
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Copyright (c) 2018, Intel Corporation. */

#include "ice.h"
#include "ice_base.h"
#include "ice_flow.h"
#include "ice_lib.h"
#include "ice_fltr.h"
#include "ice_dcb_lib.h"
#include "ice_vsi_vlan_ops.h"

 * ice_vsi_type_str - maps VSI type enum to string equivalents
 * @vsi_type: VSI type enum
const char *ice_vsi_type_str(enum ice_vsi_type vsi_type)

 * ice_vsi_ctrl_all_rx_rings - Start or stop a VSI's Rx rings
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * @ena: start or stop the Rx rings
 * First enable/disable all of the Rx rings, flush any remaining writes, and
 * then verify that they have all been enabled/disabled successfully. This will
 * let all of the register writes complete when enabling/disabling the Rx rings
 * before waiting for the change in hardware to complete.
static int ice_vsi_ctrl_all_rx_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool ena)

 * ice_vsi_alloc_arrays - Allocate queue and vector pointer arrays for the VSI
 * @vsi: VSI pointer
 * On error: returns error code (negative)
 * On success: returns 0
static int ice_vsi_alloc_arrays(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_set_num_desc - Set number of descriptors for queues on this VSI
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
static void ice_vsi_set_num_desc(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_set_num_qs - Set number of queues, descriptors and vectors for a VSI
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * Return 0 on success and a negative value on error
static void ice_vsi_set_num_qs(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_get_free_slot - get the next non-NULL location index in array
 * @array: array to search
 * @size: size of the array
 * @curr: last known occupied index to be used as a search hint
 * void * is being used to keep the functionality generic. This lets us use this
 * function on any array of pointers.
static int ice_get_free_slot(void *array, int size, int curr)

 * ice_vsi_delete_from_hw - delete a VSI from the switch
 * @vsi: pointer to VSI being removed
static void ice_vsi_delete_from_hw(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_free_arrays - De-allocate queue and vector pointer arrays for the VSI
 * @vsi: pointer to VSI being cleared
static void ice_vsi_free_arrays(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_free_stats - Free the ring statistics structures
 * @vsi: VSI pointer
static void ice_vsi_free_stats(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_alloc_ring_stats - Allocates Tx and Rx ring stats for the VSI
 * @vsi: VSI which is having stats allocated
static int ice_vsi_alloc_ring_stats(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_free - clean up and deallocate the provided VSI
 * @vsi: pointer to VSI being cleared
 * This deallocates the VSI's queue resources, removes it from the PF's
 * VSI array if necessary, and deallocates the VSI
static void ice_vsi_free(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

void ice_vsi_delete(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_msix_clean_ctrl_vsi - MSIX mode interrupt handler for ctrl VSI
 * @irq: interrupt number
 * @data: pointer to a q_vector
static irqreturn_t ice_msix_clean_ctrl_vsi(int __always_unused irq, void *data)

 * ice_msix_clean_rings - MSIX mode Interrupt Handler
 * @irq: interrupt number
 * @data: pointer to a q_vector
static irqreturn_t ice_msix_clean_rings(int __always_unused irq, void *data)

 * ice_vsi_alloc_stat_arrays - Allocate statistics arrays
 * @vsi: VSI pointer
static int ice_vsi_alloc_stat_arrays(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_alloc_def - set default values for already allocated VSI
 * @vsi: ptr to VSI
 * @ch: ptr to channel
static int
ice_vsi_alloc_def(struct ice_vsi *vsi, struct ice_channel *ch)

