
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.

#include <drv_types.h>
#include <linux/unaligned.h>

void init_mlme_ap_info(struct adapter *padapter)

void free_mlme_ap_info(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_BCNTIM(struct adapter *padapter)

static u8 chk_sta_is_alive(struct sta_info *psta)

void expire_timeout_chk(struct adapter *padapter)

void add_RATid(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta, u8 rssi_level)

void update_bmc_sta(struct adapter *padapter)

/* notes: */
/* AID: 1~MAX for sta and 0 for bc/mc in ap/adhoc mode */
/* MAC_ID = AID+1 for sta in ap/adhoc mode */
/* MAC_ID = 1 for bc/mc for sta/ap/adhoc */
/* MAC_ID = 0 for bssid for sta/ap/adhoc */
/* CAM_ID = 0~3 for default key, cmd_id =macid + 3, macid =aid+1; */

void update_sta_info_apmode(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)

static void update_ap_info(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)

static void update_hw_ht_param(struct adapter *padapter)

void start_bss_network(struct adapter *padapter)

int rtw_check_beacon_data(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf,  int len)

void rtw_set_macaddr_acl(struct adapter *padapter, int mode)

int rtw_acl_add_sta(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *addr)

void rtw_acl_remove_sta(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *addr)

u8 rtw_ap_set_pairwise_key(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)

static int rtw_ap_set_key(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	u8 *key,
	u8 alg,
	int keyid,
	u8 set_tx

int rtw_ap_set_group_key(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *key, u8 alg, int keyid)

int rtw_ap_set_wep_key(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	u8 *key,
	u8 keylen,
	int keyid,
	u8 set_tx

static void update_bcn_fixed_ie(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_bcn_erpinfo_ie(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_bcn_htcap_ie(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_bcn_htinfo_ie(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_bcn_rsn_ie(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_bcn_wpa_ie(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_bcn_wmm_ie(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_bcn_wps_ie(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_bcn_p2p_ie(struct adapter *padapter)

static void update_bcn_vendor_spec_ie(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *oui)

void update_beacon(struct adapter *padapter, u8 ie_id, u8 *oui, u8 tx)

 * op_mode
 * Set to 0 (HT pure) under the following conditions
 *	  - all STAs in the BSS are 20/40 MHz HT in 20/40 MHz BSS or
 *	  - all STAs in the BSS are 20 MHz HT in 20 MHz BSS
 * Set to 1 (HT non-member protection) if there may be non-HT STAs
 *	  in both the primary and the secondary channel
 * Set to 2 if only HT STAs are associated in BSS,
 *	  however and at least one 20 MHz HT STA is associated
 * Set to 3 (HT mixed mode) when one or more non-HT STAs are associated
 *	  (currently non-GF HT station is considered as non-HT STA also)
static int rtw_ht_operation_update(struct adapter *padapter)

void associated_clients_update(struct adapter *padapter, u8 updated)

/* called > TSR LEVEL for USB or SDIO Interface*/
void bss_cap_update_on_sta_join(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)

u8 bss_cap_update_on_sta_leave(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)

u8 ap_free_sta(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	struct sta_info *psta,
	bool active,
	u16 reason

void rtw_sta_flush(struct adapter *padapter)

/* called > TSR LEVEL for USB or SDIO Interface*/
void sta_info_update(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)

/* called >= TSR LEVEL for USB or SDIO Interface*/
void ap_sta_info_defer_update(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)
/* restore hw setting from sw data structures */
void rtw_ap_restore_network(struct adapter *padapter)

void start_ap_mode(struct adapter *padapter)

void stop_ap_mode(struct adapter *padapter)