
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved */

#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/dcbnl.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/list.h>
#include <linux/netlink.h>

#include "spectrum.h"
#include "core.h"
#include "port.h"
#include "reg.h"

struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pr {};

struct mlxsw_cp_sb_occ {};

struct mlxsw_sp_sb_cm {};


struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pm {};

struct mlxsw_sp_sb_mm {};

struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pool_des {};


static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pool_des mlxsw_sp1_sb_pool_dess[] =;

static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pool_des mlxsw_sp2_sb_pool_dess[] =;


struct mlxsw_sp_sb_port {};

struct mlxsw_sp_sb {};

struct mlxsw_sp_sb_vals {};

struct mlxsw_sp_sb_ops {};

u32 mlxsw_sp_cells_bytes(const struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u32 cells)

u32 mlxsw_sp_bytes_cells(const struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u32 bytes)

static u32 mlxsw_sp_port_headroom_8x_adjust(const struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port,
					    u32 size_cells)

static struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pr *mlxsw_sp_sb_pr_get(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp,
						 u16 pool_index)

static bool mlxsw_sp_sb_cm_exists(u8 pg_buff, enum mlxsw_reg_sbxx_dir dir)

static struct mlxsw_sp_sb_cm *mlxsw_sp_sb_cm_get(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp,
						 u16 local_port, u8 pg_buff,
						 enum mlxsw_reg_sbxx_dir dir)

static struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pm *mlxsw_sp_sb_pm_get(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp,
						 u16 local_port, u16 pool_index)

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_pr_write(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 pool_index,
				enum mlxsw_reg_sbpr_mode mode,
				u32 size, bool infi_size)

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_pr_desc_write(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp,
				     enum mlxsw_reg_sbxx_dir dir,
				     enum mlxsw_reg_sbpr_mode mode,
				     u32 size, bool infi_size)

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_cm_write(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 local_port,
				u8 pg_buff, u32 min_buff, u32 max_buff,
				bool infi_max, u16 pool_index)

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_pm_write(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 local_port,
				u16 pool_index, u32 min_buff, u32 max_buff)

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_pm_occ_clear(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 local_port,
				    u16 pool_index, struct list_head *bulk_list)

static void mlxsw_sp_sb_pm_occ_query_cb(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
					char *sbpm_pl, size_t sbpm_pl_len,
					unsigned long cb_priv)

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_pm_occ_query(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 local_port,
				    u16 pool_index, struct list_head *bulk_list)

void mlxsw_sp_hdroom_prios_reset_buf_idx(struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom)

void mlxsw_sp_hdroom_bufs_reset_lossiness(struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom)

static u16 mlxsw_sp_hdroom_buf_threshold_get(const struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, int mtu)

static void mlxsw_sp_hdroom_buf_pack(char *pbmc_pl, int index, u16 size, u16 thres, bool lossy)

static u16 mlxsw_sp_hdroom_buf_delay_get(const struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp,
					 const struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom)

static u32 mlxsw_sp_hdroom_int_buf_size_get(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, int mtu, u32 speed)

static bool mlxsw_sp_hdroom_buf_is_used(const struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom, int buf)

void mlxsw_sp_hdroom_bufs_reset_sizes(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port,
				      struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom)


static int mlxsw_sp_hdroom_configure_buffers(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port,
					     const struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom, bool force)

static int mlxsw_sp_hdroom_configure_priomap(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port,
					     const struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom, bool force)

static int mlxsw_sp_hdroom_configure_int_buf(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port,
					     const struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom, bool force)

static bool mlxsw_sp_hdroom_bufs_fit(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp,
				     const struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom)

static int __mlxsw_sp_hdroom_configure(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port,
				       const struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom, bool force)

int mlxsw_sp_hdroom_configure(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port,
			      const struct mlxsw_sp_hdroom *hdroom)

static int mlxsw_sp_port_headroom_init(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port)

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_port_init(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp,
				 struct mlxsw_sp_sb_port *sb_port)

static void mlxsw_sp_sb_port_fini(struct mlxsw_sp_sb_port *sb_port)

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_ports_init(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp)

static void mlxsw_sp_sb_ports_fini(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp)

#define MLXSW_SP_SB_PR(_mode, _size)

#define MLXSW_SP_SB_PR_EXT(_mode, _size, _freeze_mode, _freeze_size)


/* Order according to mlxsw_sp1_sb_pool_dess */
static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pr mlxsw_sp1_sb_prs[] =;


/* Order according to mlxsw_sp2_sb_pool_dess */
static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pr mlxsw_sp2_sb_prs[] =;

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_prs_init(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp,
				const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pr *prs,
				const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pool_des *pool_dess,
				size_t prs_len)

#define MLXSW_SP_SB_CM(_min_buff, _max_buff, _pool)

