
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright (C) 2022, Intel Corporation. */

#include "ice_vf_lib_private.h"
#include "ice.h"
#include "ice_lib.h"
#include "ice_fltr.h"
#include "ice_virtchnl_allowlist.h"

/* Public functions which may be accessed by all driver files */

 * ice_get_vf_by_id - Get pointer to VF by ID
 * @pf: the PF private structure
 * @vf_id: the VF ID to locate
 * Locate and return a pointer to the VF structure associated with a given ID.
 * Returns NULL if the ID does not have a valid VF structure associated with
 * it.
 * This function takes a reference to the VF, which must be released by
 * calling ice_put_vf() once the caller is finished accessing the VF structure
 * returned.
struct ice_vf *ice_get_vf_by_id(struct ice_pf *pf, u16 vf_id)

 * ice_release_vf - Release VF associated with a refcount
 * @ref: the kref decremented to zero
 * Callback function for kref_put to release a VF once its reference count has
 * hit zero.
static void ice_release_vf(struct kref *ref)

 * ice_put_vf - Release a reference to a VF
 * @vf: the VF structure to decrease reference count on
 * Decrease the reference count for a VF, and free the entry if it is no
 * longer in use.
 * This must be called after ice_get_vf_by_id() once the reference to the VF
 * structure is no longer used. Otherwise, the VF structure will never be
 * freed.
void ice_put_vf(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_has_vfs - Return true if the PF has any associated VFs
 * @pf: the PF private structure
 * Return whether or not the PF has any allocated VFs.
 * Note that this function only guarantees that there are no VFs at the point
 * of calling it. It does not guarantee that no more VFs will be added.
bool ice_has_vfs(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_get_num_vfs - Get number of allocated VFs
 * @pf: the PF private structure
 * Return the total number of allocated VFs. NOTE: VF IDs are not guaranteed
 * to be contiguous. Do not assume that a VF ID is guaranteed to be less than
 * the output of this function.
u16 ice_get_num_vfs(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_get_vf_vsi - get VF's VSI based on the stored index
 * @vf: VF used to get VSI
struct ice_vsi *ice_get_vf_vsi(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_is_vf_disabled
 * @vf: pointer to the VF info
 * If the PF has been disabled, there is no need resetting VF until PF is
 * active again. Similarly, if the VF has been disabled, this means something
 * else is resetting the VF, so we shouldn't continue.
 * Returns true if the caller should consider the VF as disabled whether
 * because that single VF is explicitly disabled or because the PF is
 * currently disabled.
bool ice_is_vf_disabled(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_wait_on_vf_reset - poll to make sure a given VF is ready after reset
 * @vf: The VF being resseting
 * The max poll time is about ~800ms, which is about the maximum time it takes
 * for a VF to be reset and/or a VF driver to be removed.
static void ice_wait_on_vf_reset(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_check_vf_ready_for_cfg - check if VF is ready to be configured/queried
 * @vf: VF to check if it's ready to be configured/queried
 * The purpose of this function is to make sure the VF is not in reset, not
 * disabled, and initialized so it can be configured and/or queried by a host
 * administrator.
int ice_check_vf_ready_for_cfg(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_trigger_vf_reset - Reset a VF on HW
 * @vf: pointer to the VF structure
 * @is_vflr: true if VFLR was issued, false if not
 * @is_pfr: true if the reset was triggered due to a previous PFR
 * Trigger hardware to start a reset for a particular VF. Expects the caller
 * to wait the proper amount of time to allow hardware to reset the VF before
 * it cleans up and restores VF functionality.
static void ice_trigger_vf_reset(struct ice_vf *vf, bool is_vflr, bool is_pfr)

