
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
/* Copyright(c) 2019-2020  Realtek Corporation

#include <linux/if_arp.h>
#include "cam.h"
#include "chan.h"
#include "coex.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "fw.h"
#include "mac.h"
#include "phy.h"
#include "ps.h"
#include "reg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "wow.h"

struct rtw89_eapol_2_of_2 {} __packed;

struct rtw89_sa_query {} __packed;

struct rtw89_arp_rsp {} __packed;

static const u8 mss_signature[] =;


struct rtw89_fw_element_handler {};

static void rtw89_fw_c2h_cmd_handle(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				    struct sk_buff *skb);
static int rtw89_h2c_tx_and_wait(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct sk_buff *skb,
				 struct rtw89_wait_info *wait, unsigned int cond);

static struct sk_buff *rtw89_fw_h2c_alloc_skb(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u32 len,
					      bool header)

struct sk_buff *rtw89_fw_h2c_alloc_skb_with_hdr(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u32 len)

struct sk_buff *rtw89_fw_h2c_alloc_skb_no_hdr(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u32 len)

int rtw89_fw_check_rdy(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_fwdl_check_type type)

static int rtw89_fw_hdr_parser_v0(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, const u8 *fw, u32 len,
				  struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info)

static int __get_mssc_key_idx(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			      const struct rtw89_fw_mss_pool_hdr *mss_hdr,
			      u32 rmp_tbl_size, u32 *key_idx)

static int __parse_formatted_mssc(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info,
				  struct rtw89_fw_hdr_section_info *section_info,
				  const struct rtw89_fw_hdr_section_v1 *section,
				  const void *content,
				  u32 *mssc_len)

static int __parse_security_section(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				    struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info,
				    struct rtw89_fw_hdr_section_info *section_info,
				    const struct rtw89_fw_hdr_section_v1 *section,
				    const void *content,
				    u32 *mssc_len)

static int rtw89_fw_hdr_parser_v1(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, const u8 *fw, u32 len,
				  struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info)

static int rtw89_fw_hdr_parser(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			       const struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit,
			       struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info)

int rtw89_mfw_recognize(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_fw_type type,
			struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit, bool nowarn)

static u32 rtw89_mfw_get_size(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

static void rtw89_fw_update_ver_v0(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit,
				   const struct rtw89_fw_hdr *hdr)

static void rtw89_fw_update_ver_v1(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit,
				   const struct rtw89_fw_hdr_v1 *hdr)

static int rtw89_fw_update_ver(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			       enum rtw89_fw_type type,
			       struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit)

int __rtw89_fw_recognize(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_fw_type type,
			 bool nowarn)

int __rtw89_fw_recognize_from_elm(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  const struct rtw89_fw_element_hdr *elm,
				  const union rtw89_fw_element_arg arg)

#define __DEF_FW_FEAT_COND(__cond, __op)

__DEF_FW_FEAT_COND(ge, >=); /* greater or equal */
__DEF_FW_FEAT_COND(le, <=); /* less or equal */
__DEF_FW_FEAT_COND(lt, <); /* less than */

struct __fw_feat_cfg {};

#define __CFG_FW_FEAT(_chip, _cond, _maj, _min, _sub, _idx, _feat)

static const struct __fw_feat_cfg fw_feat_tbl[] =;

static void rtw89_fw_iterate_feature_cfg(struct rtw89_fw_info *fw,
					 const struct rtw89_chip_info *chip,
					 u32 ver_code)

static void rtw89_fw_recognize_features(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

const struct firmware *
rtw89_early_fw_feature_recognize(struct device *device,
				 const struct rtw89_chip_info *chip,
				 struct rtw89_fw_info *early_fw,
				 int *used_fw_format)

int rtw89_fw_recognize(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

int rtw89_build_phy_tbl_from_elm(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 const struct rtw89_fw_element_hdr *elm,
				 const union rtw89_fw_element_arg arg)

int rtw89_fw_recognize_txpwr_from_elm(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				      const struct rtw89_fw_element_hdr *elm,
				      const union rtw89_fw_element_arg arg)

int rtw89_build_txpwr_trk_tbl_from_elm(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				       const struct rtw89_fw_element_hdr *elm,
				       const union rtw89_fw_element_arg arg)

int rtw89_build_rfk_log_fmt_from_elm(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				     const struct rtw89_fw_element_hdr *elm,
				     const union rtw89_fw_element_arg arg)

