
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)

tool for BPF code-generation

:Manual section: 8

.. include:: substitutions.rst


**bpftool** [*OPTIONS*] **gen** *COMMAND*

*OPTIONS* := { |COMMON_OPTIONS| | { **-L** | **--use-loader** } }

*COMMAND* := { **object** | **skeleton** | **help** }


| **bpftool** **gen object** *OUTPUT_FILE* *INPUT_FILE* [*INPUT_FILE*...]
| **bpftool** **gen skeleton** *FILE* [**name** *OBJECT_NAME*]
| **bpftool** **gen subskeleton** *FILE* [**name** *OBJECT_NAME*]
| **bpftool** **gen min_core_btf** *INPUT* *OUTPUT* *OBJECT* [*OBJECT*...]
| **bpftool** **gen help**

bpftool gen object *OUTPUT_FILE* *INPUT_FILE* [*INPUT_FILE*...]
    Statically link (combine) together one or more *INPUT_FILE*'s into a single
    resulting *OUTPUT_FILE*. All the files involved are BPF ELF object files.

    The rules of BPF static linking are mostly the same as for user-space
    object files, but in addition to combining data and instruction sections,
    .BTF and .BTF.ext (if present in any of the input files) data are combined
    together. .BTF data is deduplicated, so all the common types across
    *INPUT_FILE*'s will only be represented once in the resulting BTF

    BPF static linking allows to partition BPF source code into individually
    compiled files that are then linked into a single resulting BPF object
    file, which can be used to generated BPF skeleton (with **gen skeleton**
    command) or passed directly into **libbpf** (using **bpf_object__open()**
    family of APIs).

bpftool gen skeleton *FILE*
    Generate BPF skeleton C header file for a given *FILE*.

    BPF skeleton is an alternative interface to existing libbpf APIs for
    working with BPF objects. Skeleton code is intended to significantly
    shorten and simplify code to load and work with BPF programs from userspace
    side. Generated code is tailored to specific input BPF object *FILE*,
    reflecting its structure by listing out available maps, program, variables,
    etc. Skeleton eliminates the need to lookup mentioned components by name.
    Instead, if skeleton instantiation succeeds, they are populated in skeleton
    structure as valid libbpf types (e.g., **struct bpf_map** pointer) and can
    be passed to existing generic libbpf APIs.

    In addition to simple and reliable access to maps and programs, skeleton
    provides a storage for BPF links (**struct bpf_link**) for each BPF program
    within BPF object. When requested, supported BPF programs will be
    automatically attached and resulting BPF links stored for further use by
    user in pre-allocated fields in skeleton struct. For BPF programs that
    can't be automatically attached by libbpf, user can attach them manually,
    but store resulting BPF link in per-program link field. All such set up
    links will be automatically destroyed on BPF skeleton destruction. This
    eliminates the need for users to manage links manually and rely on libbpf
    support to detach programs and free up resources.

    Another facility provided by BPF skeleton is an interface to global
    variables of all supported kinds: mutable, read-only, as well as extern
    ones. This interface allows to pre-setup initial values of variables before
    BPF object is loaded and verified by kernel. For non-read-only variables,
    the same interface can be used to fetch values of global variables on
    userspace side, even if they are modified by BPF code.

    During skeleton generation, contents of source BPF object *FILE* is
    embedded within generated code and is thus not necessary to keep around.
    This ensures skeleton and BPF object file are matching 1-to-1 and always
    stay in sync. Generated code is dual-licensed under LGPL-2.1 and
    BSD-2-Clause licenses.

    It is a design goal and guarantee that skeleton interfaces are
    interoperable with generic libbpf APIs. User should always be able to use
    skeleton API to create and load BPF object, and later use libbpf APIs to
    keep working with specific maps, programs, etc.

    As part of skeleton, few custom functions are generated. Each of them is
    prefixed with object name. Object name can either be derived from object
    file name, i.e., if BPF object file name is **example.o**, BPF object name
    will be **example**. Object name can be also specified explicitly through
    **name** *OBJECT_NAME* parameter. The following custom functions are
    provided (assuming **example** as the object name):

    - **example__open** and **example__open_opts**.
      These functions are used to instantiate skeleton. It corresponds to
      libbpf's **bpf_object__open**\ () API. **_opts** variants accepts extra
      **bpf_object_open_opts** options.

    - **example__load**.
      This function creates maps, loads and verifies BPF programs, initializes
      global data maps. It corresponds to libppf's **bpf_object__load**\ ()

    - **example__open_and_load** combines **example__open** and
      **example__load** invocations in one commonly used operation.

    - **example__attach** and **example__detach**.
      This pair of functions allow to attach and detach, correspondingly,
      already loaded BPF object. Only BPF programs of types supported by libbpf
      for auto-attachment will be auto-attached and their corresponding BPF
      links instantiated. For other BPF programs, user can manually create a
      BPF link and assign it to corresponding fields in skeleton struct.
      **example__detach** will detach both links created automatically, as well
      as those populated by user manually.

