
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR Linux-OpenIB) OR BSD-2-Clause */
/* Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Pensando Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved. */

#ifndef _IONIC_IF_H_
#define _IONIC_IF_H_


 * enum ionic_cmd_opcode - Device commands
enum ionic_cmd_opcode {};

 * enum ionic_status_code - Device command return codes
enum ionic_status_code {};

enum ionic_notifyq_opcode {};

 * struct ionic_admin_cmd - General admin command format
 * @opcode:     Opcode for the command
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @lif_index:  LIF index
 * @cmd_data:   Opcode-specific command bytes
struct ionic_admin_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_admin_comp - General admin command completion format
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @comp_index: Index in the descriptor ring for which this is the completion
 * @cmd_data:   Command-specific bytes
 * @color:      Color bit (Always 0 for commands issued to the
 *              Device Cmd Registers)
struct ionic_admin_comp {};

static inline u8 color_match(u8 color, u8 done_color)

 * struct ionic_nop_cmd - NOP command
 * @opcode: opcode
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_nop_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_nop_comp - NOP command completion
 * @status: Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_nop_comp {};

 * struct ionic_dev_init_cmd - Device init command
 * @opcode:    opcode
 * @type:      Device type
 * @rsvd:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_dev_init_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_dev_init_comp - Device init command completion
 * @status: Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_dev_init_comp {};

 * struct ionic_dev_reset_cmd - Device reset command
 * @opcode: opcode
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_dev_reset_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_dev_reset_comp - Reset command completion
 * @status: Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_dev_reset_comp {};


 * struct ionic_dev_identify_cmd - Driver/device identify command
 * @opcode:  opcode
 * @ver:     Highest version of identify supported by driver
 * @rsvd:    reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_dev_identify_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_dev_identify_comp - Driver/device identify command completion
 * @status: Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @ver:    Version of identify returned by device
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_dev_identify_comp {};

enum ionic_os_type {};

 * union ionic_drv_identity - driver identity information
 * @os_type:          OS type (see enum ionic_os_type)
 * @os_dist:          OS distribution, numeric format
 * @os_dist_str:      OS distribution, string format
 * @kernel_ver:       Kernel version, numeric format
 * @kernel_ver_str:   Kernel version, string format
 * @driver_ver_str:   Driver version, string format
 * @words:            word access to struct contents

 * enum ionic_dev_capability - Device capabilities
 * @IONIC_DEV_CAP_VF_CTRL:     Device supports VF ctrl operations
enum ionic_dev_capability {};

 * union ionic_dev_identity - device identity information
 * @version:          Version of device identify
 * @type:             Identify type (0 for now)
 * @rsvd:             reserved byte(s)
 * @nports:           Number of ports provisioned
 * @rsvd2:            reserved byte(s)
 * @nlifs:            Number of LIFs provisioned
 * @nintrs:           Number of interrupts provisioned
 * @ndbpgs_per_lif:   Number of doorbell pages per LIF
 * @intr_coal_mult:   Interrupt coalescing multiplication factor
 *                    Scale user-supplied interrupt coalescing
 *                    value in usecs to device units using:
 *                    device units = usecs * mult / div
 * @intr_coal_div:    Interrupt coalescing division factor
 *                    Scale user-supplied interrupt coalescing
 *                    value in usecs to device units using:
 *                    device units = usecs * mult / div
 * @eq_count:         Number of shared event queues
 * @hwstamp_mask:     Bitmask for subtraction of hardware tick values.
 * @hwstamp_mult:     Hardware tick to nanosecond multiplier.
 * @hwstamp_shift:    Hardware tick to nanosecond divisor (power of two).
 * @capabilities:     Device capabilities
 * @words:            word access to struct contents

enum ionic_lif_type {};

 * struct ionic_lif_identify_cmd - LIF identify command
 * @opcode:  opcode
 * @type:    LIF type (enum ionic_lif_type)
 * @ver:     Version of identify returned by device
 * @rsvd:    reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_lif_identify_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_lif_identify_comp - LIF identify command completion
 * @status:  Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @ver:     Version of identify returned by device
 * @rsvd2:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_lif_identify_comp {};

 * enum ionic_lif_capability - LIF capabilities
 * @IONIC_LIF_CAP_ETH:     LIF supports Ethernet
 * @IONIC_LIF_CAP_RDMA:    LIF supports RDMA
enum ionic_lif_capability {};

 * enum ionic_logical_qtype - Logical Queue Types
 * @IONIC_QTYPE_ADMINQ:    Administrative Queue
 * @IONIC_QTYPE_NOTIFYQ:   Notify Queue
 * @IONIC_QTYPE_RXQ:       Receive Queue
 * @IONIC_QTYPE_TXQ:       Transmit Queue
 * @IONIC_QTYPE_EQ:        Event Queue
 * @IONIC_QTYPE_MAX:       Max queue type supported
enum ionic_logical_qtype {};

 * enum ionic_q_feature - Common Features for most queue types
 * Common features use bits 0-15. Per-queue-type features use higher bits.
 * @IONIC_QIDENT_F_CQ:      Queue has completion ring
 * @IONIC_QIDENT_F_SG:      Queue has scatter/gather ring
 * @IONIC_QIDENT_F_EQ:      Queue can use event queue
 * @IONIC_QIDENT_F_CMB:     Queue is in cmb bar
 * @IONIC_Q_F_2X_DESC:      Double main descriptor size
 * @IONIC_Q_F_2X_CQ_DESC:   Double cq descriptor size
 * @IONIC_Q_F_2X_SG_DESC:   Double sg descriptor size
 * @IONIC_Q_F_4X_DESC:      Quadruple main descriptor size
 * @IONIC_Q_F_4X_CQ_DESC:   Quadruple cq descriptor size
 * @IONIC_Q_F_4X_SG_DESC:   Quadruple sg descriptor size
enum ionic_q_feature {};

 * enum ionic_rxq_feature - RXQ-specific Features
 * Per-queue-type features use bits 16 and higher.
 * @IONIC_RXQ_F_HWSTAMP:   Queue supports Hardware Timestamping
enum ionic_rxq_feature {};

 * enum ionic_txq_feature - TXQ-specific Features
 * Per-queue-type features use bits 16 and higher.
 * @IONIC_TXQ_F_HWSTAMP:   Queue supports Hardware Timestamping
enum ionic_txq_feature {};

 * enum ionic_hwstamp_bits - Hardware timestamp decoding bits
 * @IONIC_HWSTAMP_INVALID:          Invalid hardware timestamp value
 * @IONIC_HWSTAMP_CQ_NEGOFFSET:     Timestamp field negative offset
 *                                  from the base cq descriptor.
enum ionic_hwstamp_bits {};

