
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 *         Copyright (c) 2007 by Silicon Motion, Inc. (SMI)
 *  swi2c.c --- SM750/SM718 DDK
 *  This file contains the source code for I2C using software
 *  implementation.

#include "ddk750_chip.h"
#include "ddk750_reg.h"
#include "ddk750_swi2c.h"
#include "ddk750_power.h"

 * I2C Software Master Driver:
 * ===========================
 * Each i2c cycle is split into 4 sections. Each of these section marks
 * a point in time where the SCL or SDA may be changed.
 * 1 Cycle == |  Section I. |  Section 2. |  Section 3. |  Section 4. |
 *            +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
 *            | SCL set LOW |SCL no change| SCL set HIGH|SCL no change|
 *                                          ____________ _____________
 * SCL == XXXX _____________ ____________ /
 * I.e. the SCL may only be changed in section 1. and section 3. while
 * the SDA may only be changed in section 2. and section 4. The table
 * below gives the changes for these 2 lines in the varios sections.
 * Section changes Table:
 * ======================
 * blank = no change, L = set bit LOW, H = set bit HIGH
 *                                | 1.| 2.| 3.| 4.|
 *                 ---------------+---+---+---+---+
 *                 Tx Start   SDA |   | H |   | L |
 *                            SCL | L |   | H |   |
 *                 ---------------+---+---+---+---+
 *                 Tx Stop    SDA |   | L |   | H |
 *                            SCL | L |   | H |   |
 *                 ---------------+---+---+---+---+
 *                 Tx bit H   SDA |   | H |   |   |
 *                            SCL | L |   | H |   |
 *                 ---------------+---+---+---+---+
 *                 Tx bit L   SDA |   | L |   |   |
 *                            SCL | L |   | H |   |
 *                 ---------------+---+---+---+---+

/* GPIO pins used for this I2C. It ranges from 0 to 63. */
static unsigned char sw_i2c_clk_gpio =;
static unsigned char sw_i2c_data_gpio =;

 *  Below is the variable declaration for the GPIO pin register usage
 *  for the i2c Clock and i2c Data.
 *  Note:
 *      Notice that the GPIO usage for the i2c clock and i2c Data are
 *      separated. This is to make this code flexible enough when
 *      two separate GPIO pins for the clock and data are located
 *      in two different GPIO register set (worst case).

/* i2c Clock GPIO Register usage */
static unsigned long sw_i2c_clk_gpio_mux_reg =;
static unsigned long sw_i2c_clk_gpio_data_reg =;
static unsigned long sw_i2c_clk_gpio_data_dir_reg =;

/* i2c Data GPIO Register usage */
static unsigned long sw_i2c_data_gpio_mux_reg =;
static unsigned long sw_i2c_data_gpio_data_reg =;
static unsigned long sw_i2c_data_gpio_data_dir_reg =;

 *  This function puts a delay between command
static void sw_i2c_wait(void)

 *  This function set/reset the SCL GPIO pin
 *  Parameters:
 *      value    - Bit value to set to the SCL or SDA (0 = low, 1 = high)
 *  Notes:
 *      When setting SCL to high, just set the GPIO as input where the pull up
 *      resistor will pull the signal up. Do not use software to pull up the
 *      signal because the i2c will fail when other device try to drive the
 *      signal due to SM50x will drive the signal to always high.
static void sw_i2c_scl(unsigned char value)

 *  This function set/reset the SDA GPIO pin
 *  Parameters:
 *      value    - Bit value to set to the SCL or SDA (0 = low, 1 = high)
 *  Notes:
 *      When setting SCL to high, just set the GPIO as input where the pull up
 *      resistor will pull the signal up. Do not use software to pull up the
 *      signal because the i2c will fail when other device try to drive the
 *      signal due to SM50x will drive the signal to always high.
static void sw_i2c_sda(unsigned char value)

 *  This function read the data from the SDA GPIO pin
 *  Return Value:
 *      The SDA data bit sent by the Slave
static unsigned char sw_i2c_read_sda(void)

 *  This function sends ACK signal
static void sw_i2c_ack(void)

 *  This function sends the start command to the slave device
static void sw_i2c_start(void)

 *  This function sends the stop command to the slave device
static void sw_i2c_stop(void)

 *  This function writes one byte to the slave device
 *  Parameters:
 *      data    - Data to be write to the slave device
 *  Return Value:
 *       0   - Success
 *      -1   - Fail to write byte
static long sw_i2c_write_byte(unsigned char data)

 *  This function reads one byte from the slave device
 *  Parameters:
 *      ack    - Flag to indicate either to send the acknowledge
 *            message to the slave device or not
 *  Return Value:
 *      One byte data read from the Slave device
static unsigned char sw_i2c_read_byte(unsigned char ack)

 * This function initializes GPIO port for SW I2C communication.
 * Parameters:
 *      clk_gpio      - The GPIO pin to be used as i2c SCL
 *      data_gpio     - The GPIO pin to be used as i2c SDA
 * Return Value:
 *      -1   - Fail to initialize the i2c
 *       0   - Success
static long sm750le_i2c_init(unsigned char clk_gpio, unsigned char data_gpio)

 * This function initializes the i2c attributes and bus
 * Parameters:
 *      clk_gpio      - The GPIO pin to be used as i2c SCL
 *      data_gpio     - The GPIO pin to be used as i2c SDA
 * Return Value:
 *      -1   - Fail to initialize the i2c
 *       0   - Success
long sm750_sw_i2c_init(unsigned char clk_gpio, unsigned char data_gpio)

 *  This function reads the slave device's register
 *  Parameters:
 *      addr   - i2c Slave device address which register
 *                        to be read from
 *      reg    - Slave device's register to be read
 *  Return Value:
 *      Register value
unsigned char sm750_sw_i2c_read_reg(unsigned char addr, unsigned char reg)

 *  This function writes a value to the slave device's register
 *  Parameters:
 *      addr            - i2c Slave device address which register
 *                        to be written
 *      reg             - Slave device's register to be written
 *      data            - Data to be written to the register
 *  Result:
 *          0   - Success
 *         -1   - Fail
long sm750_sw_i2c_write_reg(unsigned char addr,
			    unsigned char reg,
			    unsigned char data)