
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
/* Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved. */

#ifndef __SNIC_FWINT_H
#define __SNIC_FWINT_H

#define SNIC_CDB_LEN
#define LUN_ADDR_LEN

 * Command entry type
enum snic_io_type {}; /* end of enum snic_io_type */

 * Header status codes from firmware
enum snic_io_status {}; /* end of enum snic_io_status */

 * snic_io_hdr : host <--> firmware
 * for any other message that will be queued to firmware should
 *  have the following request header
struct snic_io_hdr {};

/* auxillary funciton for encoding the snic_io_hdr */
static inline void
snic_io_hdr_enc(struct snic_io_hdr *hdr, u8 typ, u8 status, u32 id, u32 hid,
		u16 sg_cnt, ulong ctx)

/* auxillary funciton for decoding the snic_io_hdr */
static inline void
snic_io_hdr_dec(struct snic_io_hdr *hdr, u8 *typ, u8 *stat, u32 *cmnd_id,
		u32 *hid, ulong *ctx)

 * snic_host_info: host -> firmware
 * Used for sending host information to firmware, and request fw version
struct snic_exch_ver_req {};

 * os_type flags
 * Bit 0-7 : OS information
 * Bit 8-31: Feature/Capability Information
#define SNIC_OS_WIN
#define SNIC_OS_ESX

 * HBA Capabilities
 * Bit 1: Reserved.
 * Bit 2: Dynamic Discovery of LUNs.
 * Bit 3: Async event notifications on tgt online/offline events.
 * Bit 4: IO timeout support in FW.
 * Bit 5-31: Reserved.

 * snic_exch_ver_rsp : firmware -> host
 * Used by firmware to send response to version request
struct snic_exch_ver_rsp {};

 * snic_report_tgts : host -> firmware request
 * Used by the host to request list of targets
struct snic_report_tgts {};

enum snic_type {};

/* Report Target Response */
enum snic_tgt_type {};

/* target id format */
struct snic_tgt_id {};

 * snic_report_tgts_cmpl : firmware -> host response
 * Used by firmware to send response to Report Targets request
struct snic_report_tgts_cmpl {};

 * Command flags
 * Bit 0: Read flags
 * Bit 1: Write flag
 * Bit 2: ESGL - sg/esg array contains extended sg
 *	  ESGE - is a host buffer contains sg elements
 * Bit 3-4: Task Attributes
 *		00b - simple
 *		01b - head of queue
 *		10b - ordered
 * Bit 5-7: Priority - future use
 * Bit 8-15: Reserved


 * Priority/Task Attribute settings


 * snic_icmnd : host-> firmware request
 * used for sending out an initiator SCSI 16/32-byte command
struct snic_icmnd {};

/* Response flags */
/* Bit 0: Under run
 * Bit 1: Over Run
 * Bit 2-7: Reserved

 * snic_icmnd_cmpl: firmware -> host response
 * Used for sending the host a response to an icmnd (initiator command)
struct snic_icmnd_cmpl {};

 * snic_itmf: host->firmware request
 * used for requesting the firmware to abort a request and/or send out
 * a task management function
 * the req_id field is valid in case of abort task and clear task
struct snic_itmf {};

 * Task Management Request
enum snic_itmf_tm_type {};

 * snic_itmf_cmpl: firmware -> host resposne
 * used for sending the host a response for a itmf request
struct snic_itmf_cmpl {};

 * itmfl_cmpl flags
 * Bit 0 : 1 - Num terminated field valid
 * Bit 1 - 7 : Reserved

 * snic_hba_reset: host -> firmware request
 * used for requesting firmware to reset snic
struct snic_hba_reset {};

 * snic_hba_reset_cmpl: firmware -> host response
 * Used by firmware to respond to the host's hba reset request
struct snic_hba_reset_cmpl {};

 * snic_notify_msg: firmware -> host response
 * Used by firmware to notify host of the last work queue entry received
struct snic_notify_msg {};

/* snic_async_evnotify: firmware -> host notification
 * Used by firmware to notify the host about configuration/state changes
struct snic_async_evnotify {};

/* async event flags */
enum snic_ev_type {};

/* Payload 88 bytes = 128 - 24 - 16 */

 * snic_host_req: host -> firmware request
 * Basic structure for all snic requests that are sent from the host to
 * firmware. They are 128 bytes in size.
struct snic_host_req {}; /* end of snic_host_req structure */

struct snic_fw_req {}; /* end of snic_fw_req structure */

 * Auxillary macro to verify specific snic req/cmpl structures
 * to ensure that it will be aligned to 64 bit, and not using
 * color bit field
#define VERIFY_REQ_SZ(x)
#define VERIFY_CMPL_SZ(x)

 * Access routines to encode and decode the color bit, which is the most
 * significant bit of the structure.
static inline void
snic_color_enc(struct snic_fw_req *req, u8 color)

static inline void
snic_color_dec(struct snic_fw_req *req, u8 *color)
#endif /* end of __SNIC_FWINT_H */