 * struct ionic_lif_logical_qtype - Descriptor of logical to HW queue type
 * @qtype:          Hardware Queue Type
 * @rsvd:           reserved byte(s)
 * @qid_count:      Number of Queue IDs of the logical type
 * @qid_base:       Minimum Queue ID of the logical type
struct ionic_lif_logical_qtype {};

 * enum ionic_lif_state - LIF state
 * @IONIC_LIF_DISABLE:     LIF disabled
 * @IONIC_LIF_ENABLE:      LIF enabled
 * @IONIC_LIF_QUIESCE:     LIF Quiesced
enum ionic_lif_state {};

 * union ionic_lif_config - LIF configuration
 * @state:          LIF state (enum ionic_lif_state)
 * @rsvd:           reserved byte(s)
 * @name:           LIF name
 * @mtu:            MTU
 * @mac:            Station MAC address
 * @vlan:           Default Vlan ID
 * @features:       Features (enum ionic_eth_hw_features)
 * @queue_count:    Queue counts per queue-type
 * @words:          word access to struct contents

 * struct ionic_lif_identity - LIF identity information (type-specific)
 * @capabilities:        LIF capabilities
 * @eth:                    Ethernet identify structure
 *	@eth.version:            Ethernet identify structure version
 *	@eth.rsvd:               reserved byte(s)
 *	@eth.max_ucast_filters:  Number of perfect unicast addresses supported
 *	@eth.max_mcast_filters:  Number of perfect multicast addresses supported
 *	@eth.min_frame_size:     Minimum size of frames to be sent
 *	@eth.max_frame_size:     Maximum size of frames to be sent
 *	@eth.rsvd2:              reserved byte(s)
 *	@eth.hwstamp_tx_modes:   Bitmask of BIT_ULL(enum ionic_txstamp_mode)
 *	@eth.hwstamp_rx_filters: Bitmask of enum ionic_pkt_class
 *	@eth.rsvd3:              reserved byte(s)
 *	@eth.config:             LIF config struct with features, mtu, mac, q counts
 * @rdma:                RDMA identify structure
 *	@rdma.version:         RDMA version of opcodes and queue descriptors
 *	@rdma.qp_opcodes:      Number of RDMA queue pair opcodes supported
 *	@rdma.admin_opcodes:   Number of RDMA admin opcodes supported
 *	@rdma.rsvd:            reserved byte(s)
 *	@rdma.npts_per_lif:    Page table size per LIF
 *	@rdma.nmrs_per_lif:    Number of memory regions per LIF
 *	@rdma.nahs_per_lif:    Number of address handles per LIF
 *	@rdma.max_stride:      Max work request stride
 *	@rdma.cl_stride:       Cache line stride
 *	@rdma.pte_stride:      Page table entry stride
 *	@rdma.rrq_stride:      Remote RQ work request stride
 *	@rdma.rsq_stride:      Remote SQ work request stride
 *	@rdma.dcqcn_profiles:  Number of DCQCN profiles
 *	@rdma.rsvd_dimensions: reserved byte(s)
 *	@rdma.aq_qtype:        RDMA Admin Qtype
 *	@rdma.sq_qtype:        RDMA Send Qtype
 *	@rdma.rq_qtype:        RDMA Receive Qtype
 *	@rdma.cq_qtype:        RDMA Completion Qtype
 *	@rdma.eq_qtype:        RDMA Event Qtype
 * @words:               word access to struct contents

 * struct ionic_lif_init_cmd - LIF init command
 * @opcode:       Opcode
 * @type:         LIF type (enum ionic_lif_type)
 * @index:        LIF index
 * @rsvd:         reserved byte(s)
 * @info_pa:      Destination address for LIF info (struct ionic_lif_info)
 * @rsvd2:        reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_lif_init_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_lif_init_comp - LIF init command completion
 * @status:	Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:	reserved byte(s)
 * @hw_index:	Hardware index of the initialized LIF
 * @rsvd2:	reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_lif_init_comp {};

 * struct ionic_q_identify_cmd - queue identify command
 * @opcode:     opcode
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @lif_type:   LIF type (enum ionic_lif_type)
 * @type:       Logical queue type (enum ionic_logical_qtype)
 * @ver:        Highest queue type version that the driver supports
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_q_identify_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_q_identify_comp - queue identify command completion
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @comp_index: Index in the descriptor ring for which this is the completion
 * @ver:        Queue type version that can be used with FW
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_q_identify_comp {};

 * union ionic_q_identity - queue identity information
 *     @version:        Queue type version that can be used with FW
 *     @supported:      Bitfield of queue versions, first bit = ver 0
 *     @rsvd:           reserved byte(s)
 *     @features:       Queue features (enum ionic_q_feature, etc)
 *     @desc_sz:        Descriptor size
 *     @comp_sz:        Completion descriptor size
 *     @sg_desc_sz:     Scatter/Gather descriptor size
 *     @max_sg_elems:   Maximum number of Scatter/Gather elements
 *     @sg_desc_stride: Number of Scatter/Gather elements per descriptor
 *     @words:          word access to struct contents

 * struct ionic_q_init_cmd - Queue init command
 * @opcode:       opcode
 * @rsvd:         reserved byte(s)
 * @type:         Logical queue type
 * @ver:          Queue type version
 * @rsvd1:        reserved byte(s)
 * @lif_index:    LIF index
 * @index:        (LIF, qtype) relative admin queue index
 * @intr_index:   Interrupt control register index, or Event queue index
 * @pid:          Process ID
 * @flags:
 *    IRQ:        Interrupt requested on completion
 *    ENA:        Enable the queue.  If ENA=0 the queue is initialized
 *                but remains disabled, to be later enabled with the
 *                Queue Enable command.  If ENA=1, then queue is
 *                initialized and then enabled.
 *    SG:         Enable Scatter-Gather on the queue.
 *                in number of descs.  The actual ring size is
 *                (1 << ring_size).  For example, to
 *                select a ring size of 64 descriptors write
 *                ring_size = 6.  The minimum ring_size value is 2
 *                for a ring size of 4 descriptors.  The maximum
 *                ring_size value is 16 for a ring size of 64k
 *                descriptors.  Values of ring_size <2 and >16 are
 *                reserved.
 *    EQ:         Enable the Event Queue
 * @cos:          Class of service for this queue
 * @ring_size:    Queue ring size, encoded as a log2(size)
 * @ring_base:    Queue ring base address
 * @cq_ring_base: Completion queue ring base address
 * @sg_ring_base: Scatter/Gather ring base address
 * @rsvd2:        reserved byte(s)
 * @features:     Mask of queue features to enable, if not in the flags above.
struct ionic_q_init_cmd {} __packed;

