// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
// Copyright (C) 2024 Google LLC.
//! A linked list implementation.
use crate::init::PinInit;
use crate::sync::ArcBorrow;
use crate::types::Opaque;
use core::iter::{DoubleEndedIterator, FusedIterator};
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::ptr;
mod impl_list_item_mod;
pub use self::impl_list_item_mod::{
impl_has_list_links, impl_has_list_links_self_ptr, impl_list_item, HasListLinks, HasSelfPtr,
mod arc;
pub use self::arc::{impl_list_arc_safe, AtomicTracker, ListArc, ListArcSafe, TryNewListArc};
mod arc_field;
pub use self::arc_field::{define_list_arc_field_getter, ListArcField};
/// A linked list.
/// All elements in this linked list will be [`ListArc`] references to the value. Since a value can
/// only have one `ListArc` (for each pair of prev/next pointers), this ensures that the same
/// prev/next pointers are not used for several linked lists.
/// # Invariants
/// * If the list is empty, then `first` is null. Otherwise, `first` points at the `ListLinks`
/// field of the first element in the list.
/// * All prev/next pointers in `ListLinks` fields of items in the list are valid and form a cycle.
/// * For every item in the list, the list owns the associated [`ListArc`] reference and has
/// exclusive access to the `ListLinks` field.
pub struct List<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64 = 0> {
first: *mut ListLinksFields,
_ty: PhantomData<ListArc<T, ID>>,
// SAFETY: This is a container of `ListArc<T, ID>`, and access to the container allows the same
// type of access to the `ListArc<T, ID>` elements.
unsafe impl<T, const ID: u64> Send for List<T, ID>
ListArc<T, ID>: Send,
T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>,
// SAFETY: This is a container of `ListArc<T, ID>`, and access to the container allows the same
// type of access to the `ListArc<T, ID>` elements.
unsafe impl<T, const ID: u64> Sync for List<T, ID>
ListArc<T, ID>: Sync,
T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>,
/// Implemented by types where a [`ListArc<Self>`] can be inserted into a [`List`].
/// # Safety
/// Implementers must ensure that they provide the guarantees documented on methods provided by
/// this trait.
/// [`ListArc<Self>`]: ListArc
pub unsafe trait ListItem<const ID: u64 = 0>: ListArcSafe<ID> {
/// Views the [`ListLinks`] for this value.
/// # Guarantees
/// If there is a previous call to `prepare_to_insert` and there is no call to `post_remove`
/// since the most recent such call, then this returns the same pointer as the one returned by
/// the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`.
/// Otherwise, the returned pointer points at a read-only [`ListLinks`] with two null pointers.
/// # Safety
/// The provided pointer must point at a valid value. (It need not be in an `Arc`.)
unsafe fn view_links(me: *const Self) -> *mut ListLinks<ID>;
/// View the full value given its [`ListLinks`] field.
/// Can only be used when the value is in a list.
/// # Guarantees
/// * Returns the same pointer as the one passed to the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`.
/// * The returned pointer is valid until the next call to `post_remove`.
/// # Safety
/// * The provided pointer must originate from the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`, or
/// from a call to `view_links` that happened after the most recent call to
/// `prepare_to_insert`.
/// * Since the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`, the `post_remove` method must not have
/// been called.
unsafe fn view_value(me: *mut ListLinks<ID>) -> *const Self;
/// This is called when an item is inserted into a [`List`].
/// # Guarantees
/// The caller is granted exclusive access to the returned [`ListLinks`] until `post_remove` is
/// called.
/// # Safety
/// * The provided pointer must point at a valid value in an [`Arc`].
/// * Calls to `prepare_to_insert` and `post_remove` on the same value must alternate.
/// * The caller must own the [`ListArc`] for this value.
/// * The caller must not give up ownership of the [`ListArc`] unless `post_remove` has been
/// called after this call to `prepare_to_insert`.
/// [`Arc`]: crate::sync::Arc
unsafe fn prepare_to_insert(me: *const Self) -> *mut ListLinks<ID>;
/// This undoes a previous call to `prepare_to_insert`.
/// # Guarantees
/// The returned pointer is the pointer that was originally passed to `prepare_to_insert`.
/// # Safety
/// The provided pointer must be the pointer returned by the most recent call to
/// `prepare_to_insert`.
unsafe fn post_remove(me: *mut ListLinks<ID>) -> *const Self;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct ListLinksFields {
next: *mut ListLinksFields,
prev: *mut ListLinksFields,
/// The prev/next pointers for an item in a linked list.
/// # Invariants
/// The fields are null if and only if this item is not in a list.
pub struct ListLinks<const ID: u64 = 0> {
// This type is `!Unpin` for aliasing reasons as the pointers are part of an intrusive linked
// list.
inner: Opaque<ListLinksFields>,
// SAFETY: The only way to access/modify the pointers inside of `ListLinks<ID>` is via holding the
// associated `ListArc<T, ID>`. Since that type correctly implements `Send`, it is impossible to
// move this an instance of this type to a different thread if the pointees are `!Send`.
unsafe impl<const ID: u64> Send for ListLinks<ID> {}
// SAFETY: The type is opaque so immutable references to a ListLinks are useless. Therefore, it's
// okay to have immutable access to a ListLinks from several threads at once.
unsafe impl<const ID: u64> Sync for ListLinks<ID> {}
impl<const ID: u64> ListLinks<ID> {
/// Creates a new initializer for this type.
pub fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self> {
// INVARIANT: Pin-init initializers can't be used on an existing `Arc`, so this value will
// not be constructed in an `Arc` that already has a `ListArc`.
ListLinks {
inner: Opaque::new(ListLinksFields {
prev: ptr::null_mut(),
next: ptr::null_mut(),
/// # Safety
/// `me` must be dereferenceable.
unsafe fn fields(me: *mut Self) -> *mut ListLinksFields {
// SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is valid.
unsafe { Opaque::raw_get(ptr::addr_of!((*me).inner)) }
/// # Safety
/// `me` must be dereferenceable.
unsafe fn from_fields(me: *mut ListLinksFields) -> *mut Self {
/// Similar to [`ListLinks`], but also contains a pointer to the full value.
/// This type can be used instead of [`ListLinks`] to support lists with trait objects.
pub struct ListLinksSelfPtr<T: ?Sized, const ID: u64 = 0> {
/// The `ListLinks` field inside this value.
/// This is public so that it can be used with `impl_has_list_links!`.
pub inner: ListLinks<ID>,
// UnsafeCell is not enough here because we use `Opaque::uninit` as a dummy value, and
// `ptr::null()` doesn't work for `T: ?Sized`.
self_ptr: Opaque<*const T>,
// SAFETY: The fields of a ListLinksSelfPtr can be moved across thread boundaries.
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Send, const ID: u64> Send for ListLinksSelfPtr<T, ID> {}
// SAFETY: The type is opaque so immutable references to a ListLinksSelfPtr are useless. Therefore,
// it's okay to have immutable access to a ListLinks from several threads at once.
// Note that `inner` being a public field does not prevent this type from being opaque, since
// `inner` is a opaque type.
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Sync, const ID: u64> Sync for ListLinksSelfPtr<T, ID> {}
impl<T: ?Sized, const ID: u64> ListLinksSelfPtr<T, ID> {
/// The offset from the [`ListLinks`] to the self pointer field.
pub const LIST_LINKS_SELF_PTR_OFFSET: usize = core::mem::offset_of!(Self, self_ptr);
/// Creates a new initializer for this type.
pub fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self> {
// INVARIANT: Pin-init initializers can't be used on an existing `Arc`, so this value will
// not be constructed in an `Arc` that already has a `ListArc`.
Self {
inner: ListLinks {
inner: Opaque::new(ListLinksFields {
prev: ptr::null_mut(),
next: ptr::null_mut(),
self_ptr: Opaque::uninit(),
impl<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> List<T, ID> {
/// Creates a new empty list.
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
first: ptr::null_mut(),
_ty: PhantomData,
/// Returns whether this list is empty.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Add the provided item to the back of the list.
pub fn push_back(&mut self, item: ListArc<T, ID>) {
let raw_item = ListArc::into_raw(item);
// * We just got `raw_item` from a `ListArc`, so it's in an `Arc`.
// * Since we have ownership of the `ListArc`, `post_remove` must have been called after
// the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`, if any.
// * We own the `ListArc`.
// * Removing items from this list is always done using `remove_internal_inner`, which
// calls `post_remove` before giving up ownership.
let list_links = unsafe { T::prepare_to_insert(raw_item) };
// SAFETY: We have not yet called `post_remove`, so `list_links` is still valid.
let item = unsafe { ListLinks::fields(list_links) };
if self.first.is_null() {
self.first = item;
// SAFETY: The caller just gave us ownership of these fields.
// INVARIANT: A linked list with one item should be cyclic.
unsafe {
(*item).next = item;
(*item).prev = item;
} else {
let next = self.first;
// SAFETY: By the type invariant, this pointer is valid or null. We just checked that
// it's not null, so it must be valid.
let prev = unsafe { (*next).prev };
// SAFETY: Pointers in a linked list are never dangling, and the caller just gave us
// ownership of the fields on `item`.
// INVARIANT: This correctly inserts `item` between `prev` and `next`.
unsafe {
(*item).next = next;
(*item).prev = prev;
(*prev).next = item;
(*next).prev = item;
/// Add the provided item to the front of the list.
pub fn push_front(&mut self, item: ListArc<T, ID>) {
let raw_item = ListArc::into_raw(item);
// * We just got `raw_item` from a `ListArc`, so it's in an `Arc`.
// * If this requirement is violated, then the previous caller of `prepare_to_insert`
// violated the safety requirement that they can't give up ownership of the `ListArc`
// until they call `post_remove`.
// * We own the `ListArc`.
// * Removing items] from this list is always done using `remove_internal_inner`, which
// calls `post_remove` before giving up ownership.
let list_links = unsafe { T::prepare_to_insert(raw_item) };
// SAFETY: We have not yet called `post_remove`, so `list_links` is still valid.
let item = unsafe { ListLinks::fields(list_links) };
if self.first.is_null() {
// SAFETY: The caller just gave us ownership of these fields.
// INVARIANT: A linked list with one item should be cyclic.
unsafe {
(*item).next = item;
(*item).prev = item;
} else {
let next = self.first;
// SAFETY: We just checked that `next` is non-null.
let prev = unsafe { (*next).prev };
// SAFETY: Pointers in a linked list are never dangling, and the caller just gave us
// ownership of the fields on `item`.
// INVARIANT: This correctly inserts `item` between `prev` and `next`.
unsafe {
(*item).next = next;
(*item).prev = prev;
(*prev).next = item;
(*next).prev = item;
self.first = item;
/// Removes the last item from this list.
pub fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Option<ListArc<T, ID>> {
if self.first.is_null() {
return None;
// SAFETY: We just checked that the list is not empty.
let last = unsafe { (*self.first).prev };
// SAFETY: The last item of this list is in this list.
Some(unsafe { self.remove_internal(last) })
/// Removes the first item from this list.
pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<ListArc<T, ID>> {
if self.first.is_null() {
return None;
// SAFETY: The first item of this list is in this list.
Some(unsafe { self.remove_internal(self.first) })
/// Removes the provided item from this list and returns it.
/// This returns `None` if the item is not in the list. (Note that by the safety requirements,
/// this means that the item is not in any list.)
/// # Safety
/// `item` must not be in a different linked list (with the same id).
pub unsafe fn remove(&mut self, item: &T) -> Option<ListArc<T, ID>> {
let mut item = unsafe { ListLinks::fields(T::view_links(item)) };
// SAFETY: The user provided a reference, and reference are never dangling.
// As for why this is not a data race, there are two cases:
// * If `item` is not in any list, then these fields are read-only and null.
// * If `item` is in this list, then we have exclusive access to these fields since we
// have a mutable reference to the list.
// In either case, there's no race.
let ListLinksFields { next, prev } = unsafe { *item };
debug_assert_eq!(next.is_null(), prev.is_null());
if !next.is_null() {
// This is really a no-op, but this ensures that `item` is a raw pointer that was
// obtained without going through a pointer->reference->pointer conversion roundtrip.
// This ensures that the list is valid under the more restrictive strict provenance
// ruleset.
// SAFETY: We just checked that `next` is not null, and it's not dangling by the
// list invariants.
unsafe {
debug_assert_eq!(item, (*next).prev);
item = (*next).prev;
// SAFETY: We just checked that `item` is in a list, so the caller guarantees that it
// is in this list. The pointers are in the right order.
Some(unsafe { self.remove_internal_inner(item, next, prev) })
} else {
/// Removes the provided item from the list.
