
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.

#include "odm_precomp.h"

#define READ_AND_CONFIG_MP(ic, txt)

static u8 odm_query_rx_pwr_percentage(s8 ant_power)

s32 odm_signal_scale_mapping(struct dm_odm_t *dm_odm, s32 curr_sig)

static u8 odm_evm_db_to_percentage(s8 value)

static s8 odm_cck_rssi(u8 lna_idx, u8 vga_idx)

static void odm_rx_phy_status_parsing(struct dm_odm_t *dm_odm,
				      struct odm_phy_info *phy_info,
				      u8 *phy_status,
				      struct odm_packet_info *pkt_info)

static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(
	struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, struct odm_phy_info *pPhyInfo, struct odm_packet_info *pPktinfo

/*  */
/*  Endianness before calling this API */
/*  */
void odm_phy_status_query(struct dm_odm_t *dm_odm, struct odm_phy_info *phy_info,
			  u8 *phy_status, struct odm_packet_info *pkt_info)

/*  */
/*  If you want to add a new IC, Please follow below template and generate a new one. */
/*  */
/*  */

enum hal_status ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile(
	struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
	enum ODM_RF_Config_Type ConfigType,
	enum rf_path eRFPath

enum hal_status ODM_ConfigRFWithTxPwrTrackHeaderFile(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm)

enum hal_status ODM_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile(
	struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, enum ODM_BB_Config_Type ConfigType