 * struct ionic_q_init_comp - Queue init command completion
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @comp_index: Index in the descriptor ring for which this is the completion
 * @hw_index:   Hardware Queue ID
 * @hw_type:    Hardware Queue type
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
 * @color:      Color
struct ionic_q_init_comp {};

/* the device's internal addressing uses up to 52 bits */

enum ionic_txq_desc_opcode {};

 * struct ionic_txq_desc - Ethernet Tx queue descriptor format
 * @cmd:          Tx operation, see IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_*:
 *                   IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_CSUM_NONE:
 *                      Non-offload send.  No segmentation,
 *                      fragmentation or checksum calc/insertion is
 *                      performed by device; packet is prepared
 *                      to send by software stack and requires
 *                      no further manipulation from device.
 *                      Offload 16-bit L4 checksum
 *                      calculation/insertion.  The device will
 *                      calculate the L4 checksum value and
 *                      insert the result in the packet's L4
 *                      header checksum field.  The L4 checksum
 *                      is calculated starting at @csum_start bytes
 *                      into the packet to the end of the packet.
 *                      The checksum insertion position is given
 *                      in @csum_offset, which is the offset from
 *                      @csum_start to the checksum field in the L4
 *                      header.  This feature is only applicable to
 *                      protocols such as TCP, UDP and ICMP where a
 *                      standard (i.e. the 'IP-style' checksum)
 *                      one's complement 16-bit checksum is used,
 *                      using an IP pseudo-header to seed the
 *                      calculation.  Software will preload the L4
 *                      checksum field with the IP pseudo-header
 *                      checksum.
 *                      For tunnel encapsulation, @csum_start and
 *                      @csum_offset refer to the inner L4
 *                      header.  Supported tunnels encapsulations
 *                      are: IPIP, GRE, and UDP.  If the @encap
 *                      is clear, no further processing by the
 *                      device is required; software will
 *                      calculate the outer header checksums.  If
 *                      the @encap is set, the device will
 *                      offload the outer header checksums using
 *                      LCO (local checksum offload) (see
 *                      Documentation/networking/checksum-offloads.rst
 *                      for more info).
 *                   IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_CSUM_HW:
 *                      Offload 16-bit checksum computation to hardware.
 *                      If @csum_l3 is set then the packet's L3 checksum is
 *                      updated. Similarly, if @csum_l4 is set the L4
 *                      checksum is updated. If @encap is set then encap header
 *                      checksums are also updated.
 *                   IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_TSO:
 *                      Device performs TCP segmentation offload
 *                      (TSO).  @hdr_len is the number of bytes
 *                      to the end of TCP header (the offset to
 *                      the TCP payload).  @mss is the desired
 *                      MSS, the TCP payload length for each
 *                      segment.  The device will calculate/
 *                      insert IP (IPv4 only) and TCP checksums
 *                      for each segment.  In the first data
 *                      buffer containing the header template,
 *                      the driver will set IPv4 checksum to 0
 *                      and preload TCP checksum with the IP
 *                      pseudo header calculated with IP length = 0.
 *                      Supported tunnel encapsulations are IPIP,
 *                      layer-3 GRE, and UDP. @hdr_len includes
 *                      both outer and inner headers.  The driver
 *                      will set IPv4 checksum to zero and
 *                      preload TCP checksum with IP pseudo
 *                      header on the inner header.
 *                      TCP ECN offload is supported.  The device
 *                      will set CWR flag in the first segment if
 *                      CWR is set in the template header, and
 *                      clear CWR in remaining segments.
 *    flags:
 *                vlan:
 *                    Insert an L2 VLAN header using @vlan_tci
 *                encap:
 *                    Calculate encap header checksum
 *                csum_l3:
 *                    Compute L3 header checksum
 *                csum_l4:
 *                    Compute L4 header checksum
 *                tso_sot:
 *                    TSO start
 *                tso_eot:
 *                    TSO end
 *    num_sg_elems: Number of scatter-gather elements in SG
 *                descriptor
 *    addr:       First data buffer's DMA address
 *                (Subsequent data buffers are on txq_sg_desc)
 * @len:          First data buffer's length, in bytes
 * @vlan_tci:     VLAN tag to insert in the packet (if requested
 *                by @V-bit).  Includes .1p and .1q tags
 * @hword0:       half word padding
 * @hdr_len:      Length of packet headers, including
 *                encapsulating outer header, if applicable
 *                Valid for opcodes IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_CALC_CSUM and
 *                IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_TSO.  Should be set to zero for
 *                all other modes.  For
 *                IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_CALC_CSUM, @hdr_len is length
 *                of headers up to inner-most L4 header.  For
 *                IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_TSO, @hdr_len is up to
 *                inner-most L4 payload, so inclusive of
 *                inner-most L4 header.
 * @hword1:       half word padding
 * @mss:          Desired MSS value for TSO; only applicable for
 *                IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_TSO
 * @csum_start:   Offset from packet to first byte checked in L4 checksum
 * @csum_offset:  Offset from csum_start to L4 checksum field
 * @hword2:       half word padding
struct ionic_txq_desc {};

static inline u64 encode_txq_desc_cmd(u8 opcode, u8 flags,
				      u8 nsge, u64 addr)
	u64 cmd;


	return cmd;

static inline void decode_txq_desc_cmd(u64 cmd, u8 *opcode, u8 *flags,
				       u8 *nsge, u64 *addr)

 * struct ionic_txq_sg_elem - Transmit scatter-gather (SG) descriptor element
 * @addr:      DMA address of SG element data buffer
 * @len:       Length of SG element data buffer, in bytes
 * @rsvd:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_txq_sg_elem {};

 * struct ionic_txq_sg_desc - Transmit scatter-gather (SG) list
 * @elems:     Scatter-gather elements
struct ionic_txq_sg_desc {};

struct ionic_txq_sg_desc_v1 {};

 * struct ionic_txq_comp - Ethernet transmit queue completion descriptor
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @comp_index: Index in the descriptor ring for which this is the completion
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
 * @color:      Color bit
struct ionic_txq_comp {};

enum ionic_rxq_desc_opcode {};

 * struct ionic_rxq_desc - Ethernet Rx queue descriptor format
 * @opcode:       Rx operation, see IONIC_RXQ_DESC_OPCODE_*:
 *                   IONIC_RXQ_DESC_OPCODE_SIMPLE:
 *                      Receive full packet into data buffer
 *                      starting at @addr.  Results of
 *                      receive, including actual bytes received,
 *                      are recorded in Rx completion descriptor.
 * @rsvd:         reserved byte(s)
 * @len:          Data buffer's length, in bytes
 * @addr:         Data buffer's DMA address
struct ionic_rxq_desc {};

