
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
 *  TW5864 driver - registers description
 *  Copyright (C) 2016 Bluecherry, LLC <[email protected]>

/* According to TW5864_datasheet_0.6d.pdf, tw5864b1-ds.pdf */

/* Register Description - Direct Map Space */
/* 0x0000 ~ 0x1ffc - H264 Register Map */
/* [15:0] The Version register for H264 core (Read Only) */
#define TW5864_H264REV

#define TW5864_EMU
/* Define controls in register TW5864_EMU */
/* DDR controller enabled */
#define TW5864_EMU_EN_DDR
/* Enable bit for Inter module */
#define TW5864_EMU_EN_ME
/* Enable bit for Sensor Interface module */
#define TW5864_EMU_EN_SEN
/* Enable bit for Host Burst Access */
#define TW5864_EMU_EN_BHOST
/* Enable bit for Loop Filter module */
#define TW5864_EMU_EN_LPF
/* Enable bit for PLBK module */
#define TW5864_EMU_EN_PLBK
 * Video Frame mapping in DDR
 * 00 CIF
 * 01 D1
 * 10 Reserved
 * 11 Reserved
#define TW5864_DSP_FRAME_TYPE
#define TW5864_DSP_FRAME_TYPE_D1


#define TW5864_SLICE
/* Define controls in register TW5864_SLICE */
/* VLC Slice end flag */
#define TW5864_VLC_SLICE_END
/* Master Slice End Flag */
#define TW5864_MAS_SLICE_END
/* Host to start a new slice Address */
#define TW5864_START_NSLICE

 * [15:0] Two bit for each channel (channel 0 ~ 7). Each two bits are the buffer
 * pointer for the last encoded frame of the corresponding channel.
#define TW5864_ENC_BUF_PTR_REC1

/* [5:0] DSP_MB_QP and [15:10] DSP_LPF_OFFSET */
#define TW5864_DSP_QP
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP_QP */
/* [5:0] H264 QP Value for codec */
#define TW5864_DSP_MB_QP
 * [15:10] H264 LPF_OFFSET Address
 * (Default 0)
#define TW5864_DSP_LPF_OFFSET

#define TW5864_DSP_CODEC
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP_CODEC */
 * 0: Encode (TW5864 Default)
 * 1: Decode
#define TW5864_DSP_CODEC_MODE
 * 0->3 4 VLC data buffer in DDR (1M each)
 * 0->7 8 VLC data buffer in DDR (512k each)
#define TW5864_VLC_BUF_ID
 * 0 4CIF in 1 MB
 * 1 1CIF in 1 MB
#define TW5864_CIF_MAP_MD
 * 0 2 falf D1 in 1 MB
 * 1 1 half D1 in 1 MB
#define TW5864_HD1_MAP_MD
/* VLC Stream valid */
#define TW5864_VLC_VLD
/* MV Vector Valid */
#define TW5864_MV_VECT_VLD
/* MV Flag Valid */
#define TW5864_MV_FLAG_VLD

#define TW5864_DSP_SEN
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP_SEN */
/* Org Buffer Base for Luma (default 0) */
#define TW5864_DSP_SEN_PIC_LU
/* Org Buffer Base for Chroma (default 4) */
#define TW5864_DSP_SEN_PIC_CHM
/* Maximum Number of Buffers (default 4) */
#define TW5864_DSP_SEN_PIC_MAX
 * Original Frame D1 or HD1 switch
 * (Default 0)
#define TW5864_DSP_SEN_HFULL

#define TW5864_DSP_REF_PIC
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP_REF_PIC */
/* Ref Buffer Base for Luma (default 0) */
#define TW5864_DSP_REF_PIC_LU
/* Ref Buffer Base for Chroma (default 4) */
#define TW5864_DSP_REF_PIC_CHM
/* Maximum Number of Buffers (default 4) */
#define TW5864_DSP_REF_PIC_MAX

/* [15:0] SEN_EN_CH[n] SENIF original frame capture enable for each channel */
#define TW5864_SEN_EN_CH

#define TW5864_DSP
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP */
/* The ID for channel selected for encoding operation */
#define TW5864_DSP_ENC_CHN
/* See DSP_MB_DELAY below */
#define TW5864_DSP_MB_WAIT
 * DSP Chroma Switch
 * 0 DDRB
 * 1 DDRA
#define TW5864_DSP_CHROM_SW
/* VLC Flow Control: 1 for enable */
#define TW5864_DSP_FLW_CNTL
 * If DSP_MB_WAIT == 0, MB delay is DSP_MB_DELAY * 16
 * If DSP_MB_DELAY == 1, MB delay is DSP_MB_DELAY * 128
#define TW5864_DSP_MB_DELAY

#define TW5864_DDR
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DDR */
/* DDR Single Access Page Number */
#define TW5864_DDR_PAGE_CNTL
/* DDR-DPR Burst Read Enable */
#define TW5864_DDR_BRST_EN
 * DDR A/B Select as HOST access
 * 0 Select DDRA
 * 1 Select DDRB
#define TW5864_DDR_AB_SEL
 * DDR Access Mode Select
 * 0 Single R/W Access (Host <-> DDR)
 * 1 Burst R/W Access (Host <-> DPR)
#define TW5864_DDR_MODE

/* The original frame capture pointer. Two bits for each channel */
/* SENIF_ORG_FRM_PTR [15:0] */
#define TW5864_SENIF_ORG_FRM_PTR1
/* SENIF_ORG_FRM_PTR [31:16] */
#define TW5864_SENIF_ORG_FRM_PTR2

#define TW5864_DSP_SEN_MODE
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP_SEN_MODE */
#define TW5864_DSP_SEN_MODE_CH0
#define TW5864_DSP_SEN_MODE_CH1

 * [15:0]: ENC_BUF_PTR_REC[31:16] Two bit for each channel (channel 8 ~ 15).
 * Each two bits are the buffer pointer for the last encoded frame of a channel
#define TW5864_ENC_BUF_PTR_REC2

/* Current MV Flag Status Pointer for Channel n. (Read only) */
 * [1:0] CH0_MV_PTR, ..., [15:14] CH7_MV_PTR
#define TW5864_CH_MV_PTR1
 * [1:0] CH8_MV_PTR, ..., [15:14] CH15_MV_PTR
#define TW5864_CH_MV_PTR2

 * [15:0] Reset Current MV Flag Status Pointer for Channel n (one bit each)
#define TW5864_RST_MV_PTR
#define TW5864_INTERLACING
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INTERLACING */
 * Inter_Mode Start. 2-nd bit? A guess. Missing in datasheet. Without this bit
 * set, the output video is interlaced (stripy).
#define TW5864_DSP_INTER_ST
/* Deinterlacer Enable */
#define TW5864_DI_EN
 * De-interlacer Mode
 * 1 Shuffled frame
 * 0 Normal Un-Shuffled Frame
#define TW5864_DI_MD
 * Down scale original frame in X direction
 * 11: Un-used
 * 10: down-sample to 1/4
 * 01: down-sample to 1/2
 * 00: down-sample disabled
#define TW5864_DSP_DWN_X
 * Down scale original frame in Y direction
 * 11: Un-used
 * 10: down-sample to 1/4
 * 01: down-sample to 1/2
 * 00: down-sample disabled
#define TW5864_DSP_DWN_Y
 * 1 Dual Stream
 * 0 Single Stream
#define TW5864_DUAL_STR

#define TW5864_DSP_REF
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP_REF */
/* Number of reference frame (Default 1 for TW5864B) */
#define TW5864_DSP_REF_FRM
/* Window size */
#define TW5864_DSP_WIN_SIZE

#define TW5864_DSP_SKIP
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP_SKIP */
 * Skip Offset Enable bit
 * 0 DSP_SKIP_OFFSET value is not used (default 8)
 * 1 DSP_SKIP_OFFSET value is used in HW
#define TW5864_DSP_SKIP_OFEN
/* Skip mode cost offset (default 8) */
#define TW5864_DSP_SKIP_OFFSET

/* Define controls in register TW5864_MOTION_SEARCH_ETC */
/* Enable quarter pel search mode */
#define TW5864_QPEL_EN
/* Enable half pel search mode */
#define TW5864_HPEL_EN
/* Enable motion search mode */
#define TW5864_ME_EN
/* Enable Intra mode */
#define TW5864_INTRA_EN
/* Enable Skip Mode */
#define TW5864_SKIP_EN
/* Search Option (Default 2"b01) */
#define TW5864_SRCH_OPT

