
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.

#include <drv_types.h>
#include <rtw_debug.h>
#include "odm_precomp.h"

/*  MACRO definition for pRFCalibrateInfo->TxIQC_8723B[0] */
#define PATH_S0
#define IDX_0xC94
#define IDX_0xC80
#define IDX_0xC14
#define IDX_0xCA0
#define KEY
#define VAL

/*  MACRO definition for pRFCalibrateInfo->TxIQC_8723B[1] */
#define PATH_S1
#define IDX_0xC4C

/*---------------------------Define Local Constant---------------------------*/

/* In the case that we fail to read TxPowerTrack.txt, we use the table for
 * 88E as the default table.
static u8 DeltaSwingTableIdx_2GA_N_8188E[] =;
static u8 DeltaSwingTableIdx_2GA_P_8188E[] =;

/* 3 ============================================================ */
/* 3 Tx Power Tracking */
/* 3 ============================================================ */

static void setIqkMatrix_8723B(
	struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
	u8 OFDM_index,
	u8 RFPath,
	s32 IqkResult_X,
	s32 IqkResult_Y

static void setCCKFilterCoefficient(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u8 CCKSwingIndex)

void DoIQK_8723B(
	struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
	u8 DeltaThermalIndex,
	u8 ThermalValue,
	u8 Threshold

 * Function:	odm_TxPwrTrackSetPwr88E()
 * Overview:	88E change all channel tx power according to flag.
 *			OFDM & CCK are all different.
 * Input:		NONE
 * Output:		NONE
 * Return:		NONE
 * Revised History:
 *When		Who	Remark
 *04/23/2012	MHC	Create Version 0.
void ODM_TxPwrTrackSetPwr_8723B(
	struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
	enum pwrtrack_method Method,
	u8 RFPath,
	u8 ChannelMappedIndex

static void GetDeltaSwingTable_8723B(
	struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
	u8 **TemperatureUP_A,
	u8 **TemperatureDOWN_A,
	u8 **TemperatureUP_B,
	u8 **TemperatureDOWN_B

void ConfigureTxpowerTrack_8723B(struct txpwrtrack_cfg *pConfig)

/* 1 7. IQK */

/* bit0 = 1 => Tx OK, bit1 = 1 => Rx OK */
static u8 phy_PathA_IQK_8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter, bool configPathB, u8 RF_Path

/* bit0 = 1 => Tx OK, bit1 = 1 => Rx OK */
static u8 phy_PathA_RxIQK8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter, bool configPathB, u8 RF_Path

/* bit0 = 1 => Tx OK, bit1 = 1 => Rx OK */
static u8 phy_PathB_IQK_8723B(struct adapter *padapter)

/* bit0 = 1 => Tx OK, bit1 = 1 => Rx OK */
static u8 phy_PathB_RxIQK8723B(struct adapter *padapter, bool configPathB)

static void _PHY_PathAFillIQKMatrix8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	bool bIQKOK,
	s32 result[][8],
	u8 final_candidate,
	bool bTxOnly

static void _PHY_PathBFillIQKMatrix8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	bool bIQKOK,
	s32 result[][8],
	u8 final_candidate,
	bool bTxOnly /* do Tx only */

/*  */
/*  2011/07/26 MH Add an API for testing IQK fail case. */
/*  */
/*  MP Already declare in odm.c */

void ODM_SetIQCbyRFpath(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RFpath)

static bool ODM_CheckPowerStatus(struct adapter *Adapter)

static void _PHY_SaveADDARegisters8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	u32 *ADDAReg,
	u32 *ADDABackup,
	u32 RegisterNum

static void _PHY_SaveMACRegisters8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter, u32 *MACReg, u32 *MACBackup

static void _PHY_ReloadADDARegisters8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	u32 *ADDAReg,
	u32 *ADDABackup,
	u32 RegiesterNum

static void _PHY_ReloadMACRegisters8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter, u32 *MACReg, u32 *MACBackup

static void _PHY_PathADDAOn8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	u32 *ADDAReg,
	bool is2T

static void _PHY_MACSettingCalibration8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter, u32 *MACReg, u32 *MACBackup

static bool phy_SimularityCompare_8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	s32 result[][8],
	u8  c1,
	u8  c2

static void phy_IQCalibrate_8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	s32 result[][8],
	u8 t,
	bool is2T,
	u8 RF_Path

static void phy_LCCalibrate_8723B(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, bool is2T)

/* IQK version:V2.5    20140123 */
/* IQK is controlled by Is2ant, RF path */
void PHY_IQCalibrate_8723B(
	struct adapter *padapter,
	bool bReCovery,
	bool bRestore,
	bool Is2ant,	/* false:1ant, true:2-ant */
	u8 RF_Path	/* 0:S1, 1:S0 */

void PHY_LCCalibrate_8723B(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm)