
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * trace_events_filter - generic event filtering
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Tom Zanussi <[email protected]>

#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/ctype.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/perf_event.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>

#include "trace.h"
#include "trace_output.h"


/* Due to token parsing '<=' must be before '<' and '>=' must be before '>' */
#define OPS

#undef C
#define C(a, b)

enum filter_op_ids {};

#undef C
#define C(a, b)

static const char * ops[] =;

enum filter_pred_fn {};

struct filter_pred {};

 * pred functions are OP_LE, OP_LT, OP_GE, OP_GT, and OP_BAND
 * pred_funcs_##type below must match the order of them above.

#define ERRORS

#undef C
#define C(a, b)

enum {};

#undef C
#define C(a, b)

static const char *err_text[] =;

/* Called after a '!' character but "!=" and "!~" are not "not"s */
static bool is_not(const char *str)

 * struct prog_entry - a singe entry in the filter program
 * @target:	     Index to jump to on a branch (actually one minus the index)
 * @when_to_branch:  The value of the result of the predicate to do a branch
 * @pred:	     The predicate to execute.
struct prog_entry {};

 * update_preds - assign a program entry a label target
 * @prog: The program array
 * @N: The index of the current entry in @prog
 * @invert: What to assign a program entry for its branch condition
 * The program entry at @N has a target that points to the index of a program
 * entry that can have its target and when_to_branch fields updated.
 * Update the current program entry denoted by index @N target field to be
 * that of the updated entry. This will denote the entry to update if
 * we are processing an "||" after an "&&".
static void update_preds(struct prog_entry *prog, int N, int invert)

struct filter_parse_error {};

static void parse_error(struct filter_parse_error *pe, int err, int pos)


enum {};

static void free_predicate(struct filter_pred *pred)

 * Without going into a formal proof, this explains the method that is used in
 * parsing the logical expressions.
 * For example, if we have: "a && !(!b || (c && g)) || d || e && !f"
 * The first pass will convert it into the following program:
 * n1: r=a;       l1: if (!r) goto l4;
 * n2: r=b;       l2: if (!r) goto l4;
 * n3: r=c; r=!r; l3: if (r) goto l4;
 * n4: r=g; r=!r; l4: if (r) goto l5;
 * n5: r=d;       l5: if (r) goto T
 * n6: r=e;       l6: if (!r) goto l7;
 * n7: r=f; r=!r; l7: if (!r) goto F
 * T: return TRUE
 * F: return FALSE
 * To do this, we use a data structure to represent each of the above
 * predicate and conditions that has:
 *  predicate, when_to_branch, invert, target
 * The "predicate" will hold the function to determine the result "r".
 * The "when_to_branch" denotes what "r" should be if a branch is to be taken
 * "&&" would contain "!r" or (0) and "||" would contain "r" or (1).
 * The "invert" holds whether the value should be reversed before testing.
 * The "target" contains the label "l#" to jump to.
 * A stack is created to hold values when parentheses are used.
 * To simplify the logic, the labels will start at 0 and not 1.
 * The possible invert values are 1 and 0. The number of "!"s that are in scope
 * before the predicate determines the invert value, if the number is odd then
 * the invert value is 1 and 0 otherwise. This means the invert value only
 * needs to be toggled when a new "!" is introduced compared to what is stored
 * on the stack, where parentheses were used.
 * The top of the stack and "invert" are initialized to zero.
 * ** FIRST PASS **
 * #1 A loop through all the tokens is done:
 * #2 If the token is an "(", the stack is push, and the current stack value
 *    gets the current invert value, and the loop continues to the next token.
 *    The top of the stack saves the "invert" value to keep track of what
 *    the current inversion is. As "!(a && !b || c)" would require all
 *    predicates being affected separately by the "!" before the parentheses.
 *    And that would end up being equivalent to "(!a || b) && !c"
 * #3 If the token is an "!", the current "invert" value gets inverted, and
 *    the loop continues. Note, if the next token is a predicate, then
 *    this "invert" value is only valid for the current program entry,
 *    and does not affect other predicates later on.
 * The only other acceptable token is the predicate string.
 * #4 A new entry into the program is added saving: the predicate and the
 *    current value of "invert". The target is currently assigned to the
 *    previous program index (this will not be its final value).
 * #5 We now enter another loop and look at the next token. The only valid
 *    tokens are ")", "&&", "||" or end of the input string "\0".
 * #6 The invert variable is reset to the current value saved on the top of
 *    the stack.
 * #7 The top of the stack holds not only the current invert value, but also
 *    if a "&&" or "||" needs to be processed. Note, the "&&" takes higher
 *    precedence than "||". That is "a && b || c && d" is equivalent to
 *    "(a && b) || (c && d)". Thus the first thing to do is to see if "&&" needs
 *    to be processed. This is the case if an "&&" was the last token. If it was
 *    then we call update_preds(). This takes the program, the current index in
 *    the program, and the current value of "invert".  More will be described
 *    below about this function.
 * #8 If the next token is "&&" then we set a flag in the top of the stack
 *    that denotes that "&&" needs to be processed, break out of this loop
 *    and continue with the outer loop.
 * #9 Otherwise, if a "||" needs to be processed then update_preds() is called.
 *    This is called with the program, the current index in the program, but
 *    this time with an inverted value of "invert" (that is !invert). This is
 *    because the value taken will become the "when_to_branch" value of the
 *    program.
 *    Note, this is called when the next token is not an "&&". As stated before,
 *    "&&" takes higher precedence, and "||" should not be processed yet if the
 *    next logical operation is "&&".
 * #10 If the next token is "||" then we set a flag in the top of the stack
 *     that denotes that "||" needs to be processed, break out of this loop
 *     and continue with the outer loop.
 * #11 If this is the end of the input string "\0" then we break out of both
 *     loops.
 * #12 Otherwise, the next token is ")", where we pop the stack and continue
 *     this inner loop.
 * Now to discuss the update_pred() function, as that is key to the setting up
 * of the program. Remember the "target" of the program is initialized to the
 * previous index and not the "l" label. The target holds the index into the
 * program that gets affected by the operand. Thus if we have something like
 *  "a || b && c", when we process "a" the target will be "-1" (undefined).
 * When we process "b", its target is "0", which is the index of "a", as that's
 * the predicate that is affected by "||". But because the next token after "b"
 * is "&&" we don't call update_preds(). Instead continue to "c". As the
 * next token after "c" is not "&&" but the end of input, we first process the
 * "&&" by calling update_preds() for the "&&" then we process the "||" by
 * calling updates_preds() with the values for processing "||".
 * What does that mean? What update_preds() does is to first save the "target"
 * of the program entry indexed by the current program entry's "target"