#define TW5864_DSP_ENC_REC
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP_ENC_REC */
/* Reference Buffer Pointer for encoding */
#define TW5864_DSP_ENC_REF_PTR
/* Reconstruct Buffer pointer */
#define TW5864_DSP_REC_BUF_PTR

/* [15:0] Lambda Value for H264 */

#define TW5864_DSP_PIC_MAX_MB
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DSP_PIC_MAX_MB */
/* The MB number in Y direction for a frame */
#define TW5864_DSP_PIC_MAX_MB_Y
/* The MB number in X direction for a frame */
#define TW5864_DSP_PIC_MAX_MB_X

/* The original frame pointer for encoding */
#define TW5864_DSP_ENC_ORG_PTR_REG
/* Mask to use with TW5864_DSP_ENC_ORG_PTR */
/* Number of bits to shift with TW5864_DSP_ENC_ORG_PTR */

/* DDR base address of OSD rectangle attribute data */
/* OSD enable bit for each channel */
#define TW5864_DSP_OSD_ENABLE

/* 0x0280 ~ 0x029c - Motion Vector for 1st 4x4 Block, e.g., 80 (X), 84 (Y) */
#define TW5864_ME_MV_VEC1
/* 0x02a0 ~ 0x02bc - Motion Vector for 2nd 4x4 Block, e.g., A0 (X), A4 (Y) */
#define TW5864_ME_MV_VEC2
/* 0x02c0 ~ 0x02dc - Motion Vector for 3rd 4x4 Block, e.g., C0 (X), C4 (Y) */
#define TW5864_ME_MV_VEC3
/* 0x02e0 ~ 0x02fc - Motion Vector for 4th 4x4 Block, e.g., E0 (X), E4 (Y) */
#define TW5864_ME_MV_VEC4

 * [5:0]
 * if (intra16x16_cost < (intra4x4_cost+dsp_i4x4_offset))
 * Intra_mode = intra16x16_mode
 * Else
 * Intra_mode = intra4x4_mode
#define TW5864_DSP_I4x4_OFFSET

 * [6:4]
 * 0x5 Only 4x4
 * 0x6 Only 16x16
 * 0x7 16x16 & 4x4
#define TW5864_DSP_INTRA_MODE
#define TW5864_DSP_INTRA_MODE_4x4
#define TW5864_DSP_INTRA_MODE_16x16
#define TW5864_DSP_INTRA_MODE_4x4_AND_16x16
 * [5:0] WEIGHT Factor for I4x4 cost calculation (QP dependent)
#define TW5864_DSP_I4x4_WEIGHT

 * [7:0] Offset used to affect Intra/ME model decision
 * If (me_cost < intra_cost + dsp_resid_mode_offset)
 * Pred_Mode = me_mode
 * Else
 * Pred_mode = intra_mode

/* 0x0800 ~ 0x09ff - Quantization TABLE Values */
#define TW5864_QUAN_TAB

/* Valid channel value [0; f], frame value [0; 3] */
#define TW5864_RT_CNTR_CH_FRM(channel, frame)

#define TW5864_FRAME_BUS1
 * 1 Progressive in part A in bus n
 * 0 Interlaced in part A in bus n
#define TW5864_PROG_A
 * 1 Progressive in part B in bus n
 * 0 Interlaced in part B in bus n
#define TW5864_PROG_B
 * 1 Frame Mode in bus n
 * 0 Field Mode in bus n
#define TW5864_FRAME
 * 0 4CIF in bus n
 * 1 1D1 + 4 CIF in bus n
 * 2 2D1 in bus n
#define TW5864_BUS_D1
/* Bus 1 goes in TW5864_FRAME_BUS1 in [4:0] */
/* Bus 2 goes in TW5864_FRAME_BUS1 in [12:8] */
#define TW5864_FRAME_BUS2
/* Bus 3 goes in TW5864_FRAME_BUS2 in [4:0] */
/* Bus 4 goes in TW5864_FRAME_BUS2 in [12:8] */

/* [15:0] Horizontal Mirror for channel n */
#define TW5864_SENIF_HOR_MIR
/* [15:0] Vertical Mirror for channel n */
#define TW5864_SENIF_VER_MIR

 * 0x15f: 4 CIF
 * 0x2cf: 1 D1 + 3 CIF
 * 0x2cf: 2 D1
 * 0x15f: 4 CIF
 * 0x2cf: 1 D1 + 3 CIF
 * 0x2cf: 2 D1
 * 0x11f: 4CIF (PAL)
 * 0x23f: 1D1 + 3CIF (PAL)
 * 0x23f: 2 D1 (PAL)
 * 0x0ef: 4CIF (NTSC)
 * 0x1df: 1D1 + 3CIF (NTSC)
 * 0x1df: 2 D1 (NTSC)
 * 0x11f: 4CIF (PAL)
 * 0x23f: 1D1 + 3CIF (PAL)
 * 0x23f: 2 D1 (PAL)
 * 0x0ef: 4CIF (NTSC)
 * 0x1df: 1D1 + 3CIF (NTSC)
 * 0x1df: 2 D1 (NTSC)
#define TW5864_FRAME_WIDTH_BUS_A(bus)
#define TW5864_FRAME_WIDTH_BUS_B(bus)
#define TW5864_FRAME_HEIGHT_BUS_A(bus)
#define TW5864_FRAME_HEIGHT_BUS_B(bus)

 * 1: the bus mapped Channel n Full D1
 * 0: the bus mapped Channel n Half D1
#define TW5864_FULL_HALF_FLAG

 * 0 The bus mapped Channel select partA Mode
 * 1 The bus mapped Channel select partB Mode

#define TW5864_VLC
/* Define controls in register TW5864_VLC */
/* QP Value used by H264 CAVLC */
#define TW5864_VLC_SLICE_QP
 * Swap byte order of VLC stream in d-word.
 * 1 Normal (VLC output= [31:0])
 * 0 Swap (VLC output={[23:16],[31:24],[7:0], [15:8]})
#define TW5864_VLC_BYTE_SWP
/* Enable Adding 03 circuit for VLC stream */
#define TW5864_VLC_ADD03_EN
/* Number of bit for VLC bit Align */
 * Synchronous Interface select for VLC Stream
 * 1 CDC_VLCS_MAS read VLC stream
 * 0 CPU read VLC stream
#define TW5864_VLC_INF_SEL
/* Enable VLC overflow control */
#define TW5864_VLC_OVFL_CNTL
 * 1 PCI Master Mode
 * 0 Non PCI Master Mode
#define TW5864_VLC_PCI_SEL
 * 0 Enable Adding 03 to VLC header and stream
 * 1 Disable Adding 03 to VLC header of "00000001"
#define TW5864_VLC_A03_DISAB
 * Status of VLC stream in DDR (one bit for each buffer)
 * 1 VLC is ready in buffer n (HW set)
 * 0 VLC is not ready in buffer n (SW clear)
#define TW5864_VLC_BUF_RDY_SHIFT
#define TW5864_VLC_BUF_RDY_MASK

/* Total number of bit in the slice */
#define TW5864_SLICE_TOTAL_BIT
/* Total number of bit in the residue */
#define TW5864_RES_TOTAL_BIT

#define TW5864_VLC_BUF
/* Define controls in register TW5864_VLC_BUF */
/* VLC BK0 full status, write '1' to clear */
#define TW5864_VLC_BK0_FULL
/* VLC BK1 full status, write '1' to clear */
#define TW5864_VLC_BK1_FULL
/* VLC end slice status, write '1' to clear */
#define TW5864_VLC_END_SLICE
/* VLC Buffer overflow status, write '1' to clear */
#define TW5864_DSP_RD_OF
/* VLC string length in either buffer 0 or 1 at end of frame */

/* [15:0] Total coefficient number in a frame */
#define TW5864_TOTAL_COEF_NO
/* [0] VLC Encoder Interrupt. Write '1' to clear */
#define TW5864_VLC_DSP_INTR
/* [31:0] VLC stream CRC checksum */
#define TW5864_VLC_STREAM_CRC

#define TW5864_VLC_RD
/* Define controls in register TW5864_VLC_RD */
 * 1 Read VLC lookup Memory
 * 0 Read VLC Stream Memory
#define TW5864_VLC_RD_MEM
 * 1 Read VLC Stream Memory in burst mode
 * 0 Read VLC Stream Memory in single mode
#define TW5864_VLC_RD_BRST

/* 0x2000 ~ 0x2ffc - H264 Stream Memory Map */
 * A word is 4 bytes. I.e.,
 * VLC_STREAM_MEM[0] address: 0x2000
 * VLC_STREAM_MEM[1] address: 0x2004
 * ...
 * VLC_STREAM_MEM[3FF] address: 0x2ffc
#define TW5864_VLC_STREAM_MEM(offset)