 * struct ionic_rxq_sg_elem - Receive scatter-gather (SG) descriptor element
 * @addr:      DMA address of SG element data buffer
 * @len:       Length of SG element data buffer, in bytes
 * @rsvd:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_rxq_sg_elem {};

 * struct ionic_rxq_sg_desc - Receive scatter-gather (SG) list
 * @elems:     Scatter-gather elements
struct ionic_rxq_sg_desc {};

 * struct ionic_rxq_comp - Ethernet receive queue completion descriptor
 * @status:       Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @num_sg_elems: Number of SG elements used by this descriptor
 * @comp_index:   Index in the descriptor ring for which this is the completion
 * @rss_hash:     32-bit RSS hash
 * @csum:         16-bit sum of the packet's L2 payload
 *                If the packet's L2 payload is odd length, an extra
 *                zero-value byte is included in the @csum calculation but
 *                not included in @len.
 * @vlan_tci:     VLAN tag stripped from the packet.  Valid if @VLAN is
 *                set.  Includes .1p and .1q tags.
 * @len:          Received packet length, in bytes.  Excludes FCS.
 * @csum_calc     L2 payload checksum is computed or not
 * @csum_flags:   See IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_*:
 *                  IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_TCP_OK:
 *                    The TCP checksum calculated by the device
 *                    matched the checksum in the receive packet's
 *                    TCP header.
 *                  IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_TCP_BAD:
 *                    The TCP checksum calculated by the device did
 *                    not match the checksum in the receive packet's
 *                    TCP header.
 *                  IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_UDP_OK:
 *                    The UDP checksum calculated by the device
 *                    matched the checksum in the receive packet's
 *                    UDP header
 *                  IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_UDP_BAD:
 *                    The UDP checksum calculated by the device did
 *                    not match the checksum in the receive packet's
 *                    UDP header.
 *                  IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_IP_OK:
 *                    The IPv4 checksum calculated by the device
 *                    matched the checksum in the receive packet's
 *                    first IPv4 header.  If the receive packet
 *                    contains both a tunnel IPv4 header and a
 *                    transport IPv4 header, the device validates the
 *                    checksum for the both IPv4 headers.
 *                  IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_IP_BAD:
 *                    The IPv4 checksum calculated by the device did
 *                    not match the checksum in the receive packet's
 *                    first IPv4 header. If the receive packet
 *                    contains both a tunnel IPv4 header and a
 *                    transport IPv4 header, the device validates the
 *                    checksum for both IP headers.
 *                  IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_VLAN:
 *                    The VLAN header was stripped and placed in @vlan_tci.
 *                  IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_CALC:
 *                    The checksum was calculated by the device.
 * @pkt_type_color: Packet type and color bit; see IONIC_RXQ_COMP_PKT_TYPE_MASK
struct ionic_rxq_comp {};

enum ionic_pkt_type {};

enum ionic_eth_hw_features {};

 * enum ionic_pkt_class - Packet classification mask.
 * Used with rx steering filter, packets indicated by the mask can be steered
 * toward a specific receive queue.
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_NTP_ALL:          All NTP packets.
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP1_SYNC:        PTPv1 sync
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP1_DREQ:        PTPv1 delay-request
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP1_ALL:         PTPv1 all packets
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP2_L4_SYNC:     PTPv2-UDP sync
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP2_L4_DREQ:     PTPv2-UDP delay-request
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP2_L4_ALL:      PTPv2-UDP all packets
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP2_L2_SYNC:     PTPv2-ETH sync
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP2_L2_DREQ:     PTPv2-ETH delay-request
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP2_L2_ALL:      PTPv2-ETH all packets
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP2_SYNC:        PTPv2 sync
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP2_DREQ:        PTPv2 delay-request
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP2_ALL:         PTPv2 all packets
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP_SYNC:         PTP sync
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP_DREQ:         PTP delay-request
 * @IONIC_PKT_CLS_PTP_ALL:          PTP all packets
enum ionic_pkt_class {};

 * struct ionic_q_control_cmd - Queue control command
 * @opcode:     opcode
 * @type:       Queue type
 * @lif_index:  LIF index
 * @index:      Queue index
 * @oper:       Operation (enum ionic_q_control_oper)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_q_control_cmd {};


enum ionic_q_control_oper {};

 * enum ionic_phy_type - Physical connection type
 * @IONIC_PHY_TYPE_NONE:    No PHY installed
enum ionic_phy_type {};

 * enum ionic_xcvr_state - Transceiver status
 * @IONIC_XCVR_STATE_REMOVED:        Transceiver removed
 * @IONIC_XCVR_STATE_INSERTED:       Transceiver inserted
 * @IONIC_XCVR_STATE_PENDING:        Transceiver pending
 * @IONIC_XCVR_STATE_SPROM_READ:     Transceiver data read
 * @IONIC_XCVR_STATE_SPROM_READ_ERR: Transceiver data read error
enum ionic_xcvr_state {};

 * enum ionic_xcvr_pid - Supported link modes
enum ionic_xcvr_pid {};

 * enum ionic_port_type - Port types
 * @IONIC_PORT_TYPE_NONE:           Port type not configured
 * @IONIC_PORT_TYPE_ETH:            Port carries ethernet traffic (inband)
 * @IONIC_PORT_TYPE_MGMT:           Port carries mgmt traffic (out-of-band)
enum ionic_port_type {};

 * enum ionic_port_admin_state - Port config state
 * @IONIC_PORT_ADMIN_STATE_NONE:    Port admin state not configured
 * @IONIC_PORT_ADMIN_STATE_DOWN:    Port admin disabled
 * @IONIC_PORT_ADMIN_STATE_UP:      Port admin enabled
enum ionic_port_admin_state {};

 * enum ionic_port_oper_status - Port operational status
 * @IONIC_PORT_OPER_STATUS_NONE:    Port disabled
 * @IONIC_PORT_OPER_STATUS_UP:      Port link status up
 * @IONIC_PORT_OPER_STATUS_DOWN:    Port link status down
enum ionic_port_oper_status {};

 * enum ionic_port_fec_type - Ethernet Forward error correction (FEC) modes
 * @IONIC_PORT_FEC_TYPE_NONE:       FEC Disabled
 * @IONIC_PORT_FEC_TYPE_FC:         FireCode FEC
 * @IONIC_PORT_FEC_TYPE_RS:         ReedSolomon FEC
enum ionic_port_fec_type {};