static const struct rtw89_fw_element_handler __fw_element_handlers[] =;

int rtw89_fw_recognize_elements(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

void rtw89_h2c_pkt_set_hdr(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct sk_buff *skb,
			   u8 type, u8 cat, u8 class, u8 func,
			   bool rack, bool dack, u32 len)

static void rtw89_h2c_pkt_set_hdr_fwdl(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				       struct sk_buff *skb,
				       u8 type, u8 cat, u8 class, u8 func,
				       u32 len)

static u32 __rtw89_fw_download_tweak_hdr_v0(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					    struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info,
					    struct rtw89_fw_hdr *fw_hdr)

static u32 __rtw89_fw_download_tweak_hdr_v1(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					    struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info,
					    struct rtw89_fw_hdr_v1 *fw_hdr)

static int __rtw89_fw_download_hdr(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   const struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit,
				   struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info)

static int rtw89_fw_download_hdr(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 const struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit,
				 struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info)

static int __rtw89_fw_download_main(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				    struct rtw89_fw_hdr_section_info *info)

static enum rtw89_fwdl_check_type
rtw89_fw_get_fwdl_chk_type_from_suit(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				     const struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit)

static int rtw89_fw_download_main(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  const struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit,
				  struct rtw89_fw_bin_info *info)

static void rtw89_fw_prog_cnt_dump(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

static void rtw89_fw_dl_fail_dump(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

static int rtw89_fw_download_suit(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  struct rtw89_fw_suit *fw_suit)

int __rtw89_fw_download(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_fw_type type,
			bool include_bb)

int rtw89_fw_download(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_fw_type type,
		      bool include_bb)

int rtw89_wait_firmware_completion(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

static int rtw89_load_firmware_req(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   struct rtw89_fw_req_info *req,
				   const char *fw_name, bool nowarn)

void rtw89_load_firmware_work(struct work_struct *work)

static void rtw89_free_phy_tbl_from_elm(struct rtw89_phy_table *tbl)

static void rtw89_unload_firmware_elements(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

void rtw89_unload_firmware(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

static u32 rtw89_fw_log_get_fmt_idx(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u32 fmt_id)

static int rtw89_fw_log_create_fmts_dict(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

int rtw89_fw_log_prepare(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

static void rtw89_fw_log_dump_data(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   const struct rtw89_fw_c2h_log_fmt *log_fmt,
				   u32 fmt_idx, u8 para_int, bool raw_data)

void rtw89_fw_log_dump(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 *buf, u32 len)

#define H2C_CAM_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_cam(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
		     struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta, const u8 *scan_mac_addr)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_dctl_sec_cam_v1(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
				 struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_dctl_sec_cam_v2(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
				 struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_default_dmac_tbl_v2(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				     struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
				     struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_ba_cam(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta,
			bool valid, struct ieee80211_ampdu_params *params)

static int rtw89_fw_h2c_init_ba_cam_v0_ext(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					   u8 entry_idx, u8 uid)

void rtw89_fw_h2c_init_dynamic_ba_cam_v0_ext(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_ba_cam_v1(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta,
			   bool valid, struct ieee80211_ampdu_params *params)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_init_ba_cam_users(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 users,
				   u8 offset, u8 mac_idx)

#define H2C_LOG_CFG_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_fw_log(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, bool enable)

static struct sk_buff *rtw89_eapol_get(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				       struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

static struct sk_buff *rtw89_sa_query_get(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					  struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

static struct sk_buff *rtw89_arp_response_get(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					      struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

static int rtw89_fw_h2c_add_general_pkt(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
					enum rtw89_fw_pkt_ofld_type type,
					u8 *id)

void rtw89_fw_release_general_pkt_list_vif(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					   struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif, bool notify_fw)

void rtw89_fw_release_general_pkt_list(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, bool notify_fw)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_general_pkt(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			     struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif, u8 macid)

#define H2C_LPS_PARM_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_lps_parm(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			  struct rtw89_lps_parm *lps_param)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_lps_ch_info(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

#define H2C_P2P_ACT_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_p2p_act(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
			 struct ieee80211_p2p_noa_desc *desc,
			 u8 act, u8 noa_id)

static void __rtw89_fw_h2c_set_tx_path(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				       struct sk_buff *skb)

