
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
/* Microchip VCAP API
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <linux/types.h>

#include "vcap_api_private.h"

static int keyfield_size_table[] =;

static int actionfield_size_table[] =;

/* Moving a rule in the VCAP address space */
struct vcap_rule_move {};

/* Stores the filter cookie and chain id that enabled the port */
struct vcap_enabled_port {};

void vcap_iter_set(struct vcap_stream_iter *itr, int sw_width,
		   const struct vcap_typegroup *tg, u32 offset)

static void vcap_iter_skip_tg(struct vcap_stream_iter *itr)

void vcap_iter_update(struct vcap_stream_iter *itr)

void vcap_iter_init(struct vcap_stream_iter *itr, int sw_width,
		    const struct vcap_typegroup *tg, u32 offset)

void vcap_iter_next(struct vcap_stream_iter *itr)

static void vcap_set_bit(u32 *stream, struct vcap_stream_iter *itr, bool value)

static void vcap_encode_bit(u32 *stream, struct vcap_stream_iter *itr, bool val)

static void vcap_encode_field(u32 *stream, struct vcap_stream_iter *itr,
			      int width, const u8 *value)

static void vcap_encode_typegroups(u32 *stream, int sw_width,
				   const struct vcap_typegroup *tg,
				   bool mask)

static bool vcap_bitarray_zero(int width, u8 *value)

static bool vcap_get_bit(u32 *stream, struct vcap_stream_iter *itr)

static void vcap_decode_field(u32 *stream, struct vcap_stream_iter *itr,
			      int width, u8 *value)

/* Verify that the type id in the stream matches the type id of the keyset */
static bool vcap_verify_keystream_keyset(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
					 enum vcap_type vt,
					 u32 *keystream,
					 u32 *mskstream,
					 enum vcap_keyfield_set keyset)

/* Verify that the typegroup bits have the correct values */
static int vcap_verify_typegroups(u32 *stream, int sw_width,
				  const struct vcap_typegroup *tgt, bool mask,
				  int sw_max)

/* Find the subword width of the key typegroup that matches the stream data */
static int vcap_find_keystream_typegroup_sw(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
					    enum vcap_type vt, u32 *stream,
					    bool mask, int sw_max)

/* Verify that the typegroup information, subword count, keyset and type id
 * are in sync and correct, return the list of matching keysets
vcap_find_keystream_keysets(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			    enum vcap_type vt,
			    u32 *keystream,
			    u32 *mskstream,
			    bool mask, int sw_max,
			    struct vcap_keyset_list *kslist)

/* Read key data from a VCAP address and discover if there are any rule keysets
 * here
int vcap_addr_keysets(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
		      struct net_device *ndev,
		      struct vcap_admin *admin,
		      int addr,
		      struct vcap_keyset_list *kslist)

/* Return the list of keyfields for the keyset */
const struct vcap_field *vcap_keyfields(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
					enum vcap_type vt,
					enum vcap_keyfield_set keyset)

/* Return the keyset information for the keyset */
const struct vcap_set *vcap_keyfieldset(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
					enum vcap_type vt,
					enum vcap_keyfield_set keyset)

/* Return the typegroup table for the matching keyset (using subword size) */
const struct vcap_typegroup *
vcap_keyfield_typegroup(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			enum vcap_type vt, enum vcap_keyfield_set keyset)

/* Return the number of keyfields in the keyset */
int vcap_keyfield_count(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			enum vcap_type vt, enum vcap_keyfield_set keyset)

static void vcap_encode_keyfield(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
				 const struct vcap_client_keyfield *kf,
				 const struct vcap_field *rf,
				 const struct vcap_typegroup *tgt)

static void vcap_encode_keyfield_typegroups(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
					    struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
					    const struct vcap_typegroup *tgt)

/* Copy data from src to dst but reverse the data in chunks of 32bits.
 * For example if src is 00:11:22:33:44:55 where 55 is LSB the dst will
 * have the value 22:33:44:55:00:11.
static void vcap_copy_to_w32be(u8 *dst, const u8 *src, int size)

static void
vcap_copy_from_client_keyfield(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			       struct vcap_client_keyfield *dst,
			       const struct vcap_client_keyfield *src)

static void
vcap_copy_from_client_actionfield(struct vcap_rule *rule,
				  struct vcap_client_actionfield *dst,
				  const struct vcap_client_actionfield *src)

static int vcap_encode_rule_keyset(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

