
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * Modifications for inclusion into the Linux staging tree are
 * Copyright(c) 2010 Larry Finger. All rights reserved.
 * Contact information:
 * WLAN FAE <[email protected]>
 * Larry Finger <[email protected]>
#define _RTL871X_MP_C_

#include "osdep_service.h"
#include "drv_types.h"
#include "rtl871x_mp_phy_regdef.h"
#include "rtl8712_cmd.h"

static void _init_mp_priv_(struct mp_priv *pmp_priv)

static int init_mp_priv(struct mp_priv *pmp_priv)

static int free_mp_priv(struct mp_priv *pmp_priv)

void mp871xinit(struct _adapter *padapter)

void mp871xdeinit(struct _adapter *padapter)

 * Special for bb and rf reg read/write
static u32 fw_iocmd_read(struct _adapter *pAdapter, struct IOCMD_STRUCT iocmd)

static u8 fw_iocmd_write(struct _adapter *pAdapter,
			 struct IOCMD_STRUCT iocmd, u32 value)

/* offset : 0X800~0XFFF */
u32 r8712_bb_reg_read(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u16 offset)

/* offset : 0X800~0XFFF */
u8 r8712_bb_reg_write(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u16 offset, u32 value)

/* offset : 0x00 ~ 0xFF */
u32 r8712_rf_reg_read(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 path, u8 offset)

u8 r8712_rf_reg_write(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 path, u8 offset, u32 value)

static u32 bitshift(u32 bitmask)

static u32 get_bb_reg(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u16 offset, u32 bitmask)

static u8 set_bb_reg(struct _adapter *pAdapter,
		     u16 offset,
		     u32 bitmask,
		     u32 value)

static u32 get_rf_reg(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 path, u8 offset,
		      u32 bitmask)

static u8 set_rf_reg(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 path, u8 offset, u32 bitmask,
	      u32 value)

 * SetChannel
 * Description
 *	Use H2C command to change channel,
 *	not only modify rf register, but also other setting need to be done.
void r8712_SetChannel(struct _adapter *pAdapter)

static void SetCCKTxPower(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 TxPower)

static void SetOFDMTxPower(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 TxPower)

void r8712_SetTxPower(struct _adapter *pAdapter)

void r8712_SetTxAGCOffset(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u32 ulTxAGCOffset)

void r8712_SetDataRate(struct _adapter *pAdapter)

void r8712_SwitchBandwidth(struct _adapter *pAdapter)

/*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/


void r8712_SwitchAntenna(struct _adapter *pAdapter)

static void TriggerRFThermalMeter(struct _adapter *pAdapter)

static u32 ReadRFThermalMeter(struct _adapter *pAdapter)

void r8712_GetThermalMeter(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u32 *value)

void r8712_SetSingleCarrierTx(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 bStart)

void r8712_SetSingleToneTx(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 bStart)

void r8712_SetCarrierSuppressionTx(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 bStart)

static void SetCCKContinuousTx(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 bStart)
{} /* mpt_StartCckContTx */

static void SetOFDMContinuousTx(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 bStart)
{} /* mpt_StartOfdmContTx */

void r8712_SetContinuousTx(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u8 bStart)

void r8712_ResetPhyRxPktCount(struct _adapter *pAdapter)

static u32 GetPhyRxPktCounts(struct _adapter *pAdapter, u32 selbit)

u32 r8712_GetPhyRxPktReceived(struct _adapter *pAdapter)

u32 r8712_GetPhyRxPktCRC32Error(struct _adapter *pAdapter)