static void ice_vf_clear_counters(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_pre_vsi_rebuild - tasks to be done prior to VSI rebuild
 * @vf: VF to perform pre VSI rebuild tasks
 * These tasks are items that don't need to be amortized since they are most
 * likely called in a for loop with all VF(s) in the reset_all_vfs() case.
static void ice_vf_pre_vsi_rebuild(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_reconfig_vsi - Reconfigure a VF VSI with the device
 * @vf: VF to reconfigure the VSI for
 * This is called when a single VF is being reset (i.e. VVF, VFLR, host VF
 * configuration change, etc).
 * It brings the VSI down and then reconfigures it with the hardware.
static int ice_vf_reconfig_vsi(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_rebuild_vsi - rebuild the VF's VSI
 * @vf: VF to rebuild the VSI for
 * This is only called when all VF(s) are being reset (i.e. PCIe Reset on the
 * host, PFR, CORER, etc.).
 * It reprograms the VSI configuration back into hardware.
static int ice_vf_rebuild_vsi(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_rebuild_host_vlan_cfg - add VLAN 0 filter or rebuild the Port VLAN
 * @vf: VF to add MAC filters for
 * @vsi: Pointer to VSI
 * Called after a VF VSI has been re-added/rebuilt during reset. The PF driver
 * always re-adds either a VLAN 0 or port VLAN based filter after reset.
static int ice_vf_rebuild_host_vlan_cfg(struct ice_vf *vf, struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vf_rebuild_host_tx_rate_cfg - re-apply the Tx rate limiting configuration
 * @vf: VF to re-apply the configuration for
 * Called after a VF VSI has been re-added/rebuild during reset. The PF driver
 * needs to re-apply the host configured Tx rate limiting configuration.
static int ice_vf_rebuild_host_tx_rate_cfg(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_set_host_trust_cfg - set trust setting based on pre-reset value
 * @vf: VF to configure trust setting for
static void ice_vf_set_host_trust_cfg(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_rebuild_host_mac_cfg - add broadcast and the VF's perm_addr/LAA
 * @vf: VF to add MAC filters for
 * Called after a VF VSI has been re-added/rebuilt during reset. The PF driver
 * always re-adds a broadcast filter and the VF's perm_addr/LAA after reset.
static int ice_vf_rebuild_host_mac_cfg(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_rebuild_aggregator_node_cfg - rebuild aggregator node config
 * @vsi: Pointer to VSI
 * This function moves VSI into corresponding scheduler aggregator node
 * based on cached value of "aggregator node info" per VSI
static void ice_vf_rebuild_aggregator_node_cfg(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vf_rebuild_host_cfg - host admin configuration is persistent across reset
 * @vf: VF to rebuild host configuration on
static void ice_vf_rebuild_host_cfg(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_set_vf_state_qs_dis - Set VF queues state to disabled
 * @vf: pointer to the VF structure
static void ice_set_vf_state_qs_dis(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_set_initialized - VF is ready for VIRTCHNL communication
 * @vf: VF to set in initialized state
 * After this function the VF will be ready to receive/handle the
static void ice_vf_set_initialized(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_post_vsi_rebuild - Reset tasks that occur after VSI rebuild
 * @vf: the VF being reset
 * Perform reset tasks which must occur after the VSI has been re-created or
 * rebuilt during a VF reset.
static void ice_vf_post_vsi_rebuild(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_is_any_vf_in_unicast_promisc - check if any VF(s)
 * are in unicast promiscuous mode
 * @pf: PF structure for accessing VF(s)
 * Return false if no VF(s) are in unicast promiscuous mode,
 * else return true
bool ice_is_any_vf_in_unicast_promisc(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_vf_get_promisc_masks - Calculate masks for promiscuous modes
 * @vf: the VF pointer
 * @vsi: the VSI to configure
 * @ucast_m: promiscuous mask to apply to unicast
 * @mcast_m: promiscuous mask to apply to multicast
 * Decide which mask should be used for unicast and multicast filter,
 * based on presence of VLANs
ice_vf_get_promisc_masks(struct ice_vf *vf, struct ice_vsi *vsi,
			 u8 *ucast_m, u8 *mcast_m)

 * ice_vf_clear_all_promisc_modes - Clear promisc/allmulticast on VF VSI
 * @vf: the VF pointer
 * @vsi: the VSI to configure
 * Clear all promiscuous/allmulticast filters for a VF
static int
ice_vf_clear_all_promisc_modes(struct ice_vf *vf, struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vf_set_vsi_promisc - Enable promiscuous mode for a VF VSI
 * @vf: the VF to configure
 * @vsi: the VF's VSI
 * @promisc_m: the promiscuous mode to enable
ice_vf_set_vsi_promisc(struct ice_vf *vf, struct ice_vsi *vsi, u8 promisc_m)

 * ice_vf_clear_vsi_promisc - Disable promiscuous mode for a VF VSI
 * @vf: the VF to configure
 * @vsi: the VF's VSI
 * @promisc_m: the promiscuous mode to disable
ice_vf_clear_vsi_promisc(struct ice_vf *vf, struct ice_vsi *vsi, u8 promisc_m)

 * ice_reset_all_vfs - reset all allocated VFs in one go
 * @pf: pointer to the PF structure
 * Reset all VFs at once, in response to a PF or other device reset.
 * First, tell the hardware to reset each VF, then do all the waiting in one
 * chunk, and finally finish restoring each VF after the wait. This is useful
 * during PF routines which need to reset all VFs, as otherwise it must perform
 * these resets in a serialized fashion.
void ice_reset_all_vfs(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_notify_vf_reset - Notify VF of a reset event
 * @vf: pointer to the VF structure
static void ice_notify_vf_reset(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_reset_vf - Reset a particular VF
 * @vf: pointer to the VF structure
 * @flags: flags controlling behavior of the reset
 * Flags:
 *   ICE_VF_RESET_VFLR - Indicates a reset is due to VFLR event
 *   ICE_VF_RESET_NOTIFY - Send VF a notification prior to reset
 *   ICE_VF_RESET_LOCK - Acquire VF cfg_lock before resetting
 * Returns 0 if the VF is currently in reset, if resets are disabled, or if
 * the VF resets successfully. Returns an error code if the VF fails to
 * rebuild.
int ice_reset_vf(struct ice_vf *vf, u32 flags)