 * (remember the "target" is initialized to previous program entry), and then
 * sets that "target" to the current index which represents the label "l#".
 * That entry's "when_to_branch" is set to the value passed in (the "invert"
 * or "!invert"). Then it sets the current program entry's target to the saved
 * "target" value (the old value of the program that had its "target" updated
 * to the label).
 * Looking back at "a || b && c", we have the following steps:
 *  "a"  - prog[0] = { "a", X, -1 } // pred, when_to_branch, target
 *  "||" - flag that we need to process "||"; continue outer loop
 *  "b"  - prog[1] = { "b", X, 0 }
 *  "&&" - flag that we need to process "&&"; continue outer loop
 * (Notice we did not process "||")
 *  "c"  - prog[2] = { "c", X, 1 }
 *  update_preds(prog, 2, 0); // invert = 0 as we are processing "&&"
 *    t = prog[2].target; // t = 1
 *    s = prog[t].target; // s = 0
 *    prog[t].target = 2; // Set target to "l2"
 *    prog[t].when_to_branch = 0;
 *    prog[2].target = s;
 * update_preds(prog, 2, 1); // invert = 1 as we are now processing "||"
 *    t = prog[2].target; // t = 0
 *    s = prog[t].target; // s = -1
 *    prog[t].target = 2; // Set target to "l2"
 *    prog[t].when_to_branch = 1;
 *    prog[2].target = s;
 * #13 Which brings us to the final step of the first pass, which is to set
 *     the last program entry's when_to_branch and target, which will be
 *     when_to_branch = 0; target = N; ( the label after the program entry after
 *     the last program entry processed above).
 * If we denote "TRUE" to be the entry after the last program entry processed,
 * and "FALSE" the program entry after that, we are now done with the first
 * pass.
 * Making the above "a || b && c" have a program of:
 *  prog[0] = { "a", 1, 2 }
 *  prog[1] = { "b", 0, 2 }
 *  prog[2] = { "c", 0, 3 }
 * Which translates into:
 * n0: r = a; l0: if (r) goto l2;
 * n1: r = b; l1: if (!r) goto l2;
 * n2: r = c; l2: if (!r) goto l3;  // Which is the same as "goto F;"
 * T: return TRUE; l3:
 * F: return FALSE
 * Although, after the first pass, the program is correct, it is
 * inefficient. The simple sample of "a || b && c" could be easily been
 * converted into:
 * n0: r = a; if (r) goto T
 * n1: r = b; if (!r) goto F
 * n2: r = c; if (!r) goto F
 * T: return TRUE;
 * F: return FALSE;
 * The First Pass is over the input string. The next too passes are over
 * the program itself.
 * ** SECOND PASS **
 * Which brings us to the second pass. If a jump to a label has the
 * same condition as that label, it can instead jump to its target.
 * The original example of "a && !(!b || (c && g)) || d || e && !f"
 * where the first pass gives us:
 * n1: r=a;       l1: if (!r) goto l4;
 * n2: r=b;       l2: if (!r) goto l4;
 * n3: r=c; r=!r; l3: if (r) goto l4;
 * n4: r=g; r=!r; l4: if (r) goto l5;
 * n5: r=d;       l5: if (r) goto T
 * n6: r=e;       l6: if (!r) goto l7;
 * n7: r=f; r=!r; l7: if (!r) goto F:
 * T: return TRUE;
 * F: return FALSE
 * We can see that "l3: if (r) goto l4;" and at l4, we have "if (r) goto l5;".
 * And "l5: if (r) goto T", we could optimize this by converting l3 and l4
 * to go directly to T. To accomplish this, we start from the last
 * entry in the program and work our way back. If the target of the entry
 * has the same "when_to_branch" then we could use that entry's target.
 * Doing this, the above would end up as:
 * n1: r=a;       l1: if (!r) goto l4;
 * n2: r=b;       l2: if (!r) goto l4;
 * n3: r=c; r=!r; l3: if (r) goto T;
 * n4: r=g; r=!r; l4: if (r) goto T;
 * n5: r=d;       l5: if (r) goto T;
 * n6: r=e;       l6: if (!r) goto F;
 * n7: r=f; r=!r; l7: if (!r) goto F;
 * T: return TRUE
 * F: return FALSE
 * In that same pass, if the "when_to_branch" doesn't match, we can simply
 * go to the program entry after the label. That is, "l2: if (!r) goto l4;"
 * where "l4: if (r) goto T;", then we can convert l2 to be:
 * "l2: if (!r) goto n5;".
 * This will have the second pass give us:
 * n1: r=a;       l1: if (!r) goto n5;
 * n2: r=b;       l2: if (!r) goto n5;
 * n3: r=c; r=!r; l3: if (r) goto T;
 * n4: r=g; r=!r; l4: if (r) goto T;
 * n5: r=d;       l5: if (r) goto T
 * n6: r=e;       l6: if (!r) goto F;
 * n7: r=f; r=!r; l7: if (!r) goto F
 * T: return TRUE
 * F: return FALSE
 * Notice, all the "l#" labels are no longer used, and they can now
 * be discarded.
 * ** THIRD PASS **
 * For the third pass we deal with the inverts. As they simply just
 * make the "when_to_branch" get inverted, a simple loop over the
 * program to that does: "when_to_branch ^= invert;" will do the
 * job, leaving us with:
 * n1: r=a; if (!r) goto n5;
 * n2: r=b; if (!r) goto n5;
 * n3: r=c: if (!r) goto T;
 * n4: r=g; if (!r) goto T;
 * n5: r=d; if (r) goto T
 * n6: r=e; if (!r) goto F;
 * n7: r=f; if (r) goto F
 * T: return TRUE
 * F: return FALSE
 * As "r = a; if (!r) goto n5;" is obviously the same as
 * "if (!a) goto n5;" without doing anything we can interpret the
 * program as:
 * n1: if (!a) goto n5;
 * n2: if (!b) goto n5;
 * n3: if (!c) goto T;
 * n4: if (!g) goto T;
 * n5: if (d) goto T
 * n6: if (!e) goto F;
 * n7: if (f) goto F
 * T: return TRUE
 * F: return FALSE
 * Since the inverts are discarded at the end, there's no reason to store
 * them in the program array (and waste memory). A separate array to hold
 * the inverts is used and freed at the end.
static struct prog_entry *
predicate_parse(const char *str, int nr_parens, int nr_preds,
		parse_pred_fn parse_pred, void *data,
		struct filter_parse_error *pe)

