
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
 * WebUSB descriptors and constants
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Jó Ágila Bitsch <>


#include "uapi/linux/usb/ch9.h"

 * Little Endian PlatformCapablityUUID for WebUSB
 * 3408b638-09a9-47a0-8bfd-a0768815b665
 * to identify Platform Device Capability descriptors as referring to WebUSB.

 * WebUSB Platform Capability data
 * A device announces support for the
 * WebUSB command set by including the following Platform Descriptor Data in its
 * Binary Object Store associated with the WebUSB_UUID above.
 * See:
struct usb_webusb_cap_data {} __packed;


 * Get URL Request
 * The request to fetch an URL is defined in as:
 * bmRequestType: (USB_DIR_IN | USB_TYPE_VENDOR) = 11000000B
 * bRequest: bVendorCode
 * wValue: iLandingPage
 * wIndex: GET_URL = 2
 * wLength: Descriptor Length (typically U8_MAX = 255)
 * Data: URL Descriptor

 * This descriptor contains a single URL and is returned by the Get URL request.
 * See:
struct webusb_url_descriptor {} __packed;

 * Buffer size to hold the longest URL that can be in an URL descriptor
 * The descriptor can be U8_MAX  bytes long.
 * WEBUSB_URL_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER_LENGTH bytes are used for a header.
 * Since the longest prefix that might be stripped is "https://", we may accommodate an additional
 * 8 bytes.

#endif /* __LINUX_USB_USBNET_H */