
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
 *  Copyright (c) 2000-2008 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  NAME:           fc_log.h
 *  SUMMARY:        MPI IocLogInfo definitions for the SYMFC9xx chips
 *  DESCRIPTION:    Contains the enumerated list of values that may be returned
 *                  in the IOCLogInfo field of a MPI Default Reply Message.
 *  CREATION DATE:  6/02/2000
 *  ID:             $Id: fc_log.h,v 4.6 2001/07/26 14:41:33 sschremm Exp $

 * MpiIocLogInfo_t enum
 * These 32 bit values are used in the IOCLogInfo field of the MPI reply
 * messages.
 * The value is 0xabcccccc where
 *          a = The type of log info as per the MPI spec. Since these codes are
 *              all for Fibre Channel this value will always be 2.
 *          b = Specifies a subclass of the firmware where
 *                  0 = FCP Initiator
 *                  1 = FCP Target
 *                  2 = LAN
 *                  3 = MPI Message Layer
 *                  4 = FC Link
 *                  5 = Context Manager
 *                  6 = Invalid Field Offset
 *                  7 = State Change Info
 *                  all others are reserved for future use
 *          c = A specific value within the subclass.
 * NOTE: Any new values should be added to the end of each subclass so that the
 *       codes remain consistent across firmware releases.