 * enum ionic_port_pause_type - Ethernet pause (flow control) modes
 * @IONIC_PORT_PAUSE_TYPE_NONE:     Disable Pause
 * @IONIC_PORT_PAUSE_TYPE_LINK:     Link level pause
 * @IONIC_PORT_PAUSE_TYPE_PFC:      Priority-Flow Control
enum ionic_port_pause_type {};

 * enum ionic_port_loopback_mode - Loopback modes
 * @IONIC_PORT_LOOPBACK_MODE_NONE:  Disable loopback
enum ionic_port_loopback_mode {};

 * struct ionic_xcvr_status - Transceiver Status information
 * @state:    Transceiver status (enum ionic_xcvr_state)
 * @phy:      Physical connection type (enum ionic_phy_type)
 * @pid:      Transceiver link mode (enum ionic_xcvr_pid)
 * @sprom:    Transceiver sprom contents
struct ionic_xcvr_status {};

 * union ionic_port_config - Port configuration
 * @speed:              port speed (in Mbps)
 * @mtu:                mtu
 * @state:              port admin state (enum ionic_port_admin_state)
 * @an_enable:          autoneg enable
 * @fec_type:           fec type (enum ionic_port_fec_type)
 * @pause_type:         pause type (enum ionic_port_pause_type)
 * @loopback_mode:      loopback mode (enum ionic_port_loopback_mode)
 * @words:              word access to struct contents

 * struct ionic_port_status - Port Status information
 * @status:             link status (enum ionic_port_oper_status)
 * @id:                 port id
 * @speed:              link speed (in Mbps)
 * @link_down_count:    number of times link went from up to down
 * @fec_type:           fec type (enum ionic_port_fec_type)
 * @rsvd:               reserved byte(s)
 * @xcvr:               transceiver status
struct ionic_port_status {} __packed;

 * struct ionic_port_identify_cmd - Port identify command
 * @opcode:     opcode
 * @index:      port index
 * @ver:        Highest version of identify supported by driver
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_port_identify_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_port_identify_comp - Port identify command completion
 * @status: Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @ver:    Version of identify returned by device
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_port_identify_comp {};

 * struct ionic_port_init_cmd - Port initialization command
 * @opcode:     opcode
 * @index:      port index
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @info_pa:    destination address for port info (struct ionic_port_info)
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_port_init_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_port_init_comp - Port initialization command completion
 * @status: Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_port_init_comp {};

 * struct ionic_port_reset_cmd - Port reset command
 * @opcode:     opcode
 * @index:      port index
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_port_reset_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_port_reset_comp - Port reset command completion
 * @status: Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_port_reset_comp {};

 * enum ionic_stats_ctl_cmd - List of commands for stats control
 * @IONIC_STATS_CTL_RESET:      Reset statistics
enum ionic_stats_ctl_cmd {};

 * enum ionic_txstamp_mode - List of TX Timestamping Modes
 * @IONIC_TXSTAMP_OFF:           Disable TX hardware timetamping.
 * @IONIC_TXSTAMP_ON:            Enable local TX hardware timetamping.
 * @IONIC_TXSTAMP_ONESTEP_SYNC:  Modify TX PTP Sync packets.
 * @IONIC_TXSTAMP_ONESTEP_P2P:   Modify TX PTP Sync and PDelayResp.
enum ionic_txstamp_mode {};

 * enum ionic_port_attr - List of device attributes
 * @IONIC_PORT_ATTR_STATE:      Port state attribute
 * @IONIC_PORT_ATTR_SPEED:      Port speed attribute
 * @IONIC_PORT_ATTR_MTU:        Port MTU attribute
 * @IONIC_PORT_ATTR_AUTONEG:    Port autonegotiation attribute
 * @IONIC_PORT_ATTR_FEC:        Port FEC attribute
 * @IONIC_PORT_ATTR_PAUSE:      Port pause attribute
 * @IONIC_PORT_ATTR_LOOPBACK:   Port loopback attribute
 * @IONIC_PORT_ATTR_STATS_CTRL: Port statistics control attribute
enum ionic_port_attr {};

 * struct ionic_port_setattr_cmd - Set port attributes on the NIC
 * @opcode:         Opcode
 * @index:          Port index
 * @attr:           Attribute type (enum ionic_port_attr)
 * @rsvd:           reserved byte(s)
 * @state:          Port state
 * @speed:          Port speed
 * @mtu:            Port MTU
 * @an_enable:      Port autonegotiation setting
 * @fec_type:       Port FEC type setting
 * @pause_type:     Port pause type setting
 * @loopback_mode:  Port loopback mode
 * @stats_ctl:      Port stats setting
 * @rsvd2:          reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_port_setattr_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_port_setattr_comp - Port set attr command completion
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @color:      Color bit
struct ionic_port_setattr_comp {};

 * struct ionic_port_getattr_cmd - Get port attributes from the NIC
 * @opcode:     Opcode
 * @index:      port index
 * @attr:       Attribute type (enum ionic_port_attr)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_port_getattr_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_port_getattr_comp - Port get attr command completion
 * @status:         Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:           reserved byte(s)
 * @state:          Port state
 * @speed:          Port speed
 * @mtu:            Port MTU
 * @an_enable:      Port autonegotiation setting
 * @fec_type:       Port FEC type setting
 * @pause_type:     Port pause type setting
 * @loopback_mode:  Port loopback mode
 * @rsvd2:          reserved byte(s)
 * @color:          Color bit
struct ionic_port_getattr_comp {};

 * struct ionic_lif_status - LIF status register
 * @eid:             most recent NotifyQ event id
 * @port_num:        port the LIF is connected to
 * @rsvd:            reserved byte(s)
 * @link_status:     port status (enum ionic_port_oper_status)
 * @link_speed:      speed of link in Mbps
 * @link_down_count: number of times link went from up to down
 * @rsvd2:           reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_lif_status {};

 * struct ionic_lif_reset_cmd - LIF reset command
 * @opcode:    opcode
 * @rsvd:      reserved byte(s)
 * @index:     LIF index
 * @rsvd2:     reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_lif_reset_cmd {};


enum ionic_dev_state {};

 * enum ionic_dev_attr - List of device attributes
 * @IONIC_DEV_ATTR_STATE:     Device state attribute
 * @IONIC_DEV_ATTR_NAME:      Device name attribute
 * @IONIC_DEV_ATTR_FEATURES:  Device feature attributes
enum ionic_dev_attr {};