#define MLXSW_SP_SB_CM_ING(_min_buff, _max_buff)

#define MLXSW_SP_SB_CM_EGR(_min_buff, _max_buff)

#define MLXSW_SP_SB_CM_EGR_MC(_min_buff, _max_buff)

static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_cm mlxsw_sp1_sb_cms_ingress[] =;

static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_cm mlxsw_sp2_sb_cms_ingress[] =;

static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_cm mlxsw_sp1_sb_cms_egress[] =;

static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_cm mlxsw_sp2_sb_cms_egress[] =;


static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_cm mlxsw_sp_cpu_port_sb_cms[] =;

static bool
mlxsw_sp_sb_pool_is_static(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 pool_index)

static int __mlxsw_sp_sb_cms_init(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 local_port,
				  enum mlxsw_reg_sbxx_dir dir,
				  const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_cm *cms,
				  size_t cms_len)

static int mlxsw_sp_port_sb_cms_init(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port)

static int mlxsw_sp_cpu_port_sb_cms_init(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp)

#define MLXSW_SP_SB_PM(_min_buff, _max_buff)

/* Order according to mlxsw_sp1_sb_pool_dess */
static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pm mlxsw_sp1_sb_pms[] =;

/* Order according to mlxsw_sp2_sb_pool_dess */
static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pm mlxsw_sp2_sb_pms[] =;

/* Order according to mlxsw_sp*_sb_pool_dess */
static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pm mlxsw_sp_cpu_port_sb_pms[] =;

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_pms_init(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 local_port,
				const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_pm *pms,
				bool skip_ingress)

static int mlxsw_sp_port_sb_pms_init(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port)

static int mlxsw_sp_cpu_port_sb_pms_init(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp)

#define MLXSW_SP_SB_MM(_min_buff, _max_buff)

static const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_mm mlxsw_sp_sb_mms[] =;

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_mms_init(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp)

static void mlxsw_sp_pool_count(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp,
				u16 *p_ingress_len, u16 *p_egress_len)

const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_vals mlxsw_sp1_sb_vals =;

const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_vals mlxsw_sp2_sb_vals =;

static u32 mlxsw_sp1_pb_int_buf_size_get(int mtu, u32 speed)

static u32 __mlxsw_sp_pb_int_buf_size_get(int mtu, u32 speed, u32 buffer_factor)


static u32 mlxsw_sp2_pb_int_buf_size_get(int mtu, u32 speed)


static u32 mlxsw_sp3_pb_int_buf_size_get(int mtu, u32 speed)

const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_ops mlxsw_sp1_sb_ops =;

const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_ops mlxsw_sp2_sb_ops =;

const struct mlxsw_sp_sb_ops mlxsw_sp3_sb_ops =;

int mlxsw_sp_buffers_init(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp)

void mlxsw_sp_buffers_fini(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp)

int mlxsw_sp_port_buffers_init(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port)

void mlxsw_sp_port_buffers_fini(struct mlxsw_sp_port *mlxsw_sp_port)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_pool_get(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
			 unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index,
			 struct devlink_sb_pool_info *pool_info)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_pool_set(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
			 unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, u32 size,
			 enum devlink_sb_threshold_type threshold_type,
			 struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)


static u32 mlxsw_sp_sb_threshold_out(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 pool_index,
				     u32 max_buff)

static int mlxsw_sp_sb_threshold_in(struct mlxsw_sp *mlxsw_sp, u16 pool_index,
				    u32 threshold, u32 *p_max_buff,
				    struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_port_pool_get(struct mlxsw_core_port *mlxsw_core_port,
			      unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index,
			      u32 *p_threshold)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_port_pool_set(struct mlxsw_core_port *mlxsw_core_port,
			      unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index,
			      u32 threshold, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_tc_pool_bind_get(struct mlxsw_core_port *mlxsw_core_port,
				 unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index,
				 enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type,
				 u16 *p_pool_index, u32 *p_threshold)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_tc_pool_bind_set(struct mlxsw_core_port *mlxsw_core_port,
				 unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index,
				 enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type,
				 u16 pool_index, u32 threshold,
				 struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)


struct mlxsw_sp_sb_sr_occ_query_cb_ctx {};

static void mlxsw_sp_sb_sr_occ_query_cb(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
					char *sbsr_pl, size_t sbsr_pl_len,
					unsigned long cb_priv)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_occ_snapshot(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
			     unsigned int sb_index)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_occ_max_clear(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
			      unsigned int sb_index)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_occ_port_pool_get(struct mlxsw_core_port *mlxsw_core_port,
				  unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index,
				  u32 *p_cur, u32 *p_max)

int mlxsw_sp_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get(struct mlxsw_core_port *mlxsw_core_port,
				     unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index,
				     enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type,
				     u32 *p_cur, u32 *p_max)