/* 0x4000 ~ 0x4ffc - Audio Register Map */
/* [31:0] config 1ms cnt = Realtime clk/1000 */
#define TW5864_CFG_1MS_CNT

#define TW5864_ADPCM
/* Define controls in register TW5864_ADPCM */
/* ADPCM decoder enable */
#define TW5864_ADPCM_DEC
/* ADPCM input data enable */
#define TW5864_ADPCM_IN_DATA
/* ADPCM encoder enable */
#define TW5864_ADPCM_ENC

#define TW5864_AUD
/* Define controls in register TW5864_AUD */
/* Record path PCM Audio enable bit for each channel */
#define TW5864_AUD_ORG_CH_EN
/* Speaker path PCM Audio Enable */
#define TW5864_SPK_ORG_EN
 * 0 16bit
 * 1 8bit
#define TW5864_AD_BIT_MODE
#define TW5864_AUD_TYPE_SHIFT
 * 0 PCM
 * 3 ADPCM
#define TW5864_AUD_TYPE
 * 0 8K
 * 1 16K
#define TW5864_AUD_SAMPLE_RATE
/* Channel ID used to select audio channel (0 to 16) for loopback */
#define TW5864_TESTLOOP_CHID
/* Enable AD Loopback Test */
#define TW5864_TEST_ADLOOP_EN
 * 0 Asynchronous Mode or PCI target mode
 * 1 PCI Initiator Mode
#define TW5864_AUD_MODE

#define TW5864_AUD_ADPCM
/* Define controls in register TW5864_AUD_ADPCM */
/* Record path ADPCM audio channel enable, one bit for each */
#define TW5864_AUD_ADPCM_CH_EN
/* Speaker path ADPCM audio channel enable */
#define TW5864_SPK_ADPCM_EN


 * For ADPCM_ENC_WR_PTR, ADPCM_ENC_RD_PTR (see below):
 * Bit[2:0] ch0
 * Bit[5:3] ch1
 * Bit[8:6] ch2
 * Bit[11:9] ch3
 * Bit[14:12] ch4
 * Bit[17:15] ch5
 * Bit[20:18] ch6
 * Bit[23:21] ch7
 * Bit[26:24] ch8
 * Bit[29:27] ch9
 * Bit[32:30] ch10
 * Bit[35:33] ch11
 * Bit[38:36] ch12
 * Bit[41:39] ch13
 * Bit[44:42] ch14
 * Bit[47:45] ch15
 * Bit[50:48] ch16
#define TW5864_ADPCM_ENC_XX_MASK
/* ADPCM_ENC_WR_PTR[29:0] */
#define TW5864_ADPCM_ENC_WR_PTR1
/* ADPCM_ENC_WR_PTR[50:30] */
#define TW5864_ADPCM_ENC_WR_PTR2

/* ADPCM_ENC_RD_PTR[29:0] */
#define TW5864_ADPCM_ENC_RD_PTR1
/* ADPCM_ENC_RD_PTR[50:30] */
#define TW5864_ADPCM_ENC_RD_PTR2

/* [3:0] rd ch0, [7:4] rd ch1, [11:8] wr ch0, [15:12] wr ch1 */
#define TW5864_ADPCM_DEC_RD_WR_PTR

 * Bit[3:0] ch0
 * Bit[7:4] ch1
 * Bit[11:8] ch2
 * Bit[15:12] ch3
 * Bit[19:16] ch4
 * Bit[23:20] ch5
 * Bit[27:24] ch6
 * Bit[31:28] ch7
 * Bit[35:32] ch8
 * Bit[39:36] ch9
 * Bit[43:40] ch10
 * Bit[47:44] ch11
 * Bit[51:48] ch12
 * Bit[55:52] ch13
 * Bit[59:56] ch14
 * Bit[63:60] ch15
 * Bit[67:64] ch16
/* AD_ORIG_WR_PTR[31:0] */
#define TW5864_AD_ORIG_WR_PTR1
/* AD_ORIG_WR_PTR[63:32] */
#define TW5864_AD_ORIG_WR_PTR2
/* AD_ORIG_WR_PTR[67:64] */
#define TW5864_AD_ORIG_WR_PTR3

/* AD_ORIG_RD_PTR[31:0] */
#define TW5864_AD_ORIG_RD_PTR1
/* AD_ORIG_RD_PTR[63:32] */
#define TW5864_AD_ORIG_RD_PTR2
/* AD_ORIG_RD_PTR[67:64] */
#define TW5864_AD_ORIG_RD_PTR3

#define TW5864_PC_BLOCK_ORIG_RD_NO

#define TW5864_PCI_AUD
/* Define controls in register TW5864_PCI_AUD */
 * The register is applicable to PCI initiator mode only. Used to select PCM(0)
 * or ADPCM(1) audio data sent to PC. One bit for each channel
#define TW5864_PCI_DATA_SEL
 * Audio flow control mode selection bit.
 * 0 Flow control disabled. TW5864 continuously sends audio frame to PC
 * (initiator mode)
 * 1 Flow control enabled
#define TW5864_PCI_FLOW_EN
 * When PCI_FLOW_EN is set, PCI need to toggle this bit to send an audio frame
 * to PC. One toggle to send one frame.
#define TW5864_PCI_AUD_FRM_EN

/* [1:0] CS valid to data valid CLK cycles when writing operation */
#define TW5864_CS2DAT_CNT
/* [2:0] Data valid signal width by system clock cycles */
#define TW5864_DATA_VLD_WIDTH

#define TW5864_SYNC
/* Define controls in register TW5864_SYNC */
 * 0 vlc stream to synchronous port
 * 1 vlc stream to ddr buffers
#define TW5864_SYNC_CFG
 * 0 SYNC Address sampled on Rising edge
 * 1 SYNC Address sampled on Falling edge
#define TW5864_SYNC_ADR_EDGE
 * 0 No system delay
 * 1 One system clock delay
 * 2 Two system clock delay
 * 3 Three system clock delay
#define TW5864_VLC_STR_DELAY
 * 0 Rising edge output
 * 1 Falling edge output
#define TW5864_VLC_OUT_EDGE

 * [1:0]
 * 2'b00 phase set to 180 degree
 * 2'b01 phase set to 270 degree
 * 2'b10 phase set to 0 degree
 * 2'b11 phase set to 90 degree
#define TW5864_I2C_PHASE_CFG

 * The system / DDR clock (166 MHz) is generated with an on-chip system clock
 * PLL (SYSPLL) using input crystal clock of 27 MHz. The system clock PLL
 * frequency is controlled with the following equation.
 * CLK_OUT = CLK_IN * (M+1) / ((N+1) * P)
 * SYSPLL_M M parameter
 * SYSPLL_N N parameter
 * SYSPLL_P P parameter
/* SYSPLL_M[7:0] */
#define TW5864_SYSPLL1
/* Define controls in register TW5864_SYSPLL1 */
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_M_LOW

/* [2:0]: SYSPLL_M[10:8], [7:3]: SYSPLL_N[4:0] */
#define TW5864_SYSPLL2
/* Define controls in register TW5864_SYSPLL2 */
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_M_HI
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_N_LOW

 * [1:0]: SYSPLL_N[6:5], [3:2]: SYSPLL_P, [4]: SYSPLL_IREF, [7:5]: SYSPLL_CP_SEL
#define TW5864_SYSPLL3
/* Define controls in register TW5864_SYSPLL3 */
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_N_HI
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_P_SHIFT
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_P
 * SYSPLL bias current control
 * 0 Lower current (default)
 * 1 30% higher current
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_IREF
 * SYSPLL charge pump current selection
 * 0 1,5 uA
 * 1 4 uA
 * 2 9 uA
 * 3 19 uA
 * 4 39 uA
 * 5 79 uA
 * 6 159 uA
 * 7 319 uA
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_CP_SEL

 * [1:0]: SYSPLL_VCO, [3:2]: SYSPLL_LP_X8, [5:4]: SYSPLL_ICP_SEL,
#define TW5864_SYSPLL4
/* Define controls in register TW5864_SYSPLL4 */
 * SYSPLL_VCO VCO Range selection
 * 00 5 ~ 75 MHz
 * 01 50 ~ 140 MHz
 * 10 110 ~ 320 MHz
 * 11 270 ~ 700 MHz
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_VCO
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_LP_X8_SHIFT
 * Loop resister
 * 0 38.5K ohms
 * 1 6.6K ohms (default)
 * 2 2.2K ohms
 * 3 1.1K ohms
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_LP_X8
 * PLL charge pump fine tune
 * 00 x1 (default)
 * 01 x1/2
 * 10 x1/7
 * 11 x1/8
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_ICP_SEL
 * PLL low pass filter phase margin adjustment
 * 0 no 5pF (default)
 * 1 5pF added
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_LPF_5PF
 * PFD select edge for detection
 * 0 Falling edge (default)
 * 1 Rising edge
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_ED_SEL