#define H2C_CMC_TBL_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_default_cmac_tbl(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
				  struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_default_cmac_tbl_g7(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				     struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
				     struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta)

static void __get_sta_he_pkt_padding(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				     struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 *pads)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_assoc_cmac_tbl(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
				struct ieee80211_sta *sta)

static void __get_sta_eht_pkt_padding(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				      struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 *pads)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_assoc_cmac_tbl_g7(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
				   struct ieee80211_sta *sta)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_ampdu_cmac_tbl_g7(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
				   struct ieee80211_sta *sta)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_txtime_cmac_tbl(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_txpath_cmac_tbl(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_update_beacon(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			       struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_update_beacon_be(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_role_maintain(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			       struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
			       struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta,
			       enum rtw89_upd_mode upd_mode)

static enum rtw89_fw_sta_type
rtw89_fw_get_sta_type(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
		      struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_join_info(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
			   struct rtw89_sta *rtwsta, bool dis_conn)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_notify_dbcc(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, bool en)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_macid_pause(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 sh, u8 grp,
			     bool pause)

#define H2C_EDCA_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_set_edca(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
			  u8 ac, u32 val)

#define H2C_TSF32_TOGL_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_tsf32_toggle(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
			      bool en)

#define H2C_OFLD_CFG_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_set_ofld_cfg(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_set_bcn_fltr_cfg(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
				  bool connect)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rssi_offload(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			      struct rtw89_rx_phy_ppdu *phy_ppdu)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_tp_offload(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_ra(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_ra_info *ra, bool csi)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_init(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_init_v7(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

#define H2C_LEN_CXDRVINFO_ROLE_SIZE(max_role_num)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_role(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

#define H2C_LEN_CXDRVINFO_ROLE_SIZE_V1(max_role_num)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_role_v1(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

#define H2C_LEN_CXDRVINFO_ROLE_SIZE_V2(max_role_num)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_role_v2(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_role_v7(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_role_v8(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_ctrl(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_ctrl_v7(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_trx(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cxdrv_rfk(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 type)

#define H2C_LEN_PKT_OFLD
int rtw89_fw_h2c_del_pkt_offload(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 id)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_add_pkt_offload(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 *id,
				 struct sk_buff *skb_ofld)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_scan_list_offload(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, int ch_num,
				   struct list_head *chan_list)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_scan_list_offload_be(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, int ch_num,
				      struct list_head *chan_list)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_scan_offload_ax(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 struct rtw89_scan_option *option,
				 struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
				 bool wowlan)

static void rtw89_scan_get_6g_disabled_chan(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					    struct rtw89_scan_option *option)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_scan_offload_be(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 struct rtw89_scan_option *option,
				 struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
				 bool wowlan)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_reg(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			struct rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_reg_info *info,
			u16 len, u8 page)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_ntfy_mcc(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_pre_ntfy(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			     enum rtw89_phy_idx phy_idx)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_tssi(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_phy_idx phy_idx,
			 const struct rtw89_chan *chan, enum rtw89_tssi_mode tssi_mode)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_iqk(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_phy_idx phy_idx,
			const struct rtw89_chan *chan)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_dpk(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_phy_idx phy_idx,
			const struct rtw89_chan *chan)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_txgapk(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_phy_idx phy_idx,
			   const struct rtw89_chan *chan)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_dack(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_phy_idx phy_idx,
			 const struct rtw89_chan *chan)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_rf_rxdck(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, enum rtw89_phy_idx phy_idx,
			  const struct rtw89_chan *chan)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_raw_with_hdr(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			      u8 h2c_class, u8 h2c_func, u8 *buf, u16 len,
			      bool rack, bool dack)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_raw(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, const u8 *buf, u16 len)

void rtw89_fw_send_all_early_h2c(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

void rtw89_fw_free_all_early_h2c(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

static void rtw89_fw_c2h_parse_attr(struct sk_buff *c2h)

static bool rtw89_fw_c2h_chk_atomic(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				    struct sk_buff *c2h)

void rtw89_fw_c2h_irqsafe(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct sk_buff *c2h)

static void rtw89_fw_c2h_cmd_handle(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				    struct sk_buff *skb)

void rtw89_fw_c2h_work(struct work_struct *work)

static int rtw89_fw_write_h2c_reg(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  struct rtw89_mac_h2c_info *info)

