
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <linux/crc32.h>
#include <drv_types.h>
#include <crypto/aes.h>

static const char * const _security_type_str[] =;

const char *security_type_str(u8 value)

/* WEP related ===== */

	Need to consider the fragment  situation
void rtw_wep_encrypt(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *pxmitframe)

void rtw_wep_decrypt(struct adapter  *padapter, u8 *precvframe)

/* 3		=====TKIP related ===== */

static u32 secmicgetuint32(u8 *p)
/*  Convert from Byte[] to Us3232 in a portable way */

static void secmicputuint32(u8 *p, u32 val)
/*  Convert from Us3232 to Byte[] in a portable way */

static void secmicclear(struct mic_data *pmicdata)

void rtw_secmicsetkey(struct mic_data *pmicdata, u8 *key)

void rtw_secmicappendbyte(struct mic_data *pmicdata, u8 b)

void rtw_secmicappend(struct mic_data *pmicdata, u8 *src, u32 nbytes)

void rtw_secgetmic(struct mic_data *pmicdata, u8 *dst)

void rtw_seccalctkipmic(u8 *key, u8 *header, u8 *data, u32 data_len, u8 *mic_code, u8 pri)

/* macros for extraction/creation of unsigned char/unsigned short values  */
#define RotR1(v16)
#define Lo8(v16)
#define Hi8(v16)
#define Lo16(v32)
#define Hi16(v32)
#define Mk16(hi, lo)

/* select the Nth 16-bit word of the temporal key unsigned char array TK[]   */
#define TK16(N)

/* S-box lookup: 16 bits --> 16 bits */
#define _S_(v16)

/* fixed algorithm "parameters" */

/* 2-unsigned char by 2-unsigned char subset of the full AES S-box table */
static const unsigned short Sbox1[2][256] =;

* Routine: Phase 1 -- generate P1K, given TA, TK, IV32
* Inputs:
*     tk[]      = temporal key                         [128 bits]
*     ta[]      = transmitter's MAC address            [ 48 bits]
*     iv32      = upper 32 bits of IV                  [ 32 bits]
* Output:
*     p1k[]     = Phase 1 key                          [ 80 bits]
* Note:
*     This function only needs to be called every 2**16 packets,
*     although in theory it could be called every packet.
static void phase1(u16 *p1k, const u8 *tk, const u8 *ta, u32 iv32)

* Routine: Phase 2 -- generate RC4KEY, given TK, P1K, IV16
* Inputs:
*     tk[]      = Temporal key                         [128 bits]
*     p1k[]     = Phase 1 output key                   [ 80 bits]
*     iv16      = low 16 bits of IV counter            [ 16 bits]
* Output:
*     rc4key[]  = the key used to encrypt the packet   [128 bits]
* Note:
*     The value {TA, IV32, IV16} for Phase1/Phase2 must be unique
*     across all packets using the same key TK value. Then, for a
*     given value of TK[], this TKIP48 construction guarantees that
*     the final RC4KEY value is unique across all packets.
* Suggested implementation optimization: if PPK[] is "overlaid"
*     appropriately on RC4KEY[], there is no need for the final
*     for loop below that copies the PPK[] result into RC4KEY[].
static void phase2(u8 *rc4key, const u8 *tk, const u16 *p1k, u16 iv16)

/* The hlen isn't include the IV */
u32 rtw_tkip_encrypt(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *pxmitframe)

/* The hlen isn't include the IV */
u32 rtw_tkip_decrypt(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *precvframe)

/* 3			=====AES related ===== */

#define MAX_MSG_SIZE

/**** Function Prototypes ****/

static void bitwise_xor(u8 *ina, u8 *inb, u8 *out);
static void construct_mic_iv(u8 *mic_header1,
			     signed int qc_exists,
			     signed int a4_exists,
			     u8 *mpdu,
			     uint payload_length,
			     u8 *pn_vector,
			     uint frtype); /*  add for CONFIG_IEEE80211W, none 11w also can use */
static void construct_mic_header1(u8 *mic_header1,
				  signed int header_length,
				  u8 *mpdu,
				  uint frtype); /* for CONFIG_IEEE80211W, none 11w also can use */
static void construct_mic_header2(u8 *mic_header2,
				  u8 *mpdu,
				  signed int a4_exists,
				  signed int qc_exists);
static void construct_ctr_preload(u8 *ctr_preload,
				  signed int a4_exists,
				  signed int qc_exists,
				  u8 *mpdu,
				  u8 *pn_vector,
				  signed int c,
				  uint frtype); /* for CONFIG_IEEE80211W, none 11w also can use */

static void aes128k128d(u8 *key, u8 *data, u8 *ciphertext);