    - **example__destroy**.
      Detach and unload BPF programs, free up all the resources used by
      skeleton and BPF object.

    If BPF object has global variables, corresponding structs with memory
    layout corresponding to global data data section layout will be created.
    Currently supported ones are: *.data*, *.bss*, *.rodata*, and *.kconfig*
    structs/data sections. These data sections/structs can be used to set up
    initial values of variables, if set before **example__load**. Afterwards,
    if target kernel supports memory-mapped BPF arrays, same structs can be
    used to fetch and update (non-read-only) data from userspace, with same
    simplicity as for BPF side.

bpftool gen subskeleton *FILE*
    Generate BPF subskeleton C header file for a given *FILE*.

    Subskeletons are similar to skeletons, except they do not own the
    corresponding maps, programs, or global variables. They require that the
    object file used to generate them is already loaded into a *bpf_object* by
    some other means.

    This functionality is useful when a library is included into a larger BPF
    program. A subskeleton for the library would have access to all objects and
    globals defined in it, without having to know about the larger program.

    Consequently, there are only two functions defined for subskeletons:

    - **example__open(bpf_object\*)**.
      Instantiates a subskeleton from an already opened (but not necessarily
      loaded) **bpf_object**.

    - **example__destroy()**.
      Frees the storage for the subskeleton but *does not* unload any BPF
      programs or maps.

bpftool gen min_core_btf *INPUT* *OUTPUT* *OBJECT* [*OBJECT*...]
    Generate a minimum BTF file as *OUTPUT*, derived from a given *INPUT* BTF
    file, containing all needed BTF types so one, or more, given eBPF objects
    CO-RE relocations may be satisfied.

    When kernels aren't compiled with CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF, libbpf, when
    loading an eBPF object, has to rely on external BTF files to be able to
    calculate CO-RE relocations.

    Usually, an external BTF file is built from existing kernel DWARF data
    using pahole. It contains all the types used by its respective kernel image
    and, because of that, is big.

    The min_core_btf feature builds smaller BTF files, customized to one or
    multiple eBPF objects, so they can be distributed together with an eBPF
    CO-RE based application, turning the application portable to different
    kernel versions.

    Check examples bellow for more information how to use it.

bpftool gen help
    Print short help message.

.. include:: common_options.rst

-L, --use-loader
    For skeletons, generate a "light" skeleton (also known as "loader"
    skeleton). A light skeleton contains a loader eBPF program. It does not use
    the majority of the libbpf infrastructure, and does not need libelf.

**$ cat example1.bpf.c**


  #include <stdbool.h>
  #include <linux/ptrace.h>
  #include <linux/bpf.h>
  #include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>

  const volatile int param1 = 42;
  bool global_flag = true;
  struct { int x; } data = {};

  int handle_sys_enter(struct pt_regs *ctx)
  	static long my_static_var;
  	if (global_flag)
  		data.x += param1;
  	return 0;

**$ cat example2.bpf.c**


  #include <linux/ptrace.h>
  #include <linux/bpf.h>
  #include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>

  struct {
  	__uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH);
  	__uint(max_entries, 128);
  	__type(key, int);
  	__type(value, long);
  } my_map SEC(".maps");

  int handle_sys_exit(struct pt_regs *ctx)
  	int zero = 0;
  	bpf_map_lookup_elem(&my_map, &zero);
  	return 0;

**$ cat example3.bpf.c**


  #include <linux/ptrace.h>
  #include <linux/bpf.h>
  #include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
  /* This header file is provided by the bpf_testmod module. */
  #include "bpf_testmod.h"

  int test_2_result = 0;

  /* bpf_Testmod.ko calls this function, passing a "4"
   * and testmod_map->data.
  void BPF_PROG(test_2, int a, int b)
	test_2_result = a + b;

  struct bpf_testmod_ops testmod_map = {
	.test_2 = (void *)test_2,
	.data = 0x1,

This is example BPF application with three BPF programs and a mix of BPF
maps and global variables. Source code is split across three source code

**$ clang --target=bpf -g example1.bpf.c -o example1.bpf.o**

**$ clang --target=bpf -g example2.bpf.c -o example2.bpf.o**

**$ clang --target=bpf -g example3.bpf.c -o example3.bpf.o**

**$ bpftool gen object example.bpf.o example1.bpf.o example2.bpf.o example3.bpf.o**

This set of commands compiles *example1.bpf.c*, *example2.bpf.c* and
*example3.bpf.c* individually and then statically links respective object
files into the final BPF ELF object file *example.bpf.o*.

**$ bpftool gen skeleton example.bpf.o name example | tee example.skel.h**


  /* SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause) */

  #ifndef __EXAMPLE_SKEL_H__
  #define __EXAMPLE_SKEL_H__

  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <bpf/libbpf.h>

  struct example {
  	struct bpf_object_skeleton *skeleton;
  	struct bpf_object *obj;
  	struct {
  		struct bpf_map *rodata;
  		struct bpf_map *data;
  		struct bpf_map *bss;
  		struct bpf_map *my_map;
		struct bpf_map *testmod_map;
  	} maps;
	struct {
		struct example__testmod_map__bpf_testmod_ops {
			const struct bpf_program *test_1;
			const struct bpf_program *test_2;
			int data;
		} *testmod_map;
	} struct_ops;
  	struct {
  		struct bpf_program *handle_sys_enter;
  		struct bpf_program *handle_sys_exit;
  	} progs;
  	struct {
  		struct bpf_link *handle_sys_enter;
  		struct bpf_link *handle_sys_exit;
  	} links;
  	struct example__bss {
  		struct {
  			int x;
  		} data;
		int test_2_result;
  	} *bss;
  	struct example__data {
  		_Bool global_flag;
  		long int handle_sys_enter_my_static_var;
  	} *data;
  	struct example__rodata {
  		int param1;
  	} *rodata;

  static void example__destroy(struct example *obj);
  static inline struct example *example__open_opts(
                const struct bpf_object_open_opts *opts);
  static inline struct example *example__open();
  static inline int example__load(struct example *obj);
  static inline struct example *example__open_and_load();
  static inline int example__attach(struct example *obj);
  static inline void example__detach(struct example *obj);

  #endif /* __EXAMPLE_SKEL_H__ */

**$ cat example.c**


  #include "example.skel.h"

  int main()
  	struct example *skel;
  	int err = 0;

  	skel = example__open();
  	if (!skel)
  		goto cleanup;

  	skel->rodata->param1 = 128;

	/* Change the value through the pointer of shadow type */
	skel->struct_ops.testmod_map->data = 13;

  	err = example__load(skel);
  	if (err)
  		goto cleanup;

	/* The result of the function test_2() */
	printf("test_2_result: %d\n", skel->bss->test_2_result);

  	err = example__attach(skel);
  	if (err)
  		goto cleanup;

  	/* all libbpf APIs are usable */
  	printf("my_map name: %s\n", bpf_map__name(skel->maps.my_map));
  	printf("sys_enter prog FD: %d\n",

  	/* detach and re-attach sys_exit program */
  	skel->links.handle_sys_exit =

  	printf("my_static_var: %ld\n",

  	return err;

**# ./example**


  test_2_result: 17
  my_map name: my_map
  sys_enter prog FD: 8
  my_static_var: 7

This is a stripped-out version of skeleton generated for above example code.


**$ bpftool btf dump file 5.4.0-example.btf format raw**


  [1] INT 'long unsigned int' size=8 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=64 encoding=(none)
  [2] CONST '(anon)' type_id=1
  [3] VOLATILE '(anon)' type_id=1
  [4] ARRAY '(anon)' type_id=1 index_type_id=21 nr_elems=2
  [5] PTR '(anon)' type_id=8
  [6] CONST '(anon)' type_id=5
  [7] INT 'char' size=1 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=8 encoding=(none)
  [8] CONST '(anon)' type_id=7
  [9] INT 'unsigned int' size=4 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=32 encoding=(none)
  <long output>

**$ bpftool btf dump file one.bpf.o format raw**


  [1] PTR '(anon)' type_id=2
  [2] STRUCT 'trace_event_raw_sys_enter' size=64 vlen=4
        'ent' type_id=3 bits_offset=0
        'id' type_id=7 bits_offset=64
        'args' type_id=9 bits_offset=128
        '__data' type_id=12 bits_offset=512
  [3] STRUCT 'trace_entry' size=8 vlen=4
        'type' type_id=4 bits_offset=0
        'flags' type_id=5 bits_offset=16
        'preempt_count' type_id=5 bits_offset=24
  <long output>

**$ bpftool gen min_core_btf 5.4.0-example.btf 5.4.0-smaller.btf one.bpf.o**

**$ bpftool btf dump file 5.4.0-smaller.btf format raw**


  [1] TYPEDEF 'pid_t' type_id=6
  [2] STRUCT 'trace_event_raw_sys_enter' size=64 vlen=1
        'args' type_id=4 bits_offset=128
  [3] STRUCT 'task_struct' size=9216 vlen=2
        'pid' type_id=1 bits_offset=17920
        'real_parent' type_id=7 bits_offset=18048
  [4] ARRAY '(anon)' type_id=5 index_type_id=8 nr_elems=6
  [5] INT 'long unsigned int' size=8 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=64 encoding=(none)
  [6] TYPEDEF '__kernel_pid_t' type_id=8
  [7] PTR '(anon)' type_id=3
  [8] INT 'int' size=4 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=32 encoding=SIGNED

Now, the "5.4.0-smaller.btf" file may be used by libbpf as an external BTF file
when loading the "one.bpf.o" object into the "5.4.0-example" kernel. Note that
the generated BTF file won't allow other eBPF objects to be loaded, just the
ones given to min_core_btf.


  LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_object_open_opts, opts, .btf_custom_path = "5.4.0-smaller.btf");
  struct bpf_object *obj;

  obj = bpf_object__open_file("one.bpf.o", &opts);