/* Return the list of actionfields for the actionset */
const struct vcap_field *
vcap_actionfields(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
		  enum vcap_type vt, enum vcap_actionfield_set actionset)

const struct vcap_set *
vcap_actionfieldset(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
		    enum vcap_type vt, enum vcap_actionfield_set actionset)

/* Return the typegroup table for the matching actionset (using subword size) */
const struct vcap_typegroup *
vcap_actionfield_typegroup(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			   enum vcap_type vt, enum vcap_actionfield_set actionset)

/* Return the number of actionfields in the actionset */
int vcap_actionfield_count(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			   enum vcap_type vt,
			   enum vcap_actionfield_set actionset)

static void vcap_encode_actionfield(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
				    const struct vcap_client_actionfield *af,
				    const struct vcap_field *rf,
				    const struct vcap_typegroup *tgt)

static void vcap_encode_actionfield_typegroups(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
					       const struct vcap_typegroup *tgt)

static int vcap_encode_rule_actionset(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

static int vcap_encode_rule(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

int vcap_api_check(struct vcap_control *ctrl)

void vcap_erase_cache(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

/* Update the keyset for the rule */
int vcap_set_rule_set_keyset(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			     enum vcap_keyfield_set keyset)

/* Update the actionset for the rule */
int vcap_set_rule_set_actionset(struct vcap_rule *rule,
				enum vcap_actionfield_set actionset)

/* Check if a rule with this id exists */
static bool vcap_rule_exists(struct vcap_control *vctrl, u32 id)

/* Find a rule with a provided rule id return a locked vcap */
static struct vcap_rule_internal *
vcap_get_locked_rule(struct vcap_control *vctrl, u32 id)

/* Find a rule id with a provided cookie */
int vcap_lookup_rule_by_cookie(struct vcap_control *vctrl, u64 cookie)

/* Get number of rules in a vcap instance lookup chain id range */
int vcap_admin_rule_count(struct vcap_admin *admin, int cid)

/* Make a copy of the rule, shallow or full */
static struct vcap_rule_internal *vcap_dup_rule(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
						bool full)

static void vcap_apply_width(u8 *dst, int width, int bytes)

static void vcap_copy_from_w32be(u8 *dst, u8 *src, int size, int width)

static void vcap_copy_action_bit_field(struct vcap_u1_action *field, u8 *value)

static void vcap_copy_limited_actionfield(u8 *dstvalue, u8 *srcvalue,
					  int width, int bytes)

static void vcap_copy_to_client_actionfield(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
					    struct vcap_client_actionfield *field,
					    u8 *value, u16 width)

static void vcap_copy_key_bit_field(struct vcap_u1_key *field,
				    u8 *value, u8 *mask)

static void vcap_copy_limited_keyfield(u8 *dstvalue, u8 *dstmask,
				       u8 *srcvalue, u8 *srcmask,
				       int width, int bytes)

static void vcap_copy_to_client_keyfield(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
					 struct vcap_client_keyfield *field,
					 u8 *value, u8 *mask, u16 width)

static void vcap_rule_alloc_keyfield(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
				     const struct vcap_field *keyfield,
				     enum vcap_key_field key,
				     u8 *value, u8 *mask)

/* Read key data from a VCAP address and discover if there is a rule keyset
 * here
static bool
vcap_verify_actionstream_actionset(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
				   enum vcap_type vt,
				   u32 *actionstream,
				   enum vcap_actionfield_set actionset)

/* Find the subword width of the action typegroup that matches the stream data
static int vcap_find_actionstream_typegroup_sw(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
					       enum vcap_type vt, u32 *stream,
					       int sw_max)

/* Verify that the typegroup information, subword count, actionset and type id
 * are in sync and correct, return the actionset
static enum vcap_actionfield_set
vcap_find_actionstream_actionset(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
				 enum vcap_type vt,
				 u32 *stream,
				 int sw_max)

/* Store action value in an element in a list for the client */
static void vcap_rule_alloc_actionfield(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
					const struct vcap_field *actionfield,
					enum vcap_action_field action,
					u8 *value)

static int vcap_decode_actionset(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

static int vcap_decode_keyset(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

/* Read VCAP content into the VCAP cache */
static int vcap_read_rule(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

