
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _WIFI_H_
#define _WIFI_H_

#define WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN

#define WLAN_WMM_LEN

/*  This value is tested by WiFi 11n Test Plan 5.2.3. */
/*  This test verifies the WLAN NIC can update the NAV through sending the CTS with large duration. */
#define WiFiNavUpperUs

enum {};

enum {};

#define _TO_DS_
#define _FROM_DS_
#define _MORE_FRAG_
#define _RETRY_
#define _PWRMGT_
#define _MORE_DATA_
#define _PRIVACY_
#define _ORDER_

#define SetToDs(pbuf)

#define GetToDs(pbuf)

#define SetFrDs(pbuf)

#define GetFrDs(pbuf)

#define get_tofr_ds(pframe)

#define SetMFrag(pbuf)

#define GetMFrag(pbuf)

#define ClearMFrag(pbuf)

#define GetRetry(pbuf)

#define ClearRetry(pbuf)

#define SetPwrMgt(pbuf)

#define GetPwrMgt(pbuf)

#define ClearPwrMgt(pbuf)

#define SetMData(pbuf)

#define GetMData(pbuf)

#define ClearMData(pbuf)

#define SetPrivacy(pbuf)

#define GetPrivacy(pbuf)

#define GetOrder(pbuf)

#define GetFrameType(pbuf)

#define SetFrameType(pbuf, type)

#define GetFrameSubType(pbuf)

#define SetFrameSubType(pbuf, type)

#define GetSequence(pbuf)

#define GetFragNum(pbuf)

#define SetFragNum(pbuf, num)

#define SetSeqNum(pbuf, num)

#define SetDuration(pbuf, dur)

#define SetPriority(pbuf, tid)

#define GetPriority(pbuf)

#define SetEOSP(pbuf, eosp)

#define SetAckpolicy(pbuf, ack)

#define GetAckpolicy(pbuf)

#define GetAMsdu(pbuf)

#define GetAid(pbuf)

#define GetAddr1Ptr(pbuf)

#define GetAddr2Ptr(pbuf)

#define GetAddr3Ptr(pbuf)

#define GetAddr4Ptr(pbuf)

static inline unsigned char *rtl8723bs_get_ra(unsigned char *pframe)
static inline unsigned char *get_ta(unsigned char *pframe)

static inline unsigned char *get_da(unsigned char *pframe)

static inline unsigned char *get_sa(unsigned char *pframe)

static inline unsigned char *get_hdr_bssid(unsigned char *pframe)

static inline int IsFrameTypeCtrl(unsigned char *pframe)
			Below is for the security related definition

#define _AUTH_IE_OFFSET_


/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
					Below is the fixed elements...
#define _AUTH_ALGM_NUM_
#define _AUTH_SEQ_NUM_
#define _CAPABILITY_
#define _RSON_CODE_
#define _ASOC_ID_
#define _STATUS_CODE_
#define _TIMESTAMP_

				Below is the definition for 802.11i / 802.1x
#define _IEEE8021X_MGT_
#define _IEEE8021X_PSK_

#define _MME_IE_LENGTH_
				Below is the definition for WMM
#define _WMM_IE_Length_

				Below is the definition for 802.11n
#define GetOrderBit(pbuf)


 * struct rtw_ieee80211_ht_cap - HT additional information
 * This structure refers to "HT information element" as
 * described in 802.11n draft section
struct ieee80211_ht_addt_info {} __attribute__ ((packed));

struct HT_caps_element {} __attribute__ ((packed));

struct HT_info_element {}  __attribute__ ((packed));

struct AC_param {}  __attribute__ ((packed));

struct WMM_para_element {}  __attribute__ ((packed));

struct ADDBA_request {}  __attribute__ ((packed));

/* 802.11n HT capabilities masks */
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SM_PS
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_GRN_FLD
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_20
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_TX_STBC
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_RX_STBC_1R
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_RX_STBC_3R
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_MAX_AMSDU
#define IEEE80211_HT_CAP_DSSSCCK40
/* 802.11n HT capability AMPDU settings */

/* endif */

/* 	===============WPS Section =============== */
/* 	WPS attribute ID */

/* 	=====================P2P Section ===================== */
enum p2p_role {};

enum p2p_state {};

enum p2p_wpsinfo {};

#define IP_MCAST_MAC(mac)
#define ICMPV6_MCAST_MAC(mac)

/* Regulatroy Domain */
struct regd_pair_mapping {};

struct rtw_regulatory {};

#endif /*  _WIFI_H_ */