
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
 * Copyright 2023 Red Hat

#include "repair.h"

#include <linux/min_heap.h>
#include <linux/minmax.h>

#include "logger.h"
#include "memory-alloc.h"
#include "permassert.h"

#include "block-map.h"
#include "completion.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "encodings.h"
#include "int-map.h"
#include "io-submitter.h"
#include "recovery-journal.h"
#include "slab-depot.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "vdo.h"
#include "wait-queue.h"

 * An explicitly numbered block mapping. Numbering the mappings allows them to be sorted by logical
 * block number during repair while still preserving the relative order of journal entries with
 * the same logical block number.
struct numbered_block_mapping {} __packed;

 * The absolute position of an entry in the recovery journal, including the sector number and the
 * entry number within the sector.
struct recovery_point {};


struct repair_completion {};

 * This is a min_heap callback function that orders numbered_block_mappings using the
 * 'block_map_slot' field as the primary key and the mapping 'number' field as the secondary key.
 * Using the mapping number preserves the journal order of entries for the same slot, allowing us
 * to sort by slot while still ensuring we replay all entries with the same slot in the exact order
 * as they appeared in the journal.
static bool mapping_is_less_than(const void *item1, const void *item2, void __always_unused *args)

static void swap_mappings(void *item1, void *item2, void __always_unused *args)

static const struct min_heap_callbacks repair_min_heap =;

static struct numbered_block_mapping *sort_next_heap_element(struct repair_completion *repair)

 * as_repair_completion() - Convert a generic completion to a repair_completion.
 * @completion: The completion to convert.
 * Return: The repair_completion.
static inline struct repair_completion * __must_check
as_repair_completion(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static void prepare_repair_completion(struct repair_completion *repair,
				      vdo_action_fn callback, enum vdo_zone_type zone_type)

static void launch_repair_completion(struct repair_completion *repair,
				     vdo_action_fn callback, enum vdo_zone_type zone_type)

static void uninitialize_vios(struct repair_completion *repair)

static void free_repair_completion(struct repair_completion *repair)

static void finish_repair(struct vdo_completion *completion)

 * abort_repair() - Handle a repair error.
 * @completion: The repair completion.
static void abort_repair(struct vdo_completion *completion)

 * abort_on_error() - Abort a repair if there is an error.
 * @result: The result to check.
 * @repair: The repair completion.
 * Return: true if the result was an error.
static bool __must_check abort_on_error(int result, struct repair_completion *repair)

 * drain_slab_depot() - Flush out all dirty refcounts blocks now that they have been rebuilt or
 *                      recovered.
 * @completion: The repair completion.
static void drain_slab_depot(struct vdo_completion *completion)

 * flush_block_map_updates() - Flush the block map now that all the reference counts are rebuilt.
 * @completion: The repair completion.
 * This callback is registered in finish_if_done().
static void flush_block_map_updates(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static bool fetch_page(struct repair_completion *repair,
		       struct vdo_completion *completion);

 * handle_page_load_error() - Handle an error loading a page.
 * @completion: The vdo_page_completion.
static void handle_page_load_error(struct vdo_completion *completion)

 * unmap_entry() - Unmap an invalid entry and indicate that its page must be written out.
 * @page: The page containing the entries
 * @completion: The page_completion for writing the page
 * @slot: The slot to unmap
static void unmap_entry(struct block_map_page *page, struct vdo_completion *completion,
			slot_number_t slot)

 * remove_out_of_bounds_entries() - Unmap entries which outside the logical space.
 * @page: The page containing the entries
 * @completion: The page_completion for writing the page
 * @start: The first slot to check
static void remove_out_of_bounds_entries(struct block_map_page *page,
					 struct vdo_completion *completion,
					 slot_number_t start)

 * process_slot() - Update the reference counts for a single entry.
 * @page: The page containing the entries
 * @completion: The page_completion for writing the page
 * @slot: The slot to check
 * Return: true if the entry was a valid mapping
static bool process_slot(struct block_map_page *page, struct vdo_completion *completion,
			 slot_number_t slot)

 * rebuild_reference_counts_from_page() - Rebuild reference counts from a block map page.
 * @repair: The repair completion.
 * @completion: The page completion holding the page.
static void rebuild_reference_counts_from_page(struct repair_completion *repair,
					       struct vdo_completion *completion)

