
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright (C) 2022, Intel Corporation. */

#include "ice.h"
#include "ice_lib.h"
#include "ice_trace.h"
#include <linux/dpll.h>


 * enum ice_dpll_pin_type - enumerate ice pin types:
 * @ICE_DPLL_PIN_INVALID: invalid pin type
 * @ICE_DPLL_PIN_TYPE_INPUT: input pin
 * @ICE_DPLL_PIN_TYPE_OUTPUT: output pin
 * @ICE_DPLL_PIN_TYPE_RCLK_INPUT: recovery clock input pin
enum ice_dpll_pin_type {};

static const char * const pin_type_name[] =;

static const struct dpll_pin_frequency ice_esync_range[] =;

 * ice_dpll_is_reset - check if reset is in progress
 * @pf: private board structure
 * @extack: error reporting
 * If reset is in progress, fill extack with error.
 * Return:
 * * false - no reset in progress
 * * true - reset in progress
static bool ice_dpll_is_reset(struct ice_pf *pf, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_pin_freq_set - set pin's frequency
 * @pf: private board structure
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_type: type of pin being configured
 * @freq: frequency to be set
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Set requested frequency on a pin.
 * Context: Called under pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error on AQ or wrong pin type given
static int
ice_dpll_pin_freq_set(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_dpll_pin *pin,
		      enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type, const u32 freq,
		      struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_frequency_set - wrapper for pin callback for set frequency
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: pointer to dpll
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @frequency: frequency to be set
 * @extack: error reporting
 * @pin_type: type of pin being configured
 * Wraps internal set frequency command on a pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error pin not found or couldn't set in hw
static int
ice_dpll_frequency_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
		       const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
		       const u32 frequency,
		       struct netlink_ext_ack *extack,
		       enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type)

 * ice_dpll_input_frequency_set - input pin callback for set frequency
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: pointer to dpll
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @frequency: frequency to be set
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Wraps internal set frequency command on a pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error pin not found or couldn't set in hw
static int
ice_dpll_input_frequency_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			     const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			     u64 frequency, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_output_frequency_set - output pin callback for set frequency
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: pointer to dpll
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @frequency: frequency to be set
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Wraps internal set frequency command on a pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error pin not found or couldn't set in hw
static int
ice_dpll_output_frequency_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			      const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			      u64 frequency, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_frequency_get - wrapper for pin callback for get frequency
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: pointer to dpll
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @frequency: on success holds pin's frequency
 * @extack: error reporting
 * @pin_type: type of pin being configured
 * Wraps internal get frequency command of a pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error pin not found or couldn't get from hw
static int
ice_dpll_frequency_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
		       const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
		       u64 *frequency, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack,
		       enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type)

 * ice_dpll_input_frequency_get - input pin callback for get frequency
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: pointer to dpll
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @frequency: on success holds pin's frequency
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Wraps internal get frequency command of a input pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error pin not found or couldn't get from hw
static int
ice_dpll_input_frequency_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			     const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			     u64 *frequency, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_output_frequency_get - output pin callback for get frequency
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: pointer to dpll
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @frequency: on success holds pin's frequency
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Wraps internal get frequency command of a pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error pin not found or couldn't get from hw
static int
ice_dpll_output_frequency_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			      const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			      u64 *frequency, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_pin_enable - enable a pin on dplls
 * @hw: board private hw structure
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @dpll_idx: dpll index to connect to output pin
 * @pin_type: type of pin being enabled
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Enable a pin on both dplls. Store current state in pin->flags.
 * Context: Called under pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - OK
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_pin_enable(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_dpll_pin *pin,
		    u8 dpll_idx, enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type,
		    struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_pin_disable - disable a pin on dplls
 * @hw: board private hw structure
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_type: type of pin being disabled
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Disable a pin on both dplls. Store current state in pin->flags.
 * Context: Called under pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - OK
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_pin_disable(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_dpll_pin *pin,
		     enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type,
		     struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_pin_state_update - update pin's state
 * @pf: private board struct
 * @pin: structure with pin attributes to be updated
 * @pin_type: type of pin being updated
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Determine pin current state and frequency, then update struct
 * holding the pin info. For input pin states are separated for each
 * dpll, for rclk pins states are separated for each parent.
 * Context: Called under pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - OK
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_pin_state_update(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_dpll_pin *pin,
			  enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type,
			  struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_hw_input_prio_set - set input priority value in hardware
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @dpll: ice dpll pointer
 * @pin: ice pin pointer
 * @prio: priority value being set on a dpll
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Internal wrapper for setting the priority in the hardware.
 * Context: Called under pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failure
static int
ice_dpll_hw_input_prio_set(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_dpll *dpll,
			   struct ice_dpll_pin *pin, const u32 prio,
			   struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_lock_status_get - get dpll lock status callback
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @status: on success holds dpll's lock status
 * @status_error: status error value
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback, provides dpll's lock status.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failure
static int
ice_dpll_lock_status_get(const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			 enum dpll_lock_status *status,
			 enum dpll_lock_status_error *status_error,
			 struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_mode_get - get dpll's working mode
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @mode: on success holds current working mode of dpll
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Provides working mode of dpll.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failure
static int ice_dpll_mode_get(const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			     enum dpll_mode *mode,
			     struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_pin_state_set - set pin's state on dpll
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @enable: if pin shalll be enabled
 * @extack: error reporting
 * @pin_type: type of a pin
 * Set pin state on a pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - OK or no change required
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_pin_state_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
		       const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
		       bool enable, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack,
		       enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type)

