
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, 2016-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2014, Sony Mobile Communications AB.

#include <linux/acpi.h>
#include <linux/atomic.h>
#include <linux/clk.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/dmaengine.h>
#include <linux/dmapool.h>
#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
#include <linux/scatterlist.h>

/* QUP Registers */
#define QUP_CONFIG
#define QUP_STATE
#define QUP_IO_MODE
#define QUP_SW_RESET
#define QUP_I2C_CLK_CTL
#define QUP_I2C_STATUS

/* QUP States and reset values */

#define QUP_I2C_MAST_GEN
#define QUP_I2C_FLUSH


#define QUP_OUT_FULL

/* I2C mini core related values */
#define QUP_NO_INPUT
#define I2C_MINI_CORE
#define I2C_N_VAL
#define I2C_N_VAL_V2

/* Most significant word offset in FIFO port */

/* Packing/Unpacking words in FIFOs, and IO modes */
#define QUP_BAM_MODE
#define QUP_PACK_EN

#define QUP_V2_TAGS_EN


/* QUP tags */
#define QUP_TAG_DATA
#define QUP_TAG_STOP
#define QUP_TAG_REC

/* QUP v2 tags */
#define QUP_TAG_V2_START

/* Status, Error flags */

#define SET_BIT
#define RESET_BIT
#define ONE_BYTE

/* Maximum transfer length for single DMA descriptor */
#define MX_TX_RX_LEN
#define MX_BLOCKS
/* Maximum transfer length for all DMA descriptors */
#define MX_DMA_TX_RX_LEN

 * Minimum transfer timeout for i2c transfers in seconds. It will be added on
 * the top of maximum transfer time calculated from i2c bus speed to compensate
 * the overheads.
#define TOUT_MIN

/* Default values. Use these if FW query fails */

 * Max tags length (start, stop and maximum 2 bytes address) for each QUP
 * data transfer
/* Max data length for each DATARD tags */
/* TAG length for DATA READ in RX FIFO  */

static unsigned int scl_freq;
module_param_named(scl_freq, scl_freq, uint, 0444);

 * count: no of blocks
 * pos: current block number
 * tx_tag_len: tx tag length for current block
 * rx_tag_len: rx tag length for current block
 * data_len: remaining data length for current message
 * cur_blk_len: data length for current block
 * total_tx_len: total tx length including tag bytes for current QUP transfer
 * total_rx_len: total rx length including tag bytes for current QUP transfer
 * tx_fifo_data_pos: current byte number in TX FIFO word
 * tx_fifo_free: number of free bytes in current QUP block write.
 * rx_fifo_data_pos: current byte number in RX FIFO word
 * fifo_available: number of available bytes in RX FIFO for current
 *		   QUP block read
 * tx_fifo_data: QUP TX FIFO write works on word basis (4 bytes). New byte write
 *		 to TX FIFO will be appended in this data and will be written to
 *		 TX FIFO when all the 4 bytes are available.
 * rx_fifo_data: QUP RX FIFO read works on word basis (4 bytes). This will
 *		 contains the 4 bytes of RX data.
 * cur_data: pointer to tell cur data position for current message
 * cur_tx_tags: pointer to tell cur position in tags
 * tx_tags_sent: all tx tag bytes have been written in FIFO word
 * send_last_word: for tx FIFO, last word send is pending in current block
 * rx_bytes_read: if all the bytes have been read from rx FIFO.
 * rx_tags_fetched: all the rx tag bytes have been fetched from rx fifo word
 * is_tx_blk_mode: whether tx uses block or FIFO mode in case of non BAM xfer.
 * is_rx_blk_mode: whether rx uses block or FIFO mode in case of non BAM xfer.
 * tags: contains tx tag bytes for current QUP transfer
struct qup_i2c_block {};

struct qup_i2c_tag {};

struct qup_i2c_bam {};

struct qup_i2c_dev {};

static irqreturn_t qup_i2c_interrupt(int irq, void *dev)

static int qup_i2c_poll_state_mask(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup,
				   u32 req_state, u32 req_mask)

static int qup_i2c_poll_state(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup, u32 req_state)

static void qup_i2c_flush(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static int qup_i2c_poll_state_valid(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static int qup_i2c_poll_state_i2c_master(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static int qup_i2c_change_state(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup, u32 state)