 * ice_vsi_alloc - Allocates the next available struct VSI in the PF
 * @pf: board private structure
 * Reserves a VSI index from the PF and allocates an empty VSI structure
 * without a type. The VSI structure must later be initialized by calling
 * ice_vsi_cfg().
 * returns a pointer to a VSI on success, NULL on failure.
static struct ice_vsi *ice_vsi_alloc(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_alloc_fd_res - Allocate FD resource for a VSI
 * @vsi: pointer to the ice_vsi
 * This allocates the FD resources
 * Returns 0 on success, -EPERM on no-op or -EIO on failure
static int ice_alloc_fd_res(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_get_qs - Assign queues from PF to VSI
 * @vsi: the VSI to assign queues to
 * Returns 0 on success and a negative value on error
static int ice_vsi_get_qs(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_put_qs - Release queues from VSI to PF
 * @vsi: the VSI that is going to release queues
static void ice_vsi_put_qs(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_is_safe_mode
 * @pf: pointer to the PF struct
 * returns true if driver is in safe mode, false otherwise
bool ice_is_safe_mode(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_is_rdma_ena
 * @pf: pointer to the PF struct
 * returns true if RDMA is currently supported, false otherwise
bool ice_is_rdma_ena(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_vsi_clean_rss_flow_fld - Delete RSS configuration
 * @vsi: the VSI being cleaned up
 * This function deletes RSS input set for all flows that were configured
 * for this VSI
static void ice_vsi_clean_rss_flow_fld(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_rss_clean - Delete RSS related VSI structures and configuration
 * @vsi: the VSI being removed
static void ice_rss_clean(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_set_rss_params - Setup RSS capabilities per VSI type
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
static void ice_vsi_set_rss_params(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_set_dflt_vsi_ctx - Set default VSI context before adding a VSI
 * @hw: HW structure used to determine the VLAN mode of the device
 * @ctxt: the VSI context being set
 * This initializes a default VSI context for all sections except the Queues.
static void ice_set_dflt_vsi_ctx(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctxt)

 * ice_vsi_setup_q_map - Setup a VSI queue map
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * @ctxt: VSI context structure
static int ice_vsi_setup_q_map(struct ice_vsi *vsi, struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctxt)

 * ice_set_fd_vsi_ctx - Set FD VSI context before adding a VSI
 * @ctxt: the VSI context being set
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
static void ice_set_fd_vsi_ctx(struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctxt, struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_set_rss_vsi_ctx - Set RSS VSI context before adding a VSI
 * @ctxt: the VSI context being set
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
static void ice_set_rss_vsi_ctx(struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctxt, struct ice_vsi *vsi)

static void
ice_chnl_vsi_setup_q_map(struct ice_vsi *vsi, struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctxt)

 * ice_vsi_is_vlan_pruning_ena - check if VLAN pruning is enabled or not
 * @vsi: VSI to check whether or not VLAN pruning is enabled.
 * returns true if Rx VLAN pruning is enabled and false otherwise.
static bool ice_vsi_is_vlan_pruning_ena(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_init - Create and initialize a VSI
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * @vsi_flags: VSI configuration flags
 * Set ICE_FLAG_VSI_INIT to initialize a new VSI context, clear it to
 * reconfigure an existing context.
 * This initializes a VSI context depending on the VSI type to be added and
 * passes it down to the add_vsi aq command to create a new VSI.
static int ice_vsi_init(struct ice_vsi *vsi, u32 vsi_flags)

 * ice_vsi_clear_rings - Deallocates the Tx and Rx rings for VSI
 * @vsi: the VSI having rings deallocated
static void ice_vsi_clear_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_alloc_rings - Allocates Tx and Rx rings for the VSI
 * @vsi: VSI which is having rings allocated
static int ice_vsi_alloc_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_manage_rss_lut - disable/enable RSS
 * @vsi: the VSI being changed
 * @ena: boolean value indicating if this is an enable or disable request
 * In the event of disable request for RSS, this function will zero out RSS
 * LUT, while in the event of enable request for RSS, it will reconfigure RSS
 * LUT.
void ice_vsi_manage_rss_lut(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool ena)

 * ice_vsi_cfg_crc_strip - Configure CRC stripping for a VSI
 * @vsi: VSI to be configured
 * @disable: set to true to have FCS / CRC in the frame data
void ice_vsi_cfg_crc_strip(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool disable)

 * ice_vsi_cfg_rss_lut_key - Configure RSS params for a VSI
 * @vsi: VSI to be configured
int ice_vsi_cfg_rss_lut_key(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_set_vf_rss_flow_fld - Sets VF VSI RSS input set for different flows
 * @vsi: VSI to be configured
 * This function will only be called during the VF VSI setup. Upon successful
 * completion of package download, this function will configure default RSS
 * input sets for VF VSI.
static void ice_vsi_set_vf_rss_flow_fld(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

static const struct ice_rss_hash_cfg default_rss_cfgs[] =;