 * ice_dpll_output_state_set - enable/disable output pin on dpll device
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: dpll being configured
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @state: state of pin to be set
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Set given state on output type pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - successfully enabled mode
 * * negative - failed to enable mode
static int
ice_dpll_output_state_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			  const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			  enum dpll_pin_state state,
			  struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_input_state_set - enable/disable input pin on dpll levice
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: dpll being configured
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @state: state of pin to be set
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Enables given mode on input type pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - successfully enabled mode
 * * negative - failed to enable mode
static int
ice_dpll_input_state_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			 const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			 enum dpll_pin_state state,
			 struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_pin_state_get - set pin's state on dpll
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @state: on success holds state of the pin
 * @extack: error reporting
 * @pin_type: type of questioned pin
 * Determine pin state set it on a pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failed to get state
static int
ice_dpll_pin_state_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
		       const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
		       enum dpll_pin_state *state,
		       struct netlink_ext_ack *extack,
		       enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type)

 * ice_dpll_output_state_get - get output pin state on dpll device
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @state: on success holds state of the pin
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Check state of a pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failed to get state
static int
ice_dpll_output_state_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			  const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			  enum dpll_pin_state *state,
			  struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_input_state_get - get input pin state on dpll device
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @state: on success holds state of the pin
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Check state of a input pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failed to get state
static int
ice_dpll_input_state_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			 const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			 enum dpll_pin_state *state,
			 struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_input_prio_get - get dpll's input prio
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @prio: on success - returns input priority on dpll
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for getting priority of a input pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failure
static int
ice_dpll_input_prio_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			u32 *prio, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_input_prio_set - set dpll input prio
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @prio: input priority to be set on dpll
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for setting priority of a input pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failure
static int
ice_dpll_input_prio_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			u32 prio, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_input_direction - callback for get input pin direction
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @direction: holds input pin direction
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for getting direction of a input pin.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
static int
ice_dpll_input_direction(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			 const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			 enum dpll_pin_direction *direction,
			 struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_output_direction - callback for get output pin direction
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @direction: holds output pin direction
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for getting direction of an output pin.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
static int
ice_dpll_output_direction(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			  const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			  enum dpll_pin_direction *direction,
			  struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_pin_phase_adjust_get - callback for get pin phase adjust value
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @phase_adjust: on success holds pin phase_adjust value
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for getting phase adjust value of a pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_pin_phase_adjust_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			      const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			      s32 *phase_adjust,
			      struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_pin_phase_adjust_set - helper for setting a pin phase adjust value
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @phase_adjust: phase_adjust to be set
 * @extack: error reporting
 * @type: type of a pin
 * Helper for dpll subsystem callback. Handler for setting phase adjust value
 * of a pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_pin_phase_adjust_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			      const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			      s32 phase_adjust,
			      struct netlink_ext_ack *extack,
			      enum ice_dpll_pin_type type)

