
 * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation.  See file COPYING.

#ifdef __KERNEL__
# include <linux/string.h>
# include <linux/slab.h>
# include <linux/bug.h>
# include <linux/kernel.h>
# include <linux/crush/crush.h>
# include <linux/crush/hash.h>
# include <linux/crush/mapper.h>
# include "crush_compat.h"
# include "crush.h"
# include "hash.h"
# include "mapper.h"
#include "crush_ln_table.h"

#define dprintk(args...)

 * Implement the core CRUSH mapping algorithm.

 * crush_find_rule - find a crush_rule id for a given ruleset, type, and size.
 * @map: the crush_map
 * @ruleset: the storage ruleset id (user defined)
 * @type: storage ruleset type (user defined)
 * @size: output set size
int crush_find_rule(const struct crush_map *map, int ruleset, int type, int size)

 * bucket choose methods
 * For each bucket algorithm, we have a "choose" method that, given a
 * crush input @x and replica position (usually, position in output set) @r,
 * will produce an item in the bucket.

 * Choose based on a random permutation of the bucket.
 * We used to use some prime number arithmetic to do this, but it
 * wasn't very random, and had some other bad behaviors.  Instead, we
 * calculate an actual random permutation of the bucket members.
 * Since this is expensive, we optimize for the r=0 case, which
 * captures the vast majority of calls.
static int bucket_perm_choose(const struct crush_bucket *bucket,
			      struct crush_work_bucket *work,
			      int x, int r)

/* uniform */
static int bucket_uniform_choose(const struct crush_bucket_uniform *bucket,
				 struct crush_work_bucket *work, int x, int r)

/* list */
static int bucket_list_choose(const struct crush_bucket_list *bucket,
			      int x, int r)

/* (binary) tree */
static int height(int n)

static int left(int x)

static int right(int x)

static int terminal(int x)

static int bucket_tree_choose(const struct crush_bucket_tree *bucket,
			      int x, int r)

/* straw */

static int bucket_straw_choose(const struct crush_bucket_straw *bucket,
			       int x, int r)

/* compute 2^44*log2(input+1) */
static __u64 crush_ln(unsigned int xin)

 * straw2
 * for reference, see:

static __u32 *get_choose_arg_weights(const struct crush_bucket_straw2 *bucket,
				     const struct crush_choose_arg *arg,
				     int position)

static __s32 *get_choose_arg_ids(const struct crush_bucket_straw2 *bucket,
				 const struct crush_choose_arg *arg)

static int bucket_straw2_choose(const struct crush_bucket_straw2 *bucket,
				int x, int r,
				const struct crush_choose_arg *arg,
				int position)

static int crush_bucket_choose(const struct crush_bucket *in,
			       struct crush_work_bucket *work,
			       int x, int r,
			       const struct crush_choose_arg *arg,
			       int position)

 * true if device is marked "out" (failed, fully offloaded)
 * of the cluster
static int is_out(const struct crush_map *map,
		  const __u32 *weight, int weight_max,
		  int item, int x)

 * crush_choose_firstn - choose numrep distinct items of given type
 * @map: the crush_map
 * @work: working space initialized by crush_init_workspace()
 * @bucket: the bucket we are choose an item from
 * @weight: weight vector (for map leaves)
 * @weight_max: size of weight vector
 * @x: crush input value
 * @numrep: the number of items to choose
 * @type: the type of item to choose
 * @out: pointer to output vector
 * @outpos: our position in that vector
 * @out_size: size of the out vector
 * @tries: number of attempts to make
 * @recurse_tries: number of attempts to have recursive chooseleaf make
 * @local_retries: localized retries
 * @local_fallback_retries: localized fallback retries
 * @recurse_to_leaf: true if we want one device under each item of given type (chooseleaf instead of choose)
 * @stable: stable mode starts rep=0 in the recursive call for all replicas
 * @vary_r: pass r to recursive calls
 * @out2: second output vector for leaf items (if @recurse_to_leaf)
 * @parent_r: r value passed from the parent
 * @choose_args: weights and ids for each known bucket
static int crush_choose_firstn(const struct crush_map *map,
			       struct crush_work *work,
			       const struct crush_bucket *bucket,
			       const __u32 *weight, int weight_max,
			       int x, int numrep, int type,
			       int *out, int outpos,
			       int out_size,
			       unsigned int tries,
			       unsigned int recurse_tries,
			       unsigned int local_retries,
			       unsigned int local_fallback_retries,
			       int recurse_to_leaf,
			       unsigned int vary_r,
			       unsigned int stable,
			       int *out2,
			       int parent_r,
			       const struct crush_choose_arg *choose_args)

 * crush_choose_indep: alternative breadth-first positionally stable mapping
static void crush_choose_indep(const struct crush_map *map,
			       struct crush_work *work,
			       const struct crush_bucket *bucket,
			       const __u32 *weight, int weight_max,
			       int x, int left, int numrep, int type,
			       int *out, int outpos,
			       unsigned int tries,
			       unsigned int recurse_tries,
			       int recurse_to_leaf,
			       int *out2,
			       int parent_r,
			       const struct crush_choose_arg *choose_args)

 * This takes a chunk of memory and sets it up to be a shiny new
 * working area for a CRUSH placement computation. It must be called
 * on any newly allocated memory before passing it in to
 * crush_do_rule. It may be used repeatedly after that, so long as the
 * map has not changed. If the map /has/ changed, you must make sure
 * the working size is no smaller than what was allocated and re-run
 * crush_init_workspace.
 * If you do retain the working space between calls to crush, make it
 * thread-local.
void crush_init_workspace(const struct crush_map *map, void *v)

 * crush_do_rule - calculate a mapping with the given input and rule
 * @map: the crush_map
 * @ruleno: the rule id
 * @x: hash input
 * @result: pointer to result vector
 * @result_max: maximum result size
 * @weight: weight vector (for map leaves)
 * @weight_max: size of weight vector
 * @cwin: pointer to at least crush_work_size() bytes of memory
 * @choose_args: weights and ids for each known bucket
int crush_do_rule(const struct crush_map *map,
		  int ruleno, int x, int *result, int result_max,
		  const __u32 *weight, int weight_max,
		  void *cwin, const struct crush_choose_arg *choose_args)