 * ice_vsi_set_rss_flow_fld - Sets RSS input set for different flows
 * @vsi: VSI to be configured
 * This function will only be called after successful download package call
 * during initialization of PF. Since the downloaded package will erase the
 * RSS section, this function will configure RSS input sets for different
 * flow types. The last profile added has the highest priority, therefore 2
 * tuple profiles (i.e. IPv4 src/dst) are added before 4 tuple profiles
 * (i.e. IPv4 src/dst TCP src/dst port).
static void ice_vsi_set_rss_flow_fld(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_pf_state_is_nominal - checks the PF for nominal state
 * @pf: pointer to PF to check
 * Check the PF's state for a collection of bits that would indicate
 * the PF is in a state that would inhibit normal operation for
 * driver functionality.
 * Returns true if PF is in a nominal state, false otherwise
bool ice_pf_state_is_nominal(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_update_eth_stats - Update VSI-specific ethernet statistics counters
 * @vsi: the VSI to be updated
void ice_update_eth_stats(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_write_qrxflxp_cntxt - write/configure QRXFLXP_CNTXT register
 * @hw: HW pointer
 * @pf_q: index of the Rx queue in the PF's queue space
 * @rxdid: flexible descriptor RXDID
 * @prio: priority for the RXDID for this queue
 * @ena_ts: true to enable timestamp and false to disable timestamp
ice_write_qrxflxp_cntxt(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 pf_q, u32 rxdid, u32 prio,
			bool ena_ts)

 * ice_intrl_usec_to_reg - convert interrupt rate limit to register value
 * @intrl: interrupt rate limit in usecs
 * @gran: interrupt rate limit granularity in usecs
 * This function converts a decimal interrupt rate limit in usecs to the format
 * expected by firmware.
static u32 ice_intrl_usec_to_reg(u8 intrl, u8 gran)

 * ice_write_intrl - write throttle rate limit to interrupt specific register
 * @q_vector: pointer to interrupt specific structure
 * @intrl: throttle rate limit in microseconds to write
void ice_write_intrl(struct ice_q_vector *q_vector, u8 intrl)

static struct ice_q_vector *ice_pull_qvec_from_rc(struct ice_ring_container *rc)

 * __ice_write_itr - write throttle rate to register
 * @q_vector: pointer to interrupt data structure
 * @rc: pointer to ring container
 * @itr: throttle rate in microseconds to write
static void __ice_write_itr(struct ice_q_vector *q_vector,
			    struct ice_ring_container *rc, u16 itr)

 * ice_write_itr - write throttle rate to queue specific register
 * @rc: pointer to ring container
 * @itr: throttle rate in microseconds to write
void ice_write_itr(struct ice_ring_container *rc, u16 itr)

 * ice_set_q_vector_intrl - set up interrupt rate limiting
 * @q_vector: the vector to be configured
 * Interrupt rate limiting is local to the vector, not per-queue so we must
 * detect if either ring container has dynamic moderation enabled to decide
 * what to set the interrupt rate limit to via INTRL settings. In the case that
 * dynamic moderation is disabled on both, write the value with the cached
 * setting to make sure INTRL register matches the user visible value.
void ice_set_q_vector_intrl(struct ice_q_vector *q_vector)

 * ice_vsi_cfg_msix - MSIX mode Interrupt Config in the HW
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * This configures MSIX mode interrupts for the PF VSI, and should not be used
 * for the VF VSI.
void ice_vsi_cfg_msix(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_start_all_rx_rings - start/enable all of a VSI's Rx rings
 * @vsi: the VSI whose rings are to be enabled
 * Returns 0 on success and a negative value on error
int ice_vsi_start_all_rx_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_stop_all_rx_rings - stop/disable all of a VSI's Rx rings
 * @vsi: the VSI whose rings are to be disabled
 * Returns 0 on success and a negative value on error
int ice_vsi_stop_all_rx_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_stop_tx_rings - Disable Tx rings
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * @rst_src: reset source
 * @rel_vmvf_num: Relative ID of VF/VM
 * @rings: Tx ring array to be stopped
 * @count: number of Tx ring array elements
static int
ice_vsi_stop_tx_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi, enum ice_disq_rst_src rst_src,
		      u16 rel_vmvf_num, struct ice_tx_ring **rings, u16 count)