/// # Safety
/// `item` must point at an item in this list.
unsafe fn remove_internal(&mut self, item: *mut ListLinksFields) -> ListArc<T, ID> {
// SAFETY: The caller promises that this pointer is not dangling, and there's no data race
// since we have a mutable reference to the list containing `item`.
let ListLinksFields { next, prev } = unsafe { *item };
// SAFETY: The pointers are ok and in the right order.
unsafe { self.remove_internal_inner(item, next, prev) }
/// Removes the provided item from the list.
/// # Safety
/// The `item` pointer must point at an item in this list, and we must have `(*item).next ==
/// next` and `(*item).prev == prev`.
unsafe fn remove_internal_inner(
&mut self,
item: *mut ListLinksFields,
next: *mut ListLinksFields,
prev: *mut ListLinksFields,
) -> ListArc<T, ID> {
// SAFETY: We have exclusive access to the pointers of items in the list, and the prev/next
// pointers are always valid for items in a list.
// INVARIANT: There are three cases:
// * If the list has at least three items, then after removing the item, `prev` and `next`
// will be next to each other.
// * If the list has two items, then the remaining item will point at itself.
// * If the list has one item, then `next == prev == item`, so these writes have no
// effect. The list remains unchanged and `item` is still in the list for now.
unsafe {
(*next).prev = prev;
(*prev).next = next;
// SAFETY: We have exclusive access to items in the list.
// INVARIANT: `item` is being removed, so the pointers should be null.
unsafe {
(*item).prev = ptr::null_mut();
(*item).next = ptr::null_mut();
// INVARIANT: There are three cases:
// * If `item` was not the first item, then `self.first` should remain unchanged.
// * If `item` was the first item and there is another item, then we just updated
// `prev->next` to `next`, which is the new first item, and setting `item->next` to null
// did not modify `prev->next`.
// * If `item` was the only item in the list, then `prev == item`, and we just set
// `item->next` to null, so this correctly sets `first` to null now that the list is
// empty.
if self.first == item {
// SAFETY: The `prev` pointer is the value that `item->prev` had when it was in this
// list, so it must be valid. There is no race since `prev` is still in the list and we
// still have exclusive access to the list.
self.first = unsafe { (*prev).next };
// SAFETY: `item` used to be in the list, so it is dereferenceable by the type invariants
// of `List`.
let list_links = unsafe { ListLinks::from_fields(item) };
// SAFETY: Any pointer in the list originates from a `prepare_to_insert` call.
let raw_item = unsafe { T::post_remove(list_links) };
// SAFETY: The above call to `post_remove` guarantees that we can recreate the `ListArc`.
unsafe { ListArc::from_raw(raw_item) }
/// Moves all items from `other` into `self`.
/// The items of `other` are added to the back of `self`, so the last item of `other` becomes
/// the last item of `self`.
pub fn push_all_back(&mut self, other: &mut List<T, ID>) {
// First, we insert the elements into `self`. At the end, we make `other` empty.
if self.is_empty() {
// INVARIANT: All of the elements in `other` become elements of `self`.
self.first = other.first;
} else if !other.is_empty() {
let other_first = other.first;
// SAFETY: The other list is not empty, so this pointer is valid.
let other_last = unsafe { (*other_first).prev };
let self_first = self.first;
// SAFETY: The self list is not empty, so this pointer is valid.
let self_last = unsafe { (*self_first).prev };
// SAFETY: We have exclusive access to both lists, so we can update the pointers.
// INVARIANT: This correctly sets the pointers to merge both lists. We do not need to
// update `self.first` because the first element of `self` does not change.
unsafe {
(*self_first).prev = other_last;
(*other_last).next = self_first;
(*self_last).next = other_first;
(*other_first).prev = self_last;
// INVARIANT: The other list is now empty, so update its pointer.
other.first = ptr::null_mut();
/// Returns a cursor to the first element of the list.
/// If the list is empty, this returns `None`.
pub fn cursor_front(&mut self) -> Option<Cursor<'_, T, ID>> {
if self.first.is_null() {
} else {
Some(Cursor {
current: self.first,
list: self,
/// Creates an iterator over the list.
pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T, ID> {
// INVARIANT: If the list is empty, both pointers are null. Otherwise, both pointers point
// at the first element of the same list.
Iter {
current: self.first,
stop: self.first,
_ty: PhantomData,
impl<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> Default for List<T, ID> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> Drop for List<T, ID> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
while let Some(item) = self.pop_front() {
/// An iterator over a [`List`].
/// # Invariants
/// * There must be a [`List`] that is immutably borrowed for the duration of `'a`.
