
/* bnx2x_vfpf.c: QLogic Everest network driver.
 * Copyright 2009-2013 Broadcom Corporation
 * Copyright 2014 QLogic Corporation
 * All rights reserved
 * Unless you and QLogic execute a separate written software license
 * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, available
 * at (the "GPL").
 * Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
 * software in any way with any other QLogic software provided under a
 * license other than the GPL, without QLogic's express prior written
 * consent.
 * Maintained by: Ariel Elior <[email protected]>
 * Written by: Shmulik Ravid
 *	       Ariel Elior <[email protected]>

#include "bnx2x.h"
#include "bnx2x_cmn.h"
#include <linux/crc32.h>

static int bnx2x_vfpf_teardown_queue(struct bnx2x *bp, int qidx);

/* place a given tlv on the tlv buffer at a given offset */
static void bnx2x_add_tlv(struct bnx2x *bp, void *tlvs_list,
			  u16 offset, u16 type, u16 length)

/* Clear the mailbox and init the header of the first tlv */
static void bnx2x_vfpf_prep(struct bnx2x *bp, struct vfpf_first_tlv *first_tlv,
			    u16 type, u16 length)

/* releases the mailbox */
static void bnx2x_vfpf_finalize(struct bnx2x *bp,
				struct vfpf_first_tlv *first_tlv)

/* Finds a TLV by type in a TLV buffer; If found, returns pointer to the TLV */
static void *bnx2x_search_tlv_list(struct bnx2x *bp, void *tlvs_list,
				   enum channel_tlvs req_tlv)

/* list the types and lengths of the tlvs on the buffer */
static void bnx2x_dp_tlv_list(struct bnx2x *bp, void *tlvs_list)

/* test whether we support a tlv type */
bool bnx2x_tlv_supported(u16 tlvtype)

static inline int bnx2x_pfvf_status_codes(int rc)

static int bnx2x_send_msg2pf(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 *done, dma_addr_t msg_mapping)

static int bnx2x_get_vf_id(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 *vf_id)

int bnx2x_vfpf_acquire(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 tx_count, u8 rx_count)

int bnx2x_vfpf_release(struct bnx2x *bp)

/* Tell PF about SB addresses */
int bnx2x_vfpf_init(struct bnx2x *bp)

/* CLOSE VF - opposite to INIT_VF */
void bnx2x_vfpf_close_vf(struct bnx2x *bp)

static void bnx2x_leading_vfq_init(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				   struct bnx2x_vf_queue *q)

/* ask the pf to open a queue for the vf */
int bnx2x_vfpf_setup_q(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp,
		       bool is_leading)

static int bnx2x_vfpf_teardown_queue(struct bnx2x *bp, int qidx)

/* request pf to add a mac for the vf */
int bnx2x_vfpf_config_mac(struct bnx2x *bp, const u8 *addr, u8 vf_qid, bool set)

/* request pf to config rss table for vf queues*/
int bnx2x_vfpf_config_rss(struct bnx2x *bp,
			  struct bnx2x_config_rss_params *params)

int bnx2x_vfpf_set_mcast(struct net_device *dev)

/* request pf to add a vlan for the vf */
int bnx2x_vfpf_update_vlan(struct bnx2x *bp, u16 vid, u8 vf_qid, bool add)

int bnx2x_vfpf_storm_rx_mode(struct bnx2x *bp)

/* General service functions */
static void storm_memset_vf_mbx_ack(struct bnx2x *bp, u16 abs_fid)

static void storm_memset_vf_mbx_valid(struct bnx2x *bp, u16 abs_fid)

/* enable vf_pf mailbox (aka vf-pf-channel) */
void bnx2x_vf_enable_mbx(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 abs_vfid)

/* this works only on !E1h */
static int bnx2x_copy32_vf_dmae(struct bnx2x *bp, u8 from_vf,
				dma_addr_t pf_addr, u8 vfid, u32 vf_addr_hi,
				u32 vf_addr_lo, u32 len32)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_resp_single_tlv(struct bnx2x *bp,
					 struct bnx2x_virtf *vf)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_resp_send_msg(struct bnx2x *bp,
				       struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				       int vf_rc)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_resp(struct bnx2x *bp,
			      struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
			      int rc)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_resp_phys_port(struct bnx2x *bp,
					struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
					void *buffer,
					u16 *offset)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_resp_fp_hsi_ver(struct bnx2x *bp,
					 struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
					 void *buffer,
					 u16 *offset)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_acquire_resp(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				      struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx, int vfop_status)

static bool bnx2x_vf_mbx_is_windows_vm(struct bnx2x *bp,
				       struct vfpf_acquire_tlv *acquire)

static int bnx2x_vf_mbx_acquire_chk_dorq(struct bnx2x *bp,
					 struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
					 struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_acquire(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				 struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_init_vf(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
			      struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

/* convert MBX queue-flags to standard SP queue-flags */
static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_set_q_flags(struct bnx2x *bp, u32 mbx_q_flags,
				     unsigned long *sp_q_flags)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_setup_q(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				 struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

static int bnx2x_vf_mbx_macvlan_list(struct bnx2x *bp,
				     struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				     struct vfpf_set_q_filters_tlv *tlv,
				     struct bnx2x_vf_mac_vlan_filters **pfl,
				     u32 type_flag)

static int bnx2x_vf_filters_contain(struct vfpf_set_q_filters_tlv *filters,
				    u32 flags)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_dp_q_filter(struct bnx2x *bp, int msglvl, int idx,
				       struct vfpf_q_mac_vlan_filter *filter)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_dp_q_filters(struct bnx2x *bp, int msglvl,
				       struct vfpf_set_q_filters_tlv *filters)


static int bnx2x_vf_mbx_qfilters(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf)

static int bnx2x_filters_validate_mac(struct bnx2x *bp,
				      struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				      struct vfpf_set_q_filters_tlv *filters)

static int bnx2x_filters_validate_vlan(struct bnx2x *bp,
				       struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				       struct vfpf_set_q_filters_tlv *filters)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_set_q_filters(struct bnx2x *bp,
				       struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				       struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_teardown_q(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				    struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_close_vf(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				  struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_release_vf(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				    struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_update_rss(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				    struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

static int bnx2x_validate_tpa_params(struct bnx2x *bp,
				       struct vfpf_tpa_tlv *tpa_tlv)

static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_update_tpa(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				    struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

/* dispatch request */
static void bnx2x_vf_mbx_request(struct bnx2x *bp, struct bnx2x_virtf *vf,
				  struct bnx2x_vf_mbx *mbx)

void bnx2x_vf_mbx_schedule(struct bnx2x *bp,
			   struct vf_pf_event_data *vfpf_event)

/* handle new vf-pf messages */
void bnx2x_vf_mbx(struct bnx2x *bp)

void bnx2x_vf_bulletin_finalize(struct pf_vf_bulletin_content *bulletin,
				bool support_long)

/* propagate local bulletin board to vf */
int bnx2x_post_vf_bulletin(struct bnx2x *bp, int vf)