/* Write VCAP cache content to the VCAP HW instance */
static int vcap_write_rule(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

static int vcap_write_counter(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
			      struct vcap_counter *ctr)

/* Convert a chain id to a VCAP lookup index */
int vcap_chain_id_to_lookup(struct vcap_admin *admin, int cur_cid)

/* Lookup a vcap instance using chain id */
struct vcap_admin *vcap_find_admin(struct vcap_control *vctrl, int cid)

/* Is this the last admin instance ordered by chain id and direction */
static bool vcap_admin_is_last(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			       struct vcap_admin *admin,
			       bool ingress)

/* Calculate the value used for chaining VCAP rules */
int vcap_chain_offset(struct vcap_control *vctrl, int from_cid, int to_cid)

/* Is the next chain id in one of the following lookups
 * For now this does not support filters linked to other filters using
 * keys and actions. That will be added later.
bool vcap_is_next_lookup(struct vcap_control *vctrl, int src_cid, int dst_cid)

/* Check if there is room for a new rule */
static int vcap_rule_space(struct vcap_admin *admin, int size)

/* Add the keyset typefield to the list of rule keyfields */
static int vcap_add_type_keyfield(struct vcap_rule *rule)

/* Add the actionset typefield to the list of rule actionfields */
static int vcap_add_type_actionfield(struct vcap_rule *rule)

/* Add a keyset to a keyset list */
bool vcap_keyset_list_add(struct vcap_keyset_list *keysetlist,
			  enum vcap_keyfield_set keyset)

/* Add a actionset to a actionset list */
static bool vcap_actionset_list_add(struct vcap_actionset_list *actionsetlist,
				    enum vcap_actionfield_set actionset)

/* map keyset id to a string with the keyset name */
const char *vcap_keyset_name(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			     enum vcap_keyfield_set keyset)

/* map key field id to a string with the key name */
const char *vcap_keyfield_name(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			       enum vcap_key_field key)

/* map actionset id to a string with the actionset name */
const char *vcap_actionset_name(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
				enum vcap_actionfield_set actionset)

/* map action field id to a string with the action name */
const char *vcap_actionfield_name(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
				  enum vcap_action_field action)

/* Return the keyfield that matches a key in a keyset */
static const struct vcap_field *
vcap_find_keyset_keyfield(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			  enum vcap_type vtype,
			  enum vcap_keyfield_set keyset,
			  enum vcap_key_field key)

/* Match a list of keys against the keysets available in a vcap type */
static bool _vcap_rule_find_keysets(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
				    struct vcap_keyset_list *matches)

/* Match a list of keys against the keysets available in a vcap type */
bool vcap_rule_find_keysets(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			    struct vcap_keyset_list *matches)

/* Return the actionfield that matches a action in a actionset */
static const struct vcap_field *
vcap_find_actionset_actionfield(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
				enum vcap_type vtype,
				enum vcap_actionfield_set actionset,
				enum vcap_action_field action)

/* Match a list of actions against the actionsets available in a vcap type */
static bool vcap_rule_find_actionsets(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
				      struct vcap_actionset_list *matches)

/* Validate a rule with respect to available port keys */
int vcap_val_rule(struct vcap_rule *rule, u16 l3_proto)

/* Entries are sorted with increasing values of sort_key.
 * I.e. Lowest numerical sort_key is first in list.
 * In order to locate largest keys first in list we negate the key size with
 * (max_size - size).
static u32 vcap_sort_key(u32 max_size, u32 size, u8 user, u16 prio)

/* calculate the address of the next rule after this (lower address and prio) */
static u32 vcap_next_rule_addr(u32 addr, struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

/* Assign a unique rule id and autogenerate one if id == 0 */
static u32 vcap_set_rule_id(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

static int vcap_insert_rule(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
			    struct vcap_rule_move *move)

static void vcap_move_rules(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
			    struct vcap_rule_move *move)

/* Check if the chain is already used to enable a VCAP lookup for this port */
static bool vcap_is_chain_used(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			       struct net_device *ndev, int src_cid)

/* Fetch the next chain in the enabled list for the port */
static int vcap_get_next_chain(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			       struct net_device *ndev,
			       int dst_cid)

static bool vcap_path_exist(struct vcap_control *vctrl, struct net_device *ndev,
			    int dst_cid)

