: local ip addr
 * @vlan_id: local VLAN ID
struct irdma_cm_node *irdma_find_node(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core,
				      u16 rem_port, u32 *rem_addr, u16 loc_port,
				      u32 *loc_addr, u16 vlan_id)

 * irdma_add_hte_node - add a cm node to the hash table
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @cm_node: connection's node
static void irdma_add_hte_node(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core,
			       struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_ipv4_is_lpb - check if loopback
 * @loc_addr: local addr to compare
 * @rem_addr: remote address
bool irdma_ipv4_is_lpb(u32 loc_addr, u32 rem_addr)

 * irdma_ipv6_is_lpb - check if loopback
 * @loc_addr: local addr to compare
 * @rem_addr: remote address
bool irdma_ipv6_is_lpb(u32 *loc_addr, u32 *rem_addr)

 * irdma_cm_create_ah - create a cm address handle
 * @cm_node: The connection manager node to create AH for
 * @wait: Provides option to wait for ah creation or not
static int irdma_cm_create_ah(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, bool wait)

 * irdma_cm_free_ah - free a cm address handle
 * @cm_node: The connection manager node to create AH for
static void irdma_cm_free_ah(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_make_cm_node - create a new instance of a cm node
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @iwdev: iwarp device structure
 * @cm_info: quad info for connection
 * @listener: passive connection's listener
static struct irdma_cm_node *
irdma_make_cm_node(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core, struct irdma_device *iwdev,
		   struct irdma_cm_info *cm_info,
		   struct irdma_cm_listener *listener)

static void irdma_destroy_connection(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_rem_ref_cm_node - destroy an instance of a cm node
 * @cm_node: connection's node
void irdma_rem_ref_cm_node(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_handle_fin_pkt - FIN packet received
 * @cm_node: connection's node
static void irdma_handle_fin_pkt(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_handle_rst_pkt - process received RST packet
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @rbuf: receive buffer
static void irdma_handle_rst_pkt(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				 struct irdma_puda_buf *rbuf)

 * irdma_handle_rcv_mpa - Process a recv'd mpa buffer
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @rbuf: receive buffer
static void irdma_handle_rcv_mpa(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				 struct irdma_puda_buf *rbuf)

 * irdma_check_syn - Check for error on received syn ack
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @tcph: pointer tcp header
static int irdma_check_syn(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, struct tcphdr *tcph)

 * irdma_check_seq - check seq numbers if OK
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @tcph: pointer tcp header
static int irdma_check_seq(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, struct tcphdr *tcph)

void irdma_add_conn_est_qh(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_handle_syn_pkt - is for Passive node
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @rbuf: receive buffer
static void irdma_handle_syn_pkt(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				 struct irdma_puda_buf *rbuf)

 * irdma_handle_synack_pkt - Process SYN+ACK packet (active side)
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @rbuf: receive buffer
static void irdma_handle_synack_pkt(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				    struct irdma_puda_buf *rbuf)

 * irdma_handle_ack_pkt - process packet with ACK
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @rbuf: receive buffer
static int irdma_handle_ack_pkt(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
				struct irdma_puda_buf *rbuf)

 * irdma_process_pkt - process cm packet
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @rbuf: receive buffer
static void irdma_process_pkt(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
			      struct irdma_puda_buf *rbuf)

 * irdma_make_listen_node - create a listen node with params
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @iwdev: iwarp device structure
 * @cm_info: quad info for connection
static struct irdma_cm_listener *
irdma_make_listen_node(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core,
		       struct irdma_device *iwdev,
		       struct irdma_cm_info *cm_info)

 * irdma_create_cm_node - make a connection node with params
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @iwdev: iwarp device structure
 * @conn_param: connection parameters
 * @cm_info: quad info for connection
 * @caller_cm_node: pointer to cm_node structure to return
static int irdma_create_cm_node(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core,
				struct irdma_device *iwdev,
				struct iw_cm_conn_param *conn_param,
				struct irdma_cm_info *cm_info,
				struct irdma_cm_node **caller_cm_node)

 * irdma_cm_reject - reject and teardown a connection
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @pdata: ptr to private data for reject
 * @plen: size of private data
static int irdma_cm_reject(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, const void *pdata,
			   u8 plen)

 * irdma_cm_close - close of cm connection
 * @cm_node: connection's node
static int irdma_cm_close(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_receive_ilq - recv an ETHERNET packet, and process it
 * through CM
 * @vsi: VSI structure of dev
 * @rbuf: receive buffer
void irdma_receive_ilq(struct irdma_sc_vsi *vsi, struct irdma_puda_buf *rbuf)

static int irdma_add_qh(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node, bool active)

static void irdma_cm_free_ah_nop(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_setup_cm_core - setup top level instance of a cm core
 * @iwdev: iwarp device structure
 * @rdma_ver: HW version
int irdma_setup_cm_core(struct irdma_device *iwdev, u8 rdma_ver)

 * irdma_cleanup_cm_core - deallocate a top level instance of a
 * cm core
 * @cm_core: cm's core
void irdma_cleanup_cm_core(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core)