 * page_loaded() - Process a page which has just been loaded.
 * @completion: The vdo_page_completion for the fetched page.
 * This callback is registered by fetch_page().
static void page_loaded(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static physical_block_number_t get_pbn_to_fetch(struct repair_completion *repair,
						struct block_map *block_map)

 * fetch_page() - Fetch a page from the block map.
 * @repair: The repair_completion.
 * @completion: The page completion to use.
 * Return true if the rebuild is complete
static bool fetch_page(struct repair_completion *repair,
		       struct vdo_completion *completion)

 * rebuild_from_leaves() - Rebuild reference counts from the leaf block map pages.
 * @completion: The repair completion.
 * Rebuilds reference counts from the leaf block map pages now that reference counts have been
 * rebuilt from the interior tree pages (which have been loaded in the process). This callback is
 * registered in rebuild_reference_counts().
static void rebuild_from_leaves(struct vdo_completion *completion)

 * process_entry() - Process a single entry from the block map tree.
 * @pbn: A pbn which holds a block map tree page.
 * @completion: The parent completion of the traversal.
 * Implements vdo_entry_callback_fn.
 * Return: VDO_SUCCESS or an error.
static int process_entry(physical_block_number_t pbn, struct vdo_completion *completion)

static void rebuild_reference_counts(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static void increment_recovery_point(struct recovery_point *point)

 * advance_points() - Advance the current recovery and journal points.
 * @repair: The repair_completion whose points are to be advanced.
 * @entries_per_block: The number of entries in a recovery journal block.
static void advance_points(struct repair_completion *repair,
			   journal_entry_count_t entries_per_block)

 * before_recovery_point() - Check whether the first point precedes the second point.
 * @first: The first recovery point.
 * @second: The second recovery point.
 * Return: true if the first point precedes the second point.
static bool __must_check before_recovery_point(const struct recovery_point *first,
					       const struct recovery_point *second)

static struct packed_journal_sector * __must_check get_sector(struct recovery_journal *journal,
							      char *journal_data,
							      sequence_number_t sequence,
							      u8 sector_number)

 * get_entry() - Unpack the recovery journal entry associated with the given recovery point.
 * @repair: The repair completion.
 * @point: The recovery point.
 * Return: The unpacked contents of the matching recovery journal entry.
static struct recovery_journal_entry get_entry(const struct repair_completion *repair,
					       const struct recovery_point *point)

 * validate_recovery_journal_entry() - Validate a recovery journal entry.
 * @vdo: The vdo.
 * @entry: The entry to validate.
 * Return: VDO_SUCCESS or an error.
static int validate_recovery_journal_entry(const struct vdo *vdo,
					   const struct recovery_journal_entry *entry)

 * add_slab_journal_entries() - Replay recovery journal entries into the slab journals of the
 *                              allocator currently being recovered.
 * @completion: The allocator completion.
 * Waits for slab journal tailblock space when necessary. This method is its own callback.
static void add_slab_journal_entries(struct vdo_completion *completion)

 * vdo_replay_into_slab_journals() - Replay recovery journal entries in the slab journals of slabs
 *                                   owned by a given block_allocator.
 * @allocator: The allocator whose slab journals are to be recovered.
 * @context: The slab depot load context supplied by a recovery when it loads the depot.
void vdo_replay_into_slab_journals(struct block_allocator *allocator, void *context)

static void load_slab_depot(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static void flush_block_map(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static bool finish_if_done(struct repair_completion *repair)

static void abort_block_map_recovery(struct repair_completion *repair, int result)

 * find_entry_starting_next_page() - Find the first journal entry after a given entry which is not
 *                                   on the same block map page.
 * @repair: The repair completion.
 * @current_entry: The entry to search from.
 * @needs_sort: Whether sorting is needed to proceed.
 * Return: Pointer to the first later journal entry on a different block map page, or a pointer to
 *         just before the journal entries if no subsequent entry is on a different block map page.
static struct numbered_block_mapping *
find_entry_starting_next_page(struct repair_completion *repair,
			      struct numbered_block_mapping *current_entry, bool needs_sort)

