
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
/* Marvell OcteonTX CPT driver
 * Copyright (C) 2019 Marvell International Ltd.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.

#include <linux/ctype.h>
#include <linux/firmware.h>
#include "otx_cpt_common.h"
#include "otx_cptpf_ucode.h"
#include "otx_cptpf.h"

#define CSR_DELAY
/* Tar archive defines */
#define TAR_MAGIC
#define REGTYPE
#define AREGTYPE

/* tar header as defined in POSIX 1003.1-1990. */
struct tar_hdr_t {};

struct tar_blk_t {};

struct tar_arch_info_t {};

static struct otx_cpt_bitmap get_cores_bmap(struct device *dev,
					   struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp)

static int is_eng_type(int val, int eng_type)

static int dev_supports_eng_type(struct otx_cpt_eng_grps *eng_grps,
				 int eng_type)

static void set_ucode_filename(struct otx_cpt_ucode *ucode,
			       const char *filename)

static char *get_eng_type_str(int eng_type)

static char *get_ucode_type_str(int ucode_type)

static int get_ucode_type(struct otx_cpt_ucode_hdr *ucode_hdr, int *ucode_type)

static int is_mem_zero(const char *ptr, int size)

static int cpt_set_ucode_base(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp, void *obj)

static int cpt_detach_and_disable_cores(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
					void *obj)

static int cpt_attach_and_enable_cores(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
				       void *obj)

static int process_tar_file(struct device *dev,
			    struct tar_arch_info_t *tar_arch, char *filename,
			    const u8 *data, u32 size)

static void release_tar_archive(struct tar_arch_info_t *tar_arch)

static struct tar_ucode_info_t *get_uc_from_tar_archive(
					struct tar_arch_info_t *tar_arch,
					int ucode_type)

static void print_tar_dbg_info(struct tar_arch_info_t *tar_arch,
			       char *tar_filename)

static struct tar_arch_info_t *load_tar_archive(struct device *dev,
						char *tar_filename)

static struct otx_cpt_engs_rsvd *find_engines_by_type(
					struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
					int eng_type)

int otx_cpt_uc_supports_eng_type(struct otx_cpt_ucode *ucode, int eng_type)

int otx_cpt_eng_grp_has_eng_type(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
				 int eng_type)

static void print_ucode_info(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
			     char *buf, int size)

static void print_engs_info(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
			    char *buf, int size, int idx)

static void print_ucode_dbg_info(struct otx_cpt_ucode *ucode)

static void cpt_print_engines_mask(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
				   struct device *dev, char *buf, int size)

static void print_dbg_info(struct device *dev,
			   struct otx_cpt_eng_grps *eng_grps)

static int update_engines_avail_count(struct device *dev,
				      struct otx_cpt_engs_available *avail,
				      struct otx_cpt_engs_rsvd *engs, int val)

static int update_engines_offset(struct device *dev,
				 struct otx_cpt_engs_available *avail,
				 struct otx_cpt_engs_rsvd *engs)

static int release_engines(struct device *dev, struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *grp)

static int do_reserve_engines(struct device *dev,
			      struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *grp,
			      struct otx_cpt_engines *req_engs)

static int check_engines_availability(struct device *dev,
				      struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *grp,
				      struct otx_cpt_engines *req_eng)

static int reserve_engines(struct device *dev, struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *grp,
			   struct otx_cpt_engines *req_engs, int req_cnt)

static ssize_t eng_grp_info_show(struct device *dev,
				 struct device_attribute *attr,
				 char *buf)

static int create_sysfs_eng_grps_info(struct device *dev,
				      struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp)

static void ucode_unload(struct device *dev, struct otx_cpt_ucode *ucode)

static int copy_ucode_to_dma_mem(struct device *dev,
				 struct otx_cpt_ucode *ucode,
				 const u8 *ucode_data)

static int ucode_load(struct device *dev, struct otx_cpt_ucode *ucode,
		      const char *ucode_filename)

static int enable_eng_grp(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
			  void *obj)

static int disable_eng_grp(struct device *dev,
			   struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
			   void *obj)

static void setup_eng_grp_mirroring(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *dst_grp,
				    struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *src_grp)

static void remove_eng_grp_mirroring(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *dst_grp)

static void update_requested_engs(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *mirrored_eng_grp,
				  struct otx_cpt_engines *engs, int engs_cnt)

static struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *find_mirrored_eng_grp(
					struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *grp)

static struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *find_unused_eng_grp(
					struct otx_cpt_eng_grps *eng_grps)

static int eng_grp_update_masks(struct device *dev,
				struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp)

static int delete_engine_group(struct device *dev,
			       struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp)

static int validate_1_ucode_scenario(struct device *dev,
				     struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp,
				     struct otx_cpt_engines *engs, int engs_cnt)

static void update_ucode_ptrs(struct otx_cpt_eng_grp_info *eng_grp)

static int create_engine_group(struct device *dev,
			       struct otx_cpt_eng_grps *eng_grps,
			       struct otx_cpt_engines *engs, int engs_cnt,
			       void *ucode_data[], int ucodes_cnt,
			       bool use_uc_from_tar_arch)

static ssize_t ucode_load_store(struct device *dev,
				struct device_attribute *attr,
				const char *buf, size_t count)

int otx_cpt_try_create_default_eng_grps(struct pci_dev *pdev,
					struct otx_cpt_eng_grps *eng_grps,
					int pf_type)

void otx_cpt_set_eng_grps_is_rdonly(struct otx_cpt_eng_grps *eng_grps,
				    bool is_rdonly)

void otx_cpt_disable_all_cores(struct otx_cpt_device *cpt)

void otx_cpt_cleanup_eng_grps(struct pci_dev *pdev,
			      struct otx_cpt_eng_grps *eng_grps)

int otx_cpt_init_eng_grps(struct pci_dev *pdev,
			  struct otx_cpt_eng_grps *eng_grps, int pf_type)