static int rtw89_fw_read_c2h_reg(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 struct rtw89_mac_c2h_info *info)

int rtw89_fw_msg_reg(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
		     struct rtw89_mac_h2c_info *h2c_info,
		     struct rtw89_mac_c2h_info *c2h_info)

void rtw89_fw_st_dbg_dump(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

static void rtw89_release_pkt_list(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

static bool rtw89_is_6ghz_wildcard_probe_req(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					     struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
					     struct rtw89_pktofld_info *info,
					     enum nl80211_band band, u8 ssid_idx)

static int rtw89_append_probe_req_ie(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				     struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
				     struct sk_buff *skb, u8 ssid_idx)

static int rtw89_hw_scan_update_probe_req(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
					  struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

static int rtw89_update_6ghz_rnr_chan(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				      struct cfg80211_scan_request *req,
				      struct rtw89_mac_chinfo *ch_info)

static void rtw89_pno_scan_add_chan_ax(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				       int chan_type, int ssid_num,
				       struct rtw89_mac_chinfo *ch_info)

static void rtw89_hw_scan_add_chan(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, int chan_type,
				   int ssid_num,
				   struct rtw89_mac_chinfo *ch_info)

static void rtw89_pno_scan_add_chan_be(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, int chan_type,
				       int ssid_num,
				       struct rtw89_mac_chinfo_be *ch_info)

static void rtw89_hw_scan_add_chan_be(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, int chan_type,
				      int ssid_num,
				      struct rtw89_mac_chinfo_be *ch_info)

int rtw89_pno_scan_add_chan_list_ax(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				    struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

int rtw89_hw_scan_add_chan_list_ax(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif, bool connected)

int rtw89_pno_scan_add_chan_list_be(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				    struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif)

int rtw89_hw_scan_add_chan_list_be(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif, bool connected)

static int rtw89_hw_scan_prehandle(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif, bool connected)

void rtw89_hw_scan_start(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
			 struct ieee80211_scan_request *scan_req)

void rtw89_hw_scan_complete(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
			    bool aborted)

void rtw89_hw_scan_abort(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif)

static bool rtw89_is_any_vif_connected_or_connecting(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

int rtw89_hw_scan_offload(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
			  bool enable)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_trigger_cpu_exception(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

#define H2C_PKT_DROP_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_pkt_drop(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			  const struct rtw89_pkt_drop_params *params)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_keep_alive(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
			    bool enable)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_arp_offload(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
			     bool enable)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_disconnect_detect(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				   struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif, bool enable)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_cfg_pno(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
			 bool enable)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_wow_global(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
			    bool enable)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_wow_wakeup_ctrl(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				 struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
				 bool enable)

int rtw89_fw_wow_cam_update(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			    struct rtw89_wow_cam_info *cam_info)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_wow_gtk_ofld(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			      struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
			      bool enable)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_fwips(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw89_vif *rtwvif,
		       bool enable)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_wow_request_aoac(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev)

/* Return < 0, if failures happen during waiting for the condition.
 * Return 0, when waiting for the condition succeeds.
 * Return > 0, if the wait is considered unreachable due to driver/FW design,
 * where 1 means during SER.
static int rtw89_h2c_tx_and_wait(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, struct sk_buff *skb,
				 struct rtw89_wait_info *wait, unsigned int cond)

#define H2C_ADD_MCC_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_add_mcc(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			 const struct rtw89_fw_mcc_add_req *p)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_start_mcc(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			   const struct rtw89_fw_mcc_start_req *p)

#define H2C_STOP_MCC_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_stop_mcc(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 group, u8 macid,
			  bool prev_groups)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_del_mcc_group(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 group,
			       bool prev_groups)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_reset_mcc_group(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 group)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mcc_req_tsf(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			     const struct rtw89_fw_mcc_tsf_req *req,
			     struct rtw89_mac_mcc_tsf_rpt *rpt)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mcc_macid_bitmap(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 group, u8 macid,
				  u8 *bitmap)