/// * The `current` pointer is null or points at a value in that [`List`].
/// * The `stop` pointer is equal to the `first` field of that [`List`].
pub struct Iter<'a, T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64 = 0> {
current: *mut ListLinksFields,
stop: *mut ListLinksFields,
_ty: PhantomData<&'a ListArc<T, ID>>,
impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> Iterator for Iter<'a, T, ID> {
type Item = ArcBorrow<'a, T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<ArcBorrow<'a, T>> {
if self.current.is_null() {
return None;
let current = self.current;
// SAFETY: We just checked that `current` is not null, so it is in a list, and hence not
// dangling. There's no race because the iterator holds an immutable borrow to the list.
let next = unsafe { (*current).next };
// INVARIANT: If `current` was the last element of the list, then this updates it to null.
// Otherwise, we update it to the next element.
self.current = if next != self.stop {
} else {
// SAFETY: The `current` pointer points at a value in the list.
let item = unsafe { T::view_value(ListLinks::from_fields(current)) };
// * All values in a list are stored in an `Arc`.
// * The value cannot be removed from the list for the duration of the lifetime annotated
// on the returned `ArcBorrow`, because removing it from the list would require mutable
// access to the list. However, the `ArcBorrow` is annotated with the iterator's
// lifetime, and the list is immutably borrowed for that lifetime.
// * Values in a list never have a `UniqueArc` reference.
Some(unsafe { ArcBorrow::from_raw(item) })
/// A cursor into a [`List`].
/// # Invariants
/// The `current` pointer points a value in `list`.
pub struct Cursor<'a, T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64 = 0> {
current: *mut ListLinksFields,
list: &'a mut List<T, ID>,
impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> Cursor<'a, T, ID> {
/// Access the current element of this cursor.
pub fn current(&self) -> ArcBorrow<'_, T> {
// SAFETY: The `current` pointer points a value in the list.
let me = unsafe { T::view_value(ListLinks::from_fields(self.current)) };
// * All values in a list are stored in an `Arc`.
// * The value cannot be removed from the list for the duration of the lifetime annotated
// on the returned `ArcBorrow`, because removing it from the list would require mutable
// access to the cursor or the list. However, the `ArcBorrow` holds an immutable borrow
// on the cursor, which in turn holds a mutable borrow on the list, so any such
// mutable access requires first releasing the immutable borrow on the cursor.
// * Values in a list never have a `UniqueArc` reference, because the list has a `ListArc`
// reference, and `UniqueArc` references must be unique.
unsafe { ArcBorrow::from_raw(me) }
/// Move the cursor to the next element.
pub fn next(self) -> Option<Cursor<'a, T, ID>> {
// SAFETY: The `current` field is always in a list.
let next = unsafe { (*self.current).next };
if next == self.list.first {
} else {
// INVARIANT: Since `self.current` is in the `list`, its `next` pointer is also in the
// `list`.
Some(Cursor {
current: next,
list: self.list,
/// Move the cursor to the previous element.
pub fn prev(self) -> Option<Cursor<'a, T, ID>> {
// SAFETY: The `current` field is always in a list.
let prev = unsafe { (*self.current).prev };
if self.current == self.list.first {
} else {
// INVARIANT: Since `self.current` is in the `list`, its `prev` pointer is also in the
// `list`.
Some(Cursor {
current: prev,
list: self.list,
/// Remove the current element from the list.
pub fn remove(self) -> ListArc<T, ID> {
// SAFETY: The `current` pointer always points at a member of the list.
unsafe { self.list.remove_internal(self.current) }
impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> FusedIterator for Iter<'a, T, ID> {}
impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> IntoIterator for &'a List<T, ID> {
type IntoIter = Iter<'a, T, ID>;
type Item = ArcBorrow<'a, T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Iter<'a, T, ID> {
/// An owning iterator into a [`List`].
pub struct IntoIter<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64 = 0> {
list: List<T, ID>,
impl<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> Iterator for IntoIter<T, ID> {
type Item = ListArc<T, ID>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<ListArc<T, ID>> {
impl<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> FusedIterator for IntoIter<T, ID> {}
impl<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> DoubleEndedIterator for IntoIter<T, ID> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<ListArc<T, ID>> {
impl<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64> IntoIterator for List<T, ID> {
type IntoIter = IntoIter<T, ID>;
type Item = ListArc<T, ID>;
fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T, ID> {
IntoIter { list: self }