 * ice_set_vf_state_dis - Set VF state to disabled
 * @vf: pointer to the VF structure
void ice_set_vf_state_dis(struct ice_vf *vf)

/* Private functions only accessed from other virtualization files */

 * ice_initialize_vf_entry - Initialize a VF entry
 * @vf: pointer to the VF structure
void ice_initialize_vf_entry(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_dis_vf_qs - Disable the VF queues
 * @vf: pointer to the VF structure
void ice_dis_vf_qs(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_err_to_virt_err - translate errors for VF return code
 * @err: error return code
enum virtchnl_status_code ice_err_to_virt_err(int err)

 * ice_check_vf_init - helper to check if VF init complete
 * @vf: the pointer to the VF to check
int ice_check_vf_init(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_get_port_info - Get the VF's port info structure
 * @vf: VF used to get the port info structure for
struct ice_port_info *ice_vf_get_port_info(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_cfg_mac_antispoof - Configure MAC antispoof checking behavior
 * @vsi: the VSI to configure
 * @enable: whether to enable or disable the spoof checking
 * Configure a VSI to enable (or disable) spoof checking behavior.
static int ice_cfg_mac_antispoof(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool enable)

 * ice_vsi_ena_spoofchk - enable Tx spoof checking for this VSI
 * @vsi: VSI to enable Tx spoof checking for
static int ice_vsi_ena_spoofchk(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_dis_spoofchk - disable Tx spoof checking for this VSI
 * @vsi: VSI to disable Tx spoof checking for
static int ice_vsi_dis_spoofchk(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_apply_spoofchk - Apply Tx spoof checking setting to a VSI
 * @vsi: VSI associated to the VF
 * @enable: whether to enable or disable the spoof checking
int ice_vsi_apply_spoofchk(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool enable)

 * ice_is_vf_trusted
 * @vf: pointer to the VF info
bool ice_is_vf_trusted(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_has_no_qs_ena - check if the VF has any Rx or Tx queues enabled
 * @vf: the VF to check
 * Returns true if the VF has no Rx and no Tx queues enabled and returns false
 * otherwise
bool ice_vf_has_no_qs_ena(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_is_vf_link_up - check if the VF's link is up
 * @vf: VF to check if link is up
bool ice_is_vf_link_up(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_ctrl_invalidate_vsi - invalidate ctrl_vsi_idx to remove VSI access
 * @vf: VF that control VSI is being invalidated on
void ice_vf_ctrl_invalidate_vsi(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_ctrl_vsi_release - invalidate the VF's control VSI after freeing it
 * @vf: VF that control VSI is being released on
void ice_vf_ctrl_vsi_release(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_ctrl_vsi_setup - Set up a VF control VSI
 * @vf: VF to setup control VSI for
 * Returns pointer to the successfully allocated VSI struct on success,
 * otherwise returns NULL on failure.
struct ice_vsi *ice_vf_ctrl_vsi_setup(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_init_host_cfg - Initialize host admin configuration
 * @vf: VF to initialize
 * @vsi: the VSI created at initialization
 * Initialize the VF host configuration. Called during VF creation to setup
 * VLAN 0, add the VF VSI broadcast filter, and setup spoof checking. It
 * should only be called during VF creation.
int ice_vf_init_host_cfg(struct ice_vf *vf, struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vf_invalidate_vsi - invalidate vsi_idx to remove VSI access
 * @vf: VF to remove access to VSI for
void ice_vf_invalidate_vsi(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_vf_vsi_release - Release the VF VSI and invalidate indexes
 * @vf: pointer to the VF structure
 * Release the VF associated with this VSI and then invalidate the VSI
 * indexes.
void ice_vf_vsi_release(struct ice_vf *vf)

 * ice_get_vf_ctrl_vsi - Get first VF control VSI pointer
 * @pf: the PF private structure
 * @vsi: pointer to the VSI
 * Return first found VF control VSI other than the vsi
 * passed by parameter. This function is used to determine
 * whether new resources have to be allocated for control VSI
 * or they can be shared with existing one.
 * Return found VF control VSI pointer other itself. Return
 * NULL Otherwise.
struct ice_vsi *ice_get_vf_ctrl_vsi(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_vsi *vsi)