
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright(c) 2013 - 2019 Intel Corporation. */

#include <linux/bitfield.h>
#include "fm10k_vf.h"

 *  fm10k_stop_hw_vf - Stop Tx/Rx units
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
static s32 fm10k_stop_hw_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw)

 *  fm10k_reset_hw_vf - VF hardware reset
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  This function should return the hardware to a state similar to the
 *  one it is in after just being initialized.
static s32 fm10k_reset_hw_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw)

 *  fm10k_init_hw_vf - VF hardware initialization
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
static s32 fm10k_init_hw_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw)

/* This structure defines the attibutes to be parsed below */
const struct fm10k_tlv_attr fm10k_mac_vlan_msg_attr[] =;

 *  fm10k_update_vlan_vf - Update status of VLAN ID in VLAN filter table
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @vid: VLAN ID to add to table
 *  @vsi: Reserved, should always be 0
 *  @set: Indicates if this is a set or clear operation
 *  This function adds or removes the corresponding VLAN ID from the VLAN
 *  filter table for this VF.
static s32 fm10k_update_vlan_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw, u32 vid, u8 vsi, bool set)

 *  fm10k_msg_mac_vlan_vf - Read device MAC address from mailbox message
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @results: Attributes for message
 *  @mbx: unused mailbox data
 *  This function should determine the MAC address for the VF
s32 fm10k_msg_mac_vlan_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw, u32 **results,
			  struct fm10k_mbx_info __always_unused *mbx)

 *  fm10k_read_mac_addr_vf - Read device MAC address
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  This function should determine the MAC address for the VF
static s32 fm10k_read_mac_addr_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw)

 *  fm10k_update_uc_addr_vf - Update device unicast addresses
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @glort: unused
 *  @mac: MAC address to add/remove from table
 *  @vid: VLAN ID to add/remove from table
 *  @add: Indicates if this is an add or remove operation
 *  @flags: flags field to indicate add and secure - unused
 *  This function is used to add or remove unicast MAC addresses for
 *  the VF.
static s32 fm10k_update_uc_addr_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				   u16 __always_unused glort,
				   const u8 *mac, u16 vid, bool add,
				   u8 __always_unused flags)

 *  fm10k_update_mc_addr_vf - Update device multicast addresses
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @glort: unused
 *  @mac: MAC address to add/remove from table
 *  @vid: VLAN ID to add/remove from table
 *  @add: Indicates if this is an add or remove operation
 *  This function is used to add or remove multicast MAC addresses for
 *  the VF.
static s32 fm10k_update_mc_addr_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				   u16 __always_unused glort,
				   const u8 *mac, u16 vid, bool add)

 *  fm10k_update_int_moderator_vf - Request update of interrupt moderator list
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  This function will issue a request to the PF to rescan our MSI-X table
 *  and to update the interrupt moderator linked list.
static void fm10k_update_int_moderator_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw)

/* This structure defines the attibutes to be parsed below */
const struct fm10k_tlv_attr fm10k_lport_state_msg_attr[] =;

 *  fm10k_msg_lport_state_vf - Message handler for lport_state message from PF
 *  @hw: Pointer to hardware structure
 *  @results: pointer array containing parsed data
 *  @mbx: Pointer to mailbox information structure
 *  This handler is meant to capture the indication from the PF that we
 *  are ready to bring up the interface.
s32 fm10k_msg_lport_state_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw, u32 **results,
			     struct fm10k_mbx_info __always_unused *mbx)

 *  fm10k_update_lport_state_vf - Update device state in lower device
 *  @hw: pointer to the HW structure
 *  @glort: unused
 *  @count: number of logical ports to enable - unused (always 1)
 *  @enable: boolean value indicating if this is an enable or disable request
 *  Notify the lower device of a state change.  If the lower device is
 *  enabled we can add filters, if it is disabled all filters for this
 *  logical port are flushed.
static s32 fm10k_update_lport_state_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				       u16 __always_unused glort,
				       u16 __always_unused count, bool enable)

 *  fm10k_update_xcast_mode_vf - Request update of multicast mode
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @glort: unused
 *  @mode: integer value indicating mode being requested
 *  This function will attempt to request a higher mode for the port
 *  so that it can enable either multicast, multicast promiscuous, or
 *  promiscuous mode of operation.
static s32 fm10k_update_xcast_mode_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				      u16 __always_unused glort, u8 mode)

 *  fm10k_update_hw_stats_vf - Updates hardware related statistics of VF
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @stats: pointer to statistics structure
 *  This function collects and aggregates per queue hardware statistics.
static void fm10k_update_hw_stats_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				     struct fm10k_hw_stats *stats)

 *  fm10k_rebind_hw_stats_vf - Resets base for hardware statistics of VF
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @stats: pointer to the stats structure to update
 *  This function resets the base for queue hardware statistics.
static void fm10k_rebind_hw_stats_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				     struct fm10k_hw_stats *stats)

 *  fm10k_configure_dglort_map_vf - Configures GLORT entry and queues
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @dglort: pointer to dglort configuration structure
 *  Reads the configuration structure contained in dglort_cfg and uses
 *  that information to then populate a DGLORTMAP/DEC entry and the queues
 *  to which it has been assigned.
static s32 fm10k_configure_dglort_map_vf(struct fm10k_hw __always_unused *hw,
					 struct fm10k_dglort_cfg *dglort)

static const struct fm10k_msg_data fm10k_msg_data_vf[] =;

static const struct fm10k_mac_ops mac_ops_vf =;

static s32 fm10k_get_invariants_vf(struct fm10k_hw *hw)

const struct fm10k_info fm10k_vf_info =;