
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright(c) 2013 - 2019 Intel Corporation. */

#include "fm10k_common.h"

 *  fm10k_fifo_init - Initialize a message FIFO
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  @buffer: pointer to memory to be used to store FIFO
 *  @size: maximum message size to store in FIFO, must be 2^n - 1
static void fm10k_fifo_init(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo, u32 *buffer, u16 size)

 *  fm10k_fifo_used - Retrieve used space in FIFO
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  This function returns the number of DWORDs used in the FIFO
static u16 fm10k_fifo_used(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo)

 *  fm10k_fifo_unused - Retrieve unused space in FIFO
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  This function returns the number of unused DWORDs in the FIFO
static u16 fm10k_fifo_unused(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo)

 *  fm10k_fifo_empty - Test to verify if FIFO is empty
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  This function returns true if the FIFO is empty, else false
static bool fm10k_fifo_empty(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo)

 *  fm10k_fifo_head_offset - returns indices of head with given offset
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  @offset: offset to add to head
 *  This function returns the indices into the FIFO based on head + offset
static u16 fm10k_fifo_head_offset(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo, u16 offset)

 *  fm10k_fifo_tail_offset - returns indices of tail with given offset
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  @offset: offset to add to tail
 *  This function returns the indices into the FIFO based on tail + offset
static u16 fm10k_fifo_tail_offset(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo, u16 offset)

 *  fm10k_fifo_head_len - Retrieve length of first message in FIFO
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  This function returns the size of the first message in the FIFO
static u16 fm10k_fifo_head_len(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo)

 *  fm10k_fifo_head_drop - Drop the first message in FIFO
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  This function returns the size of the message dropped from the FIFO
static u16 fm10k_fifo_head_drop(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo)

 *  fm10k_fifo_drop_all - Drop all messages in FIFO
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  This function resets the head pointer to drop all messages in the FIFO and
 *  ensure the FIFO is empty.
static void fm10k_fifo_drop_all(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo)

 *  fm10k_mbx_index_len - Convert a head/tail index into a length value
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @head: head index
 *  @tail: head index
 *  This function takes the head and tail index and determines the length
 *  of the data indicated by this pair.
static u16 fm10k_mbx_index_len(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 head, u16 tail)

 *  fm10k_mbx_tail_add - Determine new tail value with added offset
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @offset: length to add to tail offset
 *  This function takes the local tail index and recomputes it for
 *  a given length added as an offset.
static u16 fm10k_mbx_tail_add(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 offset)

 *  fm10k_mbx_tail_sub - Determine new tail value with subtracted offset
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @offset: length to add to tail offset
 *  This function takes the local tail index and recomputes it for
 *  a given length added as an offset.
static u16 fm10k_mbx_tail_sub(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 offset)

 *  fm10k_mbx_head_add - Determine new head value with added offset
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @offset: length to add to head offset
 *  This function takes the local head index and recomputes it for
 *  a given length added as an offset.
static u16 fm10k_mbx_head_add(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 offset)

 *  fm10k_mbx_head_sub - Determine new head value with subtracted offset
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @offset: length to add to head offset
 *  This function takes the local head index and recomputes it for
 *  a given length added as an offset.
static u16 fm10k_mbx_head_sub(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 offset)

 *  fm10k_mbx_pushed_tail_len - Retrieve the length of message being pushed
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will return the length of the message currently being
 *  pushed onto the tail of the Rx queue.
static u16 fm10k_mbx_pushed_tail_len(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_fifo_write_copy - pulls data off of msg and places it in FIFO
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  @msg: message array to populate
 *  @tail_offset: additional offset to add to tail pointer
 *  @len: length of FIFO to copy into message header
 *  This function will take a message and copy it into a section of the
 *  FIFO.  In order to get something into a location other than just
 *  the tail you can use tail_offset to adjust the pointer.
static void fm10k_fifo_write_copy(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo,
				  const u32 *msg, u16 tail_offset, u16 len)

