
 * Generic binary BCH encoding/decoding library
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
 * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Copyright © 2011 Parrot S.A.
 * Author: Ivan Djelic <[email protected]>
 * Description:
 * This library provides runtime configurable encoding/decoding of binary
 * Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes.
 * Call bch_init to get a pointer to a newly allocated bch_control structure for
 * the given m (Galois field order), t (error correction capability) and
 * (optional) primitive polynomial parameters.
 * Call bch_encode to compute and store ecc parity bytes to a given buffer.
 * Call bch_decode to detect and locate errors in received data.
 * On systems supporting hw BCH features, intermediate results may be provided
 * to bch_decode in order to skip certain steps. See bch_decode() documentation
 * for details.
 * Option CONFIG_BCH_CONST_PARAMS can be used to force fixed values of
 * parameters m and t; thus allowing extra compiler optimizations and providing
 * better (up to 2x) encoding performance. Using this option makes sense when
 * (m,t) are fixed and known in advance, e.g. when using BCH error correction
 * on a particular NAND flash device.
 * Algorithmic details:
 * Encoding is performed by processing 32 input bits in parallel, using 4
 * remainder lookup tables.
 * The final stage of decoding involves the following internal steps:
 * a. Syndrome computation
 * b. Error locator polynomial computation using Berlekamp-Massey algorithm
 * c. Error locator root finding (by far the most expensive step)
 * In this implementation, step c is not performed using the usual Chien search.
 * Instead, an alternative approach described in [1] is used. It consists in
 * factoring the error locator polynomial using the Berlekamp Trace algorithm
 * (BTA) down to a certain degree (4), after which ad hoc low-degree polynomial
 * solving techniques [2] are used. The resulting algorithm, called BTZ, yields
 * much better performance than Chien search for usual (m,t) values (typically
 * m >= 13, t < 32, see [1]).
 * [1] B. Biswas, V. Herbert. Efficient root finding of polynomials over fields
 * of characteristic 2, in: Western European Workshop on Research in Cryptology
 * - WEWoRC 2009, Graz, Austria, LNCS, Springer, July 2009, to appear.
 * [2] [Zin96] V.A. Zinoviev. On the solution of equations of degree 10 over
 * finite fields GF(2^q). In Rapport de recherche INRIA no 2829, 1996.

#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/bitops.h>
#include <linux/bitrev.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h>
#include <linux/bch.h>

#define GF_M
#define GF_T
#define GF_N
#define BCH_MAX_M
#define BCH_MAX_T
#define GF_M(_p)
#define GF_T(_p)
#define GF_N(_p)
#define BCH_MAX_M
#define BCH_MAX_T

#define BCH_ECC_WORDS(_p)
#define BCH_ECC_BYTES(_p)


#ifndef dbg
#define dbg(_fmt, args...)

 * represent a polynomial over GF(2^m)
struct gf_poly {};

/* given its degree, compute a polynomial size in bytes */
#define GF_POLY_SZ(_d)

/* polynomial of degree 1 */
struct gf_poly_deg1 {};

static u8 swap_bits(struct bch_control *bch, u8 in)

 * same as bch_encode(), but process input data one byte at a time
static void bch_encode_unaligned(struct bch_control *bch,
				 const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len,
				 uint32_t *ecc)

 * convert ecc bytes to aligned, zero-padded 32-bit ecc words
static void load_ecc8(struct bch_control *bch, uint32_t *dst,
		      const uint8_t *src)

 * convert 32-bit ecc words to ecc bytes
static void store_ecc8(struct bch_control *bch, uint8_t *dst,
		       const uint32_t *src)

 * bch_encode - calculate BCH ecc parity of data
 * @bch:   BCH control structure
 * @data:  data to encode
 * @len:   data length in bytes
 * @ecc:   ecc parity data, must be initialized by caller
 * The @ecc parity array is used both as input and output parameter, in order to
 * allow incremental computations. It should be of the size indicated by member
 * @ecc_bytes of @bch, and should be initialized to 0 before the first call.
 * The exact number of computed ecc parity bits is given by member @ecc_bits of
 * @bch; it may be less than m*t for large values of t.
void bch_encode(struct bch_control *bch, const uint8_t *data,
		unsigned int len, uint8_t *ecc)

static inline int modulo(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int v)

