
/* bnx2i.h: QLogic NetXtreme II iSCSI driver.
 * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2013 Broadcom Corporation
 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Mike Christie
 * Copyright (c) 2014, QLogic Corporation
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * Written by: Anil Veerabhadrappa ([email protected])
 * Previously Maintained by: Eddie Wai ([email protected])
 * Maintained by: [email protected]

#ifndef _BNX2I_H_
#define _BNX2I_H_

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>

#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/sched/signal.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/kfifo.h>
#include <linux/netdevice.h>
#include <linux/completion.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include <linux/cpu.h>

#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_eh.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
#include <scsi/scsi.h>
#include <scsi/iscsi_proto.h>
#include <scsi/libiscsi.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.h>

#include "../../net/ethernet/broadcom/cnic_if.h"
#include "57xx_iscsi_hsi.h"
#include "57xx_iscsi_constants.h"

#include "../../net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_mfw_req.h"




/* Total active commands across all connections supported by devices */
#define ISCSI_MAX_CMDS_PER_HBA_57710



#define BNX2X_DB_SHIFT

/* 5706/08 hardware has limit on maximum buffer size per BD it can handle */

/* min, max & default values for SQ/RQ/CQ size, configurable via' modparam */
#define BNX2I_570X_SQ_WQES_MAX
#define BNX2I_5770X_SQ_WQES_MAX

#define BNX2I_570X_CQ_WQES_MAX
#define BNX2I_5770X_CQ_WQES_MAX


/* CCELLs per conn */




#define BNX2I_CQE_SIZE


#define CTX_SHIFT
#define GET_CID_NUM(cid_addr)

#define CTX_OFFSET
#define MAX_CID_CNT


/* 5709 context registers */
#define BNX2_MQ_CONFIG2

/* 57710's BAR2 is mapped to doorbell registers */
#define BNX2X_MAX_CQS

#define CNIC_ARM_CQE

#define REG_RD(__hba, offset)
#define REG_WR(__hba, offset, val)

#ifdef CONFIG_32BIT
#define GET_STATS_64

#define ADD_STATS_64

#define GET_STATS_64(__hba, dst, field)

#define ADD_STATS_64(__hba, field, len)

 * struct generic_pdu_resc - login pdu resource structure
 * @req_buf:            driver buffer used to stage payload associated with
 *                      the login request
 * @req_dma_addr:       dma address for iscsi login request payload buffer
 * @req_buf_size:       actual login request payload length
 * @req_wr_ptr:         pointer into login request buffer when next data is
 *                      to be written
 * @resp_hdr:           iscsi header where iscsi login response header is to
 *                      be recreated
 * @resp_buf:           buffer to stage login response payload
 * @resp_dma_addr:      login response payload buffer dma address
 * @resp_buf_size:      login response paylod length
 * @resp_wr_ptr:        pointer into login response buffer when next data is
 *                      to be written
 * @req_bd_tbl:         iscsi login request payload BD table
 * @req_bd_dma:         login request BD table dma address
 * @resp_bd_tbl:        iscsi login response payload BD table
 * @resp_bd_dma:        login request BD table dma address
 * following structure defines buffer info for generic pdus such as iSCSI Login,
 *	Logout and NOP
struct generic_pdu_resc {};

 * struct bd_resc_page - tracks DMA'able memory allocated for BD tables
 * @link:               list head to link elements
 * @max_ptrs:           maximun pointers that can be stored in this page
 * @num_valid:          number of pointer valid in this page
 * @page:               base addess for page pointer array
 * structure to track DMA'able memory allocated for command BD tables
struct bd_resc_page {};

 * struct io_bdt - I/O buffer destricptor table
 * @bd_tbl:             BD table's virtual address
 * @bd_tbl_dma:         BD table's dma address
 * @bd_valid:           num valid BD entries
 * IO BD table
struct io_bdt {};

 * bnx2i_cmd - iscsi command structure
 * @hdr:                iSCSI header
 * @conn:               iscsi_conn pointer
 * @scsi_cmd:           SCSI-ML task pointer corresponding to this iscsi cmd
 * @sg:                 SG list
 * @io_tbl:             buffer descriptor (BD) table
 * @bd_tbl_dma:         buffer descriptor (BD) table's dma address
 * @req:                bnx2i specific command request struct
struct bnx2i_cmd {};

 * struct bnx2i_conn - iscsi connection structure
 * @cls_conn:              pointer to iscsi cls conn
 * @hba:                   adapter structure pointer
 * @iscsi_conn_cid:        iscsi conn id
 * @fw_cid:                firmware iscsi context id
 * @ep:                    endpoint structure pointer
 * @gen_pdu:               login/nopout/logout pdu resources
 * @violation_notified:    bit mask used to track iscsi error/warning messages
 *                         already printed out
 * @work_cnt:              keeps track of the number of outstanding work
 * iSCSI connection structure
struct bnx2i_conn {};

 * struct iscsi_cid_queue - Per adapter iscsi cid queue
 * @cid_que_base:           queue base memory
 * @cid_que:                queue memory pointer
 * @cid_q_prod_idx:         produce index
 * @cid_q_cons_idx:         consumer index
 * @cid_q_max_idx:          max index. used to detect wrap around condition
 * @cid_free_cnt:           queue size
 * @conn_cid_tbl:           iscsi cid to conn structure mapping table
 * Per adapter iSCSI CID Queue
struct iscsi_cid_queue {};

struct bnx2i_stats_info {};

 * struct bnx2i_hba - bnx2i adapter structure
 * @link:                  list head to link elements
 * @cnic:                  pointer to cnic device
 * @pcidev:                pointer to pci dev
 * @netdev:                pointer to netdev structure
 * @regview:               mapped PCI register space
 * @age:                   age, incremented by every recovery
 * @cnic_dev_type:         cnic device type, 5706/5708/5709/57710
 * @mail_queue_access:     mailbox queue access mode, applicable to 5709 only
 * @reg_with_cnic:         indicates whether the device is register with CNIC
 * @adapter_state:         adapter state, UP, GOING_DOWN, LINK_DOWN
 * @mtu_supported:         Ethernet MTU supported
 * @shost:                 scsi host pointer
 * @max_sqes:              SQ size
 * @max_rqes:              RQ size
 * @max_cqes:              CQ size
 * @num_ccell:             number of command cells per connection
 * @ofld_conns_active:     active connection list
 * @eh_wait:               wait queue for the endpoint to shutdown
 * @max_active_conns:      max offload connections supported by this device
 * @cid_que:               iscsi cid queue
 * @ep_rdwr_lock:          read / write lock to synchronize various ep lists
 * @ep_ofld_list:          connection list for pending offload completion
 * @ep_active_list:        connection list for active offload endpoints
 * @ep_destroy_list:       connection list for pending offload completion
 * @mp_bd_tbl:             BD table to be used with middle path requests
 * @mp_bd_dma:             DMA address of 'mp_bd_tbl' memory buffer
 * @dummy_buffer:          Dummy buffer to be used with zero length scsicmd reqs
 * @dummy_buf_dma:         DMA address of 'dummy_buffer' memory buffer
 * @lock:              	   lock to synchonize access to hba structure
 * @hba_shutdown_tmo:      Timeout value to shutdown each connection
 * @conn_teardown_tmo:     Timeout value to tear down each connection
 * @conn_ctx_destroy_tmo:  Timeout value to destroy context of each connection
 * @pci_did:               PCI device ID
 * @pci_vid:               PCI vendor ID
 * @pci_sdid:              PCI subsystem device ID
 * @pci_svid:              PCI subsystem vendor ID
 * @pci_func:              PCI function number in system pci tree
 * @pci_devno:             PCI device number in system pci tree
 * @num_wqe_sent:          statistic counter, total wqe's sent
 * @num_cqe_rcvd:          statistic counter, total cqe's received
 * @num_intr_claimed:      statistic counter, total interrupts claimed
 * @link_changed_count:    statistic counter, num of link change notifications
 *                         received
 * @ipaddr_changed_count:  statistic counter, num times IP address changed while
 *                         at least one connection is offloaded
 * @num_sess_opened:       statistic counter, total num sessions opened
 * @num_conn_opened:       statistic counter, total num conns opened on this hba
 * @ctx_ccell_tasks:       captures number of ccells and tasks supported by
 *                         currently offloaded connection, used to decode
 *                         context memory
 * @stat_lock:		   spin lock used by the statistic collector (32 bit)
 * @stats:		   local iSCSI statistic collection place holder
 * Adapter Data Structure
struct bnx2i_hba {};

 * 	QP [ SQ / RQ / CQ ] info.

