
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
 *  Soundfont generic routines.
 *	It is intended that these should be used by any driver that is willing
 *	to accept soundfont patches.
 *  Copyright (C) 1999 Steve Ratcliffe
 *  Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Takashi Iwai <[email protected]>
 * Deal with reading in of a soundfont.  Code follows the OSS way
 * of doing things so that the old sfxload utility can be used.
 * Everything may change when there is an alsa way of doing things.
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/export.h>
#include <sound/core.h>
#include <sound/soundfont.h>
#include <sound/seq_oss_legacy.h>

/* Prototypes for static functions */

static int open_patch(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const char __user *data,
		      int count, int client);
static struct snd_soundfont *newsf(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, int type, char *name);
static int is_identical_font(struct snd_soundfont *sf, int type, unsigned char *name);
static int close_patch(struct snd_sf_list *sflist);
static int probe_data(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, int sample_id);
static void set_zone_counter(struct snd_sf_list *sflist,
			     struct snd_soundfont *sf, struct snd_sf_zone *zp);
static struct snd_sf_zone *sf_zone_new(struct snd_sf_list *sflist,
				       struct snd_soundfont *sf);
static void set_sample_counter(struct snd_sf_list *sflist,
			       struct snd_soundfont *sf, struct snd_sf_sample *sp);
static struct snd_sf_sample *sf_sample_new(struct snd_sf_list *sflist,
					   struct snd_soundfont *sf);
static void sf_sample_delete(struct snd_sf_list *sflist,
			     struct snd_soundfont *sf, struct snd_sf_sample *sp);
static int load_map(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const void __user *data, int count);
static int load_info(struct snd_card *card, struct snd_sf_list *sflist,
		     const void __user *data, long count);
static int remove_info(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_soundfont *sf,
		       int bank, int instr);
static void init_voice_info(struct soundfont_voice_info *avp);
static void init_voice_parm(struct soundfont_voice_parm *pp);
static struct snd_sf_sample *set_sample(struct snd_soundfont *sf,
					struct soundfont_voice_info *avp);
static struct snd_sf_sample *find_sample(struct snd_soundfont *sf, int sample_id);
static int load_data(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const void __user *data, long count);
static void rebuild_presets(struct snd_sf_list *sflist);
static void add_preset(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_sf_zone *cur);
static void delete_preset(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_sf_zone *zp);
static struct snd_sf_zone *search_first_zone(struct snd_sf_list *sflist,
					     int bank, int preset, int key);
static int search_zones(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, int *notep, int vel,
			int preset, int bank, struct snd_sf_zone **table,
			int max_layers, int level);
static int get_index(int bank, int instr, int key);
static void snd_sf_init(struct snd_sf_list *sflist);
static void snd_sf_clear(struct snd_sf_list *sflist);

 * lock access to sflist
static void
lock_preset(struct snd_sf_list *sflist)

 * remove lock
static void
unlock_preset(struct snd_sf_list *sflist)

 * close the patch if the patch was opened by this client.
snd_soundfont_close_check(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, int client)

 * Deal with a soundfont patch.  Any driver could use these routines
 * although it was designed for the AWE64.
 * The sample_write and callargs parameters allow a callback into
 * the actual driver to write sample data to the board or whatever
 * it wants to do with it.
snd_soundfont_load(struct snd_card *card,
		   struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const void __user *data,
		   long count, int client)

/* check if specified type is special font (GUS or preset-alias) */
static inline int
is_special_type(int type)

/* open patch; create sf list */
static int
open_patch(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const char __user *data,
	   int count, int client)

 * Allocate a new soundfont structure.
static struct snd_soundfont *
newsf(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, int type, char *name)

/* check if the given name matches to the existing list */
static int
is_identical_font(struct snd_soundfont *sf, int type, unsigned char *name)

 * Close the current patch.
static int
close_patch(struct snd_sf_list *sflist)

/* probe sample in the current list -- nothing to be loaded */
static int
probe_data(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, int sample_id)

 * increment zone counter
static void
set_zone_counter(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_soundfont *sf,
		 struct snd_sf_zone *zp)

 * allocate a new zone record
static struct snd_sf_zone *
sf_zone_new(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_soundfont *sf)

 * increment sample counter
static void
set_sample_counter(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_soundfont *sf,
		   struct snd_sf_sample *sp)

 * allocate a new sample list record
static struct snd_sf_sample *
sf_sample_new(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_soundfont *sf)

 * delete sample list -- this is an exceptional job.
 * only the last allocated sample can be deleted.
static void
sf_sample_delete(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_soundfont *sf,
		 struct snd_sf_sample *sp)

/* load voice map */
static int
load_map(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const void __user *data, int count)

/* remove the present instrument layers */
static int
remove_info(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_soundfont *sf,
	    int bank, int instr)

 * Read an info record from the user buffer and save it on the current
 * open soundfont.
static int
load_info(struct snd_card *card,
	  struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const void __user *data, long count)

/* initialize voice_info record */
static void
init_voice_info(struct soundfont_voice_info *avp)