 * Apply a range of journal entries [starting_entry, ending_entry) journal
 * entries to a block map page.
static void apply_journal_entries_to_page(struct block_map_page *page,
					  struct numbered_block_mapping *starting_entry,
					  struct numbered_block_mapping *ending_entry)

static void recover_ready_pages(struct repair_completion *repair,
				struct vdo_completion *completion);

static void block_map_page_loaded(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static void handle_block_map_page_load_error(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static void fetch_block_map_page(struct repair_completion *repair,
				 struct vdo_completion *completion)

static struct vdo_page_completion *get_next_page_completion(struct repair_completion *repair,
							    struct vdo_page_completion *completion)

static void recover_ready_pages(struct repair_completion *repair,
				struct vdo_completion *completion)

static void recover_block_map(struct vdo_completion *completion)

 * get_recovery_journal_block_header() - Get the block header for a block at a position in the
 *                                       journal data and unpack it.
 * @journal: The recovery journal.
 * @data: The recovery journal data.
 * @sequence: The sequence number.
 * Return: The unpacked header.
static struct recovery_block_header __must_check
get_recovery_journal_block_header(struct recovery_journal *journal, char *data,
				  sequence_number_t sequence)

 * is_valid_recovery_journal_block() - Determine whether the given header describes a valid block
 *                                     for the given journal.
 * @journal: The journal to use.
 * @header: The unpacked block header to check.
 * @old_ok: Whether an old format header is valid.
 * A block is not valid if it is unformatted, or if it is older than the last successful recovery
 * or reformat.
 * Return: True if the header is valid.
static bool __must_check is_valid_recovery_journal_block(const struct recovery_journal *journal,
							 const struct recovery_block_header *header,
							 bool old_ok)

 * is_exact_recovery_journal_block() - Determine whether the given header describes the exact block
 *                                     indicated.
 * @journal: The journal to use.
 * @header: The unpacked block header to check.
 * @sequence: The expected sequence number.
 * @type: The expected metadata type.
 * Return: True if the block matches.
static bool __must_check is_exact_recovery_journal_block(const struct recovery_journal *journal,
							 const struct recovery_block_header *header,
							 sequence_number_t sequence,
							 enum vdo_metadata_type type)

 * find_recovery_journal_head_and_tail() - Find the tail and head of the journal.
 * @repair: The repair completion.
 * Return: True if there were valid journal blocks.
static bool find_recovery_journal_head_and_tail(struct repair_completion *repair)

 * unpack_entry() - Unpack a recovery journal entry in either format.
 * @vdo: The vdo.
 * @packed: The entry to unpack.
 * @format: The expected format of the entry.
 * @entry: The unpacked entry.
 * Return: true if the entry should be applied.3
static bool unpack_entry(struct vdo *vdo, char *packed, enum vdo_metadata_type format,
			 struct recovery_journal_entry *entry)

 * append_sector_entries() - Append an array of recovery journal entries from a journal block
 *                           sector to the array of numbered mappings in the repair completion,
 *                           numbering each entry in the order they are appended.
 * @repair: The repair completion.
 * @entries: The entries in the sector.
 * @format: The format of the sector.
 * @entry_count: The number of entries to append.
static void append_sector_entries(struct repair_completion *repair, char *entries,
				  enum vdo_metadata_type format,
				  journal_entry_count_t entry_count)

static journal_entry_count_t entries_per_sector(enum vdo_metadata_type format,
						u8 sector_number)

static void extract_entries_from_block(struct repair_completion *repair,
				       struct recovery_journal *journal,
				       sequence_number_t sequence,
				       enum vdo_metadata_type format,
				       journal_entry_count_t entries)

static int parse_journal_for_rebuild(struct repair_completion *repair)

static int validate_heads(struct repair_completion *repair)

 * extract_new_mappings() - Find all valid new mappings to be applied to the block map.
 * @repair: The repair completion.
 * The mappings are extracted from the journal and stored in a sortable array so that all of the
 * mappings to be applied to a given block map page can be done in a single page fetch.
static int extract_new_mappings(struct repair_completion *repair)

 * compute_usages() - Compute the lbns in use and block map data blocks counts from the tail of
 *                    the journal.
 * @repair: The repair completion.
static noinline int compute_usages(struct repair_completion *repair)

static int parse_journal_for_recovery(struct repair_completion *repair)

static int parse_journal(struct repair_completion *repair)

static void finish_journal_load(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static void handle_journal_load_error(struct vdo_completion *completion)

static void read_journal_endio(struct bio *bio)

 * vdo_repair() - Load the recovery journal and then recover or rebuild a vdo.
 * @parent: The completion to notify when the operation is complete
void vdo_repair(struct vdo_completion *parent)