 * struct ionic_dev_setattr_cmd - Set Device attributes on the NIC
 * @opcode:     Opcode
 * @attr:       Attribute type (enum ionic_dev_attr)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @state:      Device state (enum ionic_dev_state)
 * @name:       The bus info, e.g. PCI slot-device-function, 0 terminated
 * @features:   Device features
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_dev_setattr_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_dev_setattr_comp - Device set attr command completion
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @features:   Device features
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
 * @color:      Color bit
struct ionic_dev_setattr_comp {};

 * struct ionic_dev_getattr_cmd - Get Device attributes from the NIC
 * @opcode:     opcode
 * @attr:       Attribute type (enum ionic_dev_attr)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_dev_getattr_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_dev_getattr_comp - Device set attr command completion
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @features:   Device features
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
 * @color:      Color bit
struct ionic_dev_getattr_comp {};

 * RSS parameters

enum ionic_rss_hash_types {};

 * enum ionic_lif_attr - List of LIF attributes
 * @IONIC_LIF_ATTR_STATE:       LIF state attribute
 * @IONIC_LIF_ATTR_NAME:        LIF name attribute
 * @IONIC_LIF_ATTR_MTU:         LIF MTU attribute
 * @IONIC_LIF_ATTR_MAC:         LIF MAC attribute
 * @IONIC_LIF_ATTR_FEATURES:    LIF features attribute
 * @IONIC_LIF_ATTR_RSS:         LIF RSS attribute
 * @IONIC_LIF_ATTR_STATS_CTRL:  LIF statistics control attribute
 * @IONIC_LIF_ATTR_TXSTAMP:     LIF TX timestamping mode
 * @IONIC_LIF_ATTR_MAX:         maximum attribute value
enum ionic_lif_attr {};

 * struct ionic_lif_setattr_cmd - Set LIF attributes on the NIC
 * @opcode:     Opcode
 * @attr:       Attribute type (enum ionic_lif_attr)
 * @index:      LIF index
 * @state:      LIF state (enum ionic_lif_state)
 * @name:       The netdev name string, 0 terminated
 * @mtu:        Mtu
 * @mac:        Station mac
 * @features:   Features (enum ionic_eth_hw_features)
 * @rss:        RSS properties
 *	@rss.types:     The hash types to enable (see rss_hash_types)
 *	@rss.key:       The hash secret key
 *	@rss.rsvd:      reserved byte(s)
 *	@rss.addr:      Address for the indirection table shared memory
 * @stats_ctl:  stats control commands (enum ionic_stats_ctl_cmd)
 * @txstamp_mode:    TX Timestamping Mode (enum ionic_txstamp_mode)
 * @rsvd:        reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_lif_setattr_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_lif_setattr_comp - LIF set attr command completion
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @comp_index: Index in the descriptor ring for which this is the completion
 * @features:   features (enum ionic_eth_hw_features)
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
 * @color:      Color bit
struct ionic_lif_setattr_comp {};

 * struct ionic_lif_getattr_cmd - Get LIF attributes from the NIC
 * @opcode:     Opcode
 * @attr:       Attribute type (enum ionic_lif_attr)
 * @index:      LIF index
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_lif_getattr_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_lif_getattr_comp - LIF get attr command completion
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @comp_index: Index in the descriptor ring for which this is the completion
 * @state:      LIF state (enum ionic_lif_state)
 * @mtu:        Mtu
 * @mac:        Station mac
 * @features:   Features (enum ionic_eth_hw_features)
 * @txstamp_mode:    TX Timestamping Mode (enum ionic_txstamp_mode)
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
 * @color:      Color bit
struct ionic_lif_getattr_comp {};

 * struct ionic_lif_setphc_cmd - Set LIF PTP Hardware Clock
 * @opcode:     Opcode
 * @rsvd1:      reserved byte(s)
 * @lif_index:  LIF index
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
 * @tick:       Hardware stamp tick of an instant in time.
 * @nsec:       Nanosecond stamp of the same instant.
 * @frac:       Fractional nanoseconds at the same instant.
 * @mult:       Cycle to nanosecond multiplier.
 * @shift:      Cycle to nanosecond divisor (power of two).
 * @rsvd3:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_lif_setphc_cmd {};

enum ionic_rx_mode {};

 * struct ionic_rx_mode_set_cmd - Set LIF's Rx mode command
 * @opcode:     opcode
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @lif_index:  LIF index
 * @rx_mode:    Rx mode flags:
 *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_UNICAST: Accept known unicast packets
 *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_MULTICAST: Accept known multicast packets
 *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_BROADCAST: Accept broadcast packets
 *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_PROMISC: Accept any packets
 *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_ALLMULTI: Accept any multicast packets
 *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_RDMA_SNIFFER: Sniff RDMA packets
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_rx_mode_set_cmd {};


enum ionic_rx_filter_match_type {};

 * struct ionic_rx_filter_add_cmd - Add LIF Rx filter command
 * @opcode:     opcode
 * @qtype:      Queue type
 * @lif_index:  LIF index
 * @qid:        Queue ID
 * @match:      Rx filter match type (see IONIC_RX_FILTER_MATCH_xxx)
 * @vlan:       VLAN filter
 *	@vlan.vlan:  VLAN ID
 * @mac:        MAC filter
 *	@mac.addr:  MAC address (network-byte order)
 * @mac_vlan:   MACVLAN filter
 *	@mac_vlan.vlan:  VLAN ID
 *	@mac_vlan.addr:  MAC address (network-byte order)
 * @pkt_class:  Packet classification filter
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_rx_filter_add_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_rx_filter_add_comp - Add LIF Rx filter command completion
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @comp_index: Index in the descriptor ring for which this is the completion
 * @filter_id:  Filter ID
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
 * @color:      Color bit
struct ionic_rx_filter_add_comp {};

 * struct ionic_rx_filter_del_cmd - Delete LIF Rx filter command
 * @opcode:     opcode
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @lif_index:  LIF index
 * @filter_id:  Filter ID
 * @rsvd2:      reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_rx_filter_del_cmd {};


enum ionic_vf_attr {};

 * enum ionic_vf_link_status - Virtual Function link status
 * @IONIC_VF_LINK_STATUS_AUTO:   Use link state of the uplink
 * @IONIC_VF_LINK_STATUS_UP:     Link always up
 * @IONIC_VF_LINK_STATUS_DOWN:   Link always down
enum ionic_vf_link_status {};