 * ice_vsi_stop_lan_tx_rings - Disable LAN Tx rings
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * @rst_src: reset source
 * @rel_vmvf_num: Relative ID of VF/VM
ice_vsi_stop_lan_tx_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi, enum ice_disq_rst_src rst_src,
			  u16 rel_vmvf_num)

 * ice_vsi_stop_xdp_tx_rings - Disable XDP Tx rings
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
int ice_vsi_stop_xdp_tx_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_is_rx_queue_active
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * Return true if at least one queue is active.
bool ice_vsi_is_rx_queue_active(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

static void ice_vsi_set_tc_cfg(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_cfg_sw_lldp - Config switch rules for LLDP packet handling
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * @tx: bool to determine Tx or Rx rule
 * @create: bool to determine create or remove Rule
void ice_cfg_sw_lldp(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool tx, bool create)

 * ice_set_agg_vsi - sets up scheduler aggregator node and move VSI into it
 * @vsi: pointer to the VSI
 * This function will allocate new scheduler aggregator now if needed and will
 * move specified VSI into it.
static void ice_set_agg_vsi(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

static int ice_vsi_cfg_tc_lan(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_cfg_def - configure default VSI based on the type
 * @vsi: pointer to VSI
static int ice_vsi_cfg_def(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_cfg - configure a previously allocated VSI
 * @vsi: pointer to VSI
int ice_vsi_cfg(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_decfg - remove all VSI configuration
 * @vsi: pointer to VSI
void ice_vsi_decfg(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_setup - Set up a VSI by a given type
 * @pf: board private structure
 * @params: parameters to use when creating the VSI
 * This allocates the sw VSI structure and its queue resources.
 * Returns pointer to the successfully allocated and configured VSI sw struct on
 * success, NULL on failure.
struct ice_vsi *
ice_vsi_setup(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_vsi_cfg_params *params)

 * ice_vsi_release_msix - Clear the queue to Interrupt mapping in HW
 * @vsi: the VSI being cleaned up
static void ice_vsi_release_msix(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_free_irq - Free the IRQ association with the OS
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
void ice_vsi_free_irq(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_free_tx_rings - Free Tx resources for VSI queues
 * @vsi: the VSI having resources freed
void ice_vsi_free_tx_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_free_rx_rings - Free Rx resources for VSI queues
 * @vsi: the VSI having resources freed
void ice_vsi_free_rx_rings(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_close - Shut down a VSI
 * @vsi: the VSI being shut down
void ice_vsi_close(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_ena_vsi - resume a VSI
 * @vsi: the VSI being resume
 * @locked: is the rtnl_lock already held
int ice_ena_vsi(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool locked)

 * ice_dis_vsi - pause a VSI
 * @vsi: the VSI being paused
 * @locked: is the rtnl_lock already held
void ice_dis_vsi(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool locked)

 * __ice_queue_set_napi - Set the napi instance for the queue
 * @dev: device to which NAPI and queue belong
 * @queue_index: Index of queue
 * @type: queue type as RX or TX
 * @napi: NAPI context
 * @locked: is the rtnl_lock already held
 * Set the napi instance for the queue. Caller indicates the lock status.
static void
__ice_queue_set_napi(struct net_device *dev, unsigned int queue_index,
		     enum netdev_queue_type type, struct napi_struct *napi,
		     bool locked)

 * ice_queue_set_napi - Set the napi instance for the queue
 * @vsi: VSI being configured
 * @queue_index: Index of queue
 * @type: queue type as RX or TX
 * @napi: NAPI context
 * Set the napi instance for the queue. The rtnl lock state is derived from the
 * execution path.
ice_queue_set_napi(struct ice_vsi *vsi, unsigned int queue_index,
		   enum netdev_queue_type type, struct napi_struct *napi)