 * ice_dpll_input_phase_adjust_set - callback for set input pin phase adjust
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @phase_adjust: phase_adjust to be set
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Wraps a handler for setting phase adjust on input
 * pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_input_phase_adjust_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
				const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
				s32 phase_adjust,
				struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_output_phase_adjust_set - callback for set output pin phase adjust
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @phase_adjust: phase_adjust to be set
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Wraps a handler for setting phase adjust on output
 * pin.
 * Context: Calls a function which acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_output_phase_adjust_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
				 const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
				 s32 phase_adjust,
				 struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_phase_offset_get - callback for get dpll phase shift value
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @phase_offset: on success holds pin phase_offset value
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for getting phase shift value between
 * dpll's input and output.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_phase_offset_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			  const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			  s64 *phase_offset, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_output_esync_set - callback for setting embedded sync
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @freq: requested embedded sync frequency
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for setting embedded sync frequency value
 * on output pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_output_esync_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			  const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			  u64 freq, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_output_esync_get - callback for getting embedded sync config
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @esync: on success holds embedded sync pin properties
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for getting embedded sync frequency value
 * and capabilities on output pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_output_esync_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			  const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			  struct dpll_pin_esync *esync,
			  struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_input_esync_set - callback for setting embedded sync
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @freq: requested embedded sync frequency
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for setting embedded sync frequency value
 * on input pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_input_esync_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			 const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			 u64 freq, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_input_esync_get - callback for getting embedded sync config
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @dpll: registered dpll pointer
 * @dpll_priv: private data pointer passed on dpll registration
 * @esync: on success holds embedded sync pin properties
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback. Handler for getting embedded sync frequency value
 * and capabilities on input pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - error
static int
ice_dpll_input_esync_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			 const struct dpll_device *dpll, void *dpll_priv,
			 struct dpll_pin_esync *esync,
			 struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_rclk_state_on_pin_set - set a state on rclk pin
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @parent_pin: pin parent pointer
 * @parent_pin_priv: parent private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @state: state to be set on pin
 * @extack: error reporting
 * Dpll subsystem callback, set a state of a rclk pin on a parent pin
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failure
static int
ice_dpll_rclk_state_on_pin_set(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			       const struct dpll_pin *parent_pin,
			       void *parent_pin_priv,
			       enum dpll_pin_state state,
			       struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

 * ice_dpll_rclk_state_on_pin_get - get a state of rclk pin
 * @pin: pointer to a pin
 * @pin_priv: private data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @parent_pin: pin parent pointer
 * @parent_pin_priv: pin parent priv data pointer passed on pin registration
 * @state: on success holds pin state on parent pin
 * @extack: error reporting
 * dpll subsystem callback, get a state of a recovered clock pin.
 * Context: Acquires pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - failure
static int
ice_dpll_rclk_state_on_pin_get(const struct dpll_pin *pin, void *pin_priv,
			       const struct dpll_pin *parent_pin,
			       void *parent_pin_priv,
			       enum dpll_pin_state *state,
			       struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

static const struct dpll_pin_ops ice_dpll_rclk_ops =;

static const struct dpll_pin_ops ice_dpll_input_ops =;

static const struct dpll_pin_ops ice_dpll_output_ops =;

static const struct dpll_device_ops ice_dpll_ops =;

 * ice_generate_clock_id - generates unique clock_id for registering dpll.
 * @pf: board private structure
 * Generates unique (per board) clock_id for allocation and search of dpll
 * devices in Linux dpll subsystem.
 * Return: generated clock id for the board
static u64 ice_generate_clock_id(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_dpll_notify_changes - notify dpll subsystem about changes
 * @d: pointer do dpll
 * Once change detected appropriate event is submitted to the dpll subsystem.
static void ice_dpll_notify_changes(struct ice_dpll *d)

 * ice_dpll_update_state - update dpll state
 * @pf: pf private structure
 * @d: pointer to queried dpll device
 * @init: if function called on initialization of ice dpll
 * Poll current state of dpll from hw and update ice_dpll struct.
 * Context: Called by kworker under pf->dplls.lock
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - AQ failure
static int
ice_dpll_update_state(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_dpll *d, bool init)