/* Check if I2C bus returns to IDLE state */
static int qup_i2c_bus_active(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup, int len)

static void qup_i2c_write_tx_fifo_v1(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static void qup_i2c_set_blk_data(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup,
				 struct i2c_msg *msg)

static int qup_i2c_get_data_len(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static bool qup_i2c_check_msg_len(struct i2c_msg *msg)

static int qup_i2c_set_tags_smb(u16 addr, u8 *tags, struct qup_i2c_dev *qup,
			struct i2c_msg *msg)

static int qup_i2c_set_tags(u8 *tags, struct qup_i2c_dev *qup,
			    struct i2c_msg *msg)

static void qup_i2c_bam_cb(void *data)

static int qup_sg_set_buf(struct scatterlist *sg, void *buf,
			  unsigned int buflen, struct qup_i2c_dev *qup,
			  int dir)

static void qup_i2c_rel_dma(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static int qup_i2c_req_dma(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static int qup_i2c_bam_make_desc(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup, struct i2c_msg *msg)

static int qup_i2c_bam_schedule_desc(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static void qup_i2c_bam_clear_tag_buffers(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static int qup_i2c_bam_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msg,
			    int num)

static int qup_i2c_wait_for_complete(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup,
				     struct i2c_msg *msg)

static void qup_i2c_read_rx_fifo_v1(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static void qup_i2c_write_rx_tags_v1(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static void qup_i2c_conf_v1(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static void qup_i2c_clear_blk_v1(struct qup_i2c_block *blk)

static int qup_i2c_conf_xfer_v1(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup, bool is_rx)

static int qup_i2c_write_one(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static int qup_i2c_read_one(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static int qup_i2c_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap,
			struct i2c_msg msgs[],
			int num)

 * Configure registers related with reconfiguration during run and call it
 * before each i2c sub transfer.
static void qup_i2c_conf_count_v2(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

 * Configure registers related with transfer mode (FIFO/Block)
 * before starting of i2c transfer. It will be called only once in
 * QUP RESET state.
static void qup_i2c_conf_mode_v2(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

/* Clear required variables before starting of any QUP v2 sub transfer. */
static void qup_i2c_clear_blk_v2(struct qup_i2c_block *blk)

/* Receive data from RX FIFO for read message in QUP v2 i2c transfer. */
static void qup_i2c_recv_data(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

/* Receive tags for read message in QUP v2 i2c transfer. */
static void qup_i2c_recv_tags(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

 * Read the data and tags from RX FIFO. Since in read case, the tags will be
 * preceded by received data bytes so
 * 1. Check if rx_tags_fetched is false i.e. the start of QUP block so receive
 *    all tag bytes and discard that.
 * 2. Read the data from RX FIFO. When all the data bytes have been read then
 *    set rx_bytes_read to true.
static void qup_i2c_read_rx_fifo_v2(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

 * Write bytes in TX FIFO for write message in QUP v2 i2c transfer. QUP TX FIFO
 * write works on word basis (4 bytes). Append new data byte write for TX FIFO
 * in tx_fifo_data and write to TX FIFO when all the 4 bytes are present.
static void
qup_i2c_write_blk_data(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup, u8 **data, unsigned int *len)

/* Transfer tags for read message in QUP v2 i2c transfer. */
static void qup_i2c_write_rx_tags_v2(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