/* [0]: SYSPLL_RST, [4]: SYSPLL_PD */
#define TW5864_SYSPLL5
/* Define controls in register TW5864_SYSPLL5 */
/* Reset SYSPLL */
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_RST
/* Power down SYSPLL */
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_PD

#define TW5864_PLL_CFG
/* Define controls in register TW5864_PLL_CFG */
 * Issue Soft Reset from Async Host Interface / PCI Interface clock domain.
 * Become valid after sync to the xtal clock domain. This bit is set only if
 * LOAD register bit is also set to 1.
#define TW5864_SRST
 * Issue SYSPLL (166 MHz) configuration latch from Async host interface / PCI
 * Interface clock domain. The configuration setting becomes effective only if
 * LOAD register bit is also set to 1.
#define TW5864_SYSPLL_CFG
 * Issue SPLL (108 MHz) configuration load from Async host interface / PCI
 * Interface clock domain. The configuration setting becomes effective only if
 * the LOAD register bit is also set to 1.
#define TW5864_SPLL_CFG
 * Set this bit to latch the SRST, SYSPLL_CFG, SPLL_CFG setting into the xtal
 * clock domain to restart the PLL. This bit is self cleared.
#define TW5864_LOAD

#define TW5864_SPLL

/* 0x8800 ~ 0x88fc - Interrupt Register Map */
 * Trigger mode of interrupt source 0 ~ 15
 * 1 Edge trigger mode
 * 0 Level trigger mode
#define TW5864_TRIGGER_MODE_L
/* Trigger mode of interrupt source 16 ~ 31 */
#define TW5864_TRIGGER_MODE_H
/* Enable of interrupt source 0 ~ 15 */
#define TW5864_INTR_ENABLE_L
/* Enable of interrupt source 16 ~ 31 */
#define TW5864_INTR_ENABLE_H
/* Clear interrupt command of interrupt source 0 ~ 15 */
#define TW5864_INTR_CLR_L
/* Clear interrupt command of interrupt source 16 ~ 31 */
#define TW5864_INTR_CLR_H
 * Assertion of interrupt source 0 ~ 15
 * 1 High level or pos-edge is assertion
 * 0 Low level or neg-edge is assertion
#define TW5864_INTR_ASSERT_L
/* Assertion of interrupt source 16 ~ 31 */
#define TW5864_INTR_ASSERT_H
 * Output level of interrupt
 * 1 Interrupt output is high assertion
 * 0 Interrupt output is low assertion
#define TW5864_INTR_OUT_LEVEL
 * Status of interrupt source 0 ~ 15
 * Bit[0]: VLC 4k RAM interrupt
 * Bit[1]: BURST DDR RAM interrupt
 * Bit[2]: MV DSP interrupt
 * Bit[3]: video lost interrupt
 * Bit[4]: gpio 0 interrupt
 * Bit[5]: gpio 1 interrupt
 * Bit[6]: gpio 2 interrupt
 * Bit[7]: gpio 3 interrupt
 * Bit[8]: gpio 4 interrupt
 * Bit[9]: gpio 5 interrupt
 * Bit[10]: gpio 6 interrupt
 * Bit[11]: gpio 7 interrupt
 * Bit[12]: JPEG interrupt
 * Bit[13:15]: Reserved
#define TW5864_INTR_STATUS_L
 * Status of interrupt source 16 ~ 31
 * Bit[0]: Reserved
 * Bit[1]: VLC done interrupt
 * Bit[2]: Reserved
 * Bit[3]: AD Vsync interrupt
 * Bit[4]: Preview eof interrupt
 * Bit[5]: Preview overflow interrupt
 * Bit[6]: Timer interrupt
 * Bit[7]: Reserved
 * Bit[8]: Audio eof interrupt
 * Bit[9]: I2C done interrupt
 * Bit[10]: AD interrupt
 * Bit[11:15]: Reserved
#define TW5864_INTR_STATUS_H

/* Defines of interrupt bits, united for both low and high word registers */
#define TW5864_INTR_VLC_RAM
#define TW5864_INTR_BURST
#define TW5864_INTR_MV_DSP
#define TW5864_INTR_VIN_LOST
/* n belongs to [0; 7] */
#define TW5864_INTR_GPIO(n)
#define TW5864_INTR_JPEG
#define TW5864_INTR_VLC_DONE
#define TW5864_INTR_AD_VSYNC
#define TW5864_INTR_PV_EOF
#define TW5864_INTR_TIMER
#define TW5864_INTR_AUD_EOF
#define TW5864_INTR_I2C_DONE
#define TW5864_INTR_AD

/* 0x9000 ~ 0x920c - Video Capture (VIF) Register Map */
 * H264EN_CH_STATUS[n] Status of Vsync synchronized H264EN_CH_EN (Read Only)
 * 1 Channel Enabled
 * 0 Channel Disabled
#define TW5864_H264EN_CH_STATUS
 * [15:0] H264EN_CH_EN[n] H264 Encoding Path Enable for channel
 * 1 Channel Enabled
 * 0 Channel Disabled
#define TW5864_H264EN_CH_EN
 * H264EN_CH_DNS[n] H264 Encoding Path Downscale Video Decoder Input for
 * channel n
 * 1 Downscale Y to 1/2
 * 0 Does not downscale
#define TW5864_H264EN_CH_DNS
 * H264EN_CH_PROG[n] H264 Encoding Path channel n is progressive
 * 1 Progressive (Not valid for TW5864)
 * 0 Interlaced (TW5864 default)
#define TW5864_H264EN_CH_PROG
 * [3:0] H264EN_BUS_MAX_CH[n]
 * H264 Encoding Path maximum number of channel on BUS n
 * 0 Max 4 channels
 * 1 Max 2 channels
#define TW5864_H264EN_BUS_MAX_CH

 * H264EN_RATE_MAX_LINE_n H264 Encoding path Rate Mapping Maximum Line Number
 * on Bus n
#define TW5864_H264EN_RATE_MAX_LINE_EVEN
#define TW5864_H264EN_RATE_MAX_LINE_ODD
 * [4:0] H264EN_RATE_MAX_LINE_0
 * [9:5] H264EN_RATE_MAX_LINE_1
#define TW5864_H264EN_RATE_MAX_LINE_REG1
 * [4:0] H264EN_RATE_MAX_LINE_2
 * [9:5] H264EN_RATE_MAX_LINE_3
#define TW5864_H264EN_RATE_MAX_LINE_REG2

 * H264EN_CHn_FMT H264 Encoding Path Format configuration of Channel n
 * 00 D1 (For D1 and hD1 frame)
 * 01 (Reserved)
 * 10 (Reserved)
 * 11 D1 with 1/2 size in X (for CIF frame)
 * Note: To be used with 0x9008 register to configure the frame size
 * [1:0]: H264EN_CH0_FMT,
 * ..., [15:14]: H264EN_CH7_FMT
#define TW5864_H264EN_CH_FMT_REG1
 * [1:0]: H264EN_CH8_FMT (?),
 * ..., [15:14]: H264EN_CH15_FMT (?)
#define TW5864_H264EN_CH_FMT_REG2

 * H264EN_RATE_CNTL_BUSm_CHn H264 Encoding Path BUS m Rate Control for Channel n
#define TW5864_H264EN_RATE_CNTL_LO_WORD(bus, channel)
#define TW5864_H264EN_RATE_CNTL_HI_WORD(bus, channel)

 * H264EN_BUSm_MAP_CHn The 16-to-1 MUX configuration register for each encoding
 * channel (total of 16 channels). Four bits for each channel.
#define TW5864_H264EN_BUS0_MAP
#define TW5864_H264EN_BUS1_MAP
#define TW5864_H264EN_BUS2_MAP
#define TW5864_H264EN_BUS3_MAP

/* This register is not defined in datasheet, but used in reference driver */
#define TW5864_UNDECLARED_ERROR_FLAGS_0x9218

#define TW5864_GPIO1
#define TW5864_GPIO2
/* Define controls in registers TW5864_GPIO1, TW5864_GPIO2 */
/* GPIO DATA of Group n */
#define TW5864_GPIO_DATA
#define TW5864_GPIO_OEN_SHIFT
/* GPIO Output Enable of Group n */
#define TW5864_GPIO_OEN

/* 0xa000 ~ 0xa8ff - DDR Controller Register Map */
/* DDR Controller A */
 * [2:0] Data valid counter after read command to DDR. This is the delay value
 * to show how many cycles the data will be back from DDR after we issue a read
 * command.
#define TW5864_RD_ACK_VLD_MUX

#define TW5864_DDR_PERIODS
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DDR_PERIODS */
 * Tras value, the minimum cycle of active to precharge command period,
 * default is 7
#define TW5864_TRAS_CNT_MAX
 * Trfc value, the minimum cycle of refresh to active or refresh command period,
 * default is 4"hf
#define TW5864_RFC_CNT_MAX_SHIFT
#define TW5864_RFC_CNT_MAX
 * Trcd value, the minimum cycle of active to internal read/write command
 * period, default is 4"h2
#define TW5864_TCD_CNT_MAX_SHIFT
#define TW5864_TCD_CNT_MAX
/* Twr value, write recovery time, default is 4"h3 */
#define TW5864_TWR_CNT_MAX_SHIFT
#define TW5864_TWR_CNT_MAX

 * [2:0] CAS latency, the delay cycle between internal read command and the
 * availability of the first bit of output data, default is 3
#define TW5864_CAS_LATENCY
 * [15:0] Maximum average periodic refresh, the value is based on the current
 * frequency to match 7.8mcs
#define TW5864_DDR_REF_CNTR_MAX
 * DDR_ON_CHIP_MAP [1:0]
 * 0 256M DDR on board
 * 1 512M DDR on board
 * 2 1G DDR on board
 * 0 Only one DDR chip
 * 1 Two DDR chips
#define TW5864_DDR_ON_CHIP_MAP
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DDR_SELFTEST_MODE */
 * 0 Common read/write mode
 * 1 DDR self-test mode
#define TW5864_MASTER_MODE
 * 0 DDR self-test single read/write
 * 1 DDR self-test burst read/write
#define TW5864_SINGLE_PROC
 * 0 DDR self-test write command
 * 1 DDR self-test read command
#define TW5864_WRITE_FLAG
#define TW5864_DATA_MODE_SHIFT
 * 0 write 32'haaaa5555 to DDR
 * 1 write 32'hffffffff to DDR
 * 2 write 32'hha5a55a5a to DDR
 * 3 write increasing data to DDR
#define TW5864_DATA_MODE

/* [7:0] The maximum data of one burst in DDR self-test mode */
#define TW5864_BURST_CNTR_MAX
/* [15:0] The maximum burst counter (bit 15~0) in DDR self-test mode */
#define TW5864_DDR_PROC_CNTR_MAX_L
/* The maximum burst counter (bit 31~16) in DDR self-test mode */
#define TW5864_DDR_PROC_CNTR_MAX_H
/* [0]: Start one DDR self-test */
#define TW5864_DDR_SELF_TEST_CMD
/* The maximum error counter (bit 15 ~ 0) in DDR self-test */
#define TW5864_ERR_CNTR_L

#define TW5864_ERR_CNTR_H_AND_FLAG
/* Define controls in register TW5864_ERR_CNTR_H_AND_FLAG */
/* The maximum error counter (bit 30 ~ 16) in DDR self-test */
#define TW5864_ERR_CNTR_H_MASK
/* DDR self-test end flag */
#define TW5864_END_FLAG

 * DDR Controller B: same as 0xa000 ~ 0xa038, but add TW5864_DDR_B_OFFSET to all
 * addresses
#define TW5864_DDR_B_OFFSET

/* 0xb004 ~ 0xb018 - HW version/ARB12 Register Map */
/* [15:0] Default is C013 */
#define TW5864_HW_VERSION

#define TW5864_REQS_ENABLE
/* Define controls in register TW5864_REQS_ENABLE */
/* Audio data in to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_AUD_DATA_IN_ENB
/* Audio encode request to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_AUD_ENC_REQ_ENB
/* Audio decode request0 to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_AUD_DEC_REQ0_ENB
/* Audio decode request1 to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_AUD_DEC_REQ1_ENB
/* VLC stream request to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_VLC_STRM_REQ_ENB
/* H264 MV request to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_DVM_MV_REQ_ENB
/* mux_core MVD request to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_MVD_REQ_ENB
/* mux_core MVD temp data request to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_MVD_TMP_REQ_ENB
/* JPEG request to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_JPEG_REQ_ENB
/* mv_flag request to DDR enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_MV_FLAG_REQ_ENB

#define TW5864_ARB12
/* Define controls in register TW5864_ARB12 */
/* ARB12 Enable (default 1) */
#define TW5864_ARB12_ENB
/* ARB12 maximum value of time out counter (default 15"h1FF) */
#define TW5864_ARB12_TIME_OUT_CNT

/* 0xb800 ~ 0xb80c - Indirect Access Register Map */
 * Spec says:
 * In order to access the indirect register space, the following procedure is
 * followed.
 * But reference driver implementation, and current driver, too, does it
 * differently.
 * Write Registers:
 * (1) Write IND_DATA at 0xb804 ~ 0xb807
 * (2) Read BUSY flag from 0xb803. Wait until BUSY signal is 0.
 * (3) Write IND_ADDR at 0xb800 ~ 0xb801. Set R/W to "1", ENABLE to "1"
 * Read Registers:
 * (1) Read BUSY flag from 0xb803. Wait until BUSY signal is 0.
 * (2) Write IND_ADDR at 0xb800 ~ 0xb801. Set R/W to "0", ENABLE to "1"
 * (3) Read BUSY flag from 0xb803. Wait until BUSY signal is 0.
 * (4) Read IND_DATA from 0xb804 ~ 0xb807
#define TW5864_IND_CTL
/* Define controls in register TW5864_IND_CTL */
/* Address used to access indirect register space */
#define TW5864_IND_ADDR
/* Wait until this bit is "0" before using indirect access */
#define TW5864_BUSY
/* Activate the indirect access. This bit is self cleared */
#define TW5864_ENABLE
/* Read/Write command */
#define TW5864_RW

/* [31:0] Data used to read/write indirect register space */
#define TW5864_IND_DATA

/* 0xc000 ~ 0xc7fc - Preview Register Map */
/* Mostly skipped this section. */
 * [15:0] Status of Vsync Synchronized PCI_PV_CH_EN (Read Only)
 * 1 Channel Enabled
 * 0 Channel Disabled
#define TW5864_PCI_PV_CH_STATUS
 * [15:0] PCI Preview Path Enable for channel n
 * 1 Channel Enable
 * 0 Channel Disable
#define TW5864_PCI_PV_CH_EN

/* 0xc800 ~ 0xc804 - JPEG Capture Register Map */
/* Skipped. */
/* 0xd000 ~ 0xd0fc - JPEG Control Register Map */
/* Skipped. */

/* 0xe000 ~ 0xfc04 - Motion Vector Register Map */

/* ME Motion Vector data (Four Byte Each) 0xe000 ~ 0xe7fc */
#define TW5864_ME_MV_VEC_START
#define TW5864_ME_MV_VEC(offset)

#define TW5864_MV
/* Define controls in register TW5864_MV */
/* mv bank0 full status , write "1" to clear */
#define TW5864_MV_BK0_FULL
/* mv bank1 full status , write "1" to clear */
#define TW5864_MV_BK1_FULL
/* slice end status; write "1" to clear */
#define TW5864_MV_EOF
/* mv encode interrupt status; write "1" to clear */
#define TW5864_MV_DSP_INTR
/* mv write memory overflow, write "1" to clear */
#define TW5864_DSP_WR_OF
#define TW5864_MV_LEN_SHIFT
/* mv stream length */
#define TW5864_MV_LEN
/* The configured status bit written into bit 15 of 0xfc04 */
#define TW5864_MPI_DDR_SEL

#define TW5864_MPI_DDR_SEL_REG
/* Define controls in register TW5864_MPI_DDR_SEL_REG */
 * SW configure register
 * 0 MV is saved in internal DPR
 * 1 MV is saved in DDR
#define TW5864_MPI_DDR_SEL2

/* 0x18000 ~ 0x181fc - PCI Master/Slave Control Map */
#define TW5864_PCI_INTR_STATUS
/* Define controls in register TW5864_PCI_INTR_STATUS */
/* vlc done */
#define TW5864_VLC_DONE_INTR
/* ad vsync */
#define TW5864_AD_VSYNC_INTR
/* preview eof */
#define TW5864_PREV_EOF_INTR
/* preview overflow interrupt */
/* timer interrupt */
#define TW5864_TIMER_INTR
/* audio eof */
#define TW5864_AUDIO_EOF_INTR
/* IIC done */
#define TW5864_IIC_DONE_INTR
/* ad interrupt (e.g.: video lost, video format changed) */
#define TW5864_AD_INTR_REG

#define TW5864_PCI_INTR_CTL
/* Define controls in register TW5864_PCI_INTR_CTL */
/* master enable */
#define TW5864_PCI_MAST_ENB
/* mvd&vlc master enable */
#define TW5864_MVD_VLC_MAST_ENB
/* (Need to set 0 in TW5864A) */
#define TW5864_AD_MAST_ENB
/* preview master enable */
#define TW5864_PREV_MAST_ENB
/* preview overflow enable */
/* timer interrupt enable */
#define TW5864_TIMER_INTR_ENB
/* JPEG master (push mode) enable */
#define TW5864_JPEG_MAST_ENB
/* audio master channel enable */
#define TW5864_AU_MAST_ENB_CHN
/* IIC interrupt enable */
#define TW5864_IIC_INTR_ENB
/* ad interrupt enable */
#define TW5864_AD_INTR_ENB
/* target burst enable */
#define TW5864_PCI_TAR_BURST_ENB
/* vlc stream burst enable */
#define TW5864_PCI_VLC_BURST_ENB
/* ddr burst enable (1 enable, and must set DDR_BRST_EN) */
#define TW5864_PCI_DDR_BURST_ENB

 * Because preview and audio have 16 channels separately, so using this
 * registers to indicate interrupt status for every channels. This is secondary
 * interrupt status register. OR operating of the PREV_INTR_REG is
 * PREV_EOF_INTR, OR operating of the AU_INTR_REG bits is AUDIO_EOF_INTR
#define TW5864_PREV_AND_AU_INTR
/* Define controls in register TW5864_PREV_AND_AU_INTR */
/* preview eof interrupt flag */
#define TW5864_PREV_INTR_REG
#define TW5864_AU_INTR_REG_SHIFT
/* audio eof interrupt flag */
#define TW5864_AU_INTR_REG

#define TW5864_MASTER_ENB_REG
/* Define controls in register TW5864_MASTER_ENB_REG */
/* master enable */
#define TW5864_PCI_VLC_INTR_ENB
/* mvd and vlc master enable */
#define TW5864_PCI_PREV_INTR_ENB
/* ad vsync master enable */
/* jpeg master enable */
#define TW5864_PCI_JPEG_INTR_ENB
/* preview master enable */
#define TW5864_PCI_AUD_INTR_ENB

 * Every channel of preview and audio have ping-pong buffers in system memory,
 * this register is the buffer flag to notify software which buffer is been
 * operated.
/* Define controls in register TW5864_PREV_AND_AU_BUF_FLAG */
/* preview buffer A/B flag */
#define TW5864_PREV_BUF_FLAG
/* audio buffer A/B flag */
#define TW5864_AUDIO_BUF_FLAG

#define TW5864_IIC
/* Define controls in register TW5864_IIC */
/* register data */
#define TW5864_IIC_DATA
/* register addr */
#define TW5864_IIC_REG_ADDR
/* rd/wr flag rd=1,wr=0 */
#define TW5864_IIC_RW
/* device addr */
#define TW5864_IIC_DEV_ADDR
 * iic done, software kick off one time iic transaction through setting this
 * bit to 1. Then poll this bit, value 1 indicate iic transaction have
 * completed, if read, valid data have been stored in iic_data
#define TW5864_IIC_DONE

#define TW5864_RST_AND_IF_INFO
/* Define controls in register TW5864_RST_AND_IF_INFO */
/* application software soft reset */
#define TW5864_APP_SOFT_RST
/* PCI interface version, read only */
#define TW5864_PCI_INF_VERSION

/* vlc stream crc value, it is calculated in pci module */
#define TW5864_VLC_CRC_REG
 * vlc max length, it is defined by software based on software assign memory
 * space for vlc
#define TW5864_VLC_MAX_LENGTH
/* vlc length of one frame */
#define TW5864_VLC_LENGTH
/* vlc original crc value */
#define TW5864_VLC_INTRA_CRC_I_REG
/* vlc original crc value */
#define TW5864_VLC_INTRA_CRC_O_REG
/* mv stream crc value, it is calculated in pci module */
#define TW5864_VLC_PAR_CRC_REG
/* mv length */
/* mv original crc value */
#define TW5864_VLC_PAR_I_REG
/* mv original crc value */
#define TW5864_VLC_PAR_O_REG

 * Configuration register for 9[or 10] CIFs or 1D1+15QCIF Preview mode.
 * PREV_PCI_ENB_CHN[0] Enable 9th preview channel (9CIF prev) or 1D1 channel in
 * (1D1+15QCIF prev)
 * PREV_PCI_ENB_CHN[1] Enable 10th preview channel
#define TW5864_PREV_PCI_ENB_CHN
/* Description skipped. */
/* IIC enable */
#define TW5864_IIC_ENB
 * Timer interrupt interval
 * 0 1ms
 * 1 2ms
 * 2 4ms
 * 3 8ms
#define TW5864_PCI_INTTM_SCALE

 * The above register is pci base address registers. Application software will
 * initialize them to tell chip where the corresponding stream will be dumped
 * to. Application software will select appropriate base address interval based
 * on the stream length.
/* VLC stream base address */
/* MV stream base address */
/* 0x180a0 ~ 0x180bc: audio burst base address. Skipped. */
/* 0x180c0 ~ 0x180dc: JPEG Push Mode Buffer Base Address. Skipped. */
/* 0x18100 ~ 0x1817c: preview burst base address. Skipped. */

/* 0x80000 ~ 0x87fff - DDR Burst RW Register Map */
#define TW5864_DDR_CTL
/* Define controls in register TW5864_DDR_CTL */
/* Length of 32-bit data burst */
#define TW5864_BRST_LENGTH
 * Burst Read/Write
 * 0 Read Burst from DDR
 * 1 Write Burst to DDR
#define TW5864_BRST_RW
/* Begin a new DDR Burst. This bit is self cleared */
#define TW5864_NEW_BRST_CMD
/* DDR Burst End Flag */
#define TW5864_BRST_END
/* Enable Error Interrupt for Single DDR Access */
#define TW5864_SING_ERR_INTR
/* Enable Error Interrupt for Burst DDR Access */
#define TW5864_BRST_ERR_INTR
/* Enable Interrupt for End of DDR Burst Access */
#define TW5864_BRST_END_INTR
/* DDR Single Access Error Flag */
#define TW5864_SINGLE_ERR
/* DDR Single Access Busy Flag */
#define TW5864_SINGLE_BUSY
/* DDR Burst Access Error Flag */
#define TW5864_BRST_ERR
/* DDR Burst Access Busy Flag */
#define TW5864_BRST_BUSY

/* [27:0] DDR Access Address. Bit [1:0] has to be 0 */
#define TW5864_DDR_ADDR
/* DDR Access Internal Buffer Address. Bit [1:0] has to be 0 */
#define TW5864_DPR_BUF_ADDR
/* SRAM Buffer MPI Access Space. Totally 16 KB */
#define TW5864_DPR_BUF_START
/* 0x84000 - 0x87ffc */
#define TW5864_DPR_BUF_SIZE

/* Indirect Map Space */
 * The indirect space is accessed through 0xb800 ~ 0xb807 registers in direct
 * access space
/* Analog Video / Audio Decoder / Encoder */
/* Allowed channel values: [0; 3] */
/* Read-only register */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_0(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_VIN_0 */
 * 1 Video not present. (sync is not detected in number of consecutive line
 * periods specified by MISSCNT register)
 * 0 Video detected.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_0_VDLOSS
 * 1 Horizontal sync PLL is locked to the incoming video source.
 * 0 Horizontal sync PLL is not locked.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_0_HLOCK
 * 1 Sub-carrier PLL is locked to the incoming video source.
 * 0 Sub-carrier PLL is not locked.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_0_SLOCK
 * 1 Even field is being decoded.
 * 0 Odd field is being decoded.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_0_FLD
 * 1 Vertical logic is locked to the incoming video source.
 * 0 Vertical logic is not locked.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_0_VLOCK
 * 1 No color burst signal detected.
 * 0 Color burst signal detected.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_0_MONO
 * 0 60Hz source detected
 * 1 50Hz source detected
 * The actual vertical scanning frequency depends on the current standard
 * invoked.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_0_DET50

#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_1(channel)
/* VCR signal indicator. Read-only. */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_1_VCR
/* Weak signal indicator 2. Read-only. */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_1_WKAIR
/* Weak signal indicator controlled by WKTH. Read-only. */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_1_WKAIR1
 * 1 = Standard signal
 * 0 = Non-standard signal
 * Read-only
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_1_VSTD
 * 1 = Non-interlaced signal
 * 0 = interlaced signal
 * Read-only
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_1_NINTL
 * Vertical Sharpness Control. Writable.
 * 0 = None (default)
 * 7 = Highest
 * **Note: VSHP must be set to '0' if COMB = 0
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_1_VSHP

/* HDELAY_XY[7:0] */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_2_HDELAY_XY_LO(channel)
/* HACTIVE_XY[7:0] */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_3_HACTIVE_XY_LO(channel)
/* VDELAY_XY[7:0] */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_4_VDELAY_XY_LO(channel)
/* VACTIVE_XY[7:0] */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_5_VACTIVE_XY_LO(channel)

#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_6(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_VIN_6 */

 * HDELAY_XY This 10bit register defines the starting location of horizontal
 * active pixel for display / record path. A unit is 1 pixel. The default value
 * is 0x00f for NTSC and 0x00a for PAL.
 * HACTIVE_XY This 10bit register defines the number of horizontal active pixel
 * for display / record path. A unit is 1 pixel. The default value is decimal
 * 720.
 * VDELAY_XY This 9bit register defines the starting location of vertical
 * active for display / record path. A unit is 1 line. The default value is
 * decimal 6.
 * VACTIVE_XY This 9bit register defines the number of vertical active lines
 * for display / record path. A unit is 1 line. The default value is decimal
 * 240.

/* HUE These bits control the color hue as 2's complement number. They have
 * value from +36o (7Fh) to -36o (80h) with an increment of 2.8o. The 2 LSB has
 * no effect. The positive value gives greenish tone and negative value gives
 * purplish tone. The default value is 0o (00h). This is effective only on NTSC
 * system. The default is 00h.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_7_HUE(channel)

#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_8(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_VIN_8 */
 * This bit controls the center frequency of the peaking filter.
 * The corresponding gain adjustment is HFLT.
 * 0 Low
 * 1 center
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_8_SCURVE
/* CTI level selection. The default is 1.
 * 0 None
 * 3 Highest
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_8_CTI_SHIFT
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_8_CTI

 * These bits control the amount of sharpness enhancement on the luminance
 * signals. There are 16 levels of control with "0" having no effect on the
 * output image. 1 through 15 provides sharpness enhancement with "F" being the
 * strongest. The default is 1.

 * These bits control the luminance contrast gain. A value of 100 (64h) has a
 * gain of 1. The range adjustment is from 0% to 255% at 1% per step. The
 * default is 64h.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_9_CNTRST(channel)

 * These bits control the brightness. They have value of -128 to 127 in 2's
 * complement form. Positive value increases brightness. A value 0 has no
 * effect on the data. The default is 00h.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_A_BRIGHT(channel)

 * These bits control the digital gain adjustment to the U (or Cb) component of
 * the digital video signal. The color saturation can be adjusted by adjusting
 * the U and V color gain components by the same amount in the normal
 * situation. The U and V can also be adjusted independently to provide greater
 * flexibility. The range of adjustment is 0 to 200%. A value of 128 (80h) has
 * gain of 100%. The default is 80h.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_B_SAT_U(channel)

 * These bits control the digital gain adjustment to the V (or Cr) component of
 * the digital video signal. The color saturation can be adjusted by adjusting
 * the U and V color gain components by the same amount in the normal
 * situation. The U and V can also be adjusted independently to provide greater
 * flexibility. The range of adjustment is 0 to 200%. A value of 128 (80h) has
 * gain of 100%. The default is 80h.
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_C_SAT_V(channel)

/* Read-only */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_D(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_VIN_D */
/* Macrovision color stripe detection may be un-reliable */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_D_CSBAD
/* Macrovision AGC pulse detected */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_D_MCVSN
/* Macrovision color stripe protection burst detected */
 * This bit is valid only when color stripe protection is detected, i.e. if
 * 1 Type 2 color stripe protection
 * 0 Type 3 color stripe protection
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_D_CTYPE2

/* Read-only */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_E(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_VIN_E */
 * Read-only.
 * 0 Idle
 * 1 Detection in progress
 * STDNOW Current standard invoked
 * 0 NTSC (M)
 * 1 PAL (B, D, G, H, I)
 * 2 SECAM
 * 3 NTSC4.43
 * 4 PAL (M)
 * 5 PAL (CN)
 * 6 PAL 60
 * 7 Not valid

 * 1 Disable the shadow registers
 * 0 Enable VACTIVE and HDELAY shadow registers value depending on STANDARD.
 * (Default)
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_E_ATREG
 * STANDARD Standard selection
 * 0 NTSC (M)
 * 1 PAL (B, D, G, H, I)
 * 2 SECAM
 * 3 NTSC4.43
 * 4 PAL (M)
 * 5 PAL (CN)
 * 6 PAL 60
 * 7 Auto detection (Default)

#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_F(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_VIN_F */
 * 1 Writing 1 to this bit will manually initiate the auto format detection
 * process. This bit is a self-clearing bit
 * 0 Manual initiation of auto format detection is done. (Default)
/* Enable recognition of PAL60 (Default) */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_F_PAL60EN
/* Enable recognition of PAL (CN). (Default) */
/* Enable recognition of PAL (M). (Default) */
/* Enable recognition of NTSC 4.43. (Default) */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VIN_F_NTSC44EN
/* Enable recognition of SECAM. (Default) */
/* Enable recognition of PAL (B, D, G, H, I). (Default) */
/* Enable recognition of NTSC (M). (Default) */

/* Some registers skipped. */

/* Use falling edge to sample VD1-VD4 from 54 MHz to 108 MHz */
#define TW5864_INDIR_VD_108_POL
#define TW5864_INDIR_VD_108_POL_VD12
#define TW5864_INDIR_VD_108_POL_VD34
#define TW5864_INDIR_VD_108_POL_BOTH

/* Some registers skipped. */

 * Audio Input ADC gain control
 * 0 0.25
 * 1 0.31
 * 2 0.38
 * 3 0.44
 * 4 0.50
 * 5 0.63
 * 6 0.75
 * 7 0.88
 * 8 1.00 (default)
 * 9 1.25
 * 10 1.50
 * 11 1.75
 * 12 2.00
 * 13 2.25
 * 14 2.50
 * 15 2.75
/* [3:0] channel 0, [7:4] channel 1 */
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIGAIN1
/* [3:0] channel 2, [7:4] channel 3 */
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIGAIN2

/* Some registers skipped */

#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x06D
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x06D */
 * LAWMD Select u-Law/A-Law/PCM/SB data output format on ADATR and ADATM pin.
 * 0 PCM output (default)
 * 1 SB (Signed MSB bit in PCM data is inverted) output
 * 2 u-Law output
 * 3 A-Law output
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_LAWMD
 * Disable the mixing ratio value for all audio.
 * 0 Apply individual mixing ratio value for each audio (default)
 * 1 Apply nominal value for all audio commonly
 * Enable the mute function for audio channel AINn when n is 0 to 3. It effects
 * only for mixing. When n = 4, it enable the mute function of the playback
 * audio input. It effects only for single chip or the last stage chip
 * 0 Normal
 * 1 Muted (default)

/* Some registers skipped */

#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E3
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E3 */
 * ADATP signal is coming from external ADPCM decoder, instead of on-chip ADPCM
 * decoder
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E3_EXT_ADATP
/* ACLKP output signal polarity inverse */
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E3_ACLKPPOLO
 * ACLKR input signal polarity inverse.
 * 0 Not inversed (Default)
 * 1 Inversed
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E3_ACLKRPOL
 * ACLKP input signal polarity inverse.
 * 0 Not inversed (Default)
 * 1 Inversed
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E3_ACLKPPOLI
 * ACKI [21:0] control automatic set up with AFMD registers
 * This mode is only effective when ACLKRMASTER=1
 * 0 ACKI [21:0] registers set up ACKI control
 * 1 ACKI control is automatically set up by AFMD register values
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E3_AFAUTO
 * AFAUTO control mode
 * 0 8kHz setting (Default)
 * 1 16kHz setting
 * 2 32kHz setting
 * 3 44.1kHz setting
 * 4 48kHz setting
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E3_AFMD