 * __ice_q_vector_set_napi_queues - Map queue[s] associated with the napi
 * @q_vector: q_vector pointer
 * @locked: is the rtnl_lock already held
 * Associate the q_vector napi with all the queue[s] on the vector.
 * Caller indicates the lock status.
void __ice_q_vector_set_napi_queues(struct ice_q_vector *q_vector, bool locked)

 * ice_q_vector_set_napi_queues - Map queue[s] associated with the napi
 * @q_vector: q_vector pointer
 * Associate the q_vector napi with all the queue[s] on the vector
void ice_q_vector_set_napi_queues(struct ice_q_vector *q_vector)

 * ice_vsi_set_napi_queues
 * @vsi: VSI pointer
 * Associate queue[s] with napi for all vectors
void ice_vsi_set_napi_queues(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_release - Delete a VSI and free its resources
 * @vsi: the VSI being removed
 * Returns 0 on success or < 0 on error
int ice_vsi_release(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_rebuild_get_coalesce - get coalesce from all q_vectors
 * @vsi: VSI connected with q_vectors
 * @coalesce: array of struct with stored coalesce
 * Returns array size.
static int
ice_vsi_rebuild_get_coalesce(struct ice_vsi *vsi,
			     struct ice_coalesce_stored *coalesce)

 * ice_vsi_rebuild_set_coalesce - set coalesce from earlier saved arrays
 * @vsi: VSI connected with q_vectors
 * @coalesce: pointer to array of struct with stored coalesce
 * @size: size of coalesce array
 * Before this function, ice_vsi_rebuild_get_coalesce should be called to save
 * ITR params in arrays. If size is 0 or coalesce wasn't stored set coalesce
 * to default value.
static void
ice_vsi_rebuild_set_coalesce(struct ice_vsi *vsi,
			     struct ice_coalesce_stored *coalesce, int size)

 * ice_vsi_realloc_stat_arrays - Frees unused stat structures or alloc new ones
 * @vsi: VSI pointer
static int
ice_vsi_realloc_stat_arrays(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_rebuild - Rebuild VSI after reset
 * @vsi: VSI to be rebuild
 * @vsi_flags: flags used for VSI rebuild flow
 * Set vsi_flags to ICE_VSI_FLAG_INIT to initialize a new VSI, or
 * ICE_VSI_FLAG_NO_INIT to rebuild an existing VSI in hardware.
 * Returns 0 on success and negative value on failure
int ice_vsi_rebuild(struct ice_vsi *vsi, u32 vsi_flags)

 * ice_is_reset_in_progress - check for a reset in progress
 * @state: PF state field
bool ice_is_reset_in_progress(unsigned long *state)

 * ice_wait_for_reset - Wait for driver to finish reset and rebuild
 * @pf: pointer to the PF structure
 * @timeout: length of time to wait, in jiffies
 * Wait (sleep) for a short time until the driver finishes cleaning up from
 * a device reset. The caller must be able to sleep. Use this to delay
 * operations that could fail while the driver is cleaning up after a device
 * reset.
 * Returns 0 on success, -EBUSY if the reset is not finished within the
 * timeout, and -ERESTARTSYS if the thread was interrupted.
int ice_wait_for_reset(struct ice_pf *pf, unsigned long timeout)

 * ice_vsi_update_q_map - update our copy of the VSI info with new queue map
 * @vsi: VSI being configured
 * @ctx: the context buffer returned from AQ VSI update command
static void ice_vsi_update_q_map(struct ice_vsi *vsi, struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctx)

 * ice_vsi_cfg_netdev_tc - Setup the netdev TC configuration
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured
 * @ena_tc: TC map to be enabled
void ice_vsi_cfg_netdev_tc(struct ice_vsi *vsi, u8 ena_tc)

 * ice_vsi_setup_q_map_mqprio - Prepares mqprio based tc_config
 * @vsi: the VSI being configured,
 * @ctxt: VSI context structure
 * @ena_tc: number of traffic classes to enable
 * Prepares VSI tc_config to have queue configurations based on MQPRIO options.
static int
ice_vsi_setup_q_map_mqprio(struct ice_vsi *vsi, struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctxt,
			   u8 ena_tc)