 *  fm10k_fifo_enqueue - Enqueues the message to the tail of the FIFO
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  @msg: message array to read
 *  This function enqueues a message up to the size specified by the length
 *  contained in the first DWORD of the message and will place at the tail
 *  of the FIFO.  It will return 0 on success, or a negative value on error.
static s32 fm10k_fifo_enqueue(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo, const u32 *msg)

 *  fm10k_mbx_validate_msg_size - Validate incoming message based on size
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @len: length of data pushed onto buffer
 *  This function analyzes the frame and will return a non-zero value when
 *  the start of a message larger than the mailbox is detected.
static u16 fm10k_mbx_validate_msg_size(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 len)

 *  fm10k_mbx_write_copy - pulls data off of Tx FIFO and places it in mbmem
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will take a section of the Tx FIFO and copy it into the
 *  mailbox memory.  The offset in mbmem is based on the lower bits of the
 *  tail and len determines the length to copy.
static void fm10k_mbx_write_copy(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				 struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_pull_head - Pulls data off of head of Tx FIFO
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @head: acknowledgement number last received
 *  This function will push the tail index forward based on the remote
 *  head index.  It will then pull up to mbmem_len DWORDs off of the
 *  head of the FIFO and will place it in the MBMEM registers
 *  associated with the mailbox.
static void fm10k_mbx_pull_head(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 head)

 *  fm10k_mbx_read_copy - pulls data off of mbmem and places it in Rx FIFO
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will take a section of the mailbox memory and copy it
 *  into the Rx FIFO.  The offset is based on the lower bits of the
 *  head and len determines the length to copy.
static void fm10k_mbx_read_copy(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_push_tail - Pushes up to 15 DWORDs on to tail of FIFO
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @tail: tail index of message
 *  This function will first validate the tail index and size for the
 *  incoming message.  It then updates the acknowledgment number and
 *  copies the data into the FIFO.  It will return the number of messages
 *  dequeued on success and a negative value on error.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_push_tail(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
			       struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx,
			       u16 tail)

/* pre-generated data for generating the CRC based on the poly 0xAC9A. */
static const u16 fm10k_crc_16b_table[256] =;

 *  fm10k_crc_16b - Generate a 16 bit CRC for a region of 16 bit data
 *  @data: pointer to data to process
 *  @seed: seed value for CRC
 *  @len: length measured in 16 bits words
 *  This function will generate a CRC based on the polynomial 0xAC9A and
 *  whatever value is stored in the seed variable.  Note that this
 *  value inverts the local seed and the result in order to capture all
 *  leading and trailing zeros.
static u16 fm10k_crc_16b(const u32 *data, u16 seed, u16 len)

 *  fm10k_fifo_crc - generate a CRC based off of FIFO data
 *  @fifo: pointer to FIFO
 *  @offset: offset point for start of FIFO
 *  @len: number of DWORDS words to process
 *  @seed: seed value for CRC
 *  This function generates a CRC for some region of the FIFO
static u16 fm10k_fifo_crc(struct fm10k_mbx_fifo *fifo, u16 offset,
			  u16 len, u16 seed)

 *  fm10k_mbx_update_local_crc - Update the local CRC for outgoing data
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @head: head index provided by remote mailbox
 *  This function will generate the CRC for all data from the end of the
 *  last head update to the current one.  It uses the result of the
 *  previous CRC as the seed for this update.  The result is stored in
 *  mbx->local.
static void fm10k_mbx_update_local_crc(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 head)

 *  fm10k_mbx_verify_remote_crc - Verify the CRC is correct for current data
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will take all data that has been provided from the remote
 *  end and generate a CRC for it.  This is stored in mbx->remote.  The
 *  CRC for the header is then computed and if the result is non-zero this
 *  is an error and we signal an error dropping all data and resetting the
 *  connection.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_verify_remote_crc(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_rx_ready - Indicates that a message is ready in the Rx FIFO
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function returns true if there is a message in the Rx FIFO to dequeue.
static bool fm10k_mbx_rx_ready(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_tx_ready - Indicates that the mailbox is in state ready for Tx
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @len: verify free space is >= this value
 *  This function returns true if the mailbox is in a state ready to transmit.
static bool fm10k_mbx_tx_ready(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 len)