static inline int
do_filter_cpumask(int op, const struct cpumask *mask, const struct cpumask *cmp)

/* Optimisation of do_filter_cpumask() for scalar fields */
static inline int
do_filter_scalar_cpumask(int op, unsigned int cpu, const struct cpumask *mask)

static inline int
do_filter_cpumask_scalar(int op, const struct cpumask *mask, unsigned int cpu)

enum pred_cmp_types {};







/* user space strings temp buffer */

struct ustring_buffer {};

static __percpu struct ustring_buffer *ustring_per_cpu;

static __always_inline char *test_string(char *str)

static __always_inline char *test_ustring(char *str)

/* Filter predicate for fixed sized arrays of characters */
static int filter_pred_string(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

static __always_inline int filter_pchar(struct filter_pred *pred, char *str)
/* Filter predicate for char * pointers */
static int filter_pred_pchar(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

/* Filter predicate for char * pointers in user space*/
static int filter_pred_pchar_user(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

 * Filter predicate for dynamic sized arrays of characters.
 * These are implemented through a list of strings at the end
 * of the entry.
 * Also each of these strings have a field in the entry which
 * contains its offset from the beginning of the entry.
 * We have then first to get this field, dereference it
 * and add it to the address of the entry, and at last we have
 * the address of the string.
static int filter_pred_strloc(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

 * Filter predicate for relative dynamic sized arrays of characters.
 * These are implemented through a list of strings at the end
 * of the entry as same as dynamic string.
 * The difference is that the relative one records the location offset
 * from the field itself, not the event entry.
static int filter_pred_strrelloc(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

/* Filter predicate for CPUs. */
static int filter_pred_cpu(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

/* Filter predicate for current CPU vs user-provided cpumask */
static int filter_pred_cpu_cpumask(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

/* Filter predicate for cpumask field vs user-provided cpumask */
static int filter_pred_cpumask(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

/* Filter predicate for cpumask field vs user-provided scalar  */
static int filter_pred_cpumask_cpu(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

/* Filter predicate for COMM. */
static int filter_pred_comm(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

/* Filter predicate for functions. */
static int filter_pred_function(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

 * regex_match_foo - Basic regex callbacks
 * @str: the string to be searched
 * @r:   the regex structure containing the pattern string
 * @len: the length of the string to be searched (including '\0')
 * Note:
 * - @str might not be NULL-terminated if it's of type DYN_STRING
 *   RDYN_STRING, or STATIC_STRING, unless @len is zero.

static int regex_match_full(char *str, struct regex *r, int len)

static int regex_match_front(char *str, struct regex *r, int len)

static int regex_match_middle(char *str, struct regex *r, int len)

static int regex_match_end(char *str, struct regex *r, int len)

static int regex_match_glob(char *str, struct regex *r, int len __maybe_unused)

 * filter_parse_regex - parse a basic regex
 * @buff:   the raw regex
 * @len:    length of the regex
 * @search: will point to the beginning of the string to compare
 * @not:    tell whether the match will have to be inverted
 * This passes in a buffer containing a regex and this function will
 * set search to point to the search part of the buffer and
 * return the type of search it is (see enum above).
 * This does modify buff.
 * Returns enum type.
 *  search returns the pointer to use for comparison.
 *  not returns 1 if buff started with a '!'
 *     0 otherwise.
enum regex_type filter_parse_regex(char *buff, int len, char **search, int *not)

static void filter_build_regex(struct filter_pred *pred)

static int test_pred_visited_fn(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event);
static int test_pred_visited_fn(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)
	return 0;

static int filter_pred_fn_call(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event);

/* return 1 if event matches, 0 otherwise (discard) */
int filter_match_preds(struct event_filter *filter, void *rec)

static void remove_filter_string(struct event_filter *filter)

static void append_filter_err(struct trace_array *tr,
			      struct filter_parse_error *pe,
			      struct event_filter *filter)

static inline struct event_filter *event_filter(struct trace_event_file *file)

/* caller must hold event_mutex */
void print_event_filter(struct trace_event_file *file, struct trace_seq *s)

void print_subsystem_event_filter(struct event_subsystem *system,
				  struct trace_seq *s)

static void free_prog(struct event_filter *filter)

static void filter_disable(struct trace_event_file *file)

static void __free_filter(struct event_filter *filter)

void free_event_filter(struct event_filter *filter)

static inline void __remove_filter(struct trace_event_file *file)

static void filter_free_subsystem_preds(struct trace_subsystem_dir *dir,
					struct trace_array *tr)

static inline void __free_subsystem_filter(struct trace_event_file *file)

static void filter_free_subsystem_filters(struct trace_subsystem_dir *dir,
					  struct trace_array *tr)

int filter_assign_type(const char *type)

static enum filter_pred_fn select_comparison_fn(enum filter_op_ids op,
						int field_size, int field_is_signed)

static int filter_pred_fn_call(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