/* Internal clients can always store their rules in HW
 * External clients can store their rules if the chain is enabled all
 * the way from chain 0, otherwise the rule will be cached until
 * the chain is enabled.
static void vcap_rule_set_state(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

/* Encode and write a validated rule to the VCAP */
int vcap_add_rule(struct vcap_rule *rule)

/* Allocate a new rule with the provided arguments */
struct vcap_rule *vcap_alloc_rule(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
				  struct net_device *ndev, int vcap_chain_id,
				  enum vcap_user user, u16 priority,
				  u32 id)

/* Free mem of a rule owned by client after the rule as been added to the VCAP */
void vcap_free_rule(struct vcap_rule *rule)

/* Decode a rule from the VCAP cache and return a copy */
struct vcap_rule *vcap_decode_rule(struct vcap_rule_internal *elem)

struct vcap_rule *vcap_get_rule(struct vcap_control *vctrl, u32 id)

/* Update existing rule */
int vcap_mod_rule(struct vcap_rule *rule)

/* Return the alignment offset for a new rule address */
static int vcap_valid_rule_move(struct vcap_rule_internal *el, int offset)

/* Update the rule address with an offset */
static void vcap_adjust_rule_addr(struct vcap_rule_internal *el, int offset)

/* Rules needs to be moved to fill the gap of the deleted rule */
static int vcap_fill_rule_gap(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

/* Delete rule in a VCAP instance */
int vcap_del_rule(struct vcap_control *vctrl, struct net_device *ndev, u32 id)

/* Delete all rules in the VCAP instance */
int vcap_del_rules(struct vcap_control *vctrl, struct vcap_admin *admin)

/* Find a client key field in a rule */
static struct vcap_client_keyfield *
vcap_find_keyfield(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_key_field key)

/* Find information on a key field in a rule */
const struct vcap_field *vcap_lookup_keyfield(struct vcap_rule *rule,
					      enum vcap_key_field key)

/* Check if the keyfield is already in the rule */
static bool vcap_keyfield_unique(struct vcap_rule *rule,
				 enum vcap_key_field key)

/* Check if the keyfield is in the keyset */
static bool vcap_keyfield_match_keyset(struct vcap_rule *rule,
				       enum vcap_key_field key)

static int vcap_rule_add_key(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			     enum vcap_key_field key,
			     enum vcap_field_type ftype,
			     struct vcap_client_keyfield_data *data)

static void vcap_rule_set_key_bitsize(struct vcap_u1_key *u1, enum vcap_bit val)

/* Add a bit key with value and mask to the rule */
int vcap_rule_add_key_bit(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_key_field key,
			  enum vcap_bit val)

/* Add a 32 bit key field with value and mask to the rule */
int vcap_rule_add_key_u32(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_key_field key,
			  u32 value, u32 mask)

/* Add a 48 bit key with value and mask to the rule */
int vcap_rule_add_key_u48(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_key_field key,
			  struct vcap_u48_key *fieldval)

/* Add a 72 bit key with value and mask to the rule */
int vcap_rule_add_key_u72(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_key_field key,
			  struct vcap_u72_key *fieldval)

/* Add a 128 bit key with value and mask to the rule */
int vcap_rule_add_key_u128(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_key_field key,
			   struct vcap_u128_key *fieldval)

int vcap_rule_get_key_u32(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_key_field key,
			  u32 *value, u32 *mask)

/* Find a client action field in a rule */
struct vcap_client_actionfield *
vcap_find_actionfield(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_action_field act)

/* Check if the actionfield is already in the rule */
static bool vcap_actionfield_unique(struct vcap_rule *rule,
				    enum vcap_action_field act)

/* Check if the actionfield is in the actionset */
static bool vcap_actionfield_match_actionset(struct vcap_rule *rule,
					     enum vcap_action_field action)

static int vcap_rule_add_action(struct vcap_rule *rule,
				enum vcap_action_field action,
				enum vcap_field_type ftype,
				struct vcap_client_actionfield_data *data)

static void vcap_rule_set_action_bitsize(struct vcap_u1_action *u1,
					 enum vcap_bit val)

/* Add a bit action with value to the rule */
int vcap_rule_add_action_bit(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			     enum vcap_action_field action,
			     enum vcap_bit val)

/* Add a 32 bit action field with value to the rule */
int vcap_rule_add_action_u32(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			     enum vcap_action_field action,
			     u32 value)

