
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <drv_types.h>
#include <hal_data.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>

void _ips_enter(struct adapter *padapter)

void ips_enter(struct adapter *padapter)

int _ips_leave(struct adapter *padapter)

int ips_leave(struct adapter *padapter)

static bool rtw_pwr_unassociated_idle(struct adapter *adapter)

 *rtw_ps_processor() doesn't handle LPS.
void rtw_ps_processor(struct adapter *padapter)

static void pwr_state_check_handler(struct timer_list *t)

void traffic_check_for_leave_lps(struct adapter *padapter, u8 tx, u32 tx_packets)

 * Description:
 *This function MUST be called under power lock protect
 * Parameters
 *pslv			power state level, only could be PS_STATE_S0 ~ PS_STATE_S4
void rtw_set_rpwm(struct adapter *padapter, u8 pslv)

static u8 PS_RDY_CHECK(struct adapter *padapter)

void rtw_set_ps_mode(struct adapter *padapter, u8 ps_mode, u8 smart_ps, u8 bcn_ant_mode, const char *msg)

 * Return:
 *0:	Leave OK
 *-1:	Timeout
 *-2:	Other error
s32 LPS_RF_ON_check(struct adapter *padapter, u32 delay_ms)

/*  */
/* 	Description: */
/* 		Enter the leisure power save mode. */
/*  */
void LPS_Enter(struct adapter *padapter, const char *msg)

/*  */
/* 	Description: */
/* 		Leave the leisure power save mode. */
/*  */
void LPS_Leave(struct adapter *padapter, const char *msg)

void LeaveAllPowerSaveModeDirect(struct adapter *Adapter)

/*  */
/*  Description: Leave all power save mode: LPS, FwLPS, IPS if needed. */
/*  Move code to function by tynli. 2010.03.26. */
/*  */
void LeaveAllPowerSaveMode(struct adapter *Adapter)

void LPS_Leave_check(struct adapter *padapter)

 * Caller:ISR handler...
 * This will be called when CPWM interrupt is up.
 * using to update cpwn of drv; and drv willl make a decision to up or down pwr level
void cpwm_int_hdl(struct adapter *padapter, struct reportpwrstate_parm *preportpwrstate)

static void cpwm_event_callback(struct work_struct *work)

static void rpwmtimeout_workitem_callback(struct work_struct *work)

 * This function is a timer handler, can't do any IO in it.
static void pwr_rpwm_timeout_handler(struct timer_list *t)

static inline void register_task_alive(struct pwrctrl_priv *pwrctrl, u32 tag)

static inline void unregister_task_alive(struct pwrctrl_priv *pwrctrl, u32 tag)

 * Description:
 *Check if the fw_pwrstate is okay for I/O.
 *If not (cpwm is less than S2), then the sub-routine
 *will raise the cpwm to be greater than or equal to S2.
 *Calling Context: Passive
 *	1. this function will request pwrctrl->lock
 * Return Value:
 *_SUCCESS	hardware is ready for I/O
 *_FAIL		can't I/O right now
s32 rtw_register_task_alive(struct adapter *padapter, u32 task)

 * Description:
 *If task is done, call this func. to power down firmware again.
 *	1. this function will request pwrctrl->lock
 * Return Value:
void rtw_unregister_task_alive(struct adapter *padapter, u32 task)

 * Caller: rtw_xmit_thread
 * Check if the fw_pwrstate is okay for xmit.
 * If not (cpwm is less than S3), then the sub-routine
 * will raise the cpwm to be greater than or equal to S3.
 * Calling Context: Passive
 * Return Value:
 * _SUCCESS	rtw_xmit_thread can write fifo/txcmd afterwards.
 * _FAIL		rtw_xmit_thread can not do anything.
s32 rtw_register_tx_alive(struct adapter *padapter)

 * Caller: rtw_cmd_thread
 * Check if the fw_pwrstate is okay for issuing cmd.
 * If not (cpwm should be is less than S2), then the sub-routine
 * will raise the cpwm to be greater than or equal to S2.
 * Calling Context: Passive
 * Return Value:
 *_SUCCESS	rtw_cmd_thread can issue cmds to firmware afterwards.
 *_FAIL		rtw_cmd_thread can not do anything.
s32 rtw_register_cmd_alive(struct adapter *padapter)

 * Caller: ISR
 * If ISR's txdone,
 * No more pkts for TX,
 * Then driver shall call this fun. to power down firmware again.
void rtw_unregister_tx_alive(struct adapter *padapter)

 * Caller: ISR
 * If all commands have been done,
 * and no more command to do,
 * then driver shall call this fun. to power down firmware again.
void rtw_unregister_cmd_alive(struct adapter *padapter)

void rtw_init_pwrctrl_priv(struct adapter *padapter)

void rtw_free_pwrctrl_priv(struct adapter *adapter)

inline void rtw_set_ips_deny(struct adapter *padapter, u32 ms)

* rtw_pwr_wakeup - Wake the NIC up from: 1)IPS. 2)USB autosuspend
* @adapter: pointer to struct adapter structure
* @ips_deffer_ms: the ms will prevent from falling into IPS after wakeup
* Return _SUCCESS or _FAIL

int _rtw_pwr_wakeup(struct adapter *padapter, u32 ips_deffer_ms, const char *caller)

int rtw_pm_set_lps(struct adapter *padapter, u8 mode)

int rtw_pm_set_ips(struct adapter *padapter, u8 mode)

 *This function will request pwrctrl LOCK!
void rtw_ps_deny(struct adapter *padapter, enum ps_deny_reason reason)

 *This function will request pwrctrl LOCK!
void rtw_ps_deny_cancel(struct adapter *padapter, enum ps_deny_reason reason)

 *Before calling this function pwrctrl lock should be occupied already,
 *otherwise it may return incorrect value.
u32 rtw_ps_deny_get(struct adapter *padapter)