
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.

#include <drv_types.h>
#include <rtl8723b_hal.h>

 * phy_CalculateBitShift - Get shifted position of the BitMask.
 * @BitMask: Bitmask.
 * Return:	Return the shift bit position of the mask
static	u32 phy_CalculateBitShift(u32 BitMask)

 * PHY_QueryBBReg_8723B - Read "specific bits" from BB register.
 * @Adapter:
 * @RegAddr:	The target address to be readback
 * @BitMask:	The target bit position in the target address
 *				to be readback
 * Return:	The readback register value
 * .. Note::	This function is equal to "GetRegSetting" in PHY programming
 *			guide
u32 PHY_QueryBBReg_8723B(struct adapter *Adapter, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask)

 * PHY_SetBBReg_8723B - Write "Specific bits" to BB register (page 8~).
 * @Adapter:
 * @RegAddr:	The target address to be modified
 * @BitMask:	The target bit position in the target address
 *				to be modified
 * @Data:		The new register value in the target bit position
 *				of the target address
 * .. Note::	This function is equal to "PutRegSetting" in PHY programming
 *			guide

void PHY_SetBBReg_8723B(
	struct adapter *Adapter,
	u32 RegAddr,
	u32 BitMask,
	u32 Data

/*  */
/*  2. RF register R/W API */
/*  */

static u32 phy_RFSerialRead_8723B(
	struct adapter *Adapter, enum rf_path eRFPath, u32 Offset

 * phy_RFSerialWrite_8723B - Write data to RF register (page 8~).
 * @Adapter:
 * @eRFPath:	Radio path of A/B/C/D
 * @Offset:	The target address to be read
 * @Data:	The new register Data in the target bit position
 *			of the target to be read
 * .. Note::	There are three types of serial operations:
 *		1. Software serial write
 *		2. Hardware LSSI-Low Speed Serial Interface
 *		3. Hardware HSSI-High speed
 *		serial write. Driver need to implement (1) and (2).
 *		This function is equal to the combination of RF_ReadReg() and  RFLSSIRead()
 * .. Note::		  For RF8256 only
 *		 The total count of RTL8256(Zebra4) register is around 36 bit it only employs
 *		 4-bit RF address. RTL8256 uses "register mode control bit" (Reg00[12], Reg00[10])
 *		 to access register address bigger than 0xf. See "Appendix-4 in PHY Configuration
 *		 programming guide" for more details.
 *		 Thus, we define a sub-finction for RTL8526 register address conversion
 *	       ===========================================================
 *		 Register Mode		RegCTL[1]		RegCTL[0]		Note
 *							(Reg00[12])		(Reg00[10])
 *	       ===========================================================
 *		 Reg_Mode0				0				x			Reg 0 ~15(0x0 ~ 0xf)
 *	       ------------------------------------------------------------------
 *		 Reg_Mode1				1				0			Reg 16 ~30(0x1 ~ 0xf)
 *	       ------------------------------------------------------------------
 *		 Reg_Mode2				1				1			Reg 31 ~ 45(0x1 ~ 0xf)
 *	       ------------------------------------------------------------------
 *2008/09/02	MH	Add 92S RF definition
static void phy_RFSerialWrite_8723B(
	struct adapter *Adapter,
	enum rf_path eRFPath,
	u32 Offset,
	u32 Data

 * PHY_QueryRFReg_8723B - Query "Specific bits" to RF register (page 8~).
 * @Adapter:
 * @eRFPath:	Radio path of A/B/C/D
 * @RegAddr:	The target address to be read
 * @BitMask:	The target bit position in the target address
 *				to be read
 * Return:	Readback value
 * .. Note::	This function is equal to "GetRFRegSetting" in PHY
 *			programming guide
u32 PHY_QueryRFReg_8723B(
	struct adapter *Adapter,
	u8 eRFPath,
	u32 RegAddr,
	u32 BitMask

 * PHY_SetRFReg_8723B - Write "Specific bits" to RF register (page 8~).
 * @Adapter:
 * @eRFPath:	Radio path of A/B/C/D
 * @RegAddr:	The target address to be modified
 * @BitMask:	The target bit position in the target address
 *				to be modified
 * @Data:	The new register Data in the target bit position
 *								of the target address
 * .. Note::	This function is equal to "PutRFRegSetting" in PHY
 *			programming guide.
void PHY_SetRFReg_8723B(
	struct adapter *Adapter,
	u8 eRFPath,
	u32 RegAddr,
	u32 BitMask,
	u32 Data

/*  */
/*  3. Initial MAC/BB/RF config by reading MAC/BB/RF txt. */
/*  */

 * PHY_MACConfig8192C - Config MAC by header file or parameter file.
 * Revised History:
 *  When		Who		Remark
 *  08/12/2008	MHC		Create Version 0.
s32 PHY_MACConfig8723B(struct adapter *Adapter)

 * phy_InitBBRFRegisterDefinition - Initialize Register definition offset for
 *									Radio Path A/B/C/D
 * @Adapter:
 * .. Note::		The initialization value is constant and it should never be changes
static void phy_InitBBRFRegisterDefinition(struct adapter *Adapter)

static int phy_BB8723b_Config_ParaFile(struct adapter *Adapter)

int PHY_BBConfig8723B(struct adapter *Adapter)

static void phy_LCK_8723B(struct adapter *Adapter)

int PHY_RFConfig8723B(struct adapter *Adapter)

 *   Description:
 *       The low-level interface to set TxAGC , called by both MP and Normal Driver.
 *                                                                                    <20120830, Kordan>

void PHY_SetTxPowerIndex(
	struct adapter *Adapter,
	u32 PowerIndex,
	u8 RFPath,
	u8 Rate

u8 PHY_GetTxPowerIndex(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	u8 RFPath,
	u8 Rate,
	enum channel_width BandWidth,
	u8 Channel

void PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8723B(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 Channel)

void PHY_GetTxPowerLevel8723B(struct adapter *Adapter, s32 *powerlevel)

static void phy_SetRegBW_8723B(
	struct adapter *Adapter, enum channel_width CurrentBW

static u8 phy_GetSecondaryChnl_8723B(struct adapter *Adapter)

static void phy_PostSetBwMode8723B(struct adapter *Adapter)

static void phy_SwChnl8723B(struct adapter *padapter)

static void phy_SwChnlAndSetBwMode8723B(struct adapter *Adapter)

static void PHY_HandleSwChnlAndSetBW8723B(
	struct adapter *Adapter,
	bool bSwitchChannel,
	bool bSetBandWidth,
	u8 ChannelNum,
	enum channel_width ChnlWidth,
	enum extchnl_offset ExtChnlOffsetOf40MHz,
	enum extchnl_offset ExtChnlOffsetOf80MHz,
	u8 CenterFrequencyIndex1

void PHY_SetBWMode8723B(
	struct adapter *Adapter,
	enum channel_width Bandwidth, /*  20M or 40M */
	unsigned char Offset /*  Upper, Lower, or Don't care */

/*  Call after initialization */
void PHY_SwChnl8723B(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 channel)

void PHY_SetSwChnlBWMode8723B(
	struct adapter *Adapter,
	u8 channel,
	enum channel_width Bandwidth,
	u8 Offset40,
	u8 Offset80