
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
#ifndef B43_TABLES_LPPHY_H_
#define B43_TABLES_LPPHY_H_

#define B43_LPTAB_8BIT
#define B43_LPTAB_16BIT
#define B43_LPTAB_32BIT
#define B43_LPTAB8(table, offset)
#define B43_LPTAB16(table, offset)
#define B43_LPTAB32(table, offset)

/* Table definitions */
#define B43_LPTAB_TXPWR_R0_1

u32 b43_lptab_read(struct b43_wldev *dev, u32 offset);
void b43_lptab_write(struct b43_wldev *dev, u32 offset, u32 value);

/* Bulk table access. Note that these functions return the bulk data in
 * host endianness! The returned data is _not_ a bytearray, but an array
 * consisting of nr_elements of the data type. */
void b43_lptab_read_bulk(struct b43_wldev *dev, u32 offset,
			 unsigned int nr_elements, void *data);
void b43_lptab_write_bulk(struct b43_wldev *dev, u32 offset,
			  unsigned int nr_elements, const void *data);

void b2062_upload_init_table(struct b43_wldev *dev);
void b2063_upload_init_table(struct b43_wldev *dev);

struct lpphy_tx_gain_table_entry {};

void lpphy_write_gain_table(struct b43_wldev *dev, int offset,
			    struct lpphy_tx_gain_table_entry data);
void lpphy_write_gain_table_bulk(struct b43_wldev *dev, int offset, int count,
				 struct lpphy_tx_gain_table_entry *table);

void lpphy_rev0_1_table_init(struct b43_wldev *dev);
void lpphy_rev2plus_table_init(struct b43_wldev *dev);
void lpphy_init_tx_gain_table(struct b43_wldev *dev);

#endif /* B43_TABLES_LPPHY_H_ */