 * shorter and faster modulo function, only works when v < 2N.
static inline int mod_s(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int v)

static inline int deg(unsigned int poly)

static inline int parity(unsigned int x)

/* Galois field basic operations: multiply, divide, inverse, etc. */

static inline unsigned int gf_mul(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int a,
				  unsigned int b)

static inline unsigned int gf_sqr(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int a)

static inline unsigned int gf_div(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int a,
				  unsigned int b)

static inline unsigned int gf_inv(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int a)

static inline unsigned int a_pow(struct bch_control *bch, int i)

static inline int a_log(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int x)

static inline int a_ilog(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int x)

 * compute 2t syndromes of ecc polynomial, i.e. ecc(a^j) for j=1..2t
static void compute_syndromes(struct bch_control *bch, uint32_t *ecc,
			      unsigned int *syn)

static void gf_poly_copy(struct gf_poly *dst, struct gf_poly *src)

static int compute_error_locator_polynomial(struct bch_control *bch,
					    const unsigned int *syn)

 * solve a m x m linear system in GF(2) with an expected number of solutions,
 * and return the number of found solutions
static int solve_linear_system(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int *rows,
			       unsigned int *sol, int nsol)

 * this function builds and solves a linear system for finding roots of a degree
 * 4 affine monic polynomial X^4+aX^2+bX+c over GF(2^m).
static int find_affine4_roots(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int a,
			      unsigned int b, unsigned int c,
			      unsigned int *roots)

 * compute root r of a degree 1 polynomial over GF(2^m) (returned as log(1/r))
static int find_poly_deg1_roots(struct bch_control *bch, struct gf_poly *poly,
				unsigned int *roots)

 * compute roots of a degree 2 polynomial over GF(2^m)
static int find_poly_deg2_roots(struct bch_control *bch, struct gf_poly *poly,
				unsigned int *roots)

 * compute roots of a degree 3 polynomial over GF(2^m)
static int find_poly_deg3_roots(struct bch_control *bch, struct gf_poly *poly,
				unsigned int *roots)

 * compute roots of a degree 4 polynomial over GF(2^m)
static int find_poly_deg4_roots(struct bch_control *bch, struct gf_poly *poly,
				unsigned int *roots)

 * build monic, log-based representation of a polynomial
static void gf_poly_logrep(struct bch_control *bch,
			   const struct gf_poly *a, int *rep)

 * compute polynomial Euclidean division remainder in GF(2^m)[X]
static void gf_poly_mod(struct bch_control *bch, struct gf_poly *a,
			const struct gf_poly *b, int *rep)

 * compute polynomial Euclidean division quotient in GF(2^m)[X]
static void gf_poly_div(struct bch_control *bch, struct gf_poly *a,
			const struct gf_poly *b, struct gf_poly *q)

 * compute polynomial GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) in GF(2^m)[X]
static struct gf_poly *gf_poly_gcd(struct bch_control *bch, struct gf_poly *a,
				   struct gf_poly *b)

 * Given a polynomial f and an integer k, compute Tr(a^kX) mod f
 * This is used in Berlekamp Trace algorithm for splitting polynomials
static void compute_trace_bk_mod(struct bch_control *bch, int k,
				 const struct gf_poly *f, struct gf_poly *z,
				 struct gf_poly *out)

 * factor a polynomial using Berlekamp Trace algorithm (BTA)
static void factor_polynomial(struct bch_control *bch, int k, struct gf_poly *f,
			      struct gf_poly **g, struct gf_poly **h)

 * find roots of a polynomial, using BTZ algorithm; see the beginning of this
 * file for details
static int find_poly_roots(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int k,
			   struct gf_poly *poly, unsigned int *roots)

#if defined(USE_CHIEN_SEARCH)
 * exhaustive root search (Chien) implementation - not used, included only for
 * reference/comparison tests
static int chien_search(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int len,
			struct gf_poly *p, unsigned int *roots)
	int m;
	unsigned int i, j, syn, syn0, count = 0;
	const unsigned int k = 8*len+bch->ecc_bits;