/* Add a 72 bit action field with value to the rule */
int vcap_rule_add_action_u72(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			     enum vcap_action_field action,
			     struct vcap_u72_action *fieldval)

static int vcap_read_counter(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
			     struct vcap_counter *ctr)

/* Copy to host byte order */
void vcap_netbytes_copy(u8 *dst, u8 *src, int count)

/* Convert validation error code into tc extack error message */
void vcap_set_tc_exterr(struct flow_cls_offload *fco, struct vcap_rule *vrule)

/* Write a rule to VCAP HW to enable it */
static int vcap_enable_rule(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

/* Enable all disabled rules for a specific chain/port in the VCAP HW */
static int vcap_enable_rules(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			     struct net_device *ndev, int chain)

/* Read and erase a rule from VCAP HW to disable it */
static int vcap_disable_rule(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri)

/* Disable all enabled rules for a specific chain/port in the VCAP HW */
static int vcap_disable_rules(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			      struct net_device *ndev, int chain)

/* Check if this port is already enabled for this VCAP instance */
static bool vcap_is_enabled(struct vcap_control *vctrl, struct net_device *ndev,
			    int dst_cid)

/* Enable this port and chain id in a VCAP instance */
static int vcap_enable(struct vcap_control *vctrl, struct net_device *ndev,
		       unsigned long cookie, int src_cid, int dst_cid)

/* Disable this port and chain id for a VCAP instance */
static int vcap_disable(struct vcap_control *vctrl, struct net_device *ndev,
			unsigned long cookie)

/* Enable/Disable the VCAP instance lookups */
int vcap_enable_lookups(struct vcap_control *vctrl, struct net_device *ndev,
			int src_cid, int dst_cid, unsigned long cookie,
			bool enable)

/* Is this chain id the last lookup of all VCAPs */
bool vcap_is_last_chain(struct vcap_control *vctrl, int cid, bool ingress)

/* Set a rule counter id (for certain vcaps only) */
void vcap_rule_set_counter_id(struct vcap_rule *rule, u32 counter_id)

int vcap_rule_set_counter(struct vcap_rule *rule, struct vcap_counter *ctr)

int vcap_rule_get_counter(struct vcap_rule *rule, struct vcap_counter *ctr)

/* Get a copy of a client key field */
static int vcap_rule_get_key(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			     enum vcap_key_field key,
			     struct vcap_client_keyfield *ckf)

/* Find a keyset having the same size as the provided rule, where the keyset
 * does not have a type id.
static int vcap_rule_get_untyped_keyset(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
					struct vcap_keyset_list *matches)

/* Get the keysets that matches the rule key type/mask */
int vcap_rule_get_keysets(struct vcap_rule_internal *ri,
			  struct vcap_keyset_list *matches)

/* Collect packet counts from all rules with the same cookie */
int vcap_get_rule_count_by_cookie(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
				  struct vcap_counter *ctr, u64 cookie)

static int vcap_rule_mod_key(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			     enum vcap_key_field key,
			     enum vcap_field_type ftype,
			     struct vcap_client_keyfield_data *data)

/* Modify a 32 bit key field with value and mask in the rule */
int vcap_rule_mod_key_u32(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_key_field key,
			  u32 value, u32 mask)

/* Remove a key field with value and mask in the rule */
int vcap_rule_rem_key(struct vcap_rule *rule, enum vcap_key_field key)

static int vcap_rule_mod_action(struct vcap_rule *rule,
				enum vcap_action_field action,
				enum vcap_field_type ftype,
				struct vcap_client_actionfield_data *data)

/* Modify a 32 bit action field with value in the rule */
int vcap_rule_mod_action_u32(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			     enum vcap_action_field action,
			     u32 value)

/* Drop keys in a keylist and any keys that are not supported by the keyset */
int vcap_filter_rule_keys(struct vcap_rule *rule,
			  enum vcap_key_field keylist[], int length,
			  bool drop_unsupported)

/* Select the keyset from the list that results in the smallest rule size */
enum vcap_keyfield_set
vcap_select_min_rule_keyset(struct vcap_control *vctrl,
			    enum vcap_type vtype,
			    struct vcap_keyset_list *kslist)

/* Make a full copy of an existing rule with a new rule id */
struct vcap_rule *vcap_copy_rule(struct vcap_rule *erule)

#include "vcap_api_kunit.c"