 * SQ/RQ/CQ generic structure definition
struct 	sqe {};

struct 	rqe {};

struct 	cqe {};

enum {};

 * CQ DB
struct bnx2x_iscsi_cq_pend_cmpl {};

struct bnx2i_5771x_cq_db {};

struct bnx2i_5771x_sq_rq_db {};

struct bnx2i_5771x_dbell_hdr {};

struct bnx2i_5771x_dbell {};

 * struct qp_info - QP (share queue region) atrributes structure
 * @ctx_base:           ioremapped pci register base to access doorbell register
 *                      pertaining to this offloaded connection
 * @sq_virt:            virtual address of send queue (SQ) region
 * @sq_phys:            DMA address of SQ memory region
 * @sq_mem_size:        SQ size
 * @sq_prod_qe:         SQ producer entry pointer
 * @sq_cons_qe:         SQ consumer entry pointer
 * @sq_first_qe:        virtual address of first entry in SQ
 * @sq_last_qe:         virtual address of last entry in SQ
 * @sq_prod_idx:        SQ producer index
 * @sq_cons_idx:        SQ consumer index
 * @sqe_left:           number sq entry left
 * @sq_pgtbl_virt:      page table describing buffer consituting SQ region
 * @sq_pgtbl_phys:      dma address of 'sq_pgtbl_virt'
 * @sq_pgtbl_size:      SQ page table size
 * @cq_virt:            virtual address of completion queue (CQ) region
 * @cq_phys:            DMA address of RQ memory region
 * @cq_mem_size:        CQ size
 * @cq_prod_qe:         CQ producer entry pointer
 * @cq_cons_qe:         CQ consumer entry pointer
 * @cq_first_qe:        virtual address of first entry in CQ
 * @cq_last_qe:         virtual address of last entry in CQ
 * @cq_prod_idx:        CQ producer index
 * @cq_cons_idx:        CQ consumer index
 * @cqe_left:           number cq entry left
 * @cqe_size:           size of each CQ entry
 * @cqe_exp_seq_sn:     next expected CQE sequence number
 * @cq_pgtbl_virt:      page table describing buffer consituting CQ region
 * @cq_pgtbl_phys:      dma address of 'cq_pgtbl_virt'
 * @cq_pgtbl_size:    	CQ page table size
 * @rq_virt:            virtual address of receive queue (RQ) region
 * @rq_phys:            DMA address of RQ memory region
 * @rq_mem_size:        RQ size
 * @rq_prod_qe:         RQ producer entry pointer
 * @rq_cons_qe:         RQ consumer entry pointer
 * @rq_first_qe:        virtual address of first entry in RQ
 * @rq_last_qe:         virtual address of last entry in RQ
 * @rq_prod_idx:        RQ producer index
 * @rq_cons_idx:        RQ consumer index
 * @rqe_left:           number rq entry left
 * @rq_pgtbl_virt:      page table describing buffer consituting RQ region
 * @rq_pgtbl_phys:      dma address of 'rq_pgtbl_virt'
 * @rq_pgtbl_size:      RQ page table size
 * queue pair (QP) is a per connection shared data structure which is used
 *	to send work requests (SQ), receive completion notifications (CQ)
 *	and receive asynchoronous / scsi sense info (RQ). 'qp_info' structure
 *	below holds queue memory, consumer/producer indexes and page table
 *	information
struct qp_info {};

 * CID handles
struct ep_handles {};

enum {};

 * struct bnx2i_endpoint - representation of tcp connection in NX2 world
 * @link:               list head to link elements
 * @hba:                adapter to which this connection belongs
 * @conn:               iscsi connection this EP is linked to
 * @cls_ep:             associated iSCSI endpoint pointer
 * @cm_sk:              cnic sock struct
 * @hba_age:            age to detect if 'iscsid' issues ep_disconnect()
 *                      after HBA reset is completed by bnx2i/cnic/bnx2
 *                      modules
 * @state:              tracks offload connection state machine
 * @timestamp:          tracks the start time when the ep begins to connect
 * @num_active_cmds:    tracks the number of outstanding commands for this ep
 * @ec_shift:           the amount of shift as part of the event coal calc
 * @qp:                 QP information
 * @ids:                contains chip allocated *context id* & driver assigned
 *                      *iscsi cid*
 * @ofld_timer:         offload timer to detect timeout
 * @ofld_wait:          wait queue
 * Endpoint Structure - equivalent of tcp socket structure
struct bnx2i_endpoint {};

struct bnx2i_work {};

struct bnx2i_percpu_s {};

/* Global variables */
extern unsigned int error_mask1, error_mask2;
extern u64 iscsi_error_mask;
extern unsigned int en_tcp_dack;
extern unsigned int event_coal_div;
extern unsigned int event_coal_min;

extern struct scsi_transport_template *bnx2i_scsi_xport_template;
extern struct iscsi_transport bnx2i_iscsi_transport;
extern struct cnic_ulp_ops bnx2i_cnic_cb;

extern unsigned int sq_size;
extern unsigned int rq_size;

extern const struct attribute_group *bnx2i_dev_groups[];