	/* use a log-based representation of polynomial */
	gf_poly_logrep(bch, p, bch->cache);
	bch->cache[p->deg] = 0;
	syn0 = gf_div(bch, p->c[0], p->c[p->deg]);

	for (i = GF_N(bch)-k+1; i <= GF_N(bch); i++) {
		/* compute elp(a^i) */
		for (j = 1, syn = syn0; j <= p->deg; j++) {
			m = bch->cache[j];
			if (m >= 0)
				syn ^= a_pow(bch, m+j*i);
		if (syn == 0) {
			roots[count++] = GF_N(bch)-i;
			if (count == p->deg)
	return (count == p->deg) ? count : 0;
#define find_poly_roots
#endif /* USE_CHIEN_SEARCH */

 * bch_decode - decode received codeword and find bit error locations
 * @bch:      BCH control structure
 * @data:     received data, ignored if @calc_ecc is provided
 * @len:      data length in bytes, must always be provided
 * @recv_ecc: received ecc, if NULL then assume it was XORed in @calc_ecc
 * @calc_ecc: calculated ecc, if NULL then calc_ecc is computed from @data
 * @syn:      hw computed syndrome data (if NULL, syndrome is calculated)
 * @errloc:   output array of error locations
 * Returns:
 *  The number of errors found, or -EBADMSG if decoding failed, or -EINVAL if
 *  invalid parameters were provided
 * Depending on the available hw BCH support and the need to compute @calc_ecc
 * separately (using bch_encode()), this function should be called with one of
 * the following parameter configurations -
 * by providing @data and @recv_ecc only:
 *   bch_decode(@bch, @data, @len, @recv_ecc, NULL, NULL, @errloc)
 * by providing @recv_ecc and @calc_ecc:
 *   bch_decode(@bch, NULL, @len, @recv_ecc, @calc_ecc, NULL, @errloc)
 * by providing ecc = recv_ecc XOR calc_ecc:
 *   bch_decode(@bch, NULL, @len, NULL, ecc, NULL, @errloc)
 * by providing syndrome results @syn:
 *   bch_decode(@bch, NULL, @len, NULL, NULL, @syn, @errloc)
 * Once bch_decode() has successfully returned with a positive value, error
 * locations returned in array @errloc should be interpreted as follows -
 * if (errloc[n] >= 8*len), then n-th error is located in ecc (no need for
 * data correction)
 * if (errloc[n] < 8*len), then n-th error is located in data and can be
 * corrected with statement data[errloc[n]/8] ^= 1 << (errloc[n] % 8);
 * Note that this function does not perform any data correction by itself, it
 * merely indicates error locations.
int bch_decode(struct bch_control *bch, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int len,
	       const uint8_t *recv_ecc, const uint8_t *calc_ecc,
	       const unsigned int *syn, unsigned int *errloc)

 * generate Galois field lookup tables
static int build_gf_tables(struct bch_control *bch, unsigned int poly)

 * compute generator polynomial remainder tables for fast encoding
static void build_mod8_tables(struct bch_control *bch, const uint32_t *g)

 * build a base for factoring degree 2 polynomials
static int build_deg2_base(struct bch_control *bch)

static void *bch_alloc(size_t size, int *err)

 * compute generator polynomial for given (m,t) parameters.
static uint32_t *compute_generator_polynomial(struct bch_control *bch)

 * bch_init - initialize a BCH encoder/decoder
 * @m:          Galois field order, should be in the range 5-15
 * @t:          maximum error correction capability, in bits
 * @prim_poly:  user-provided primitive polynomial (or 0 to use default)
 * @swap_bits:  swap bits within data and syndrome bytes
 * Returns:
 *  a newly allocated BCH control structure if successful, NULL otherwise
 * This initialization can take some time, as lookup tables are built for fast
 * encoding/decoding; make sure not to call this function from a time critical
 * path. Usually, bch_init() should be called on module/driver init and
 * bch_free() should be called to release memory on exit.
 * You may provide your own primitive polynomial of degree @m in argument
 * @prim_poly, or let bch_init() use its default polynomial.
 * Once bch_init() has successfully returned a pointer to a newly allocated
 * BCH control structure, ecc length in bytes is given by member @ecc_bytes of
 * the structure.
struct bch_control *bch_init(int m, int t, unsigned int prim_poly,
			     bool swap_bits)

 *  bch_free - free the BCH control structure
 *  @bch:    BCH control structure to release
void bch_free(struct bch_control *bch)