 * ice_dpll_periodic_work - DPLLs periodic worker
 * @work: pointer to kthread_work structure
 * DPLLs periodic worker is responsible for polling state of dpll.
 * Context: Holds pf->dplls.lock
static void ice_dpll_periodic_work(struct kthread_work *work)

 * ice_dpll_release_pins - release pins resources from dpll subsystem
 * @pins: pointer to pins array
 * @count: number of pins
 * Release resources of given pins array in the dpll subsystem.
static void ice_dpll_release_pins(struct ice_dpll_pin *pins, int count)

 * ice_dpll_get_pins - get pins from dpll subsystem
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @pins: pointer to pins array
 * @start_idx: get starts from this pin idx value
 * @count: number of pins
 * @clock_id: clock_id of dpll device
 * Get pins - allocate - in dpll subsystem, store them in pin field of given
 * pins array.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - allocation failure reason
static int
ice_dpll_get_pins(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_dpll_pin *pins,
		  int start_idx, int count, u64 clock_id)

 * ice_dpll_unregister_pins - unregister pins from a dpll
 * @dpll: dpll device pointer
 * @pins: pointer to pins array
 * @ops: callback ops registered with the pins
 * @count: number of pins
 * Unregister pins of a given array of pins from given dpll device registered in
 * dpll subsystem.
static void
ice_dpll_unregister_pins(struct dpll_device *dpll, struct ice_dpll_pin *pins,
			 const struct dpll_pin_ops *ops, int count)

 * ice_dpll_register_pins - register pins with a dpll
 * @dpll: dpll pointer to register pins with
 * @pins: pointer to pins array
 * @ops: callback ops registered with the pins
 * @count: number of pins
 * Register pins of a given array with given dpll in dpll subsystem.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - registration failure reason
static int
ice_dpll_register_pins(struct dpll_device *dpll, struct ice_dpll_pin *pins,
		       const struct dpll_pin_ops *ops, int count)

 * ice_dpll_deinit_direct_pins - deinitialize direct pins
 * @cgu: if cgu is present and controlled by this NIC
 * @pins: pointer to pins array
 * @count: number of pins
 * @ops: callback ops registered with the pins
 * @first: dpll device pointer
 * @second: dpll device pointer
 * If cgu is owned unregister pins from given dplls.
 * Release pins resources to the dpll subsystem.
static void
ice_dpll_deinit_direct_pins(bool cgu, struct ice_dpll_pin *pins, int count,
			    const struct dpll_pin_ops *ops,
			    struct dpll_device *first,
			    struct dpll_device *second)

 * ice_dpll_init_direct_pins - initialize direct pins
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @cgu: if cgu is present and controlled by this NIC
 * @pins: pointer to pins array
 * @start_idx: on which index shall allocation start in dpll subsystem
 * @count: number of pins
 * @ops: callback ops registered with the pins
 * @first: dpll device pointer
 * @second: dpll device pointer
 * Allocate directly connected pins of a given array in dpll subsystem.
 * If cgu is owned register allocated pins with given dplls.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - registration failure reason
static int
ice_dpll_init_direct_pins(struct ice_pf *pf, bool cgu,
			  struct ice_dpll_pin *pins, int start_idx, int count,
			  const struct dpll_pin_ops *ops,
			  struct dpll_device *first, struct dpll_device *second)

 * ice_dpll_deinit_rclk_pin - release rclk pin resources
 * @pf: board private structure
 * Deregister rclk pin from parent pins and release resources in dpll subsystem.
static void ice_dpll_deinit_rclk_pin(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_dpll_init_rclk_pins - initialize recovered clock pin
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @pin: pin to register
 * @start_idx: on which index shall allocation start in dpll subsystem
 * @ops: callback ops registered with the pins
 * Allocate resource for recovered clock pin in dpll subsystem. Register the
 * pin with the parents it has in the info. Register pin with the pf's main vsi
 * netdev.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - registration failure reason
static int
ice_dpll_init_rclk_pins(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_dpll_pin *pin,
			int start_idx, const struct dpll_pin_ops *ops)