 * ice_vsi_cfg_tc - Configure VSI Tx Sched for given TC map
 * @vsi: VSI to be configured
 * @ena_tc: TC bitmap
 * VSI queues expected to be quiesced before calling this function
int ice_vsi_cfg_tc(struct ice_vsi *vsi, u8 ena_tc)

 * ice_update_ring_stats - Update ring statistics
 * @stats: stats to be updated
 * @pkts: number of processed packets
 * @bytes: number of processed bytes
 * This function assumes that caller has acquired a u64_stats_sync lock.
static void ice_update_ring_stats(struct ice_q_stats *stats, u64 pkts, u64 bytes)

 * ice_update_tx_ring_stats - Update Tx ring specific counters
 * @tx_ring: ring to update
 * @pkts: number of processed packets
 * @bytes: number of processed bytes
void ice_update_tx_ring_stats(struct ice_tx_ring *tx_ring, u64 pkts, u64 bytes)

 * ice_update_rx_ring_stats - Update Rx ring specific counters
 * @rx_ring: ring to update
 * @pkts: number of processed packets
 * @bytes: number of processed bytes
void ice_update_rx_ring_stats(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, u64 pkts, u64 bytes)

 * ice_is_dflt_vsi_in_use - check if the default forwarding VSI is being used
 * @pi: port info of the switch with default VSI
 * Return true if the there is a single VSI in default forwarding VSI list
bool ice_is_dflt_vsi_in_use(struct ice_port_info *pi)

 * ice_is_vsi_dflt_vsi - check if the VSI passed in is the default VSI
 * @vsi: VSI to compare against default forwarding VSI
 * If this VSI passed in is the default forwarding VSI then return true, else
 * return false
bool ice_is_vsi_dflt_vsi(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_set_dflt_vsi - set the default forwarding VSI
 * @vsi: VSI getting set as the default forwarding VSI on the switch
 * If the VSI passed in is already the default VSI and it's enabled just return
 * success.
 * Otherwise try to set the VSI passed in as the switch's default VSI and
 * return the result.
int ice_set_dflt_vsi(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_clear_dflt_vsi - clear the default forwarding VSI
 * @vsi: VSI to remove from filter list
 * If the switch has no default VSI or it's not enabled then return error.
 * Otherwise try to clear the default VSI and return the result.
int ice_clear_dflt_vsi(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_get_link_speed_mbps - get link speed in Mbps
 * @vsi: the VSI whose link speed is being queried
 * Return current VSI link speed and 0 if the speed is unknown.
int ice_get_link_speed_mbps(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_get_link_speed_kbps - get link speed in Kbps
 * @vsi: the VSI whose link speed is being queried
 * Return current VSI link speed and 0 if the speed is unknown.
int ice_get_link_speed_kbps(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_set_min_bw_limit - setup minimum BW limit for Tx based on min_tx_rate
 * @vsi: VSI to be configured
 * @min_tx_rate: min Tx rate in Kbps to be configured as BW limit
 * If the min_tx_rate is specified as 0 that means to clear the minimum BW limit
 * profile, otherwise a non-zero value will force a minimum BW limit for the VSI
 * on TC 0.
int ice_set_min_bw_limit(struct ice_vsi *vsi, u64 min_tx_rate)

 * ice_set_max_bw_limit - setup maximum BW limit for Tx based on max_tx_rate
 * @vsi: VSI to be configured
 * @max_tx_rate: max Tx rate in Kbps to be configured as BW limit
 * If the max_tx_rate is specified as 0 that means to clear the maximum BW limit
 * profile, otherwise a non-zero value will force a maximum BW limit for the VSI
 * on TC 0.
int ice_set_max_bw_limit(struct ice_vsi *vsi, u64 max_tx_rate)

 * ice_set_link - turn on/off physical link
 * @vsi: VSI to modify physical link on
 * @ena: turn on/off physical link
int ice_set_link(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool ena)