 * Function Prototypes
extern void bnx2i_identify_device(struct bnx2i_hba *hba, struct cnic_dev *dev);

extern void bnx2i_ulp_init(struct cnic_dev *dev);
extern void bnx2i_ulp_exit(struct cnic_dev *dev);
extern void bnx2i_start(void *handle);
extern void bnx2i_stop(void *handle);
extern int bnx2i_get_stats(void *handle);

extern struct bnx2i_hba *get_adapter_list_head(void);

struct bnx2i_conn *bnx2i_get_conn_from_id(struct bnx2i_hba *hba,
					  u16 iscsi_cid);

int bnx2i_alloc_ep_pool(void);
void bnx2i_release_ep_pool(void);
struct bnx2i_endpoint *bnx2i_ep_ofld_list_next(struct bnx2i_hba *hba);
struct bnx2i_endpoint *bnx2i_ep_destroy_list_next(struct bnx2i_hba *hba);

struct bnx2i_hba *bnx2i_find_hba_for_cnic(struct cnic_dev *cnic);

struct bnx2i_hba *bnx2i_alloc_hba(struct cnic_dev *cnic);
void bnx2i_free_hba(struct bnx2i_hba *hba);

void bnx2i_get_rq_buf(struct bnx2i_conn *conn, char *ptr, int len);
void bnx2i_put_rq_buf(struct bnx2i_conn *conn, int count);

void bnx2i_iscsi_unmap_sg_list(struct bnx2i_cmd *cmd);

void bnx2i_drop_session(struct iscsi_cls_session *session);

extern int bnx2i_send_fw_iscsi_init_msg(struct bnx2i_hba *hba);
extern int bnx2i_send_iscsi_login(struct bnx2i_conn *conn,
				  struct iscsi_task *mtask);
extern int bnx2i_send_iscsi_tmf(struct bnx2i_conn *conn,
				  struct iscsi_task *mtask);
extern int bnx2i_send_iscsi_text(struct bnx2i_conn *conn,
				 struct iscsi_task *mtask);
extern int bnx2i_send_iscsi_scsicmd(struct bnx2i_conn *conn,
				    struct bnx2i_cmd *cmnd);
extern int bnx2i_send_iscsi_nopout(struct bnx2i_conn *conn,
				   struct iscsi_task *mtask,
				   char *datap, int data_len, int unsol);
extern int bnx2i_send_iscsi_logout(struct bnx2i_conn *conn,
				   struct iscsi_task *mtask);
extern void bnx2i_send_cmd_cleanup_req(struct bnx2i_hba *hba,
				       struct bnx2i_cmd *cmd);
extern int bnx2i_send_conn_ofld_req(struct bnx2i_hba *hba,
				    struct bnx2i_endpoint *ep);
extern void bnx2i_update_iscsi_conn(struct iscsi_conn *conn);
extern int bnx2i_send_conn_destroy(struct bnx2i_hba *hba,
				   struct bnx2i_endpoint *ep);

extern int bnx2i_alloc_qp_resc(struct bnx2i_hba *hba,
			       struct bnx2i_endpoint *ep);
extern void bnx2i_free_qp_resc(struct bnx2i_hba *hba,
			       struct bnx2i_endpoint *ep);
extern void bnx2i_ep_ofld_timer(struct timer_list *t);
extern struct bnx2i_endpoint *bnx2i_find_ep_in_ofld_list(
		struct bnx2i_hba *hba, u32 iscsi_cid);
extern struct bnx2i_endpoint *bnx2i_find_ep_in_destroy_list(
		struct bnx2i_hba *hba, u32 iscsi_cid);

extern int bnx2i_map_ep_dbell_regs(struct bnx2i_endpoint *ep);
extern int bnx2i_arm_cq_event_coalescing(struct bnx2i_endpoint *ep, u8 action);

extern int bnx2i_hw_ep_disconnect(struct bnx2i_endpoint *bnx2i_ep);

/* Debug related function prototypes */
extern void bnx2i_print_pend_cmd_queue(struct bnx2i_conn *conn);
extern void bnx2i_print_active_cmd_queue(struct bnx2i_conn *conn);
extern void bnx2i_print_xmit_pdu_queue(struct bnx2i_conn *conn);
extern void bnx2i_print_recv_state(struct bnx2i_conn *conn);

extern int bnx2i_percpu_io_thread(void *arg);
extern int bnx2i_process_scsi_cmd_resp(struct iscsi_session *session,
				       struct bnx2i_conn *bnx2i_conn,
				       struct cqe *cqe);