 * ice_dpll_deinit_pins - deinitialize direct pins
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @cgu: if cgu is controlled by this pf
 * If cgu is owned unregister directly connected pins from the dplls.
 * Release resources of directly connected pins from the dpll subsystem.
static void ice_dpll_deinit_pins(struct ice_pf *pf, bool cgu)

 * ice_dpll_init_pins - init pins and register pins with a dplls
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @cgu: if cgu is present and controlled by this NIC
 * Initialize directly connected pf's pins within pf's dplls in a Linux dpll
 * subsystem.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - initialization failure reason
static int ice_dpll_init_pins(struct ice_pf *pf, bool cgu)

 * ice_dpll_deinit_dpll - deinitialize dpll device
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @d: pointer to ice_dpll
 * @cgu: if cgu is present and controlled by this NIC
 * If cgu is owned unregister the dpll from dpll subsystem.
 * Release resources of dpll device from dpll subsystem.
static void
ice_dpll_deinit_dpll(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_dpll *d, bool cgu)

 * ice_dpll_init_dpll - initialize dpll device in dpll subsystem
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @d: dpll to be initialized
 * @cgu: if cgu is present and controlled by this NIC
 * @type: type of dpll being initialized
 * Allocate dpll instance for this board in dpll subsystem, if cgu is controlled
 * by this NIC, register dpll with the callback ops.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - initialization failure reason
static int
ice_dpll_init_dpll(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_dpll *d, bool cgu,
		   enum dpll_type type)

 * ice_dpll_deinit_worker - deinitialize dpll kworker
 * @pf: board private structure
 * Stop dpll's kworker, release it's resources.
static void ice_dpll_deinit_worker(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_dpll_init_worker - Initialize DPLLs periodic worker
 * @pf: board private structure
 * Create and start DPLLs periodic worker.
 * Context: Shall be called after pf->dplls.lock is initialized.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - create worker failure
static int ice_dpll_init_worker(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_dpll_init_info_pins_generic - initializes generic pins info
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @input: if input pins initialized
 * Init information for generic pins, cache them in PF's pins structures.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - init failure reason
static int ice_dpll_init_info_pins_generic(struct ice_pf *pf, bool input)

 * ice_dpll_init_info_direct_pins - initializes direct pins info
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @pin_type: type of pins being initialized
 * Init information for directly connected pins, cache them in pf's pins
 * structures.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - init failure reason
static int
ice_dpll_init_info_direct_pins(struct ice_pf *pf,
			       enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type)

 * ice_dpll_init_info_rclk_pin - initializes rclk pin information
 * @pf: board private structure
 * Init information for rclk pin, cache them in pf->dplls.rclk.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - init failure reason
static int ice_dpll_init_info_rclk_pin(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_dpll_init_pins_info - init pins info wrapper
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @pin_type: type of pins being initialized
 * Wraps functions for pin initialization.
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - init failure reason
static int
ice_dpll_init_pins_info(struct ice_pf *pf, enum ice_dpll_pin_type pin_type)

 * ice_dpll_deinit_info - release memory allocated for pins info
 * @pf: board private structure
 * Release memory allocated for pins by ice_dpll_init_info function.
static void ice_dpll_deinit_info(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_dpll_init_info - prepare pf's dpll information structure
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @cgu: if cgu is present and controlled by this NIC
 * Acquire (from HW) and set basic dpll information (on pf->dplls struct).
 * Return:
 * * 0 - success
 * * negative - init failure reason
static int ice_dpll_init_info(struct ice_pf *pf, bool cgu)

 * ice_dpll_deinit - Disable the driver/HW support for dpll subsystem
 * the dpll device.
 * @pf: board private structure
 * Handles the cleanup work required after dpll initialization, freeing
 * resources and unregistering the dpll, pin and all resources used for
 * handling them.
 * Context: Destroys pf->dplls.lock mutex. Call only if ICE_FLAG_DPLL was set.
void ice_dpll_deinit(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_dpll_init - initialize support for dpll subsystem
 * @pf: board private structure
 * Set up the device dplls, register them and pins connected within Linux dpll
 * subsystem. Allow userspace to obtain state of DPLL and handling of DPLL
 * configuration requests.
 * Context: Initializes pf->dplls.lock mutex.
void ice_dpll_init(struct ice_pf *pf)