#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E4
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0ED */
 * 8bit I2S Record output mode.
 * 0 L/R half length separated output (Default).
 * 1 One continuous packed output equal to DSP output format.
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E4_I2S8MODE
 * Audio Clock Master ACLKR output wave format.
 * 0 High periods is one 27MHz clock period (default).
 * 1 Almost duty 50-50% clock output on ACLKR pin. If this mode is selected, two
 * times bigger number value need to be set up on the ACKI register. If
 * AFAUTO=1, ACKI control is automatically set up even if MASCKMD=1.
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E4_MASCKMD
/* Playback ACLKP/ASYNP/ADATP input data MSB-LSB swapping */
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E4_PBINSWAP
 * ASYNR input signal delay.
 * 0 No delay
 * 1 Add one 27MHz period delay in ASYNR signal input
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E4_ASYNRDLY
 * ASYNP input signal delay.
 * 0 no delay
 * 1 add one 27MHz period delay in ASYNP signal input
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E4_ASYNPDLY
 * ADATP input data delay by one ACLKP clock.
 * 0 No delay (Default). This is for I2S type 1T delay input interface.
 * 1 Add 1 ACLKP clock delay in ADATP input data. This is for left-justified
 * type 0T delay input interface.
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E4_ADATPDLY
 * Select u-Law/A-Law/PCM/SB data input format on ADATP pin.
 * 0 PCM input (Default)
 * 1 SB (Signed MSB bit in PCM data is inverted) input
 * 2 u-Law input
 * 3 A-Law input
#define TW5864_INDIR_AIN_0x0E4_INLAWMD

 * Enable state register updating and interrupt request of audio AIN5 detection
 * for each input

/* Some registers skipped */

 * [7:3]: DEV_ID The TW5864 product ID code is 01000
 * [2:0]: REV_ID The revision number is 0h
#define TW5864_INDIR_ID

#define TW5864_INDIR_IN_PIC_WIDTH(channel)
#define TW5864_INDIR_IN_PIC_HEIGHT(channel)
#define TW5864_INDIR_OUT_PIC_WIDTH(channel)
#define TW5864_INDIR_OUT_PIC_HEIGHT(channel)

/* Some registers skipped */

#define TW5864_INDIR_CROP_ETC
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_CROP_ETC */
/* Enable cropping from 720 to 704 */

 * Interrupt status register from the front-end. Write "1" to each bit to clear
 * the interrupt
 * 15:0 Motion detection interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 31:16 Night detection interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 47:32 Blind detection interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 63:48 No video interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 79:64 Line mode underflow interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 95:80 Line mode overflow interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
/* 0x2d0~0x2d7: [63:0] bits */
/* 0x2e0~0x2e3: [95:64] bits */

 * Interrupt mask register for interrupts in 0x2d0 ~ 0x2d7
 * 15:0 Motion detection interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 31:16 Night detection interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 47:32 Blind detection interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 63:48 No video interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 79:64 Line mode underflow interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
 * 95:80 Line mode overflow interrupt for channel 0 ~ 15
/* 0x2d8~0x2df: [63:0] bits */
/* 0x2e8~0x2eb: [95:64] bits */

/* [11:0]: Interrupt summary register for interrupts & interrupt mask from in
 * 0x2d0 ~ 0x2d7 and 0x2d8 ~ 0x2df
 * bit 0: interrupt occurs in 0x2d0 & 0x2d8
 * bit 1: interrupt occurs in 0x2d1 & 0x2d9
 * bit 2: interrupt occurs in 0x2d2 & 0x2da
 * bit 3: interrupt occurs in 0x2d3 & 0x2db
 * bit 4: interrupt occurs in 0x2d4 & 0x2dc
 * bit 5: interrupt occurs in 0x2d5 & 0x2dd
 * bit 6: interrupt occurs in 0x2d6 & 0x2de
 * bit 7: interrupt occurs in 0x2d7 & 0x2df
 * bit 8: interrupt occurs in 0x2e0 & 0x2e8
 * bit 9: interrupt occurs in 0x2e1 & 0x2e9
 * bit 10: interrupt occurs in 0x2e2 & 0x2ea
 * bit 11: interrupt occurs in 0x2e3 & 0x2eb

/* Motion / Blind / Night Detection */
/* valid value for channel is [0:15] */
#define TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL0(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL0 */
 * Disable the motion and blind detection.
 * 0 Enable motion and blind detection (default)
 * 1 Disable motion and blind detection
 * Request to start motion detection on manual trigger mode
 * 0 None Operation (default)
 * 1 Request to start motion detection
 * Select the trigger mode of motion detection
 * 0 Automatic trigger mode of motion detection (default)
 * 1 Manual trigger mode for motion detection
 * Define the threshold of cell for blind detection.
 * 0 Low threshold (More sensitive) (default)
 * : :
 * 3 High threshold (Less sensitive)

#define TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL1(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL1 */
 * Control the temporal sensitivity of motion detector.
 * 0 More Sensitive (default)
 * : :
 * 15 Less Sensitive
 * Adjust the horizontal starting position for motion detection
 * 0 0 pixel (default)
 * : :
 * 15 15 pixels

#define TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL2(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL2 */
 * Control the updating time of reference field for motion detection.
 * 0 Update reference field every field (default)
 * 1 Update reference field according to MD_SPEED
 * Select the field for motion detection.
 * 0 Detecting motion for only odd field (default)
 * 1 Detecting motion for only even field
 * 2 Detecting motion for any field
 * 3 Detecting motion for both odd and even field
 * Control the level sensitivity of motion detector.
 * 0 More sensitive (default)
 * : :
 * 15 Less sensitive

#define TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL3(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL3 */
 * Define the threshold of sub-cell number for motion detection.
 * 0 Motion is detected if 1 sub-cell has motion (More sensitive) (default)
 * 1 Motion is detected if 2 sub-cells have motion
 * 2 Motion is detected if 3 sub-cells have motion
 * 3 Motion is detected if 4 sub-cells have motion (Less sensitive)
 * Control the velocity of motion detector.
 * Large value is suitable for slow motion detection.
 * In MD_DUAL_EN = 1, MD_SPEED should be limited to 0 ~ 31.
 * 0 1 field intervals (default)
 * 1 2 field intervals
 * : :
 * 61 62 field intervals
 * 62 63 field intervals
 * 63 Not supported

#define TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL4(channel)
/* Define controls in register TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL4 */
 * Control the spatial sensitivity of motion detector.
 * 0 More Sensitive (default)
 * : :
 * 15 Less Sensitive
 * Define the threshold of level for blind detection.
 * 0 Low threshold (More sensitive) (default)
 * : :
 * 15 High threshold (Less sensitive)

#define TW5864_INDIR_DETECTION_CTL5(channel)
 * Define the threshold of temporal sensitivity for night detection.
 * 0 Low threshold (More sensitive) (default)
 * : :
 * 15 High threshold (Less sensitive)
 * Define the threshold of level for night detection.
 * 0 Low threshold (More sensitive) (default)
 * : :
 * 3 High threshold (Less sensitive)

 * [11:0] The base address of the motion detection buffer. This address is in
 * unit of 64K bytes. The generated DDR address will be {MD_BASE_ADDR,
 * 16"h0000}. The default value should be 12"h000

 * This controls the channel of the motion detection result shown in register
 * 0x3a0 ~ 0x3b7. Before reading back motion result, always set this first.

/* [15:0] MD strobe has been performed at channel n (read only) */
#define TW5864_INDIR_MD_STRB
/* NO_VIDEO Detected from channel n (read only) */
#define TW5864_INDIR_NOVID_DET
/* Motion Detected from channel n (read only) */
#define TW5864_INDIR_MD_DET
/* Blind Detected from channel n (read only) */
#define TW5864_INDIR_BD_DET
/* Night Detected from channel n (read only) */
#define TW5864_INDIR_ND_DET

/* 192 bit motion flag of the channel specified by RGR_MOTION_SEL in 0x382 */

 * [9:0] The motion cell count of a specific channel selected by 0x382. This is
 * for DI purpose
#define TW5864_INDIR_MD_DI_CNT
/* The motion detection cell sensitivity for DI purpose */
/* The motion detection threshold level for DI purpose */

/* 192 bit motion mask of the channel specified by MASK_CH_SEL in 0x3fe */

/* [4:0] The channel selection to access masks in 0x3e0 ~ 0x3f7 */
#define TW5864_INDIR_MASK_CH_SEL

/* Clock PLL / Analog IP Control */
/* Some registers skipped */



#define TW5864_INDIR_RESET
#define TW5864_INDIR_RESET_VD
#define TW5864_INDIR_RESET_DLL

#define TW5864_INDIR_PV_VD_CK_POL
#define TW5864_INDIR_PV_VD_CK_POL_PV(channel)
#define TW5864_INDIR_PV_VD_CK_POL_VD(channel)

#define TW5864_INDIR_CLK0_SEL
#define TW5864_INDIR_CLK0_SEL_PV2_MASK