 * Write the data and tags in TX FIFO. Since in write case, both tags and data
 * need to be written and QUP write tags can have maximum 256 data length, so
 * 1. Check if tx_tags_sent is false i.e. the start of QUP block so write the
 *    tags to TX FIFO and set tx_tags_sent to true.
 * 2. Check if send_last_word is true. It will be set when last few data bytes
 *    (less than 4 bytes) are remaining to be written in FIFO because of no FIFO
 *    space. All this data bytes are available in tx_fifo_data so write this
 *    in FIFO.
 * 3. Write the data to TX FIFO and check for cur_blk_len. If it is non zero
 *    then more data is pending otherwise following 3 cases can be possible
 *    a. if tx_fifo_data_pos is zero i.e. all the data bytes in this block
 *       have been written in TX FIFO so nothing else is required.
 *    b. tx_fifo_free is non zero i.e tx FIFO is free so copy the remaining data
 *       from tx_fifo_data to tx FIFO. Since, qup_i2c_write_blk_data do write
 *	 in 4 bytes and FIFO space is in multiple of 4 bytes so tx_fifo_free
 *       will be always greater than or equal to 4 bytes.
 *    c. tx_fifo_free is zero. In this case, last few bytes (less than 4
 *       bytes) are copied to tx_fifo_data but couldn't be sent because of
 *       FIFO full so make send_last_word true.
static void qup_i2c_write_tx_fifo_v2(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

 * Main transfer function which read or write i2c data.
 * The QUP v2 supports reconfiguration during run in which multiple i2c sub
 * transfers can be scheduled.
static int
qup_i2c_conf_xfer_v2(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup, bool is_rx, bool is_first,
		     bool change_pause_state)

 * Transfer one read/write message in i2c transfer. It splits the message into
 * multiple of blk_xfer_limit data length blocks and schedule each
 * QUP block individually.
static int qup_i2c_xfer_v2_msg(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup, int msg_id, bool is_rx)

 * QUP v2 supports 3 modes
 * Programmed IO using FIFO mode : Less than FIFO size
 * Programmed IO using Block mode : Greater than FIFO size
 * DMA using BAM : Appropriate for any transaction size but the address should
 *		   be DMA applicable
 * This function determines the mode which will be used for this transfer. An
 * i2c transfer contains multiple message. Following are the rules to determine
 * the mode used.
 * 1. Determine complete length, maximum tx and rx length for complete transfer.
 * 2. If complete transfer length is greater than fifo size then use the DMA
 *    mode.
 * 3. In FIFO or block mode, tx and rx can operate in different mode so check
 *    for maximum tx and rx length to determine mode.
static int
qup_i2c_determine_mode_v2(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup,
			  struct i2c_msg msgs[], int num)

static int qup_i2c_xfer_v2(struct i2c_adapter *adap,
			   struct i2c_msg msgs[],
			   int num)

static u32 qup_i2c_func(struct i2c_adapter *adap)

static const struct i2c_algorithm qup_i2c_algo =;

static const struct i2c_algorithm qup_i2c_algo_v2 =;

 * The QUP block will issue a NACK and STOP on the bus when reaching
 * the end of the read, the length of the read is specified as one byte
 * which limits the possible read to 256 (QUP_READ_LIMIT) bytes.
static const struct i2c_adapter_quirks qup_i2c_quirks =;

static const struct i2c_adapter_quirks qup_i2c_quirks_v2 =;

static void qup_i2c_enable_clocks(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static void qup_i2c_disable_clocks(struct qup_i2c_dev *qup)

static const struct acpi_device_id qup_i2c_acpi_match[] =;
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(acpi, qup_i2c_acpi_match);

static int qup_i2c_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)

static void qup_i2c_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)

static int qup_i2c_pm_suspend_runtime(struct device *device)

static int qup_i2c_pm_resume_runtime(struct device *device)

static int qup_i2c_suspend(struct device *device)

static int qup_i2c_resume(struct device *device)

static const struct dev_pm_ops qup_i2c_qup_pm_ops =;

static const struct of_device_id qup_i2c_dt_match[] =;
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, qup_i2c_dt_match);

static struct platform_driver qup_i2c_driver =;