/* initialize voice_parm record:
 * Env1/2: delay=0, attack=0, hold=0, sustain=0, decay=0, release=0.
 * Vibrato and Tremolo effects are zero.
 * Cutoff is maximum.
 * Chorus and Reverb effects are zero.
static void
init_voice_parm(struct soundfont_voice_parm *pp)

/* search the specified sample */
static struct snd_sf_sample *
set_sample(struct snd_soundfont *sf, struct soundfont_voice_info *avp)

/* find the sample pointer with the given id in the soundfont */
static struct snd_sf_sample *
find_sample(struct snd_soundfont *sf, int sample_id)

static int
validate_sample_info(struct soundfont_sample_info *si)

 * Load sample information, this can include data to be loaded onto
 * the soundcard.  It can also just be a pointer into soundcard ROM.
 * If there is data it will be written to the soundcard via the callback
 * routine.
static int
load_data(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const void __user *data, long count)

/* log2_tbl[i] = log2(i+128) * 0x10000 */
static const int log_tbl[129] =;

/* convert from linear to log value
 * conversion: value = log2(amount / base) * ratio
 * argument:
 *   amount = linear value (unsigned, 32bit max)
 *   offset = base offset (:= log2(base) * 0x10000)
 *   ratio = division ratio
snd_sf_linear_to_log(unsigned int amount, int offset, int ratio)




 * mHz to abscent
 * conversion: abscent = log2(MHz / 8176) * 1200
static int
freq_to_note(int mhz)

/* convert Hz to AWE32 rate offset:
 * sample pitch offset for the specified sample rate
 * rate=44100 is no offset, each 4096 is 1 octave (twice).
 * eg, when rate is 22050, this offset becomes -4096.
 * conversion: offset = log2(Hz / 44100) * 4096
static int
calc_rate_offset(int hz)

/* calculate GUS envelope time */
static int
calc_gus_envelope_time(int rate, int start, int end)

/* convert envelope time parameter to soundfont parameters */

/* attack & decay/release time table (msec) */
static const short attack_time_tbl[128] =;

static const short decay_time_tbl[128] =;

/* delay time = 0x8000 - msec/92 */
snd_sf_calc_parm_hold(int msec)

/* search an index for specified time from given time table */
static int
calc_parm_search(int msec, const short *table)

/* attack time: search from time table */
snd_sf_calc_parm_attack(int msec)

/* decay/release time: search from time table */
snd_sf_calc_parm_decay(int msec)

int snd_sf_vol_table[128] =;

#define calc_gus_sustain(val)
#define calc_gus_attenuation(val)

/* load GUS patch */
static int
load_guspatch(struct snd_card *card,
	      struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const char __user *data, long count)

/* load GUS patch */
snd_soundfont_load_guspatch(struct snd_card *card,
			    struct snd_sf_list *sflist, const char __user *data,
			    long count)

 * Rebuild the preset table.  This is like a hash table in that it allows
 * quick access to the zone information.  For each preset there are zone
 * structures linked by next_instr and by next_zone.  Former is the whole
 * link for this preset, and latter is the link for zone (i.e. instrument/
 * bank/key combination).
static void
rebuild_presets(struct snd_sf_list *sflist)

 * add the given zone to preset table
static void
add_preset(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_sf_zone *cur)

 * delete the given zones from preset_table
static void
delete_preset(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, struct snd_sf_zone *zp)

 * Search matching zones from preset table.
 * The note can be rewritten by preset mapping (alias).
 * The found zones are stored on 'table' array.  max_layers defines
 * the maximum number of elements in this array.
 * This function returns the number of found zones.  0 if not found.
snd_soundfont_search_zone(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, int *notep, int vel,
			  int preset, int bank,
			  int def_preset, int def_bank,
			  struct snd_sf_zone **table, int max_layers)

 * search the first matching zone
static struct snd_sf_zone *
search_first_zone(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, int bank, int preset, int key)

 * search matching zones from sflist.  can be called recursively.
static int
search_zones(struct snd_sf_list *sflist, int *notep, int vel,
	     int preset, int bank, struct snd_sf_zone **table,
	     int max_layers, int level)

/* calculate the index of preset table:
 * drums are mapped from 128 to 255 according to its note key.
 * other instruments are mapped from 0 to 127.
 * if the index is out of range, return -1.
static int
get_index(int bank, int instr, int key)

 * Initialise the sflist structure.
static void
snd_sf_init(struct snd_sf_list *sflist)

 * Release all list records
static void
snd_sf_clear(struct snd_sf_list *sflist)

 * Create a new sflist structure
struct snd_sf_list *
snd_sf_new(struct snd_sf_callback *callback, struct snd_util_memhdr *hdr)

 * Free everything allocated off the sflist structure.
snd_sf_free(struct snd_sf_list *sflist)

 * Remove all samples
 * The soundcard should be silent before calling this function.
snd_soundfont_remove_samples(struct snd_sf_list *sflist)

 * Remove unlocked samples.
 * The soundcard should be silent before calling this function.
snd_soundfont_remove_unlocked(struct snd_sf_list *sflist)