
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
 * Aic94xx SAS/SATA driver dump interface.
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Adaptec, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (C) 2004 David Chaw <[email protected]>
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Luben Tuikov <[email protected]>
 * 2005/07/14/LT  Complete overhaul of this file.  Update pages, register
 * locations, names, etc.  Make use of macros.  Print more information.
 * Print all cseq and lseq mip and mdp.

#include <linux/pci.h>
#include "aic94xx.h"
#include "aic94xx_reg.h"
#include "aic94xx_reg_def.h"
#include "aic94xx_sas.h"

#include "aic94xx_dump.h"

#ifdef ASD_DEBUG

#define MD(x)
#define MODE_0_7

static const struct lseq_cio_regs {} LSEQmCIOREGS[] =;
static struct lseq_cio_regs LSEQmOOBREGS[] = {
   {"OOB_BFLTR"        ,0x100, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_INIT_MIN"     ,0x102,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_INIT_MAX"     ,0x104,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_INIT_NEG"     ,0x106,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SAS_MIN"      ,0x108,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SAS_MAX"      ,0x10A,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SAS_NEG"      ,0x10C,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_WAKE_MIN"     ,0x10E,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_WAKE_MAX"     ,0x110,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_WAKE_NEG"     ,0x112,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_IDLE_MAX"     ,0x114,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_BURST_MAX"    ,0x116,16, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_XMIT_BURST"   ,0x118, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SEND_PAIRS"   ,0x119, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_INIT_IDLE"    ,0x11A, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_INIT_NEGO"    ,0x11C, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SAS_IDLE"     ,0x11E, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SAS_NEGO"     ,0x120, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_WAKE_IDLE"    ,0x122, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_WAKE_NEGO"    ,0x124, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_DATA_KBITS"   ,0x126, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_BURST_DATA"   ,0x128,32, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_ALIGN_0_DATA" ,0x12C,32, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_ALIGN_1_DATA" ,0x130,32, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SYNC_DATA"    ,0x134,32, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_D10_2_DATA"   ,0x138,32, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_PHY_RST_CNT"  ,0x13C,32, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SIG_GEN"      ,0x140, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_XMIT"         ,0x141, 8, MD(5)},
   {"FUNCTION_MAKS"    ,0x142, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_MODE"         ,0x143, 8, MD(5)},
   {"CURRENT_STATUS"   ,0x144, 8, MD(5)},
   {"SPEED_MASK"       ,0x145, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PRIM_COUNT"       ,0x146, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SIGNALS"      ,0x148, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_DATA_DET"     ,0x149, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_TIME_OUT"     ,0x14C, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_TIMER_ENABLE" ,0x14D, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_STATUS"       ,0x14E, 8, MD(5)},
   {"HOT_PLUG_DELAY"   ,0x150, 8, MD(5)},
   {"RCD_DELAY"        ,0x151, 8, MD(5)},
   {"COMSAS_TIMER"     ,0x152, 8, MD(5)},
   {"SNTT_DELAY"       ,0x153, 8, MD(5)},
   {"SPD_CHNG_DELAY"   ,0x154, 8, MD(5)},
   {"SNLT_DELAY"       ,0x155, 8, MD(5)},
   {"SNWT_DELAY"       ,0x156, 8, MD(5)},
   {"ALIGN_DELAY"      ,0x157, 8, MD(5)},
   {"INT_ENABLE_0"     ,0x158, 8, MD(5)},
   {"INT_ENABLE_1"     ,0x159, 8, MD(5)},
   {"INT_ENABLE_2"     ,0x15A, 8, MD(5)},
   {"INT_ENABLE_3"     ,0x15B, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_TEST_REG"     ,0x15C, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_CONTROL_0"    ,0x160, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_CONTROL_1"    ,0x161, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_CONTROL_2"    ,0x162, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_CONTROL_3"    ,0x163, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_OOB_CAL_TX"   ,0x164, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_OOB_CAL_RX"   ,0x165, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_PHY_CAL_TX"   ,0x166, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_PHY_CAL_RX"   ,0x167, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_CONTROL_4"    ,0x168, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_TEST"         ,0x169, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_PWR_CTL"      ,0x16A, 8, MD(5)},
   {"PHY_PWR_DELAY"    ,0x16B, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SM_CON"       ,0x16C, 8, MD(5)},
   {"ADDR_TRAP_1"      ,0x16D, 8, MD(5)},
   {"ADDR_NEXT_1"      ,0x16E, 8, MD(5)},
   {"NEXT_ST_1"        ,0x16F, 8, MD(5)},
   {"OOB_SM_STATE"     ,0x170, 8, MD(5)},
   {"ADDR_TRAP_2"      ,0x171, 8, MD(5)},
   {"ADDR_NEXT_2"      ,0x172, 8, MD(5)},
   {"NEXT_ST_2"        ,0x173, 8, MD(5)},
   {NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
#define STR_8BIT
#define STR_16BIT
#define STR_32BIT
#define STR_64BIT

#define PRINT_REG_8bit(_ha, _n, _r)
#define PRINT_REG_16bit(_ha, _n, _r)
#define PRINT_REG_32bit(_ha, _n, _r)

#define PRINT_CREG_8bit(_ha, _n)
#define PRINT_CREG_16bit(_ha, _n)
#define PRINT_CREG_32bit(_ha, _n)

#define MSTR_8BIT
#define MSTR_16BIT
#define MSTR_32BIT

#define PRINT_MREG_8bit(_ha, _m, _n, _r)
#define PRINT_MREG_16bit(_ha, _m, _n, _r)
#define PRINT_MREG_32bit(_ha, _m, _n, _r)

/* can also be used for MD when the register is mode aware already */
#define PRINT_MIS_byte(_ha, _n)
#define PRINT_MIS_word(_ha, _n)
#define PRINT_MIS_dword(_ha, _n)
#define PRINT_MIS_qword(_ha, _n)

#define CMDP_REG(_n, _m)
#define PRINT_CMDP_word(_ha, _n)

#define PRINT_CMDP_byte(_ha, _n)

static void asd_dump_cseq_state(struct asd_ha_struct *asd_ha)

#define PRINT_LREG_8bit(_h, _lseq, _n)
#define PRINT_LREG_16bit(_h, _lseq, _n)
#define PRINT_LREG_32bit(_h, _lseq, _n)

#define PRINT_LMIP_byte(_h, _lseq, _n)
#define PRINT_LMIP_word(_h, _lseq, _n)
#define PRINT_LMIP_dword(_h, _lseq, _n)
#define PRINT_LMIP_qword(_h, _lseq, _n)

static void asd_print_lseq_cio_reg(struct asd_ha_struct *asd_ha,
				   u32 lseq_cio_addr, int i)

static void asd_dump_lseq_state(struct asd_ha_struct *asd_ha, int lseq)

 * asd_dump_seq_state -- dump CSEQ and LSEQ states
 * @asd_ha: pointer to host adapter structure
 * @lseq_mask: mask of LSEQs of interest
void asd_dump_seq_state(struct asd_ha_struct *asd_ha, u8 lseq_mask)

void asd_dump_frame_rcvd(struct asd_phy *phy,
			 struct done_list_struct *dl)

#endif /* ASD_DEBUG */