
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <drv_types.h>

void _rtw_init_stainfo(struct sta_info *psta);
void _rtw_init_stainfo(struct sta_info *psta)

u32 _rtw_init_sta_priv(struct	sta_priv *pstapriv)

inline int rtw_stainfo_offset(struct sta_priv *stapriv, struct sta_info *sta)

inline struct sta_info *rtw_get_stainfo_by_offset(struct sta_priv *stapriv, int offset)

/*  this function is used to free the memory of lock || sema for all stainfos */
void kfree_all_stainfo(struct sta_priv *pstapriv);
void kfree_all_stainfo(struct sta_priv *pstapriv)

void kfree_sta_priv_lock(struct	sta_priv *pstapriv);
void kfree_sta_priv_lock(struct	sta_priv *pstapriv)

u32 _rtw_free_sta_priv(struct	sta_priv *pstapriv)

/* struct	sta_info *rtw_alloc_stainfo(_queue *pfree_sta_queue, unsigned char *hwaddr) */
struct	sta_info *rtw_alloc_stainfo(struct	sta_priv *pstapriv, u8 *hwaddr)

u32 rtw_free_stainfo(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)

/*  free all stainfo which in sta_hash[all] */
void rtw_free_all_stainfo(struct adapter *padapter)

/* any station allocated can be searched by hash list */
struct sta_info *rtw_get_stainfo(struct sta_priv *pstapriv, u8 *hwaddr)

u32 rtw_init_bcmc_stainfo(struct adapter *padapter)

struct sta_info *rtw_get_bcmc_stainfo(struct adapter *padapter)

u8 rtw_access_ctrl(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *mac_addr)