
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <drv_types.h>
#include <hal_btcoex.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>

static struct _cmd_callback rtw_cmd_callback[] =;

static struct cmd_hdl wlancmds[] =;

 * Caller and the rtw_cmd_thread can protect cmd_q by spin_lock.
 * No irqsave is necessary.

int rtw_init_cmd_priv(struct	cmd_priv *pcmdpriv)

static void c2h_wk_callback(struct work_struct *work);
int rtw_init_evt_priv(struct evt_priv *pevtpriv)

void _rtw_free_evt_priv(struct	evt_priv *pevtpriv)

void _rtw_free_cmd_priv(struct	cmd_priv *pcmdpriv)

 * Calling Context:
 * rtw_enqueue_cmd can only be called between kernel thread,
 * since only spin_lock is used.
 * ISR/Call-Back functions can't call this sub-function.

int _rtw_enqueue_cmd(struct __queue *queue, struct cmd_obj *obj)

struct	cmd_obj	*_rtw_dequeue_cmd(struct __queue *queue)

void rtw_free_evt_priv(struct	evt_priv *pevtpriv)

void rtw_free_cmd_priv(struct	cmd_priv *pcmdpriv)

int rtw_cmd_filter(struct cmd_priv *pcmdpriv, struct cmd_obj *cmd_obj);
int rtw_cmd_filter(struct cmd_priv *pcmdpriv, struct cmd_obj *cmd_obj)

int rtw_enqueue_cmd(struct cmd_priv *pcmdpriv, struct cmd_obj *cmd_obj)

struct	cmd_obj	*rtw_dequeue_cmd(struct cmd_priv *pcmdpriv)

void rtw_free_cmd_obj(struct cmd_obj *pcmd)

void rtw_stop_cmd_thread(struct adapter *adapter)

int rtw_cmd_thread(void *context)

 * rtw_sitesurvey_cmd(~)
 *	### NOTE:#### (!!!!)

u8 rtw_sitesurvey_cmd(struct adapter  *padapter, struct ndis_802_11_ssid *ssid, int ssid_num,
	struct rtw_ieee80211_channel *ch, int ch_num)

void rtw_getbbrfreg_cmdrsp_callback(struct adapter *padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd)

u8 rtw_createbss_cmd(struct adapter  *padapter)

int rtw_startbss_cmd(struct adapter  *padapter, int flags)

u8 rtw_joinbss_cmd(struct adapter  *padapter, struct wlan_network *pnetwork)

u8 rtw_disassoc_cmd(struct adapter *padapter, u32 deauth_timeout_ms, bool enqueue) /* for sta_mode */

u8 rtw_setopmode_cmd(struct adapter  *padapter, enum ndis_802_11_network_infrastructure networktype, bool enqueue)

u8 rtw_setstakey_cmd(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *sta, u8 unicast_key, bool enqueue)

u8 rtw_clearstakey_cmd(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *sta, u8 enqueue)

u8 rtw_addbareq_cmd(struct adapter *padapter, u8 tid, u8 *addr)
/* add for CONFIG_IEEE80211W, none 11w can use it */
u8 rtw_reset_securitypriv_cmd(struct adapter *padapter)

u8 rtw_free_assoc_resources_cmd(struct adapter *padapter)

u8 rtw_dynamic_chk_wk_cmd(struct adapter *padapter)

static void collect_traffic_statistics(struct adapter *padapter)

u8 traffic_status_watchdog(struct adapter *padapter, u8 from_timer)

static void dynamic_chk_wk_hdl(struct adapter *padapter)

void lps_ctrl_wk_hdl(struct adapter *padapter, u8 lps_ctrl_type);
void lps_ctrl_wk_hdl(struct adapter *padapter, u8 lps_ctrl_type)

u8 rtw_lps_ctrl_wk_cmd(struct adapter *padapter, u8 lps_ctrl_type, u8 enqueue)

static void rtw_dm_in_lps_hdl(struct adapter *padapter)

u8 rtw_dm_in_lps_wk_cmd(struct adapter *padapter)

static void rtw_lps_change_dtim_hdl(struct adapter *padapter, u8 dtim)

static void rtw_dm_ra_mask_hdl(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)

u8 rtw_dm_ra_mask_wk_cmd(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *psta)

u8 rtw_ps_cmd(struct adapter *padapter)

u32 g_wait_hiq_empty;

static void rtw_chk_hi_queue_hdl(struct adapter *padapter)

u8 rtw_chk_hi_queue_cmd(struct adapter *padapter)

struct btinfo {};

static void rtw_btinfo_hdl(struct adapter *adapter, u8 *buf, u16 buf_len)

u8 rtw_c2h_packet_wk_cmd(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf, u16 length)

/* dont call R/W in this function, beucase SDIO interrupt have claim host */
/* or deadlock will happen and cause special-systemserver-died in android */
u8 rtw_c2h_wk_cmd(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *c2h_evt)

static void c2h_wk_callback(struct work_struct *work)

u8 rtw_drvextra_cmd_hdl(struct adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf)

void rtw_survey_cmd_callback(struct adapter *padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd)

void rtw_disassoc_cmd_callback(struct adapter *padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd)

void rtw_joinbss_cmd_callback(struct adapter *padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd)

void rtw_createbss_cmd_callback(struct adapter *padapter, struct cmd_obj *pcmd)

void rtw_setstaKey_cmdrsp_callback(struct adapter *padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd)

void rtw_setassocsta_cmdrsp_callback(struct adapter *padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd)