
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0
 * Module Name: nsxfeval - Public interfaces to the ACPI subsystem
 *                         ACPI Object evaluation interfaces


#include <acpi/acpi.h>
#include "accommon.h"
#include "acnamesp.h"
#include "acinterp.h"

#define _COMPONENT

/* Local prototypes */
static void acpi_ns_resolve_references(struct acpi_evaluate_info *info);

 * FUNCTION:    acpi_evaluate_object_typed
 * PARAMETERS:  handle              - Object handle (optional)
 *              pathname            - Object pathname (optional)
 *              external_params     - List of parameters to pass to a method,
 *                                    terminated by NULL. May be NULL
 *                                    if no parameters are being passed.
 *              return_buffer       - Where to put the object's return value (if
 *                                    any). If NULL, no value is returned.
 *              return_type         - Expected type of return object
 * RETURN:      Status
 * DESCRIPTION: Find and evaluate the given object, passing the given
 *              parameters if necessary. One of "Handle" or "Pathname" must
 *              be valid (non-null)

acpi_evaluate_object_typed(acpi_handle handle,
			   acpi_string pathname,
			   struct acpi_object_list *external_params,
			   struct acpi_buffer *return_buffer,
			   acpi_object_type return_type)


 * FUNCTION:    acpi_evaluate_object
 * PARAMETERS:  handle              - Object handle (optional)
 *              pathname            - Object pathname (optional)
 *              external_params     - List of parameters to pass to method,
 *                                    terminated by NULL. May be NULL
 *                                    if no parameters are being passed.
 *              return_buffer       - Where to put method's return value (if
 *                                    any). If NULL, no value is returned.
 * RETURN:      Status
 * DESCRIPTION: Find and evaluate the given object, passing the given
 *              parameters if necessary. One of "Handle" or "Pathname" must
 *              be valid (non-null)
acpi_evaluate_object(acpi_handle handle,
		     acpi_string pathname,
		     struct acpi_object_list *external_params,
		     struct acpi_buffer *return_buffer)


 * FUNCTION:    acpi_ns_resolve_references
 * PARAMETERS:  info                    - Evaluation info block
 * RETURN:      Info->return_object is replaced with the dereferenced object
 * DESCRIPTION: Dereference certain reference objects. Called before an
 *              internal return object is converted to an external union acpi_object.
 * Performs an automatic dereference of Index and ref_of reference objects.
 * These reference objects are not supported by the union acpi_object, so this is a
 * last resort effort to return something useful. Also, provides compatibility
 * with other ACPI implementations.
 * NOTE: does not handle references within returned package objects or nested
 * references, but this support could be added later if found to be necessary.
static void acpi_ns_resolve_references(struct acpi_evaluate_info *info)

 * FUNCTION:    acpi_walk_namespace
 * PARAMETERS:  type                - acpi_object_type to search for
 *              start_object        - Handle in namespace where search begins
 *              max_depth           - Depth to which search is to reach
 *              descending_callback - Called during tree descent
 *                                    when an object of "Type" is found
 *              ascending_callback  - Called during tree ascent
 *                                    when an object of "Type" is found
 *              context             - Passed to user function(s) above
 *              return_value        - Location where return value of
 *                                    user_function is put if terminated early
 * RETURNS      Return value from the user_function if terminated early.
 *              Otherwise, returns NULL.
 * DESCRIPTION: Performs a modified depth-first walk of the namespace tree,
 *              starting (and ending) at the object specified by start_handle.
 *              The callback function is called whenever an object that matches
 *              the type parameter is found. If the callback function returns
 *              a non-zero value, the search is terminated immediately and this
 *              value is returned to the caller.
 *              The point of this procedure is to provide a generic namespace
 *              walk routine that can be called from multiple places to
 *              provide multiple services; the callback function(s) can be
 *              tailored to each task, whether it is a print function,
 *              a compare function, etc.

acpi_walk_namespace(acpi_object_type type,
		    acpi_handle start_object,
		    u32 max_depth,
		    acpi_walk_callback descending_callback,
		    acpi_walk_callback ascending_callback,
		    void *context, void **return_value)


 * FUNCTION:    acpi_ns_get_device_callback
 * PARAMETERS:  Callback from acpi_get_device
 * RETURN:      Status
 * DESCRIPTION: Takes callbacks from walk_namespace and filters out all non-
 *              present devices, or if they specified a HID, it filters based
 *              on that.
static acpi_status
acpi_ns_get_device_callback(acpi_handle obj_handle,
			    u32 nesting_level,
			    void *context, void **return_value)

 * FUNCTION:    acpi_get_devices
 * PARAMETERS:  HID                 - HID to search for. Can be NULL.
 *              user_function       - Called when a matching object is found
 *              context             - Passed to user function
 *              return_value        - Location where return value of
 *                                    user_function is put if terminated early
 * RETURNS      Return value from the user_function if terminated early.
 *              Otherwise, returns NULL.
 * DESCRIPTION: Performs a modified depth-first walk of the namespace tree,
 *              starting (and ending) at the object specified by start_handle.
 *              The user_function is called whenever an object of type
 *              Device is found. If the user function returns
 *              a non-zero value, the search is terminated immediately and this
 *              value is returned to the caller.
 *              This is a wrapper for walk_namespace, but the callback performs
 *              additional filtering. Please see acpi_ns_get_device_callback.

acpi_get_devices(const char *HID,
		 acpi_walk_callback user_function,
		 void *context, void **return_value)


 * FUNCTION:    acpi_attach_data
 * PARAMETERS:  obj_handle          - Namespace node
 *              handler             - Handler for this attachment
 *              data                - Pointer to data to be attached
 * RETURN:      Status
 * DESCRIPTION: Attach arbitrary data and handler to a namespace node.
acpi_attach_data(acpi_handle obj_handle,
		 acpi_object_handler handler, void *data)


 * FUNCTION:    acpi_detach_data
 * PARAMETERS:  obj_handle          - Namespace node handle
 *              handler             - Handler used in call to acpi_attach_data
 * RETURN:      Status
 * DESCRIPTION: Remove data that was previously attached to a node.
acpi_detach_data(acpi_handle obj_handle, acpi_object_handler handler)


 * FUNCTION:    acpi_get_data_full
 * PARAMETERS:  obj_handle          - Namespace node
 *              handler             - Handler used in call to attach_data
 *              data                - Where the data is returned
 *              callback            - function to execute before returning
 * RETURN:      Status
 * DESCRIPTION: Retrieve data that was previously attached to a namespace node
 *              and execute a callback before returning.
acpi_get_data_full(acpi_handle obj_handle, acpi_object_handler handler,
		   void **data, void (*callback)(void *))


 * FUNCTION:    acpi_get_data
 * PARAMETERS:  obj_handle          - Namespace node
 *              handler             - Handler used in call to attach_data
 *              data                - Where the data is returned
 * RETURN:      Status
 * DESCRIPTION: Retrieve data that was previously attached to a namespace node.
acpi_get_data(acpi_handle obj_handle, acpi_object_handler handler, void **data)