/* Called when a predicate is encountered by predicate_parse() */
static int parse_pred(const char *str, void *data,
		      int pos, struct filter_parse_error *pe,
		      struct filter_pred **pred_ptr)

enum {};

 * Read the filter string once to calculate the number of predicates
 * as well as how deep the parentheses go.
 * Returns:
 *   0 - everything is fine (err is undefined)
 *  -1 - too many ')'
 *  -2 - too many '('
 *  -3 - No matching quote
static int calc_stack(const char *str, int *parens, int *preds, int *err)

static int process_preds(struct trace_event_call *call,
			 const char *filter_string,
			 struct event_filter *filter,
			 struct filter_parse_error *pe)

static inline void event_set_filtered_flag(struct trace_event_file *file)

static inline void event_set_filter(struct trace_event_file *file,
				    struct event_filter *filter)

static inline void event_clear_filter(struct trace_event_file *file)

struct filter_list {};

static int process_system_preds(struct trace_subsystem_dir *dir,
				struct trace_array *tr,
				struct filter_parse_error *pe,
				char *filter_string)

static int create_filter_start(char *filter_string, bool set_str,
			       struct filter_parse_error **pse,
			       struct event_filter **filterp)

static void create_filter_finish(struct filter_parse_error *pe)

 * create_filter - create a filter for a trace_event_call
 * @tr: the trace array associated with these events
 * @call: trace_event_call to create a filter for
 * @filter_string: filter string
 * @set_str: remember @filter_str and enable detailed error in filter
 * @filterp: out param for created filter (always updated on return)
 *           Must be a pointer that references a NULL pointer.
 * Creates a filter for @call with @filter_str.  If @set_str is %true,
 * @filter_str is copied and recorded in the new filter.
 * On success, returns 0 and *@filterp points to the new filter.  On
 * failure, returns -errno and *@filterp may point to %NULL or to a new
 * filter.  In the latter case, the returned filter contains error
 * information if @set_str is %true and the caller is responsible for
 * freeing it.
static int create_filter(struct trace_array *tr,
			 struct trace_event_call *call,
			 char *filter_string, bool set_str,
			 struct event_filter **filterp)

int create_event_filter(struct trace_array *tr,
			struct trace_event_call *call,
			char *filter_str, bool set_str,
			struct event_filter **filterp)

 * create_system_filter - create a filter for an event subsystem
 * @dir: the descriptor for the subsystem directory
 * @filter_str: filter string
 * @filterp: out param for created filter (always updated on return)
 * Identical to create_filter() except that it creates a subsystem filter
 * and always remembers @filter_str.
static int create_system_filter(struct trace_subsystem_dir *dir,
				char *filter_str, struct event_filter **filterp)

/* caller must hold event_mutex */
int apply_event_filter(struct trace_event_file *file, char *filter_string)

int apply_subsystem_event_filter(struct trace_subsystem_dir *dir,
				 char *filter_string)


void ftrace_profile_free_filter(struct perf_event *event)

struct function_filter_data {};

static char **
ftrace_function_filter_re(char *buf, int len, int *count)

static int ftrace_function_set_regexp(struct ftrace_ops *ops, int filter,
				      int reset, char *re, int len)

static int __ftrace_function_set_filter(int filter, char *buf, int len,
					struct function_filter_data *data)

static int ftrace_function_check_pred(struct filter_pred *pred)

static int ftrace_function_set_filter_pred(struct filter_pred *pred,
					   struct function_filter_data *data)

static bool is_or(struct prog_entry *prog, int i)

static int ftrace_function_set_filter(struct perf_event *event,
				      struct event_filter *filter)
static int ftrace_function_set_filter(struct perf_event *event,
				      struct event_filter *filter)
	return -ENODEV;

int ftrace_profile_set_filter(struct perf_event *event, int event_id,
			      char *filter_str)



#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/tracepoint.h>

#include "trace_events_filter_test.h"

#define DATA_REC
#define YES
#define NO

static struct test_filter_data_t {} test_filter_data[] =;

#undef DATA_REC
#undef FILTER
#undef YES
#undef NO

#define DATA_CNT

static int test_pred_visited;

static int test_pred_visited_fn(struct filter_pred *pred, void *event)

static void update_pred_fn(struct event_filter *filter, char *fields)

static __init int ftrace_test_event_filter(void)