 *  fm10k_mbx_tx_complete - Indicates that the Tx FIFO has been emptied
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function returns true if the Tx FIFO is empty.
static bool fm10k_mbx_tx_complete(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_dequeue_rx - Dequeues the message from the head in the Rx FIFO
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function dequeues messages and hands them off to the TLV parser.
 *  It will return the number of messages processed when called.
static u16 fm10k_mbx_dequeue_rx(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_enqueue_tx - Enqueues the message to the tail of the Tx FIFO
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @msg: message array to read
 *  This function enqueues a message up to the size specified by the length
 *  contained in the first DWORD of the message and will place at the tail
 *  of the FIFO.  It will return 0 on success, or a negative value on error.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_enqueue_tx(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, const u32 *msg)

 *  fm10k_mbx_read - Copies the mbmem to local message buffer
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function copies the message from the mbmem to the message array
static s32 fm10k_mbx_read(struct fm10k_hw *hw, struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_write - Copies the local message buffer to mbmem
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function copies the message from the message array to mbmem
static void fm10k_mbx_write(struct fm10k_hw *hw, struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_create_connect_hdr - Generate a connect mailbox header
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function returns a connection mailbox header
static void fm10k_mbx_create_connect_hdr(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_create_data_hdr - Generate a data mailbox header
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function returns a data mailbox header
static void fm10k_mbx_create_data_hdr(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_create_disconnect_hdr - Generate a disconnect mailbox header
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function returns a disconnect mailbox header
static void fm10k_mbx_create_disconnect_hdr(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_create_fake_disconnect_hdr - Generate a false disconnect mbox hdr
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function creates a fake disconnect header for loading into remote
 *  mailbox header. The primary purpose is to prevent errors on immediate
 *  start up after mbx->connect.
static void fm10k_mbx_create_fake_disconnect_hdr(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_create_error_msg - Generate an error message
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @err: local error encountered
 *  This function will interpret the error provided by err, and based on
 *  that it may shift the message by 1 DWORD and then place an error header
 *  at the start of the message.
static void fm10k_mbx_create_error_msg(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, s32 err)

 *  fm10k_mbx_validate_msg_hdr - Validate common fields in the message header
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will parse up the fields in the mailbox header and return
 *  an error if the header contains any of a number of invalid configurations
 *  including unrecognized type, invalid route, or a malformed message.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_validate_msg_hdr(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_create_reply - Generate reply based on state and remote head
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @head: acknowledgement number
 *  This function will generate an outgoing message based on the current
 *  mailbox state and the remote FIFO head.  It will return the length
 *  of the outgoing message excluding header on success, and a negative value
 *  on error.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_create_reply(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				  struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 head)

 *  fm10k_mbx_reset_work- Reset internal pointers for any pending work
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will reset all internal pointers so any work in progress
 *  is dropped.  This call should occur every time we transition from the
 *  open state to the connect state.
static void fm10k_mbx_reset_work(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_update_max_size - Update the max_size and drop any large messages
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @size: new value for max_size
 *  This function updates the max_size value and drops any outgoing messages
 *  at the head of the Tx FIFO if they are larger than max_size. It does not
 *  drop all messages, as this is too difficult to parse and remove them from
 *  the FIFO. Instead, rely on the checking to ensure that messages larger
 *  than max_size aren't pushed into the memory buffer.
static void fm10k_mbx_update_max_size(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 size)