#define H2C_MCC_SYNC_LEN
int rtw89_fw_h2c_mcc_sync(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 group, u8 source,
			  u8 target, u8 offset)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mcc_set_duration(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  const struct rtw89_fw_mcc_duration *p)

u32 rtw89_fw_h2c_mrc_add_slot(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			      const struct rtw89_fw_mrc_add_slot_arg *slot_arg,
			      struct rtw89_h2c_mrc_add_slot *slot_h2c)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mrc_add(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			 const struct rtw89_fw_mrc_add_arg *arg)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mrc_start(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			   const struct rtw89_fw_mrc_start_arg *arg)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mrc_del(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev, u8 sch_idx, u8 slot_idx)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mrc_req_tsf(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			     const struct rtw89_fw_mrc_req_tsf_arg *arg,
			     struct rtw89_mac_mrc_tsf_rpt *rpt)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mrc_upd_bitmap(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				const struct rtw89_fw_mrc_upd_bitmap_arg *arg)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mrc_sync(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			  const struct rtw89_fw_mrc_sync_arg *arg)

int rtw89_fw_h2c_mrc_upd_duration(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				  const struct rtw89_fw_mrc_upd_duration_arg *arg)

static bool __fw_txpwr_entry_zero_ext(const void *ext_ptr, u8 ext_len)

#define __fw_txpwr_entry_acceptable(e, cursor, ent_sz)

static bool
fw_txpwr_byrate_entry_valid(const struct rtw89_fw_txpwr_byrate_entry *e,
			    const void *cursor,
			    const struct rtw89_txpwr_conf *conf)

void rtw89_fw_load_txpwr_byrate(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
				const struct rtw89_txpwr_table *tbl)

static bool
fw_txpwr_lmt_2ghz_entry_valid(const struct rtw89_fw_txpwr_lmt_2ghz_entry *e,
			      const void *cursor,
			      const struct rtw89_txpwr_conf *conf)

void rtw89_fw_load_txpwr_lmt_2ghz(struct rtw89_txpwr_lmt_2ghz_data *data)

static bool
fw_txpwr_lmt_5ghz_entry_valid(const struct rtw89_fw_txpwr_lmt_5ghz_entry *e,
			      const void *cursor,
			      const struct rtw89_txpwr_conf *conf)

void rtw89_fw_load_txpwr_lmt_5ghz(struct rtw89_txpwr_lmt_5ghz_data *data)

static bool
fw_txpwr_lmt_6ghz_entry_valid(const struct rtw89_fw_txpwr_lmt_6ghz_entry *e,
			      const void *cursor,
			      const struct rtw89_txpwr_conf *conf)

void rtw89_fw_load_txpwr_lmt_6ghz(struct rtw89_txpwr_lmt_6ghz_data *data)

static bool
fw_txpwr_lmt_ru_2ghz_entry_valid(const struct rtw89_fw_txpwr_lmt_ru_2ghz_entry *e,
				 const void *cursor,
				 const struct rtw89_txpwr_conf *conf)

void rtw89_fw_load_txpwr_lmt_ru_2ghz(struct rtw89_txpwr_lmt_ru_2ghz_data *data)

static bool
fw_txpwr_lmt_ru_5ghz_entry_valid(const struct rtw89_fw_txpwr_lmt_ru_5ghz_entry *e,
				 const void *cursor,
				 const struct rtw89_txpwr_conf *conf)

void rtw89_fw_load_txpwr_lmt_ru_5ghz(struct rtw89_txpwr_lmt_ru_5ghz_data *data)

static bool
fw_txpwr_lmt_ru_6ghz_entry_valid(const struct rtw89_fw_txpwr_lmt_ru_6ghz_entry *e,
				 const void *cursor,
				 const struct rtw89_txpwr_conf *conf)

void rtw89_fw_load_txpwr_lmt_ru_6ghz(struct rtw89_txpwr_lmt_ru_6ghz_data *data)

static bool
fw_tx_shape_lmt_entry_valid(const struct rtw89_fw_tx_shape_lmt_entry *e,
			    const void *cursor,
			    const struct rtw89_txpwr_conf *conf)

void rtw89_fw_load_tx_shape_lmt(struct rtw89_tx_shape_lmt_data *data)

static bool
fw_tx_shape_lmt_ru_entry_valid(const struct rtw89_fw_tx_shape_lmt_ru_entry *e,
			       const void *cursor,
			       const struct rtw89_txpwr_conf *conf)

void rtw89_fw_load_tx_shape_lmt_ru(struct rtw89_tx_shape_lmt_ru_data *data)

const struct rtw89_rfe_parms *
rtw89_load_rfe_data_from_fw(struct rtw89_dev *rtwdev,
			    const struct rtw89_rfe_parms *init)