/* aes128k128d()                        */
/* Performs a 128 bit AES encrypt with  */
/* 128 bit data.                        */
static void aes128k128d(u8 *key, u8 *data, u8 *ciphertext)

/* construct_mic_iv()                           */
/* Builds the MIC IV from header fields and PN  */
/* Baron think the function is construct CCM    */
/* nonce                                        */
static void construct_mic_iv(u8 *mic_iv,
			     signed int qc_exists,
			     signed int a4_exists,
			     u8 *mpdu,
			     uint payload_length,
			     u8 *pn_vector,
			     uint frtype) /* add for CONFIG_IEEE80211W, none 11w also can use */

/* construct_mic_header1()                      */
/* Builds the first MIC header block from       */
/* header fields.                               */
/* Build AAD SC, A1, A2                           */
static void construct_mic_header1(u8 *mic_header1,
				  signed int header_length,
				  u8 *mpdu,
				  uint frtype) /* for CONFIG_IEEE80211W, none 11w also can use */

/* construct_mic_header2()                      */
/* Builds the last MIC header block from        */
/* header fields.                               */
static void construct_mic_header2(u8 *mic_header2,
				  u8 *mpdu,
				  signed int a4_exists,
				  signed int qc_exists)

/* construct_mic_header2()                      */
/* Builds the last MIC header block from        */
/* header fields.                               */
/* Baron think the function is construct CCM    */
/* nonce                                        */
static void construct_ctr_preload(u8 *ctr_preload,
				  signed int a4_exists,
				  signed int qc_exists,
				  u8 *mpdu,
				  u8 *pn_vector,
				  signed int c,
				  uint frtype) /* for CONFIG_IEEE80211W, none 11w also can use */

/* bitwise_xor()                    */
/* A 128 bit, bitwise exclusive or  */
static void bitwise_xor(u8 *ina, u8 *inb, u8 *out)

static signed int aes_cipher(u8 *key, uint	hdrlen,
			u8 *pframe, uint plen)

u32 rtw_aes_encrypt(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *pxmitframe)

static signed int aes_decipher(u8 *key, uint	hdrlen,
			 u8 *pframe, uint plen)

u32 rtw_aes_decrypt(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *precvframe)

u32 rtw_BIP_verify(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *precvframe)

static void gf_mulx(u8 *pad)

 * omac1_aes_128_vector - One-Key CBC MAC (OMAC1) hash with AES-128
 * @key: 128-bit key for the hash operation
 * @num_elem: Number of elements in the data vector
 * @addr: Pointers to the data areas
 * @len: Lengths of the data blocks
 * @mac: Buffer for MAC (128 bits, i.e., 16 bytes)
 * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
 * This is a mode for using block cipher (AES in this case) for authentication.
 * OMAC1 was standardized with the name CMAC by NIST in a Special Publication
 * (SP) 800-38B.
static int omac1_aes_128_vector(u8 *key, size_t num_elem,
				u8 *addr[], size_t *len, u8 *mac)

 * omac1_aes_128 - One-Key CBC MAC (OMAC1) hash with AES-128 (aka AES-CMAC)
 * @key: 128-bit key for the hash operation
 * @data: Data buffer for which a MAC is determined
 * @data_len: Length of data buffer in bytes
 * @mac: Buffer for MAC (128 bits, i.e., 16 bytes)
 * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
 * This is a mode for using block cipher (AES in this case) for authentication.
 * OMAC1 was standardized with the name CMAC by NIST in a Special Publication
 * (SP) 800-38B.
 * modify for CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
int omac1_aes_128(u8 *key, u8 *data, size_t data_len, u8 *mac)

/* Restore HW wep key setting according to key_mask */
void rtw_sec_restore_wep_key(struct adapter *adapter)

u8 rtw_handle_tkip_countermeasure(struct adapter *adapter, const char *caller)