 *  fm10k_mbx_connect_reset - Reset following request for reset
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function resets the mailbox to either a disconnected state
 *  or a connect state depending on the current mailbox state
static void fm10k_mbx_connect_reset(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_process_connect - Process connect header
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will read an incoming connect header and reply with the
 *  appropriate message.  It will return a value indicating the number of
 *  data DWORDs on success, or will return a negative value on failure.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_process_connect(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				     struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_process_data - Process data header
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will read an incoming data header and reply with the
 *  appropriate message.  It will return a value indicating the number of
 *  data DWORDs on success, or will return a negative value on failure.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_process_data(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				  struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_process_disconnect - Process disconnect header
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will read an incoming disconnect header and reply with the
 *  appropriate message.  It will return a value indicating the number of
 *  data DWORDs on success, or will return a negative value on failure.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_process_disconnect(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
					struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_process_error - Process error header
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will read an incoming error header and reply with the
 *  appropriate message.  It will return a value indicating the number of
 *  data DWORDs on success, or will return a negative value on failure.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_process_error(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				   struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_process - Process mailbox interrupt
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will process incoming mailbox events and generate mailbox
 *  replies.  It will return a value indicating the number of DWORDs
 *  transmitted excluding header on success or a negative value on error.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_process(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
			     struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_disconnect - Shutdown mailbox connection
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will shut down the mailbox.  It places the mailbox first
 *  in the disconnect state, it then allows up to a predefined timeout for
 *  the mailbox to transition to close on its own.  If this does not occur
 *  then the mailbox will be forced into the closed state.
 *  Any mailbox transactions not completed before calling this function
 *  are not guaranteed to complete and may be dropped.
static void fm10k_mbx_disconnect(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				 struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_connect - Start mailbox connection
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will initiate a mailbox connection.  It will populate the
 *  mailbox with a broadcast connect message and then initialize the lock.
 *  This is safe since the connect message is a single DWORD so the mailbox
 *  transaction is guaranteed to be atomic.
 *  This function will return an error if the mailbox has not been initiated
 *  or is currently in use.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_connect(struct fm10k_hw *hw, struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_mbx_validate_handlers - Validate layout of message parsing data
 *  @msg_data: handlers for mailbox events
 *  This function validates the layout of the message parsing data.  This
 *  should be mostly static, but it is important to catch any errors that
 *  are made when constructing the parsers.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_validate_handlers(const struct fm10k_msg_data *msg_data)

 *  fm10k_mbx_register_handlers - Register a set of handler ops for mailbox
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @msg_data: handlers for mailbox events
 *  This function associates a set of message handling ops with a mailbox.
static s32 fm10k_mbx_register_handlers(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx,
				       const struct fm10k_msg_data *msg_data)

 *  fm10k_pfvf_mbx_init - Initialize mailbox memory for PF/VF mailbox
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @msg_data: handlers for mailbox events
 *  @id: ID reference for PF as it supports up to 64 PF/VF mailboxes
 *  This function initializes the mailbox for use.  It will split the
 *  buffer provided and use that to populate both the Tx and Rx FIFO by
 *  evenly splitting it.  In order to allow for easy masking of head/tail
 *  the value reported in size must be a power of 2 and is reported in
 *  DWORDs, not bytes.  Any invalid values will cause the mailbox to return
 *  error.
s32 fm10k_pfvf_mbx_init(struct fm10k_hw *hw, struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx,
			const struct fm10k_msg_data *msg_data, u8 id)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_create_data_hdr - Generate a mailbox header for local FIFO
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function returns a data mailbox header
static void fm10k_sm_mbx_create_data_hdr(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_create_connect_hdr - Generate a mailbox header for local FIFO
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @err: error flags to report if any
 *  This function returns a connection mailbox header
static void fm10k_sm_mbx_create_connect_hdr(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u8 err)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_connect_reset - Reset following request for reset
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function resets the mailbox to a just connected state
static void fm10k_sm_mbx_connect_reset(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_connect - Start switch manager mailbox connection
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will initiate a mailbox connection with the switch
 *  manager.  To do this it will first disconnect the mailbox, and then
 *  reconnect it in order to complete a reset of the mailbox.
 *  This function will return an error if the mailbox has not been initiated
 *  or is currently in use.
static s32 fm10k_sm_mbx_connect(struct fm10k_hw *hw, struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_disconnect - Shutdown mailbox connection
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will shut down the mailbox.  It places the mailbox first
 *  in the disconnect state, it then allows up to a predefined timeout for
 *  the mailbox to transition to close on its own.  If this does not occur
 *  then the mailbox will be forced into the closed state.
 *  Any mailbox transactions not completed before calling this function
 *  are not guaranteed to complete and may be dropped.
static void fm10k_sm_mbx_disconnect(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				    struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_validate_fifo_hdr - Validate fields in the remote FIFO header
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will parse up the fields in the mailbox header and return
 *  an error if the header contains any of a number of invalid configurations
 *  including unrecognized offsets or version numbers.
static s32 fm10k_sm_mbx_validate_fifo_hdr(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_process_error - Process header with error flag set
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function is meant to respond to a request where the error flag
 *  is set.  As a result we will terminate a connection if one is present
 *  and fall back into the reset state with a connection header of version
 *  0 (RESET).
static void fm10k_sm_mbx_process_error(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_create_error_msg - Process an error in FIFO header
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @err: local error encountered
 *  This function will interpret the error provided by err, and based on
 *  that it may set the error bit in the local message header
static void fm10k_sm_mbx_create_error_msg(struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, s32 err)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_receive - Take message from Rx mailbox FIFO and put it in Rx
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @tail: tail index of message
 *  This function will dequeue one message from the Rx switch manager mailbox
 *  FIFO and place it in the Rx mailbox FIFO for processing by software.
static s32 fm10k_sm_mbx_receive(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx,
				u16 tail)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_transmit - Take message from Tx and put it in Tx mailbox FIFO
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @head: head index of message
 *  This function will dequeue one message from the Tx mailbox FIFO and place
 *  it in the Tx switch manager mailbox FIFO for processing by hardware.
static void fm10k_sm_mbx_transmit(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				  struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 head)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_create_reply - Generate reply based on state and remote head
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @head: acknowledgement number
 *  This function will generate an outgoing message based on the current
 *  mailbox state and the remote FIFO head.  It will return the length
 *  of the outgoing message excluding header on success, and a negative value
 *  on error.
static void fm10k_sm_mbx_create_reply(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				      struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx, u16 head)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_process_reset - Process header with version == 0 (RESET)
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function is meant to respond to a request where the version data
 *  is set to 0.  As such we will either terminate the connection or go
 *  into the connect state in order to re-establish the connection.  This
 *  function can also be used to respond to an error as the connection
 *  resetting would also be a means of dealing with errors.
static s32 fm10k_sm_mbx_process_reset(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				      struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_process_version_1 - Process header with version == 1
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function is meant to process messages received when the remote
 *  mailbox is active.
static s32 fm10k_sm_mbx_process_version_1(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
					  struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_process - Process switch manager mailbox interrupt
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  This function will process incoming mailbox events and generate mailbox
 *  replies.  It will return a value indicating the number of DWORDs
 *  transmitted excluding header on success or a negative value on error.
static s32 fm10k_sm_mbx_process(struct fm10k_hw *hw,
				struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx)

 *  fm10k_sm_mbx_init - Initialize mailbox memory for PF/SM mailbox
 *  @hw: pointer to hardware structure
 *  @mbx: pointer to mailbox
 *  @msg_data: handlers for mailbox events
 *  This function initializes the PF/SM mailbox for use.  It will split the
 *  buffer provided and use that to populate both the Tx and Rx FIFO by
 *  evenly splitting it.  In order to allow for easy masking of head/tail
 *  the value reported in size must be a power of 2 and is reported in
 *  DWORDs, not bytes.  Any invalid values will cause the mailbox to return
 *  error.
s32 fm10k_sm_mbx_init(struct fm10k_hw __always_unused *hw,
		      struct fm10k_mbx_info *mbx,
		      const struct fm10k_msg_data *msg_data)