 * ice_vsi_add_vlan_zero - add VLAN 0 filter(s) for this VSI
 * @vsi: VSI used to add VLAN filters
 * In Single VLAN Mode (SVM), single VLAN filters via ICE_SW_LKUP_VLAN are based
 * on the inner VLAN ID, so the VLAN TPID (i.e. 0x8100 or 0x888a8) doesn't
 * matter. In Double VLAN Mode (DVM), outer/single VLAN filters via
 * ICE_SW_LKUP_VLAN are based on the outer/single VLAN ID + VLAN TPID.
 * For both modes add a VLAN 0 + no VLAN TPID filter to handle untagged traffic
 * when VLAN pruning is enabled. Also, this handles VLAN 0 priority tagged
 * traffic in SVM, since the VLAN TPID isn't part of filtering.
 * If DVM is enabled then an explicit VLAN 0 + VLAN TPID filter needs to be
 * added to allow VLAN 0 priority tagged traffic in DVM, since the VLAN TPID is
 * part of filtering.
int ice_vsi_add_vlan_zero(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_del_vlan_zero - delete VLAN 0 filter(s) for this VSI
 * @vsi: VSI used to add VLAN filters
 * Delete the VLAN 0 filters in the same manner that they were added in
 * ice_vsi_add_vlan_zero.
int ice_vsi_del_vlan_zero(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_num_zero_vlans - get number of VLAN 0 filters based on VLAN mode
 * @vsi: VSI used to get the VLAN mode
 * If DVM is enabled then 2 VLAN 0 filters are added, else if SVM is enabled
 * then 1 VLAN 0 filter is added. See ice_vsi_add_vlan_zero for more details.
static u16 ice_vsi_num_zero_vlans(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_has_non_zero_vlans - check if VSI has any non-zero VLANs
 * @vsi: VSI used to determine if any non-zero VLANs have been added
bool ice_vsi_has_non_zero_vlans(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_vsi_num_non_zero_vlans - get the number of non-zero VLANs for this VSI
 * @vsi: VSI used to get the number of non-zero VLANs added
u16 ice_vsi_num_non_zero_vlans(struct ice_vsi *vsi)

 * ice_is_feature_supported
 * @pf: pointer to the struct ice_pf instance
 * @f: feature enum to be checked
 * returns true if feature is supported, false otherwise
bool ice_is_feature_supported(struct ice_pf *pf, enum ice_feature f)

 * ice_set_feature_support
 * @pf: pointer to the struct ice_pf instance
 * @f: feature enum to set
void ice_set_feature_support(struct ice_pf *pf, enum ice_feature f)

 * ice_clear_feature_support
 * @pf: pointer to the struct ice_pf instance
 * @f: feature enum to clear
void ice_clear_feature_support(struct ice_pf *pf, enum ice_feature f)

 * ice_init_feature_support
 * @pf: pointer to the struct ice_pf instance
 * called during init to setup supported feature
void ice_init_feature_support(struct ice_pf *pf)

 * ice_vsi_update_security - update security block in VSI
 * @vsi: pointer to VSI structure
 * @fill: function pointer to fill ctx
ice_vsi_update_security(struct ice_vsi *vsi, void (*fill)(struct ice_vsi_ctx *))

 * ice_vsi_ctx_set_antispoof - set antispoof function in VSI ctx
 * @ctx: pointer to VSI ctx structure
void ice_vsi_ctx_set_antispoof(struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctx)

 * ice_vsi_ctx_clear_antispoof - clear antispoof function in VSI ctx
 * @ctx: pointer to VSI ctx structure
void ice_vsi_ctx_clear_antispoof(struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctx)

 * ice_vsi_ctx_set_allow_override - allow destination override on VSI
 * @ctx: pointer to VSI ctx structure
void ice_vsi_ctx_set_allow_override(struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctx)

 * ice_vsi_ctx_clear_allow_override - turn off destination override on VSI
 * @ctx: pointer to VSI ctx structure
void ice_vsi_ctx_clear_allow_override(struct ice_vsi_ctx *ctx)

 * ice_vsi_update_local_lb - update sw block in VSI with local loopback bit
 * @vsi: pointer to VSI structure
 * @set: set or unset the bit
ice_vsi_update_local_lb(struct ice_vsi *vsi, bool set)