 * struct ionic_vf_setattr_cmd - Set VF attributes on the NIC
 * @opcode:     Opcode
 * @attr:       Attribute type (enum ionic_vf_attr)
 * @vf_index:   VF index
 *	@macaddr:	mac address
 *	@vlanid:	vlan ID
 *	@maxrate:	max Tx rate in Mbps
 *	@spoofchk:	enable address spoof checking
 *	@trust:		enable VF trust
 *	@linkstate:	set link up or down
 *	@stats_pa:	set DMA address for VF stats
 *	@pad:           reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_vf_setattr_cmd {};

struct ionic_vf_setattr_comp {};

 * struct ionic_vf_getattr_cmd - Get VF attributes from the NIC
 * @opcode:     Opcode
 * @attr:       Attribute type (enum ionic_vf_attr)
 * @vf_index:   VF index
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_vf_getattr_cmd {};

struct ionic_vf_getattr_comp {};

enum ionic_vf_ctrl_opcode {};

 * struct ionic_vf_ctrl_cmd - VF control command
 * @opcode:         Opcode for the command
 * @ctrl_opcode:    VF control operation type
 * @vf_index:       VF Index. It is unused if op START_ALL is used.
struct ionic_vf_ctrl_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_vf_ctrl_comp - VF_CTRL command completion.
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
struct ionic_vf_ctrl_comp {};

 * struct ionic_qos_identify_cmd - QoS identify command
 * @opcode:  opcode
 * @ver:     Highest version of identify supported by driver
 * @rsvd:    reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_qos_identify_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_qos_identify_comp - QoS identify command completion
 * @status: Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @ver:    Version of identify returned by device
 * @rsvd:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_qos_identify_comp {};

/* Capri max supported, should be renamed. */

 * enum ionic_qos_class
enum ionic_qos_class {};

 * enum ionic_qos_class_type - Traffic classification criteria
enum ionic_qos_class_type {};

 * enum ionic_qos_sched_type - QoS class scheduling type
 * @IONIC_QOS_SCHED_TYPE_STRICT:  Strict priority
 * @IONIC_QOS_SCHED_TYPE_DWRR:    Deficit weighted round-robin
enum ionic_qos_sched_type {};

 * union ionic_qos_config - QoS configuration structure
 * @flags:		Configuration flags
 *	IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_NO_DROP		drop/nodrop
 *	IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_RW_DOT1Q_PCP		enable dot1q pcp rewrite
 *	IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_RW_IP_DSCP		enable ip dscp rewrite
 * @sched_type:		QoS class scheduling type (enum ionic_qos_sched_type)
 * @class_type:		QoS class type (enum ionic_qos_class_type)
 * @pause_type:		QoS pause type (enum ionic_qos_pause_type)
 * @name:		QoS class name
 * @mtu:		MTU of the class
 * @pfc_cos:		Priority-Flow Control class of service
 * @dwrr_weight:	QoS class scheduling weight
 * @strict_rlmt:	Rate limit for strict priority scheduling
 * @rw_dot1q_pcp:	Rewrite dot1q pcp to value (valid iff F_RW_DOT1Q_PCP)
 * @rw_ip_dscp:		Rewrite ip dscp to value (valid iff F_RW_IP_DSCP)
 * @dot1q_pcp:		Dot1q pcp value
 * @ndscp:		Number of valid dscp values in the ip_dscp field
 * @ip_dscp:		IP dscp values
 * @words:		word access to struct contents

 * union ionic_qos_identity - QoS identity structure
 * @version:	Version of the identify structure
 * @type:	QoS system type
 * @rsvd:	reserved byte(s)
 * @config:	Current configuration of classes
 * @words:	word access to struct contents

 * struct ionic_qos_init_cmd - QoS config init command
 * @opcode:	Opcode
 * @group:	QoS class id
 * @rsvd:	reserved byte(s)
 * @info_pa:	destination address for qos info
 * @rsvd1:	reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_qos_init_cmd {};


 * struct ionic_qos_reset_cmd - QoS config reset command
 * @opcode:	Opcode
 * @group:	QoS class id
 * @rsvd:	reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_qos_reset_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_qos_clear_stats_cmd - Qos config reset command
 * @opcode:	Opcode
 * @group_bitmap: bitmap of groups to be cleared
 * @rsvd:	reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_qos_clear_stats_cmd {};


 * struct ionic_fw_download_cmd - Firmware download command
 * @opcode:	opcode
 * @rsvd:	reserved byte(s)
 * @addr:	dma address of the firmware buffer
 * @offset:	offset of the firmware buffer within the full image
 * @length:	number of valid bytes in the firmware buffer
struct ionic_fw_download_cmd {};


 * enum ionic_fw_control_oper - FW control operations
 * @IONIC_FW_RESET:		Reset firmware
 * @IONIC_FW_INSTALL:		Install firmware
 * @IONIC_FW_ACTIVATE:		Activate firmware
 * @IONIC_FW_INSTALL_ASYNC:	Install firmware asynchronously
 * @IONIC_FW_INSTALL_STATUS:	Firmware installation status
 * @IONIC_FW_ACTIVATE_ASYNC:	Activate firmware asynchronously
 * @IONIC_FW_ACTIVATE_STATUS:	Firmware activate status
 * @IONIC_FW_UPDATE_CLEANUP:	Clean up after an interrupted fw update
enum ionic_fw_control_oper {};

 * struct ionic_fw_control_cmd - Firmware control command
 * @opcode:    opcode
 * @rsvd:      reserved byte(s)
 * @oper:      firmware control operation (enum ionic_fw_control_oper)
 * @slot:      slot to activate
 * @rsvd1:     reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_fw_control_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_fw_control_comp - Firmware control copletion
 * @status:     Status of the command (enum ionic_status_code)
 * @rsvd:       reserved byte(s)
 * @comp_index: Index in the descriptor ring for which this is the completion
 * @slot:       Slot where the firmware was installed
 * @rsvd1:      reserved byte(s)
 * @color:      Color bit
struct ionic_fw_control_comp {};

 ******************* RDMA Commands ********************************

 * struct ionic_rdma_reset_cmd - Reset RDMA LIF cmd
 * @opcode:        opcode
 * @rsvd:          reserved byte(s)
 * @lif_index:     LIF index
 * @rsvd2:         reserved byte(s)
 * There is no RDMA specific dev command completion struct.  Completion uses
 * the common struct ionic_admin_comp.  Only the status is indicated.
 * Nonzero status means the LIF does not support RDMA.
struct ionic_rdma_reset_cmd {};