 * irdma_init_tcp_ctx - setup qp context
 * @cm_node: connection's node
 * @tcp_info: offload info for tcp
 * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection
static void irdma_init_tcp_ctx(struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node,
			       struct irdma_tcp_offload_info *tcp_info,
			       struct irdma_qp *iwqp)

 * irdma_cm_init_tsa_conn - setup qp for RTS
 * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection
 * @cm_node: connection's node
static void irdma_cm_init_tsa_conn(struct irdma_qp *iwqp,
				   struct irdma_cm_node *cm_node)

 * irdma_cm_disconn - when a connection is being closed
 * @iwqp: associated qp for the connection
void irdma_cm_disconn(struct irdma_qp *iwqp)

 * irdma_qp_disconnect - free qp and close cm
 * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection
static void irdma_qp_disconnect(struct irdma_qp *iwqp)

 * irdma_cm_disconn_true - called by worker thread to disconnect qp
 * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection
static void irdma_cm_disconn_true(struct irdma_qp *iwqp)

 * irdma_disconnect_worker - worker for connection close
 * @work: points or disconn structure
static void irdma_disconnect_worker(struct work_struct *work)

 * irdma_free_lsmm_rsrc - free lsmm memory and deregister
 * @iwqp: associate qp for the connection
void irdma_free_lsmm_rsrc(struct irdma_qp *iwqp)

 * irdma_accept - registered call for connection to be accepted
 * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection
 * @conn_param: accept parameters
int irdma_accept(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, struct iw_cm_conn_param *conn_param)

 * irdma_reject - registered call for connection to be rejected
 * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection
 * @pdata: private data to be sent
 * @pdata_len: private data length
int irdma_reject(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, const void *pdata, u8 pdata_len)

 * irdma_connect - registered call for connection to be established
 * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection
 * @conn_param: Information about the connection
int irdma_connect(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, struct iw_cm_conn_param *conn_param)

 * irdma_create_listen - registered call creating listener
 * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection
 * @backlog: to max accept pending count
int irdma_create_listen(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id, int backlog)

 * irdma_destroy_listen - registered call to destroy listener
 * @cm_id: cm information for passive connection
int irdma_destroy_listen(struct iw_cm_id *cm_id)

 * irdma_teardown_list_prep - add conn nodes slated for tear down to list
 * @cm_core: cm's core
 * @teardown_list: a list to which cm_node will be selected
 * @ipaddr: pointer to ip address
 * @nfo: pointer to cm_info structure instance
 * @disconnect_all: flag indicating disconnect all QPs
static void irdma_teardown_list_prep(struct irdma_cm_core *cm_core,
				     struct list_head *teardown_list,
				     u32 *ipaddr,
				     struct irdma_cm_info *nfo,
				     bool disconnect_all)

 * irdma_cm_event_connected - handle connected active node
 * @event: the info for cm_node of connection
static void irdma_cm_event_connected(struct irdma_cm_event *event)

 * irdma_cm_event_reset - handle reset
 * @event: the info for cm_node of connection
static void irdma_cm_event_reset(struct irdma_cm_event *event)

 * irdma_cm_event_handler - send event to cm upper layer
 * @work: pointer of cm event info.
static void irdma_cm_event_handler(struct work_struct *work)

 * irdma_cm_post_event - queue event request for worker thread
 * @event: cm node's info for up event call
static void irdma_cm_post_event(struct irdma_cm_event *event)

 * irdma_cm_teardown_connections - teardown QPs
 * @iwdev: device pointer
 * @ipaddr: Pointer to IPv4 or IPv6 address
 * @nfo: Connection info
 * @disconnect_all: flag indicating disconnect all QPs
 * teardown QPs where source or destination addr matches ip addr
void irdma_cm_teardown_connections(struct irdma_device *iwdev, u32 *ipaddr,
				   struct irdma_cm_info *nfo,
				   bool disconnect_all)

 * irdma_qhash_ctrl - enable/disable qhash for list
 * @iwdev: device pointer
 * @parent_listen_node: parent listen node
 * @nfo: cm info node
 * @ipaddr: Pointer to IPv4 or IPv6 address
 * @ipv4: flag indicating IPv4 when true
 * @ifup: flag indicating interface up when true
 * Enables or disables the qhash for the node in the child
 * listen list that matches ipaddr. If no matching IP was found
 * it will allocate and add a new child listen node to the
 * parent listen node. The listen_list_lock is assumed to be
 * held when called.
static void irdma_qhash_ctrl(struct irdma_device *iwdev,
			     struct irdma_cm_listener *parent_listen_node,
			     struct irdma_cm_info *nfo, u32 *ipaddr, bool ipv4,
			     bool ifup)

 * irdma_if_notify - process an ifdown on an interface
 * @iwdev: device pointer
 * @netdev: network device structure
 * @ipaddr: Pointer to IPv4 or IPv6 address
 * @ipv4: flag indicating IPv4 when true
 * @ifup: flag indicating interface up when true
void irdma_if_notify(struct irdma_device *iwdev, struct net_device *netdev,
		     u32 *ipaddr, bool ipv4, bool ifup)