# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
import os, csv, glob
class CSVCollection(dict):
source_column_name = 'Sources / Destinations'
This class is a dictionary representation of the collection of sheets that
exist in a given .ODS file.
def __init__(self, pattern, skip_commented_lines=True, strip_lines=True):
super(CSVCollection, self).__init__()
self.pattern = pattern
C = '#' if skip_commented_lines else 'blahblahblah'
if strip_lines:
strip = lambda s:s.strip()
strip = lambda s:s
# load all CSV files
key = self.source_column_name
for fname in glob.glob(pattern):
with open(fname) as F:
dR = csv.DictReader(F, delimiter=self.delimiter,
name = os.path.basename(fname).partition('.')[0]
D = {
r[key]:{f:strip(c) for f,c in r.items()
if f != key and f[:1] not in ['', C] and
strip(c)[:1] not in ['', C]}
for r in dR if r[key][:1] not in ['', C]
# now, go back through and eliminate all empty dictionaries
D = {k:v for k,v in D.items() if v}
self[name] = D