 * struct ionic_rdma_queue_cmd - Create RDMA Queue command
 * @opcode:        opcode, 52, 53
 * @rsvd:          reserved byte(s)
 * @lif_index:     LIF index
 * @qid_ver:       (qid | (RDMA version << 24))
 * @cid:           intr, eq_id, or cq_id
 * @dbid:          doorbell page id
 * @depth_log2:    log base two of queue depth
 * @stride_log2:   log base two of queue stride
 * @dma_addr:      address of the queue memory
 * @rsvd2:         reserved byte(s)
 * The same command struct is used to create an RDMA event queue, completion
 * queue, or RDMA admin queue.  The cid is an interrupt number for an event
 * queue, an event queue id for a completion queue, or a completion queue id
 * for an RDMA admin queue.
 * The queue created via a dev command must be contiguous in dma space.
 * The dev commands are intended only to be used during driver initialization,
 * to create queues supporting the RDMA admin queue.  Other queues, and other
 * types of RDMA resources like memory regions, will be created and registered
 * via the RDMA admin queue, and will support a more complete interface
 * providing scatter gather lists for larger, scattered queue buffers and
 * memory registration.
 * There is no RDMA specific dev command completion struct.  Completion uses
 * the common struct ionic_admin_comp.  Only the status is indicated.
struct ionic_rdma_queue_cmd {};

 ******************* Notify Events ********************************

 * struct ionic_notifyq_event - Generic event reporting structure
 * @eid:   event number
 * @ecode: event code
 * @data:  unspecified data about the event
 * This is the generic event report struct from which the other
 * actual events will be formed.
struct ionic_notifyq_event {};

 * struct ionic_link_change_event - Link change event notification
 * @eid:		event number
 * @ecode:		event code = IONIC_EVENT_LINK_CHANGE
 * @link_status:	link up/down, with error bits (enum ionic_port_status)
 * @link_speed:		speed of the network link
 * @rsvd:		reserved byte(s)
 * Sent when the network link state changes between UP and DOWN
struct ionic_link_change_event {};

 * struct ionic_reset_event - Reset event notification
 * @eid:		event number
 * @ecode:		event code = IONIC_EVENT_RESET
 * @reset_code:		reset type
 * @state:		0=pending, 1=complete, 2=error
 * @rsvd:		reserved byte(s)
 * Sent when the NIC or some subsystem is going to be or
 * has been reset.
struct ionic_reset_event {};

 * struct ionic_heartbeat_event - Sent periodically by NIC to indicate health
 * @eid:	event number
 * @ecode:	event code = IONIC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT
 * @rsvd:	reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_heartbeat_event {};

 * struct ionic_log_event - Sent to notify the driver of an internal error
 * @eid:	event number
 * @ecode:	event code = IONIC_EVENT_LOG
 * @data:	log data
struct ionic_log_event {};

 * struct ionic_xcvr_event - Transceiver change event
 * @eid:	event number
 * @ecode:	event code = IONIC_EVENT_XCVR
 * @rsvd:	reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_xcvr_event {};

 * struct ionic_port_stats - Port statistics structure
struct ionic_port_stats {};

struct ionic_mgmt_port_stats {};

enum ionic_pb_buffer_drop_stats {};

enum ionic_oflow_drop_stats {};

/* struct ionic_port_pb_stats - packet buffers system stats
 * uses ionic_pb_buffer_drop_stats for drop_counts[]
struct ionic_port_pb_stats {};

 * struct ionic_port_identity - port identity structure
 * @version:        identity structure version
 * @type:           type of port (enum ionic_port_type)
 * @num_lanes:      number of lanes for the port
 * @autoneg:        autoneg supported
 * @min_frame_size: minimum frame size supported
 * @max_frame_size: maximum frame size supported
 * @fec_type:       supported fec types
 * @pause_type:     supported pause types
 * @loopback_mode:  supported loopback mode
 * @speeds:         supported speeds
 * @rsvd2:          reserved byte(s)
 * @config:         current port configuration
 * @words:          word access to struct contents

 * struct ionic_port_info - port info structure
 * @config:          Port configuration data
 * @status:          Port status data
 * @stats:           Port statistics data
 * @mgmt_stats:      Port management statistics data
 * @rsvd:            reserved byte(s)
 * @pb_stats:        uplink pb drop stats
struct ionic_port_info {};

 * struct ionic_lif_stats - LIF statistics structure
struct ionic_lif_stats {};

 * struct ionic_lif_info - LIF info structure
 * @config:	LIF configuration structure
 * @status:	LIF status structure
 * @stats:	LIF statistics structure
struct ionic_lif_info {};



 * struct ionic_hwstamp_regs - Hardware current timestamp registers
 * @tick_low:        Low 32 bits of hardware timestamp
 * @tick_high:       High 32 bits of hardware timestamp
struct ionic_hwstamp_regs {};

 * union ionic_dev_info_regs - Device info register format (read-only)
 * @signature:       Signature value of 0x44455649 ('DEVI')
 * @version:         Current version of info
 * @asic_type:       Asic type
 * @asic_rev:        Asic revision
 * @fw_status:       Firmware status
 *			bit 0   - 1 = fw running
 *			bit 4-7 - 4 bit generation number, changes on fw restart
 * @fw_heartbeat:    Firmware heartbeat counter
 * @serial_num:      Serial number
 * @rsvd_pad1024:    reserved byte(s)
 * @fw_version:      Firmware version
 * @hwstamp:         Hardware current timestamp registers
 * @words:           word access to struct contents

 * union ionic_dev_cmd_regs - Device command register format (read-write)
 * @doorbell:        Device Cmd Doorbell, write-only
 *                   Write a 1 to signal device to process cmd,
 *                   poll done for completion.
 * @done:            Done indicator, bit 0 == 1 when command is complete
 * @cmd:             Opcode-specific command bytes
 * @comp:            Opcode-specific response bytes
 * @rsvd:            reserved byte(s)
 * @data:            Opcode-specific side-data
 * @words:           word access to struct contents

 * union ionic_dev_regs - Device register format for bar 0 page 0
 * @info:            Device info registers
 * @devcmd:          Device command registers
 * @words:           word access to struct contents







 * struct ionic_doorbell - Doorbell register layout
 * @p_index: Producer index
 * @ring:    Selects the specific ring of the queue to update
 *           Type-specific meaning:
 *              ring=0: Default producer/consumer queue
 *              ring=1: (CQ, EQ) Re-Arm queue.  RDMA CQs
 *              send events to EQs when armed.  EQs send
 *              interrupts when armed.
 * @qid_lo:  Queue destination for the producer index and flags (low bits)
 * @qid_hi:  Queue destination for the producer index and flags (high bits)
 * @rsvd2:   reserved byte(s)
struct ionic_doorbell {};

struct ionic_intr_status {};

struct ionic_notifyq_cmd {};


/* Deprecate */
struct ionic_identity {};

#endif /* _IONIC_IF_H_ */